public static bool CanAttack(VBio attacker, VBio target, CampType campType, EntityFlag targetFlag) { return(!target.isDead && <= 0 && //不在隐身状态下 CheckCampType(attacker, campType, target) && CheckTargetFlag(targetFlag, target)); }
public FlagEntityPacketOut(Entity e, EntityFlag flag, double value) { UsageType = NetUsageType.ENTITIES; ID = ServerToClientPacket.FLAG_ENTITY; Data = new byte[8 + 1 + 4]; Utilities.LongToBytes(e.EID).CopyTo(Data, 0); Data[8] = (byte)flag; Utilities.FloatToBytes((float)value).CopyTo(Data, 8 + 1); }
public void LoadFromDef(string id) { = id; Hashtable def = Defs.GetSkill(; = def.GetString("name"); this.desc = def.GetString("desc"); this.isCommon = def.GetBoolean("is_common"); this.castType = ( CastType )def.GetInt("cast_type"); this.campType = ( CampType )def.GetInt("camp_type"); this.rangeType = ( RangeType )def.GetInt("range_type"); this.targetFlag = ( EntityFlag )def.GetInt("target_flag"); this.canInterrupt = def.GetBoolean("can_interrupt"); this.ignoreObstacles = def.GetBoolean("ignore_obstacles"); this.icon = def.GetString("icon"); this.passiveBuffs = def.GetStringArray("passive_buffs"); this.buffs = def.GetStringArray("buffs"); ArrayList lvls = def.GetList("level"); if (lvls != null) { int count = lvls.Count; this.levels = new Level[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Level lvl = this.levels[i] = new Level(); Hashtable ldef = ( Hashtable )lvls[i]; lvl.atkTime = ldef.GetFloat("atk_time"); lvl.sufTime = ldef.GetFloat("suf_time"); lvl.action = ldef.GetString("action"); lvl.actionLength = ldef.GetFloat("action_length"); lvl.dashStartSpeed = ldef.GetFloat("dash_start_speed"); float[] c = ldef.GetFloatArray("dash_speed_curve"); if (c != null && c.Length > 0) { AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(); for (int j = 0; j < c.Length; j += 4) { curve.AddKey(new Keyframe(c[j + 0], c[j + 1], c[j + 2], c[j + 3])); } lvl.dashSpeedCurve = curve; } lvl.distance = ldef.GetFloat("distance"); lvl.cooldown = ldef.GetFloat("cooldown"); lvl.manaCost = ldef.GetFloat("mana"); lvl.atkFx = ldef.GetString("atk_fx"); lvl.atkFxTime = ldef.GetFloat("atk_fx_time"); lvl.atkSound = ldef.GetString("atk_sound"); lvl.missile = ldef.GetString("missile"); lvl.firingTime = ldef.GetFloat("firing_time"); } } }
public void LoadFromDef(string id) { = id; Hashtable def = Defs.GetBuff(; = def.GetString("name"); this.campType = ( CampType )def.GetInt("camp_type"); this.targetFlag = ( EntityFlag )def.GetInt("target_flag"); this.rangeType = ( RangeType )def.GetInt("range_type"); this.spawnPoint = ( SpawnPoint )def.GetInt("spawn_point"); this.deadType = ( DeadType )def.GetInt("dead_type"); this.orbit = ( Orbit )def.GetInt("orbit"); this.autoScaleAreaFx = def.GetBoolean("auto_scale_area_fx"); this.canInterrupt = def.GetBoolean("can_interrupt"); this.enterStates = def.GetStringArray("enter_states"); this.triggerStates = def.GetStringArray("trigger_states"); ArrayList lvls = def.GetList("level"); if (lvls != null) { int count = lvls.Count; this.levels = new Level[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Level lvl = this.levels[i] = new Level(); Hashtable ldef = ( Hashtable )lvls[i]; lvl.radius = ldef.GetFloat("radius"); lvl.areaFx = ldef.GetString("area_fx"); lvl.extra = ldef.GetFloatArray("extra"); lvl.extra_s = ldef.GetStringArray("extra_s"); lvl.duration = ldef.GetFloat("duration"); lvl.speed = ldef.GetFloat("speed"); int n = ldef.GetInt("max_trigger_targets"); lvl.maxTriggerTargets = n == 0 ? int.MaxValue : n; n = ldef.GetInt("per_target_trigger_count"); lvl.perTargetTriggerCount = n == 0 ? int.MaxValue : n; lvl.maxTriggerCount = ldef.GetInt("max_trigger_count"); if (ldef.ContainsKey("trigger")) { lvl.trigger = new Trigger(ldef.GetMap("trigger")); } else if (this.triggerStates != null) { lvl.trigger = new Trigger(); } } } }
public void SetFlag(string flagName, bool value) //sets or creates a new flag with a name { EntityFlag newFlag = new EntityFlag(flagName, value); for (int i = 0; i < flagData.Count; i++) { if (flagData[i].name == { flagData[i] = newFlag; return; } } flagData.Add(newFlag); return; }
public virtual void UpdateDirty(Entity entity) { EntityFlag dirty = entity.Dirty; Dirty = dirty; if (dirty.HasFlag(EntityFlag.position)) { Position = entity.Position; Rotation = entity.Rotation; } if (dirty.HasFlag(EntityFlag.visual)) { MeshID = entity.MeshID; MaterialID = entity.MaterialID; } }
