예제 #1
        async static Task AddEntities(LUISAuthoringClient client, Guid appId, string versionId)
            // <AuthoringAddEntities>
            // Add Prebuilt entity
            await client.Model.AddPrebuiltAsync(appId, versionId, new[] { "number" });

            // </AuthoringCreatePrebuiltEntity>

            // Define ml entity with children and grandchildren
            var mlEntityDefinition = new EntityModelCreateObject
                Name     = "Pizza order",
                Children = new[]
                    new ChildEntityModelCreateObject
                        Name     = "Pizza",
                        Children = new[]
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Quantity"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Type"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Size"
                    new ChildEntityModelCreateObject
                        Name     = "Toppings",
                        Children = new[]
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Type"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Quantity"

            // Add ML entity
            var mlEntityId = await client.Model.AddEntityAsync(appId, versionId, mlEntityDefinition);;

            // Add phraselist feature
            var phraselistId = await client.Features.AddPhraseListAsync(appId, versionId, new PhraselistCreateObject
                EnabledForAllModels = false,
                IsExchangeable      = true,
                Name    = "QuantityPhraselist",
                Phrases = "few,more,extra"

            // Get entity and subentities
            var model = await client.Model.GetEntityAsync(appId, versionId, mlEntityId);

            var toppingQuantityId = GetModelGrandchild(model, "Toppings", "Quantity");
            var pizzaQuantityId   = GetModelGrandchild(model, "Pizza", "Quantity");

            // add model as feature to subentity model
            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, pizzaQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { ModelName = "number", IsRequired = true });

            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, toppingQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { ModelName = "number" });

            // add phrase list as feature to subentity model
            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, toppingQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { FeatureName = "QuantityPhraselist" });

            // </AuthoringAddEntities>
예제 #2
        // It's always a good idea to access services in an async fashion
        public static async Task Main()
            var authoringEndpoint  = String.Format("https://{0}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/", AUTHORING_RESOURCE_NAME);
            var predictionEndpoint = String.Format("https://{0}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/", PREDICTION_RESOURCE_NAME);

            var appName    = "Contoso Pizza Company";
            var versionId  = "0.1";
            var intentName = "OrderPizza";

            // Authenticate the client
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating the client...");
            var credentials = new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Authoring.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(AUTHORING_KEY);
            var client      = new LUISAuthoringClient(credentials)
                Endpoint = authoringEndpoint

            // Create a LUIS app
            var newApp = new ApplicationCreateObject
                Culture          = "en-us",
                Name             = appName,
                InitialVersionId = versionId

            Console.WriteLine("Creating a LUIS app...");
            var appId = await client.Apps.AddAsync(newApp);

            // Create intent for the app
            Console.WriteLine("Creating intent for the app...");
            await client.Model.AddIntentAsync(appId, versionId, new ModelCreateObject()
                Name = intentName

            // Create entities for the app
            Console.WriteLine("Creating entities for the app...");

            // Add Prebuilt entity
            await client.Model.AddPrebuiltAsync(appId, versionId, new[] { "number" });

            // Define ml entity with children and grandchildren
            var mlEntityDefinition = new EntityModelCreateObject
                Name     = "Pizza order",
                Children = new[]
                    new ChildEntityModelCreateObject
                        Name     = "Pizza",
                        Children = new[]
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Quantity"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Type"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Size"
                    new ChildEntityModelCreateObject
                        Name     = "Toppings",
                        Children = new[]
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Type"
                            new ChildEntityModelCreateObject {
                                Name = "Quantity"

            // Add ML entity
            var mlEntityId = await client.Model.AddEntityAsync(appId, versionId, mlEntityDefinition);;

            // Add phraselist feature
            var phraselistId = await client.Features.AddPhraseListAsync(appId, versionId, new PhraselistCreateObject
                EnabledForAllModels = false,
                IsExchangeable      = true,
                Name    = "QuantityPhraselist",
                Phrases = "few,more,extra"

            // Get entity and subentities
            var model = await client.Model.GetEntityAsync(appId, versionId, mlEntityId);

            var toppingQuantityId = GetModelGrandchild(model, "Toppings", "Quantity");
            var pizzaQuantityId   = GetModelGrandchild(model, "Pizza", "Quantity");

            // add model as feature to subentity model
            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, pizzaQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { ModelName = "number", IsRequired = true });

            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, toppingQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { ModelName = "number" });

            // add phrase list as feature to subentity model
            await client.Features.AddEntityFeatureAsync(appId, versionId, toppingQuantityId, new ModelFeatureInformation { FeatureName = "QuantityPhraselist" });

            // Add example utterance to intent
            Console.WriteLine("Adding example utterance to intent...");

            // Define labeled example
            var labeledExampleUtteranceWithMLEntity = new ExampleLabelObject
                Text         = "I want two small seafood pizzas with extra cheese.",
                IntentName   = intentName,
                EntityLabels = new[]
                    new EntityLabelObject
                        StartCharIndex = 7,
                        EndCharIndex   = 48,
                        EntityName     = "Pizza order",
                        Children       = new[]
                            new EntityLabelObject
                                StartCharIndex = 7,
                                EndCharIndex   = 30,
                                EntityName     = "Pizza",
                                Children       = new[]
                                    new EntityLabelObject {
                                        StartCharIndex = 7, EndCharIndex = 9, EntityName = "Quantity"
                                    new EntityLabelObject {
                                        StartCharIndex = 11, EndCharIndex = 15, EntityName = "Size"
                                    new EntityLabelObject {
                                        StartCharIndex = 17, EndCharIndex = 23, EntityName = "Type"
                            new EntityLabelObject
                                StartCharIndex = 37,
                                EndCharIndex   = 48,
                                EntityName     = "Toppings",
                                Children       = new[]
                                    new EntityLabelObject {
                                        StartCharIndex = 37, EndCharIndex = 41, EntityName = "Quantity"
                                    new EntityLabelObject {
                                        StartCharIndex = 43, EndCharIndex = 48, EntityName = "Type"

            // Add an example for the entity.
            // Enable nested children to allow using multiple models with the same name.
            // The quantity subentity and the phraselist could have the same exact name if this is set to True
            await client.Examples.AddAsync(appId, versionId, labeledExampleUtteranceWithMLEntity, enableNestedChildren : true);

            // Train the app
            Console.WriteLine("Training the app...");
            await client.Train.TrainVersionAsync(appId, versionId);

            while (true)
                var status = await client.Train.GetStatusAsync(appId, versionId);

                if (status.All(m => m.Details.Status == "Success"))
                    // Assumes that we never fail, and that eventually we'll always succeed.

            // Publish app to production slot
            Console.WriteLine("Publishing the app to production slot...");
            await client.Apps.PublishAsync(appId, new ApplicationPublishObject { VersionId = versionId, IsStaging = false });

            // Authenticate the prediction runtime client
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating the prediction client...");
            credentials = new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Authoring.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(PREDICTION_KEY);
            var runtimeClient = new LUISRuntimeClient(credentials)
                Endpoint = predictionEndpoint

            // Get prediction from runtime
            // Production == slot name
            Console.WriteLine("Getting prediction...");
            var request = new PredictionRequest {
                Query = "I want two small pepperoni pizzas with more salsa"
            var prediction = await runtimeClient.Prediction.GetSlotPredictionAsync(appId, "Production", request);

            Console.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prediction, Formatting.Indented));