internal bool Update(Entities.TourCostRule rule, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraint) { bool res = false; try { this.query.Parameters.Clear(); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RuleId", rule.Id)); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConstraintName", constraint.Name)); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConstraintTypeId", constraint.ConstraintType.Id)); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConstraintId", constraint.Id)); int affected; res = this.query.ExecuteUpdateProc("TourCostRuleConstraintUpdateById", out affected); } catch (Exception ex) { try { DomainModel.Application.Status.Update( StatusController.Abstract.StatusTypes.Error, "", ex.Message); } catch { } } return(res); }
public bool GetProperties(object displayObject, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint con) { Entities.ConstraintTourTime time = (Entities.ConstraintTourTime)displayObject; con.Properties.Clear(); Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty property; property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.StartHour; property.Value = time.StartTime.Hour; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.StartMinute; property.Value = time.StartTime.Minute; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.EndHour; property.Value = time.EndTime.Hour; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.EndMinute; property.Value = time.EndTime.Minute; con.Properties.Add(property); con.Name = GenerateName(time); return(true); return(false); }
public FrmRuleConstraintEditor(Entities.TourCostRule rule, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraintToEdit) : this(rule) { this.editConstraint = constraintToEdit; this.editConstraint.CopyTo(this.constraint); PrepareForEdit(); }
internal bool Insert(Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraint, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty property) { bool res = false; try { this.query.Parameters.Clear(); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConstraintId", constraint.Id)); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PropertyTypeId", property.TypeId)); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PropertyValue", property.Value)); int id; res = this.query.ExecuteInsertProc("TourCostRuleConstraintPropertyAdd", out id); property.Id = id; } catch (Exception ex) { try { DomainModel.Application.Status.Update( StatusController.Abstract.StatusTypes.Error, "", ex.Message); } catch { } } return(res); }
public bool LoadByConstraint(Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint Constraint) { bool res = false; try { this.query.Parameters.Clear(); this.query.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConstraintId", Constraint.Id)); res = this.query.ExecuteReader("TourCostRuleConstraintPropertyGetByConstraintId", MapCostToObject, Constraint); } catch (Exception ex) { try { DomainModel.Application.Status.Update( StatusController.Abstract.StatusTypes.Error, "", ex.Message); } catch { } } return(res); }
void btnConstraintsEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint con = (Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint) this.fgvConstraints.SelectedItem; if (con != null) { Presentation.Controllers.TourFinance.EditConstraint(this.rule, con); } }
protected void MapCostToObject(SqlDataReader reader, object userData) { Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty prop = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); prop.Id = Utils.GetSafeInt32(reader, "PropertyId"); prop.TypeId = Utils.GetSafeInt32(reader, "PropertyTypeId"); prop.Value = Utils.GetSafeInt32(reader, "PropertyValue"); prop.IsDirty = false; Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint Constraint = (Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint)userData; Constraint.Properties.Add(prop); }
public FrmRuleConstraintEditor() { this.clients = new List <UserControl>(); this.constraint = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint(); this.clients.Add(new RuleConstraintTypeSelector(this.constraint)); this.ctrlTourTime = new RuleConstraintTourTime(this.constraint); this.ctrlTourDate = new RuleConstraintTourDate(this.constraint); InitializeComponent(); MoveClientForm(0); }
protected void MapConstraintToObject(SqlDataReader reader, object userData) { Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint con = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint(); con.Id = Utils.GetSafeInt32(reader, "ConstraintId"); con.Name = Utils.GetSafeString(reader, "ConstraintName"); con.ConstraintType = DomainModel.TourCostConstraintTypes.GetById( Utils.GetSafeInt32(reader, "ConstraintTypeId")); con.IsDirty = false; Entities.TourCostRule rule = (Entities.TourCostRule)userData; rule.Constraints.Add(con); }
void btnConstraintsDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint con = (Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint) this.fgvConstraints.SelectedItem; if (con != null) { if (con.Id >= 0) { this.rule.DeletedConstraints.Add(con); } this.rule.Constraints.Remove(con); } }