public static void FilterTarget(Bio self, CampType campType, EntityFlag targetFlag, ref List <Entity> targets, ref List <Entity> results) { int count = targets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Bio target = targets[i] as Bio; if (target == null || target.isDead) { continue; } //作为buff选择范围来进行筛选,隐身等状态应该被选中,因此这里不能使用CanAttack方法 if (CheckCampType(self, campType, target) && CheckTargetFlag(targetFlag, target)) { results.Add(target); } } }
public static bool CheckTargetFlag(EntityFlag targetFlag, VBio target) { if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.Hero) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.Hero) > 0) { return(true); } if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.SmallPotato) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.SmallPotato) > 0) { return(true); } if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.Structure) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.Structure) > 0) { return(true); } if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.Missile) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.Missile) > 0) { return(true); } if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.Effect) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.Effect) > 0) { return(true); } if ((targetFlag & EntityFlag.Item) > 0 && (target.flag & EntityFlag.Item) > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
// Flags // TODO: Code generation? public bool ContainsFlag(EntityFlag flag) { return(Bitmask.CheckBit(EntityFlags, (int)flag)); }
public Entity(EntityFlag Flag, bool companion) { Statistics = new StatusStatics(); Companion = companion; this.EntityFlag = Flag; Mode = Enums.Mode.None; update = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Update(true); update.UID = UID; switch (Flag) { case EntityFlag.Player: /* MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(200); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack); MyTimer.Start(); MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack2); MyTimer.Start(); MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack3); MyTimer.Start(); MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack4); MyTimer.Start(); MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack5); MyTimer.Start(); MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(100); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack6); MyTimer.Start();*/ MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Player; break; case EntityFlag.Monster: /* MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(200); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack); MyTimer.Start();*/ MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster; break; } }
internal void LoadFromDef(string id) { = id; Hashtable def = Defs.GetEntity(; string reference = def.GetString("ref"); while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) { Hashtable refdef = Defs.GetEntity(reference); reference = refdef.GetString("ref"); def.Concat(refdef); } = def.GetString("name"); this.model = def.GetString("model"); this.noShadow = def.GetBoolean("no_shadow"); this.flag = ( EntityFlag )def.GetInt("flag"); this.size = def.GetVec3("size"); this.mass = def.GetFloat("mass"); this.volumetric = def.GetBoolean("volumetric"); this.fov = def.GetFloat("fov"); this.speed = def.GetFloat("speed"); this.rotSpeed = def.GetFloat("rot_speed"); this.scale = def.GetFloat("scale"); if (this.scale <= 0) { this.scale = 1; } this.trackDistance = def.GetFloat("track_distance"); this.goldBase = def.GetInt("gold_base"); this.skillPointBase = def.GetInt("skill_point_base"); if (def.ContainsKey("firing_point")) { this.firingPoint = def.GetVec3("firing_point"); } if (def.ContainsKey("hit_point")) { this.hitPoint = def.GetVec3("hit_point"); } this.destructImmediately = def.GetBoolean("destruct_immediately"); this.lifeTime = def.GetFloat("life_time"); this.skills = def.GetStringArray("skills"); ArrayList lvls = def.GetList("level"); if (lvls != null) { int count = lvls.Count; this.levels = new Level[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Level lvl = this.levels[i] = new Level(); Hashtable ldef = ( Hashtable )lvls[i]; lvl.mhp = ldef.GetFloat("hp"); lvl.mmana = ldef.GetFloat("mana"); lvl.hpRegen = ldef.GetFloat("hp_regen"); lvl.manaRegen = ldef.GetFloat("mana_regen"); = ldef.GetFloat("ad"); lvl.armor = ldef.GetFloat("armor"); lvl.armorPenFlat = ldef.GetFloat("armor_pen_flat"); lvl.armorPen = ldef.GetFloat("armor_pen"); lvl.ap = ldef.GetFloat("ap"); lvl.magicResist = ldef.GetFloat("magic_resist"); lvl.magicPenFlat = ldef.GetFloat("magic_pen_flat"); lvl.magicPen = ldef.GetFloat("magic_pen"); lvl.reliveTime = ldef.GetInt("relive_time"); lvl.reliveGold = ldef.GetInt("relive_gold"); lvl.goldBountyAwarded = ldef.GetInt("gold_bounty_awarded"); lvl.expBountyAwarded = ldef.GetInt("exp_bounty_awarded"); lvl.upgradeExpNeeded = ldef.GetInt("upgrade_exp_needed"); lvl.upgradeSkillPointObtained = ldef.GetInt("upgrade_skill_point_obtained"); lvl.upgradeGoldObtained = ldef.GetInt("upgrade_gold_obtained"); } } this.aiDatas = AIData.Parse(def.GetList("ai")); this.script = def.GetString("script"); //missile this.flightType = ( FlightType )def.GetInt("flight_type"); this.duration = def.GetFloat("duration"); this.arc = def.GetFloat("arc"); this.hitFx = def.GetString("hit_fx"); //effect this.shaderName = def.GetString("shader_name"); this.shadowVisible = def.GetBoolean("shadow_visible"); this.positionType = ( EffectPositionType )def.GetInt("position_type"); this.rotationType = ( EffectRotationType )def.GetInt("rotation_type"); this.spare = ( Spare )def.GetInt("spare"); }
public static int SetBit(int value, EntityFlag flag) { return(value |= (int)flag); }
public static int ResetBit(int value, EntityFlag flag) { return(value &= ~(int)flag); }
public static bool CheckBit(int value, EntityFlag flag) { return((value & (int)flag) != 0); }
public static Bio GetNearestTarget(List <Entity> entities, Bio self, float radius, CampType campType, EntityFlag targetFlag) { GetEntitiesInCircle(entities,, radius, ref _temp); float minDistance = float.MaxValue; Bio nearest = null; int count = _temp.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Bio target = _temp[i] as Bio; if (target == null || !CanAttack(self, target, campType, targetFlag)) { continue; } float d = ( -; if (d < minDistance) { minDistance = d; nearest = target; } } _temp.Clear(); return(nearest); }
public Entity(EntityFlag Flag, bool companion) { Statistics = new StatusStatics(); Companion = companion; this.EntityFlag = Flag; Mode = Enums.Mode.None; update = new Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Update(true); update.UID = UID; switch (Flag) { case EntityFlag.Player: MyTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(interval); MyTimer.AutoReset = true; MyTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(_timerCallBack); MyTimer.Start(); MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Player; break; case EntityFlag.Monster: MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Monster; break; } }
public void SetFlag(EntityFlag flag, bool value) { EntityFlags = Bitmask.SetBitTo(EntityFlags, (int)flag, value ? 1 : 0); }
public override bool ParseBytesAndExecute(byte[] data) { if (data.Length != 8 + 1 + 4) { return(false); } long eid = Utilities.BytesToLong(Utilities.BytesPartial(data, 0, 8)); Entity e = TheClient.TheRegion.GetEntity(eid); if (e == null) { return(true); // Don't disconnect, could be a minor flaw. } EntityFlag flag = (EntityFlag)data[8]; float value = Utilities.BytesToFloat(Utilities.BytesPartial(data, 8 + 1, 4)); // TODO: Registry -> byte -> Func<Entity, float> switch (flag) { case EntityFlag.FLYING: if (e is PlayerEntity) { if (value > 0.5f) { ((PlayerEntity)e).Fly(); } else { ((PlayerEntity)e).Unfly(); } } else if (e is CharacterEntity) { // TODO /* * if (value > 0.5f) * { * ((CharacterEntity)e).Fly(); * } * else * { * ((CharacterEntity)e).Unfly(); * } */ } else { throw new Exception("Flagged non-player entity as flying!"); } break; case EntityFlag.MASS: if (e is PhysicsEntity) { ((PhysicsEntity)e).SetMass(value); } else { throw new Exception("Flagged non-physics entity with a specific mass!"); } break; case EntityFlag.HAS_FUEL: if (e is CharacterEntity) { ((CharacterEntity)e).HasFuel = value >= 0.5f; } else { throw new Exception("Flagged non-charcter entity with a specific mass!"); } break; case EntityFlag.HELO_TILT_MOD: if (e is ModelEntity) { ((ModelEntity)e).HeloTiltMod = value; } else { throw new Exception("Flagged non-model entity with a specific helo tilt mod!"); } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown flag!"); } return(true); }