public void InsertHeadData(Entity.JobInfo job, List <Entity.FileList> fileList, Entity.FlowInfo flow) { DataAccess.JobInfo daJob = new JobInfo(); if (daJob.Exists(job.JobID)) { daJob.Update(job); } else { daJob.Add(job); } DataAccess.FileList daFile = new FileList(); foreach (Entity.FileList file in fileList) { if (daFile.GetList("FileType='" + file.FileType + "' and JobID='" + file.JobID + "' and ListID='" + file.ListID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { daFile.Add(file); } else { daFile.Update(file); } } new DataAccess.FlowInfo().Add(flow); }
/// <summary> /// 插入A07收卡操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA07(Entity.JobInfo job) { if (job.JobType == "MD") { if (new ModifyList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and IsChangeName=1 and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return; } } Entity.HandleList handle = new Entity.HandleList(); handle.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handle.JobID = job.JobID; handle.No = Num; handle.FunctionID = "A07"; handle.OpeartionID = 12; handle.IsChecked = false; handle.Status = "待处理"; Entity.HandleList handleEx = new Entity.HandleList(); handleEx.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handleEx.JobID = job.JobID; handleEx.No = Num++; handleEx.FunctionID = "A07"; handleEx.OpeartionID = 13; handleEx.IsChecked = false; handleEx.Status = "待处理"; this.Add(handle); this.Add(handleEx); }
public void InsertHandleList(Entity.JobInfo job) { HandleList dal = new HandleList(); dal.DeleteJobID(job.JobID); dal.InsertA01(job); dal.InsertA04(job); }
/// <summary> /// 插入A08资料确认操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA08(Entity.JobInfo job) { Entity.HandleList handle = new Entity.HandleList(); handle.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handle.JobID = job.JobID; handle.No = Num++; handle.FunctionID = "A08"; handle.OpeartionID = 11; handle.IsChecked = false; handle.Status = "待处理"; this.Add(handle); }
/* * /// <summary> * /// 分页获取数据列表 * /// </summary> * public DataSet GetList(int PageSize,int PageIndex,string strWhere) * { * SqlParameter[] parameters = { * new SqlParameter("@tblName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), * new SqlParameter("@fldName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255), * new SqlParameter("@PageSize", SqlDbType.Int), * new SqlParameter("@PageIndex", SqlDbType.Int), * new SqlParameter("@IsReCount", SqlDbType.Bit), * new SqlParameter("@OrderType", SqlDbType.Bit), * new SqlParameter("@strWhere", SqlDbType.VarChar,1000), * }; * parameters[0].Value = "HandleList"; * parameters[1].Value = "Guid"; * parameters[2].Value = PageSize; * parameters[3].Value = PageIndex; * parameters[4].Value = 0; * parameters[5].Value = 0; * parameters[6].Value = strWhere; * return DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("UP_GetRecordByPage",parameters,"ds"); * }*/ #endregion BasicMethod #region ExtensionMethod /// <summary> /// 插入A01接单操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA01(Entity.JobInfo job) { Entity.HandleList handle = new Entity.HandleList(); handle.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handle.JobID = job.JobID; handle.No = Num++; handle.FunctionID = "A01"; handle.OpeartionID = job.IsOnline ? 2 : 1; handle.IsChecked = true; handle.Status = "已处理"; handle.OpeartionUser = job.IsOnline ? job.CreateUser : PageBase.CommonObject.ManagerUserInfo.guid; handle.OpeartionTime = job.CreateTime; handle.Remark = job.IsOnline ? job.EnterpriseName + ",网上提交工单." : "操作员:" + new ManagerUser().GetModel(handle.OpeartionUser).Name + ",现场收单."; this.Add(handle); }
public void ChangeFlow(Entity.JobInfo job) { DataTable handle = new HandleList().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; Entity.FlowInfo flowNow = new FlowInfo().DataRowToModel(new FlowInfo().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "' and IsDelete=0 order by SubmitDate desc").Tables[0].Rows[0]); DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); bool IsChange = false; switch (flowNow.FlowID) { case 2: #region 当流程处于2(工单已受理)时 //是否重制卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=17 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=17 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=17 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } #endregion break; } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); if (IsChange) { DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("流程提交失败!" + ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 插入A03审批确认操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA03(Entity.JobInfo job) { DataTable dt = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType='NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && job.IsOnline) { string shtyxydm = new NewlyAddedListFR().GetList("ListID='" + dt.Rows[0]["ListID"] + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHTYXYDM_QS"].ToString().Substring(2, 4); if (shtyxydm != "4401" && shtyxydm != "4400") { Entity.HandleList handle = new Entity.HandleList(); handle.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handle.JobID = job.JobID; handle.No = Num++; handle.FunctionID = "A03"; handle.OpeartionID = 5; handle.IsChecked = false; handle.Status = "待处理"; this.Add(handle); } } }
