private void AddEntOpsWhenFileWins(Ent ent, List <string> path, List <Op> ops, int i) { switch (ent.Infos[i].Type) { case Info.TypeEn.None: ops.Add(new Op.CreateFile(path.ToArray(), conns[ent.ActualWinner], conns[i], ent.Name, ent.Infos[ent.ActualWinner].Time)); break; case Info.TypeEn.File: if (!ent.Infos[i].Equals(ent.Infos[ent.ActualWinner])) { ops.Add(new Op.DeleteFile(path.ToArray(), conns[i], ent.Name)); ops.Add(new Op.CreateFile(path.ToArray(), conns[ent.ActualWinner], conns[i], ent.Name, ent.Infos[ent.ActualWinner].Time)); } break; case Info.TypeEn.Dir: AddDeleteEmptyDirOp(ops, i, ent, path); ops.Add(new Op.CreateFile(path.ToArray(), conns[ent.ActualWinner], conns[i], ent.Name, ent.Infos[ent.ActualWinner].Time)); break; case Info.TypeEn.Other: ops.Add(new Op.DeleteFile(path.ToArray(), conns[i], ent.Name)); break; } }
public void Iterate(CADEntityProc Proc, CADIterate Params) { foreach (DXFEntity Ent in Entities) { Ent.Invoke(Proc, Params); } }
public void MainTest() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); using (var s = Domain.OpenSession(SessionConfiguration.Default)) using (s.Activate()) using (var t1 = s.OpenTransaction(TransactionOpenMode.New)) { sw.Start(); var ent = new Ent(); for (var i = 0; i < IterationsCount; i++) { Session.Current.Query.All <Ent>().Where(z => z.Id == ent.Id).ToArray(); ent.Num = i; if (i % 100 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); sw.Restart(); } } sw.Stop(); t1.Complete(); } }
public override bool HasNext() { if ( == null) { = this.Peek(); } return( != null); }
private void AssertNoChildren(Ent ent, List <string> path, List <Op> ops) { Info.TypeEn subbecomes = MergeRecurseSubs(ent, path, ops); if (subbecomes != 0) { throw new CannotHappenException("Should delete all siblings but for some of them children remain."); } }
private void AddDeleteEmptyDirOp(List <Op> ops, int c, Ent ent, List <string> path) { foreach (string ignoredFileName in ent.Infos[c].ContainedIgnoredFiles) { ops.Add(new Op.DeleteFile(path.Concat(new string[] { ent.Name }).ToArray(), conns[c], ignoredFileName)); } ops.Add(new Op.DeleteEmptyDir(path.ToArray(), conns[c], ent.Name)); }
public static AuthorityEntity toAuthorityEntity(this Ent ent) { return(new AuthorityEntity() { Id = ent.EntOwnId, AuthorityName = ent.EntVal }); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isDeclaracion, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { if (!isDeclaracion) { Debugger(e, "Pass"); } return(new Result()); }
private Info.TypeEn MergeRecurse(Ent ent, List <string> path, List <Op> ops) { Info.TypeEn becomes = 0; if (ent.ActualWinner == WinnerPreserve) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxConnCount; i++) { if (ent.Infos[i] != null) { becomes |= ent.Infos[i].Type; } } if (0 == (becomes & ~(Info.TypeEn.Dir | Info.TypeEn.Other))) { MergeRecurseSubs(ent, path, ops); } else { AssertNoChildren(ent, path, ops); } } else { becomes = ent.Infos[ent.ActualWinner].Type; Info.AssertValidType(becomes); switch (becomes) { case Info.TypeEn.None: AssertNoChildren(ent, path, ops); MapInfosThatExist(ent, delegate(int i) { AddEntOpsWhenNoneWins(ent, path, ops, i); }); break; case Info.TypeEn.File: AssertNoChildren(ent, path, ops); MapInfosThatExist(ent, delegate(int i) { AddEntOpsWhenFileWins(ent, path, ops, i); }); break; case Info.TypeEn.Dir: MapInfosThatExist(ent, delegate(int i) { AddEntOpsWhenDirWins(ent, path, ops, i); }); MergeRecurseSubs(ent, path, ops); break; case Info.TypeEn.Other: MapInfosThatExist(ent, delegate(int i) { AddEntOpsWhenOtherWins(ent, i); }); break; } } return(becomes); }
public override KeyValuePair <string, Ref> Next() { if (this.HasNext()) { Ent r =; = this.Peek(); return(r); } throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isDeclaracion, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { if (!isDeclaracion) { