public IHttpActionResult Crowfounding(Crowfounding crow) { var entity = new EntityAccount(); string response = entity.DataCrowfounding(crow.flag, crow.idUser, crow.idProd, crow.points,; return(Ok(response)); }
public IHttpActionResult ListProdProve(int prove) { var entity = new EntityAccount(); var dataList = new List <Provee>(); dataList = entity.DataListProdProvee(prove); return(Ok(dataList)); }
public DataLite(IHttpContextAccessor context, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { this.logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("RequestInfoLogger"); this.context = context.HttpContext; Initializing(this.context.Session.GetString("StorageName")); Accounts = new EntityAccount(Connection); Files = new EntityFile(Connection); }
public IHttpActionResult Login(Login dataLogin) { var entity = new EntityAccount(); var data = new ResponseLogin(); if (dataLogin.plataforma.Equals("m")) { data = entity.DataLoginUser(dataLogin.usuario, dataLogin.contraseña); } else if (dataLogin.plataforma.Equals("w")) { data = entity.DataLoginProve(dataLogin.usuario, dataLogin.contraseña); } return(Ok(data)); }
/// <summary> /// 账号信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="dtResult"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <EntityAccount> GetAccount() { string SQL = string.Empty; List <EntityAccount> lstAccount = new List <EntityAccount>(); SqlHelper objSvc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); try { SQL = @"select distinct a.oper_code as empno, a.pwd, null as signdigital, 1 as acctstatus, d.funcid, d.funccode, d.funcname, d.functype, d.funcfile, d.opername, d.parentid, d.leafflag, d.sortno, d.imagesource from code_operator a inner join def_operator_role b on a.oper_code = b.oper_code inner join defrolefunction c on b.role_code = c.rolecode inner join sysfunction d on c.funcid = d.funcid where a.disable = 'F' and d.functype in (0, 1, 3) order by d.sortno"; DataTable dtResult = objSvc.GetDataTable(SQL); EntityAccount vo = null; foreach (DataRow dr in dtResult.Rows) { vo = new EntityAccount(); vo.AcctStatus = Function.Int(dr["acctstatus"]); //vo.EmpId = Function.Int(dr["empid"]); vo.EmpNo = dr["empno"].ToString(); if (dr["pwd"] == DBNull.Value || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["pwd"].ToString())) { vo.Pwd = string.Empty; } else { vo.Pwd = dr["pwd"].ToString(); //ESCryptography.Decrypt(dr["pwd"].ToString()); } vo.SignDigital = dr["signdigital"].ToString(); vo.FuncId = Function.Int(dr["funcid"]); vo.FuncCode = dr["funccode"].ToString(); vo.FuncName = dr["funcname"].ToString(); vo.FuncType = Function.Int(dr["functype"]); vo.FuncFile = dr["funcfile"].ToString(); vo.OperName = dr["opername"].ToString(); vo.ParentCode = dr["parentid"].ToString(); vo.IsLeaf = (dr["leafflag"] != DBNull.Value && dr["leafflag"].ToString() == "1" ? true : false); vo.ImageSource = dr["imagesource"].ToString(); lstAccount.Add(vo); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); } finally { objSvc = null; } return(lstAccount); }
/// <summary> /// 反射入口 /// </summary> /// <param name="vo"></param> public void ReflectionByAccVo(EntityAccount vo) { ((ctlFrame)Controller).LoadForm(vo); }
/// <summary> /// LoadForm /// </summary> /// <param name="vo"></param> internal void LoadForm(EntityAccount vo) { try { if (vo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(vo.FuncCode)) { return; } this.IsLoadform = true; string strPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + vo.FuncFile.Trim(); string className = vo.FuncCode.Trim(); if (className.IndexOf("|") > 0) { className = className.Substring(0, className.IndexOf("|")); } Assembly objAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(strPath); object obj = objAsm.CreateInstance(className, true); Type objType = obj.GetType(); MethodInfo objMth; int n = 0; foreach (Form frm in Viewer.MdiChildren) { if (frm is frmBaseMdi) { n++; } } if (n >= 10) { DialogBox.Msg("界面设定为最多打开10个,请关闭暂时不需要的界面。", MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vo.OperName)) { vo.OperName = "Show"; } string strMethod = vo.OperName; object[] objParams = null; int intIndex = strMethod.IndexOf("("); if (intIndex != -1) //带参 { string strParam = strMethod.Substring(intIndex + 1, strMethod.Length - intIndex - 2); objParams = strParam.Split(','); strMethod = strMethod.Substring(0, intIndex); objMth = objType.GetMethod(strMethod); } else { objMth = objType.GetMethod(vo.OperName, new Type[0]); } if (objMth == null) { DialogBox.Msg("自动创建模块失败。", MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, Viewer); } if (obj is Form) { if (!FormExisted(obj.GetType(), vo.OperName)) { //if (vo.OperName.ToLower().Equals("show")) uiHelper.BeginLoading(Viewer); if (vo.OperName.ToLower().Contains("show")) { uiHelper.BeginLoading(Viewer); } GetFormFuncButton(vo.FuncCode); ((Form)obj).AccessibleName = vo.FuncCode; ((Form)obj).AccessibleDescription = vo.FuncName; MakeMdiForm(obj, vo.OperName); objMth.Invoke(obj, objParams); } } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); DialogBox.Msg(e.Message, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, Viewer); } finally { uiHelper.CloseLoading(Viewer); this.IsLoadform = false; } }
/// <summary> /// SetFuncsBiz /// </summary> private void SetFuncsBiz() { // 默认:暂时只用2级菜单 List <EntityAccount> lst1 = new List <EntityAccount>(); Dictionary <string, List <EntityAccount> > lst2 = new Dictionary <string, List <EntityAccount> >(); foreach (EntityAccount item in GlobalAppConfig.AccountFuncs) { if (item.IsLeaf == false) { lst1.Add(item); } } foreach (EntityAccount item in GlobalAppConfig.AccountFuncs) { if (item.IsLeaf && lst1.Exists(t => t.FuncId.ToString() == item.ParentCode)) { if (lst2.ContainsKey(item.ParentCode)) { lst2[item.ParentCode].Add(item); } else { List <EntityAccount> tmp = new List <EntityAccount>(); tmp.Add(item); lst2.Add(item.ParentCode, tmp); } } } int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem barItem = null; DevExpress.XtraBars.BarSubItem barSubItem = null; foreach (EntityAccount item in lst1) { barSubItem = new DevExpress.XtraBars.BarSubItem(); barSubItem.Appearance.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); barSubItem.Name = item.FuncCode; barSubItem.Caption = Convert.ToString(++i1) + ". " + item.FuncName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ImageSource)) { barSubItem.Glyph = (rm.GetObject(item.ImageSource) as Image); } Viewer.pmModules.ItemLinks.Add(barSubItem, true); if (lst2.ContainsKey(item.FuncId.ToString())) { i2 = 0; foreach (EntityAccount item2 in lst2[item.FuncId.ToString()]) { barItem = new DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem(); barItem.Appearance.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); barItem.Name = item2.FuncCode; barItem.Caption = i1.ToString() + "." + Convert.ToString(++i2) + " " + item2.FuncName; barItem.Tag = item2; barItem.ItemClick += new ItemClickEventHandler(bbiItem_ItemClick); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item2.ImageSource)) { barItem.Glyph = (rm.GetObject(item2.ImageSource) as Image); } barSubItem.ItemLinks.Add(barItem, true); if (GlobalParm.dicSysMenu.ContainsKey(item2.FuncName) == false) { GlobalParm.dicSysMenu.Add(item2.FuncName, item2); } } } } DefaultModule = new EntityAccount() { FuncId = 88888888, FuncCode = "Hms.Ui.frmAccess", FuncName = "导航图...", FuncFile = "hms.ui.dll", OperName = "Show" }; Viewer.timer.Enabled = true; }