/// <summary> /// 插入A02录入操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA02(Entity.JobInfo job) { if (new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType='NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Entity.HandleList handleQS = new Entity.HandleList(); handleQS.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handleQS.JobID = job.JobID; handleQS.No = Num; handleQS.FunctionID = "A02"; handleQS.OpeartionID = 3; handleQS.IsChecked = false; handleQS.Status = "待处理"; Entity.HandleList handleHS = new Entity.HandleList(); handleHS.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handleHS.JobID = job.JobID; handleHS.No = Num++; handleHS.FunctionID = "A02"; handleHS.OpeartionID = 4; handleHS.IsChecked = false; handleHS.Status = "待处理"; this.Add(handleQS); this.Add(handleHS); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string jobID = context.Request.Form["hJobID"]; DataAccess.RunProcedure procedure = new DataAccess.RunProcedure(); bool flat = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobID)) { DataSet view = procedure.JobView(jobID, "ReIssueList"); if (!view.Tables[3].Rows[0]["StatusName"].Equals("未提交.")) { flat = false; } } if (flat) { //JobInfo数据 Entity.JobInfo job = new Entity.JobInfo(); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; job.JobID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobID) ? "RI-" + CardCenter.DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.GetCardNo() : jobID; job.JobType = "RI"; job.CreateTime = time; job.CreateUser = PageBase.CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; job.IsDelete = false; job.EnterpriseName = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME; job.EnterpriseAddress = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.ADDR_CO; job.EnterpriseCode = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.COP_GB_CODE; job.AgentName = context.Request.Form["agentName"]; job.AgentPhone = context.Request.Form["agentPhone"]; job.ConsigneeName = context.Request.Form["consigneeName"]; job.ConsigneeAddress = context.Request.Form["consigneeAddress"]; job.ConsigneePhone = context.Request.Form["consigneePhone"]; job.ExpressFlat = null; job.Remark = string.Empty; job.Fee = 0; job.FeeFlat = "无须缴费"; job.CustomsCode = CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; job.IsOnline = true; //FileList数据 List <Entity.FileList> fileList = new List <Entity.FileList>(); DataSet ds = procedure.SelectFileTypeByJobType("RI"); string fileErr = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string guid = context.Request.Form["h" + dr["FileTypeID"].ToString()]; string fileName = context.Request.Form["txt" + dr["FileTypeID"].ToString()]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { Entity.FileList file = new Entity.FileList(); file.Guid = guid; file.FileType = dr["FileTypeID"].ToString(); file.FileName = fileName; file.JobID = job.JobID; file.ListID = string.Empty; file.IsDelete = false; file.Remark = string.Empty; fileList.Add(file); } else { fileErr += "\n工单随附资料【" + dr["FileTypeName"] + "】未上传!"; } } DataSet list = new DataAccess.ReIssueList().GetList("JobID='" + jobID + "' and IsDelete=0"); foreach (DataRow dr in list.Tables[0].Rows) { DataSet typeDs = procedure.SelectFileTypeByJobType(dr["JobType"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow typeDr in typeDs.Tables[0].Rows) { string guid = context.Request.Form["h" + typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString() + dr["ListID"].ToString()]; string fileName = context.Request.Form["txt" + typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString() + dr["ListID"].ToString()]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { Entity.FileList file = new Entity.FileList(); file.Guid = guid; file.FileType = typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString(); file.FileName = fileName; file.JobID = job.JobID; file.ListID = dr["ListID"].ToString(); file.IsDelete = false; file.Remark = string.Empty; fileList.Add(file); } else { fileErr += "\n工单项【业务类型:" + new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(dr["JobType"].ToString()).JobName + ",持卡人姓名:" + dr["CardholderName"] + "】随附资料【" + typeDr["FileTypeName"] + "】未上传!"; } } } if (context.Request.Form["type"] == "complete") { //判断是否添加附件 if (fileErr != "") { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data(fileErr, ""))); return; } //判断是否添加工单项 ds = procedure.JobView(jobID, "ReIssueList"); if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count == 0) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n请添加至少一条工单项记录!", ""))); return; } } //FlowInfo数据 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "add" ? 1 : int.Parse(new CardCenter.DataAccess.Flow().GetList("JobType='RI' and FlowOrder=2").Tables[0].Rows[0]["FlowStatus"].ToString()); flow.SubmitDate = time; flow.SubmitUser = PageBase.CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; flow.Content = context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "add" ? PageBase.CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME + "暂存数据." : PageBase.CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME + "提交工单."; flow.IsDelete = false; flow.Remark = string.Empty; //提交数据到后台存储过程事务 DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); DataAccess.RIDataAccess ri = new DataAccess.RIDataAccess(); ri.InsertHeadData(job, fileList, flow); if (context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "complete") { ri.InsertHandleList(job); } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("", job.JobID))); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n数据提交出错!" + ex.Message, ""))); } } else { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("该工单状态为已提交,无法继续修改工单信息!", ""))); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n" + ex.Message, ""))); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string jobID = context.Request.Form["hjobID"]; string saleID = string.Empty; Entity.JobInfo job = new Entity.JobInfo(); Entity.JobInfo sJob = new Entity.JobInfo(); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobID)) { DataAccess.RunProcedure procedure = new DataAccess.RunProcedure(); //JobInfo数据 job.JobID = context.Request.Form["jobSelect"] + "-" + DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.GetCardNo(); job.JobType = context.Request.Form["jobSelect"]; job.EnterpriseName = context.Request.Form["companyName"]; job.AgentPhone = context.Request.Form["txtPhone"]; job.CreateTime = time; job.CreateUser = context.Request.Form["customCode"]; job.IsDelete = false; job.Remark = context.Request.Form["txtRemark"]; job.CustomsCode = context.Request.Form["customCode"].Length == 10 ? context.Request.Form["customCode"] : null; job.IsOnline = false; job.ExpressFlat = false; if (job.JobType == "SL") { job.Fee = new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]).SellingPrice *int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); job.FeeFlat = "待缴费"; } else { job.Fee = 0; job.FeeFlat = "无须缴费"; } new DataAccess.JobInfo().Add(job); if (job.JobType == "NA" || job.JobType == "RI" || job.JobType == "RM") { sJob.JobID = "SL-" + DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.GetCardNo(); sJob.JobType = "SL"; sJob.EnterpriseName = job.EnterpriseName; sJob.AgentPhone = job.AgentPhone; sJob.CreateTime = job.CreateTime; sJob.CreateUser = job.CreateUser; sJob.IsDelete = false; sJob.Remark = job.Remark; sJob.CustomsCode = job.CustomsCode; sJob.IsOnline = false; sJob.Fee = new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]).SellingPrice *int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); sJob.FeeFlat = "待缴费"; sJob.ExpressFlat = false; new DataAccess.JobInfo().Add(sJob); Entity.SaleBinding saleBind = new Entity.SaleBinding(); saleBind.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); saleBind.JobID = job.JobID; saleBind.SaleID = sJob.JobID; new DataAccess.SaleBinding().Add(saleBind); saleID = saleBind.SaleID; } //FlowInfo数据 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = int.Parse(new DataAccess.Flow().GetList(string.Format("FlowOrder=2 and JobType='{0}'", job.JobType)).Tables[0].Rows[0]["FlowStatus"].ToString()); flow.SubmitDate = time; flow.SubmitUser = PageBase.CommonObject.ManagerUserInfo.guid; flow.Content = "现场交单."; flow.IsDelete = false; flow.Remark = string.Empty; new DataAccess.FlowInfo().Add(flow); if (job.JobType == "NA" || job.JobType == "RI" || job.JobType == "RM") { Entity.FlowInfo sFlow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); sFlow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sFlow.JobID = sJob.JobID; sFlow.FlowID = int.Parse(new DataAccess.Flow().GetList("FlowOrder=2 and JobType='SL'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["FlowStatus"].ToString()); sFlow.SubmitDate = flow.SubmitDate; sFlow.SubmitUser = flow.SubmitUser; sFlow.Content = flow.Content; sFlow.IsDelete = false; sFlow.Remark = string.Empty; new DataAccess.FlowInfo().Add(sFlow); } //绑定文件袋 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Form["hBar"])) { new DataAccess.JobBar().BindFile(context.Request.Form["hBar"], job.JobID); if (job.JobType == "NA" || job.JobType == "RI" || job.JobType == "RM") { new DataAccess.JobBar().BindFile(context.Request.Form["hBar"], sJob.JobID); } } } else { job = new DataAccess.JobInfo().GetModel(jobID); if (job.JobType == "SL") { job.Fee += new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]).SellingPrice *int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.JobInfo().Update(job); } else if (job.JobType == "NA" || job.JobType == "RI" || job.JobType == "RM") { saleID = new DataAccess.SaleBinding().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}'", jobID)).Tables[0].Rows[0]["SaleID"].ToString(); sJob = new DataAccess.JobInfo().GetModel(saleID); sJob.Fee += new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]).SellingPrice *int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.JobInfo().Update(sJob); } } //工单项信息 int random = new Random().Next(1, 9999); switch (job.JobType) { case "MD": for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); i++) { Entity.ModifyList md = new Entity.ModifyList(); md.JobType = context.Request.Form["businessSelect"]; md.ListID = md.