/// <summary>
            /// Loops through stored entities creating buttons for each, updates information labels
            /// </summary>
            public void BuildEntityList()

                var storagelist = StorageEntity.StoredEntities;

                foreach (var entityuid in storagelist)
                    var entity = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>().GetEntity(entityuid.Key);

                    var button = new EntityButton()
                        EntityuID = entityuid.Key
                    var container = button.GetChild("HBoxContainer");
                    button.ActualButton.OnToggled += OnItemButtonToggled;
                    //Name and Size labels set
                    container.GetChild <Label>("Name").Text = entity.Name;
                    container.GetChild <Control>("Control").GetChild <Label>("Size").Text = string.Format("{0}", entityuid.Value);

                    //Gets entity sprite and assigns it to button texture
                    if (entity.TryGetComponent(out IconComponent icon))
                        var tex  = icon.Icon.Default;
                        var rect = container.GetChild("TextureWrap").GetChild <TextureRect>("TextureRect");

                        if (tex != null)
                            rect.Texture = tex;
                            // Copypasted but replaced with 32 dunno if good
                            var scale = (float)32 / tex.Height;
                            rect.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale);


                //Sets information about entire storage container current capacity
                if (StorageEntity.StorageCapacityMax != 0)
                    Information.Text = String.Format("Items: {0}, Stored: {1}/{2}", storagelist.Count, StorageEntity.StorageSizeUsed, StorageEntity.StorageCapacityMax);
                    Information.Text = String.Format("Items: {0}", storagelist.Count);
            /// <summary>
            /// Loops through stored entities creating buttons for each, updates information labels
            /// </summary>
            public void BuildEntityList()

                var storagelist = StorageEntity.StoredEntities;

                foreach (var entityuid in storagelist)
                    var entity = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>().GetEntity(entityuid.Key);

                    var button = new EntityButton()
                        EntityuID = entityuid.Key
                    var container = button.GetChild("HBoxContainer");
                    button.ActualButton.OnToggled += OnItemButtonToggled;
                    //Name and Size labels set
                    container.GetChild <Label>("Name").Text = entity.Name;
                    container.GetChild <Control>("Control").GetChild <Label>("Size").Text = string.Format("{0}", entityuid.Value);

                    //Gets entity sprite and assigns it to button texture
                    if (entity.TryGetComponent(out ISpriteComponent sprite))
                        var view = container.GetChild <SpriteView>("SpriteView");
                        view.Sprite = sprite;


                //Sets information about entire storage container current capacity
                if (StorageEntity.StorageCapacityMax != 0)
                    Information.Text = String.Format("Items: {0}, Stored: {1}/{2}", storagelist.Count, StorageEntity.StorageSizeUsed, StorageEntity.StorageCapacityMax);
                    Information.Text = String.Format("Items: {0}", storagelist.Count);