public IHttpActionResult InsertAccountData(VMAccount model) { if (!IsRep && (model.RepId == null || model.RepId <= 0)) { List <dynamic> errorList = new List <dynamic>(); if (!HasRight(new string[] { "RDREPGRPALL" })) { errorList.Add(new { Message = "You do not have right to read repgroup" }); } if (!HasRight(new string[] { "WRREP" })) { errorList.Add(new { Message = "You do not have right to create rep" }); } if (errorList != null && errorList.Count <= 0) { errorList.Add(new { Message = "RepGroup and Rep are required" }); } return(Ok <dynamic>(new { Status = HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, ResponseMessage = errorList })); } var repository = new RepositoryAccount(); var response = new DataResponse(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var entityAccount = new EntityAccount { EnrolledDate = model.EnrolledDate, IsActive = model.IsActive, LeadSourceId = model.LeadSourceId, LeadServiceIntrest = model.ServiceInterest, RepGroupId = model.RepGroupId, RepId = model.RepId, IsConverted = true, ServiceIds = model.EnrolledServices }; entityAccount.Practice = new EntityPractice { //Fax = model.Fax, ReportDeliveryEmail = model.ReportDeliveryEmail, ReportDeliveryFax = model.ReportDeliveryFax, Name = model.PracticeName, SpecialityTypeId = model.SpecialityTypeId, ContactPreferenceId = model.MethodOfContact, Address = new List <EntityPracticeAddress> { new EntityPracticeAddress { Id = model.AddressId ?? 0, AddressIndex = -1, City = model.City, Line1 = model.PracticeAddressLine1, Line2 = model.PracticeAddressLine2, AddressTypeId = 1, StateId = model.StateId ?? 0, Zip = model.Zip, Fax = model.Fax, Phone = new List <EntityPracticePhone> { new EntityPracticePhone { PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber, Extension = model.PhoneExtension } }, AddressId = model.AddressId ?? 0, ManagerName = model.ManagerName, ManagerEmail = model.ManagerEmail, ManagerPhone = model.ManagerPhone, BillingContact = model.BillingContact, BillingContactEmail = model.BillingContactEmail, BillingContactPhone = model.BillingContactPhone, officedayshrs = model.WorkingHours, } }, Contact = new List <EntityPracticeContact> { new EntityPracticeContact { BillingContact = model.BillingContact, BillingContactEmail = model.BillingContactEmail, BillingContactPhone = model.BillingContactPhone, ManagerName = model.ManagerName, ManagerPhone = model.ManagerPhone, ManagerEmail = model.ManagerEmail, officedayshrs = model.WorkingHours, AddressId = model.AddressId ?? 0 } } }; var specialities = new List <EntityPracticeSpeciality>(); entityAccount.Practice.Specialities = new List <EntityPracticeSpeciality>(); entityAccount.PracticeTypeId = model.SpecialityTypeId == 0 ? null : model.SpecialityTypeId; if (model.SpecialityTypeId == 1) { specialities.Add(new EntityPracticeSpeciality { PracticeSpecialityId = model.SpecialityId ?? 0 }); } else if (model.SpecialityTypeId == 2 && model.SpecialityIds != null && model.SpecialityIds.Count() > 0) { foreach (string sId in model.SpecialityIds) { specialities.Add(new EntityPracticeSpeciality { PracticeSpecialityId = int.Parse(sId) }); } } else if (model.SpecialityTypeId == 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NewSpectialityName)) { entityAccount.Practice.SpecialityType = model.NewSpectialityName; } if (specialities.Count > 0) { entityAccount.Practice.Specialities = specialities; } if (model.Locations != null) { var addressList = new List <EntityPracticeAddress>(); var contactList = new List <EntityPracticeContact>(); model.Locations.ToList().ForEach(a => addressList.Add(new EntityPracticeAddress { Id = a.AddressId ?? 0, AddressIndex = a.AddressIndex.Value, Line1 = a.AddressLine1, Line2 = a.AddressLine2, City = a.City, AddressTypeId = 2, StateId = a.StateId ?? 0, Zip = a.Zip, Fax = a.Fax, Phone = new List <EntityPracticePhone> { new EntityPracticePhone { PhoneNumber = a.PhoneNumber, Extension = a.Extension } }, AddressId = a.AddressId ?? 