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + (random + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); md.JobID = job.JobID; md.CardType = new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(md.JobType).CardType; md.IsChangeName = false; md.IsDelete = false; md.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.ModifyList().Add(md); } break; case "NA": for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); i++) { Entity.NewlyAddedList na = new Entity.NewlyAddedList(); na.JobType = context.Request.Form["businessSelect"]; na.ListID = na.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + (random + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); na.JobID = job.JobID; na.CardType = new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(na.JobType).CardType; na.CardholderIdentificationType = 1; na.IsDelete = false; na.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.NewlyAddedList().Add(na); } Entity.SaleList naSl = new Entity.SaleList(); if (new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { naSl.JobType = "SL001"; naSl.ListID = naSl.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + random.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); naSl.JobID = saleID; naSl.ProductType = context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]; naSl.Num = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); naSl.IsDelete = false; naSl.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.SaleList().Add(naSl); } else { naSl = new DataAccess.SaleList().GetModel(new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows[0]["ListID"].ToString()); naSl.Num += int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.SaleList().Update(naSl); } break; case "RI": for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); i++) { Entity.ReIssueList ri = new Entity.ReIssueList(); ri.JobType = context.Request.Form["businessSelect"]; ri.ListID = ri.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + (random + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); ri.JobID = job.JobID; ri.CardType = new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(ri.JobType).CardType; ri.IsDelete = false; ri.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.ReIssueList().Add(ri); } Entity.SaleList riSl = new Entity.SaleList(); if (new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { riSl.JobType = "SL001"; riSl.ListID = riSl.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + random.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); riSl.JobID = saleID; riSl.ProductType = context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]; riSl.Num = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); riSl.IsDelete = false; riSl.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.SaleList().Add(riSl); } else { riSl = new DataAccess.SaleList().GetModel(new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows[0]["ListID"].ToString()); riSl.Num += int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.SaleList().Update(riSl); } break; case "RM": for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); i++) { Entity.ReMakeList rm = new Entity.ReMakeList(); rm.JobType = context.Request.Form["businessSelect"]; rm.ListID = rm.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + (random + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); rm.JobID = job.JobID; rm.CardType = new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(rm.JobType).CardType; rm.IsDelete = false; rm.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.ReMakeList().Add(rm); } Entity.SaleList rmSl = new Entity.SaleList(); if (new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { rmSl.JobType = "SL001"; rmSl.ListID = rmSl.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + random.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); rmSl.JobID = saleID; rmSl.ProductType = context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]; rmSl.Num = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); rmSl.IsDelete = false; rmSl.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.SaleList().Add(rmSl); } else { rmSl = new DataAccess.SaleList().GetModel(new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows[0]["ListID"].ToString()); rmSl.Num += int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.SaleList().Update(rmSl); } break; case "SL": Entity.SaleList sl = new Entity.SaleList(); if (new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { sl.JobType = "SL001"; sl.ListID = sl.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + random.