public bool GetProperties(object displayObject, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint con) { Entities.ConstraintTourDate date = (Entities.ConstraintTourDate)displayObject; con.Properties.Clear(); Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty property; property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.StartYear; property.Value = date.StartDate.Year; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.StartMonth; property.Value = date.StartDate.Month; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.StartDay; property.Value = date.StartDate.Day; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.EndYear; property.Value = date.EndDate.Year; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.EndMonth; property.Value = date.EndDate.Month; con.Properties.Add(property); property = new Entities.TourCostRuleConstraintProperty(); property.TypeId = (int)TypeIds.EndDay; property.Value = date.EndDate.Day; con.Properties.Add(property); con.Name = GenerateName(date); return(true); return(false); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.constraint != null) { this.constraint = this.currentClient.Constraint; if (this.editConstraint == null) { this.rule.Constraints.Add(this.constraint); } else { this.constraint.CopyTo(this.editConstraint); } } this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
public RuleConstraintBaseUserControl(Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraint) : base() { this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.constraint = constraint; }
public bool Matches(Entities.Tour tour, ITourService service, Entities.TourCostDetail detail, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraint) { bool res = false; Entities.ConstraintTourTime time = (Entities.ConstraintTourTime) this.mapper.GetDisplayObject(constraint.Properties); if (time != null) { if (time.StartTime.Hour >= 0) { if (tour.Time.Time.Hour < time.StartTime.Hour) { // Hour value of tour is // less than min of the rule return(res); } else if (tour.Time.Time.Hour == time.StartTime.Hour) { if (time.StartTime.Minute >= 0 && time.StartTime.Minute > tour.Time.Time.Minute) { // hours value are equal but // minutes value of tour is // less than min of rule return(res); } } } else if (time.StartTime.Minute >= 0) { if (time.StartTime.Minute > tour.Time.Time.Minute) { // hours value are equal but // minutes value of tour is // less than min of rule return(res); } } if (time.EndTime.Hour >= 0) { if (tour.Time.Time.Hour > time.EndTime.Hour) { // Hour value of tour is // after max of the rule return(res); } else if (tour.Time.Time.Hour == time.EndTime.Hour) { if (time.EndTime.Minute >= 0 && time.EndTime.Minute > tour.Time.Time.Minute) { // hours value are equal but // minutes value of tour is // less than min of rule return(res); } } } else if (time.EndTime.Minute >= 0) { if (time.EndTime.Minute > tour.Time.Time.Minute) { // hours value are equal but // minutes value of tour is // less than min of rule return(res); } } res = true; } return(res); }
public bool Matches(Entities.Tour tour, ITourService service, Entities.TourCostDetail detail, Entities.TourCostRuleConstraint constraint) { bool res = false; Entities.ConstraintTourDate date = (Entities.ConstraintTourDate) this.mapper.GetDisplayObject(constraint.Properties); if (date != null) { if (date.StartDate.Year >= 0) { if (tour.Time.Date.Year < date.StartDate.Year) { // Hour value of tour is // less than min of the rule return(res); } else if (tour.Time.Date.Year == date.StartDate.Year) { if (date.StartDate.Month >= 0) { if (date.StartDate.Month > tour.Time.Date.Month) { return(res); } else if (date.StartDate.Month == tour.Time.Date.Month) { if (date.StartDate.Day >= 0 && date.StartDate.Day > tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } }/* * else if (date.StartDate.Day >= 0 && * date.StartDate.Day > tour.Time.Date.Day) * { * return res; * }*/ } else if (date.StartDate.Day >= 0 && date.StartDate.Day > tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } } } else if (date.StartDate.Month >= 0) { if (date.StartDate.Month > tour.Time.Date.Month) { return(res); } else if (date.StartDate.Month == tour.Time.Date.Month) { if (date.StartDate.Day >= 0 && date.StartDate.Day > tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } } } else if (date.StartDate.Day >= 0 && date.StartDate.Day > tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } if (date.EndDate.Year >= 0) { if (tour.Time.Date.Year > date.EndDate.Year) { return(res); } else if (tour.Time.Date.Year == date.EndDate.Year) { if (date.EndDate.Month >= 0) { if (date.EndDate.Month < tour.Time.Date.Month) { return(res); } else if (date.EndDate.Month == tour.Time.Date.Month) { if (date.EndDate.Day >= 0 && date.EndDate.Day < tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } } } else if (date.EndDate.Day >= 0 && date.EndDate.Day < tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } } } else if (date.EndDate.Month >= 0) { if (date.EndDate.Month < tour.Time.Date.Month) { return(res); } else if (date.EndDate.Month == tour.Time.Date.Month) { if (date.EndDate.Day >= 0 && date.EndDate.Day < tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } } } else if (date.EndDate.Day >= 0 && date.EndDate.Day < tour.Time.Date.Day) { return(res); } res = true; } return(res); }