0, ManagerName = a.ManagerName, ManagerEmail = a.ManagerEmail, ManagerPhone = a.ManagerPhone, BillingContact = a.BillingContact, BillingContactEmail = a.BillingContactEmail, BillingContactPhone = a.BillingContactPhone, officedayshrs = a.WorkingHours, })); if (addressList.Count > 0) { entityAccount.Practice.Address = entityAccount.Practice.Address.Concat(addressList); } entityAccount.Practice.Address.ToList().ForEach(a => contactList.Add(new EntityPracticeContact { AddressId = a.AddressId, ManagerName = a.ManagerName, ManagerEmail = a.ManagerEmail, ManagerPhone = a.ManagerPhone, BillingContact = a.BillingContact, BillingContactEmail = a.BillingContactEmail, BillingContactPhone = a.BillingContactPhone, officedayshrs = a.officedayshrs, })); if (contactList.Count > 0) { entityAccount.Practice.Contact = contactList; } } if (model.Providers != null) { var isMultipleProviders = model.Providers.GroupBy(a => a.NPI).Any(a => a.Count() > 1); if (isMultipleProviders) { return(Ok <dynamic>(new { Status = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Model = new { Key = "NPI", Message = "NPI is Repeating" } })); } var providerList = new List <EntityProvider>(); model.Providers.ForEach(a => providerList.Add( new EntityProvider { Id = a.Id ?? 0, DegreeId = a.DegreeId ?? 0, FirstName = a.FirstName, LastName = a.LastName, MiddleName = a.MiddleName, NPI = a.NPI, AddressIndex = a.Location != null ? (a.Location.AddressIndex == null ? -1 : a.Location.AddressIndex.Value) : -1, Address = a.Location != null ? new EntityProviderAddress { Id = a.Location.AddressId == null ? 0 : a.Location.AddressId.Value, City = a.Location.City, Line1 = a.Location.AddressLine1, Line2 = a.Location.AddressLine2, AddressTypeId = 2, StateId = a.Location.StateId.Value, Zip = a.Location.Zip, Fax = a.Location.Fax, ManagerName = a.Location.ManagerName, Phone = a.Location == null ? null : new List <EntityPracticePhone> { new EntityPracticePhone { PhoneNumber = a.Location.PhoneNumber, Extension = a.Location.Extension } } } : null })); if (providerList.Count > 0) { entityAccount.Practice.Providers = providerList; } } entityAccount.UpdatedBy = entityAccount.CreatedBy = entityAccount.CurrentUserId = CurrentUser.Id; entityAccount.BusinessId = CurrentUser.BusinessId; entityAccount.CreatedByName = string.Format("{0} {1}", CurrentUser.FirstName, CurrentUser.LastName); if (model.Id > 0) //Update { entityAccount.Id = model.Id ?? 0; response = repository.Update(entityAccount); } else { if (model.LeadId > 0) //Converted from Lead { entityAccount.LeadId = model.LeadId; response = repository.ConvertToAccount(entityAccount); } else //New account { response = repository.Insert(entityAccount); } if (response.Id != null) { string services = string.Empty, providers = string.Empty, practiceAddress = string.Empty; if (entityAccount.ServiceIds != null) { var ids = ((IEnumerable <string>)entityAccount.ServiceIds).Select(a => Convert.ToInt32(a)).ToArray(); services = string.Join(", ", new RepositoryLookups().GetServicesById(ids)); } foreach (var item in entityAccount.Practice.Providers) { providers = providers + item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName + " (" + item.NPI + ") <br />"; } var primaryAddress = entityAccount.Practice.Address.First(); var stateName = new RepositoryLookups().GetAllStates().Model.List.Where(a => a.Id == primaryAddress.StateId).First().Value; practiceAddress = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", primaryAddress.Line1, primaryAddress.Line2, primaryAddress.City, stateName, primaryAddress.Zip); EntityGroupManagerDetails RepModel = repository.RepDetailsByAccountId(response.Id).Model; EmailNotification emailNotify = new EmailNotification { PracticeName = model.PracticeName, PracticeAddress = practiceAddress, Providers = providers, Services = services, RepFirstName = RepModel.RepFirstName, RepMiddleName = RepModel.RepMiddleName, RepLastName = RepModel.RepLastName, RepEmail = RepModel.RepEmail, Managers = RepModel.Managers, CurrentUserFirstName = CurrentUser.FirstName, CurrentUserLastName = CurrentUser.LastName, RootPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, ReturnUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BaseUrl"], }; NewAccountEmailNotification(emailNotify); } } } else { var errorList = ModelState.Where(a => a.Value.Errors.Any()).Select(s => new { Key = s.Key.Split('.').Last(), Message = s.Value.Errors[0].ErrorMessage }); return(Ok <dynamic>(new { Status = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Model = errorList })); } return(Ok <DataResponse>(response)); }