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); sl.JobID = job.JobID; sl.ProductType = context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]; sl.Num = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); sl.IsDelete = false; sl.Remark = "现场交单."; sl.ManagerFlag = 0; sl.ManagerUser = PageBase.CommonObject.ManagerUserInfo.guid; sl.ManagerTime = DateTime.Now; new DataAccess.SaleList().Add(sl); } else { sl = new DataAccess.SaleList().GetModel(new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList(string.Format("JobID='{0}' and ProductType='{1}' and IsDelete=0", saleID, context.Request.Form["saleSelect"])).Tables[0].Rows[0]["ListID"].ToString()); sl.Num += int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); new DataAccess.SaleList().Update(sl); } break; case "UU": for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); i++) { Entity.UpdateUnlockList uu = new Entity.UpdateUnlockList(); uu.JobType = context.Request.Form["businessSelect"]; uu.ListID = uu.JobType + "-" + time.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + (random + i).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); uu.JobID = job.JobID; uu.CardType = new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(uu.JobType).CardType; uu.IsDelete = false; uu.Remark = "现场交单."; new DataAccess.UpdateUnlockList().Add(uu); } break; } try { if (job.JobType != "UU" && job.JobType != "MD") { //减少显示库存 Entity.Stock_Commodity mCommodity = new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(context.Request.Form["saleSelect"]); mCommodity.StockDesplay -= int.Parse(context.Request.Form["txtNum"]); if (mCommodity.StockDesplay < 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}{1}({2})库存不足,请更换库存充足的安全产品厂商或稍后再试!", mCommodity.AdditionalAttributes, mCommodity.CommodityName, mCommodity.CommodityType)); } else { new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().Update(mCommodity); } } DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); //处理列表信息 switch (job.JobType) { case "MD": new DataAccess.MDDataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); break; case "NA": new DataAccess.NADataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); new DataAccess.SLDataAccess().InsertHandleList(sJob); break; case "RI": new DataAccess.RIDataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); new DataAccess.SLDataAccess().InsertHandleList(sJob); break; case "RM": new DataAccess.RMDataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); new DataAccess.SLDataAccess().InsertHandleList(sJob); break; case "SL": new DataAccess.SLDataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); break; case "UU": new DataAccess.UUDataAccess().InsertHandleList(job); break; } DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("", job.JobID))); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data(ex.Message, ""))); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data(ex.Message, ""))); } }
public void ChangeFlow(Entity.JobInfo job) { DataTable handle = new HandleList().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; Entity.FlowInfo flowNow = new FlowInfo().DataRowToModel(new FlowInfo().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "' and IsDelete=0 order by SubmitDate desc").Tables[0].Rows[0]); DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); bool IsChange = false; switch (flowNow.FlowID) { case 7: #region 当流程处于7(工单已受理)时 //是否资料已经确认 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { bool isChange = new ModifyList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and IsChangeName=1 and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false; //是否变更法人名或企业名 if (isChange) { //将流程从7修改成8 Entity.FlowInfo flowSP = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flowSP.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flowSP.JobID = job.JobID; flowSP.FlowID = 8; flowSP.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flowSP.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flowSP.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flowSP.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flowSP); IsChange = true; if ((bool)job.ExpressFlat) { //是否资料确认、收卡、制卡、快递 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("FunctionID='A07' and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=14 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从8修改为6 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 6; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否资料确认、收卡、制卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("FunctionID='A07' and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=14 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从8修改为5 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 5; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } else { //将流程从8修改为11 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 11; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("", "OpeartionTime desc")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } } else { //将流程从7修改成9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } #endregion break; case 8: #region 当流程处于8(资料已去确认)时 //是否快递领取 if ((bool)job.ExpressFlat) { //是否资料确认、收卡、制卡、快递 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("FunctionID='A07' and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=14 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从8修改为6 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 6; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否资料确认、收卡、制卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=11 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("FunctionID='A07' and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=14 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从8修改为5 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 5; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } else { //将流程从8修改为11 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 11; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("", "OpeartionTime desc")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } #endregion break; case 11: #region 当流程处于11(等待现场领取)时 //是否已现场领取 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从11修改为5 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 5; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } #endregion break; } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); if (IsChange) { DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("流程提交失败!" + ex.ToString()); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string jobID = context.Request.Form["hJobID"]; DataAccess.RunProcedure procedure = new DataAccess.RunProcedure(); bool flat = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobID)) { DataSet view = procedure.JobView(jobID, "SaleList"); if (!view.Tables[3].Rows[0]["StatusName"].Equals("未提交.")) { flat = false; } } if (flat) { //JobInfo数据 Entity.JobInfo job = new Entity.JobInfo(); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; job.JobID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobID) ? "SL-" + CardCenter.DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.GetCardNo() : jobID; job.JobType = "SL"; job.CreateTime = time; job.CreateUser = PageBase.CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; job.IsDelete = false; job.EnterpriseName = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME; job.EnterpriseAddress = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.ADDR_CO; job.EnterpriseCode = CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.COP_GB_CODE; job.AgentName = context.Request.Form["agentName"]; job.AgentPhone = context.Request.Form["agentPhone"]; job.ConsigneeName = context.Request.Form["consigneeName"]; job.ConsigneeAddress = context.Request.Form["consigneeAddress"]; job.ConsigneePhone = context.Request.Form["consigneePhone"]; job.ExpressFlat = context.Request.Form["expressflat"] == "快递" ? true : false; job.Remark = string.Empty; DataTable feeDt = procedure.JobFeeDetal(job.JobID, "SaleList").Tables[0]; job.Fee = decimal.Parse(feeDt.Rows[0]["Fee"].ToString()); if (job.Fee == 0) { job.FeeFlat = "无须缴费"; } else { job.FeeFlat = "待缴费"; } job.CustomsCode = CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; job.IsOnline = true; job.InvoiceName = context.Request.Form["txtInvoiceName"]; job.InvoicePhone = context.Request.Form["txtInvoicePhone"]; job.InvoiceAddress = context.Request.Form["txtInvoiceAddress"]; job.InvoicePostCode = context.Request.Form["txtInvoicePostCode"]; job.InvoiceEmail = context.Request.Form["txtInvoiceEmail"]; job.InvoiceCode = context.Request.Form["txtInvoiceCode"]; //FileList数据 List <Entity.FileList> fileList = new List <Entity.FileList>(); DataSet ds = procedure.SelectFileTypeByJobType("SL"); string fileErr = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string guid = context.Request.Form["h" + dr["FileTypeID"].ToString()]; string fileName = context.Request.Form["txt" + dr["FileTypeID"].ToString()]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { Entity.FileList file = new Entity.FileList(); file.Guid = guid; file.FileType = dr["FileTypeID"].ToString(); file.FileName = fileName; file.JobID = job.JobID; file.ListID = string.Empty; file.IsDelete = false; file.Remark = string.Empty; fileList.Add(file); } else { fileErr += "\n工单随附资料【" + dr["FileTypeName"] + "】未上传!"; } } DataSet list = new DataAccess.SaleList().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "' and IsDelete=0"); foreach (DataRow dr in list.Tables[0].Rows) { DataSet typeDs = procedure.SelectFileTypeByJobType(dr["JobType"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow typeDr in typeDs.Tables[0].Rows) { string guid = context.Request.Form["h" + typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString() + dr["ListID"].ToString()]; string fileName = context.Request.Form["txt" + typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString() + dr["ListID"].ToString()]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { Entity.FileList file = new Entity.FileList(); file.Guid = guid; file.FileType = typeDr["FileTypeID"].ToString(); file.FileName = fileName; file.JobID = job.JobID; file.ListID = dr["ListID"].ToString(); file.IsDelete = false; file.Remark = string.Empty; fileList.Add(file); } else { fileErr += "\n工单项【业务类型:" + new DataAccess.Para_JobType().GetModel(dr["JobType"].ToString()).JobName + ",持卡人姓名:" + dr["CardholderName"] + "】随附资料【" + typeDr["FileTypeName"] + "】未上传!"; } } } if (context.Request.Form["type"] == "complete") { //判断是否添加附件 if (fileErr != "") { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data(fileErr, ""))); return; } //判断是否添加工单项 ds = procedure.JobView(job.JobID, "SaleList"); if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count == 0) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n请添加至少一条工单项记录!", ""))); return; } } //FlowInfo数据 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "add" ? 1 : int.Parse(new CardCenter.DataAccess.Flow().GetList("JobType='SL' and FlowOrder=2").Tables[0].Rows[0]["FlowStatus"].ToString()); flow.SubmitDate = time; flow.SubmitUser = PageBase.CommonObject.LoginUserInfo.companyId; flow.Content = context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "add" ? PageBase.CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME + "暂存数据." : PageBase.CommonObject.LoginCompanyInfo.FULL_NAME + "提交工单."; flow.IsDelete = false; flow.Remark = string.Empty; //SaleBinding数据 Entity.SaleBinding mBinding = new Entity.SaleBinding(); DataAccess.SaleBinding dalBinding = new DataAccess.SaleBinding(); DataTable dtBindList = dalBinding.GetList("SaleID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtBindList.Rows.Count > 0) { mBinding = dalBinding.GetEntity(dtBindList.Rows[0][0].ToString()); mBinding.JobID = context.Request.Form["hJobList"]; dalBinding.Update(mBinding); } else { mBinding.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); mBinding.SaleID = job.JobID; mBinding.JobID = context.Request.Form["hJobList"]; dalBinding.Add(mBinding); } //提交数据到后台存储过程事务 DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); DataAccess.SLDataAccess sl = new DataAccess.SLDataAccess(); sl.InsertHeadData(job, fileList, flow); if (context.Request.Form["hSaveType"] == "complete") { sl.InsertHandleList(job); //减少显示库存 ds = new DataAccess.RunProcedure().JobView(jobID, "SaleList"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[1].Rows) { Entity.Stock_Commodity commodityEntity = new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().GetEntity(dr["ProductType"].ToString()); commodityEntity.StockDesplay -= int.Parse(dr["Num"].ToString()); if (commodityEntity.StockDesplay < 0) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data(string.Format("\n{0}{1}({2})库存不足,请更换库存充足的安全产品厂商或稍后再试!", commodityEntity.AdditionalAttributes, commodityEntity.CommodityName, commodityEntity.CommodityType), ""))); return; } else { new DataAccess.Stock_Commodity().Update(commodityEntity); } } } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("", job.JobID))); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n数据提交出错!" + ex.Message, ""))); } } else { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("该工单状态为已提交,无法继续修改工单信息!", ""))); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Data("\n" + ex.Message, ""))); } }
public void ChangeFlow(Entity.JobInfo job) { DataTable handle = new HandleList().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; Entity.FlowInfo flowNow = new FlowInfo().DataRowToModel(new FlowInfo().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "' and IsDelete=0 order by SubmitDate desc").Tables[0].Rows[0]); DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); bool IsChange = false; switch (flowNow.FlowID) { case 2: #region 当前流程处于2(工单已受理,请缴费)时 bool haveFR = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType='NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false; bool haveQT = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType<>'NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false; //是否有法人卡 if (haveFR) { bool IsGZ = true; if (job.IsOnline) { string shtyxydm = new NewlyAddedListFR().GetList("ListID='" + new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType='NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["ListID"] + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["SHTYXYDM_QS"].ToString().Substring(2, 4); if (shtyxydm != "4401" && shtyxydm != "4400") { IsGZ = false; } } //是否非广州市属企业 if (!IsGZ) { //是否已录入前三数据 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为3 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 3; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否有操作员卡 if (haveQT) { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡、制操作员卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } } else { //是否录入制操作员卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } #endregion break; case 3: #region 当前流程处于3(等待审批确认)时 //是否审批确认 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从3修改为4 Entity.FlowInfo flowSP = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flowSP.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flowSP.JobID = job.JobID; flowSP.FlowID = 4; flowSP.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flowSP.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flowSP.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flowSP.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flowSP); IsChange = true; bool QT = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType<>'NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false; //是否有操作员卡 if (QT) { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡、制操作员卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } #endregion break; case 4: #region 当前流程处于4(审批确认,工单处理中)时 //是否审批确认 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { bool QT = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobType<>'NA001' and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false; //是否有操作员卡 if (QT) { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡、制操作员卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=7 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否录入前三、后三、制法人卡 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=3 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=4 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为9 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 9; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=6 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } else { //将流程从4修改为3 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 3; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=0")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=5 and IsChecked=0")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } #endregion break; } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); if (IsChange) { DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("流程提交失败!" + ex.ToString()); } }
public void ChangeFlow(Entity.JobInfo job) { DataTable handle = new HandleList().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; Entity.FlowInfo flowNow = new FlowInfo().DataRowToModel(new FlowInfo().GetList("JobID='" + job.JobID + "' and IsDelete=0 order by SubmitDate desc").Tables[0].Rows[0]); DataAccess.TranHelper.BeginTran(); bool IsChange = false; switch (flowNow.FlowID) { case 2: #region 当流程处于2(工单已受理)时 //是否快递领取 if ((bool)job.ExpressFlat) { //是否财务确认、发票、快递 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=8 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=18 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为6 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 6; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=10 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); CommodityOutList(flow.JobID, flow.SubmitUser, flow.Content); IsChange = true; } } else { //是否财务确认、发票 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=8 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0 && handle.Select("OpeartionID=18 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //是否已现场领取 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从2修改为5 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 5; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); CommodityOutList(flow.JobID, flow.SubmitUser, flow.Content); IsChange = true; } else { //将流程从2修改为11 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 11; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("", "OpeartionTime desc")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); IsChange = true; } } } #endregion break; case 11: #region 当流程处于11(等待现场领取)时 //是否已现场领取 if (handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1").Length > 0) { //将流程从11修改为5 Entity.FlowInfo flow = new Entity.FlowInfo(); flow.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); flow.JobID = job.JobID; flow.FlowID = 5; flow.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; flow.SubmitUser = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["OpeartionUser"].ToString(); flow.Content = handle.Select("OpeartionID=9 and IsChecked=1")[0]["Remark"].ToString(); flow.IsDelete = false; new FlowInfo().Add(flow); CommodityOutList(flow.JobID, flow.SubmitUser, flow.Content); IsChange = true; } #endregion break; } try { DataAccess.TranHelper.CommitTran(); if (IsChange) { DataAccess.CardCenterHelper.SendMessage(job.JobID); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("流程提交失败!" + ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 插入A04制卡操作 /// </summary> /// <param name="job">工单实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public void InsertA04(Entity.JobInfo job) { Entity.HandleList handle = new Entity.HandleList(); handle.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handle.JobID = job.JobID; handle.No = Num; handle.FunctionID = "A04"; handle.IsChecked = false; handle.Status = "待处理"; switch (job.JobType) { case "NA": DataTable dt = new NewlyAddedList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt.Select("JobType<>'NA001'").Length > 0) { handle.OpeartionID = 7; if (dt.Select("JobType='NA001'").Length > 0) { Entity.HandleList handleFR = new Entity.HandleList(); handleFR.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); handleFR.JobID = job.JobID; handleFR.No = Num; handleFR.FunctionID = "A04"; handleFR.OpeartionID = 6; handleFR.IsChecked = false; handleFR.Status = "待处理"; this.Add(handleFR); } } else { handle.OpeartionID = 6; } break; case "MD": if (new ModifyList().GetList("IsDelete=0 and IsChangeName=1 and JobID='" + job.JobID + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { handle.OpeartionID = 14; } else { return; } break; case "RI": handle.OpeartionID = 15; break; case "RM": handle.OpeartionID = 17; break; case "UU": handle.OpeartionID = 16; break; } Num++; this.Add(handle); }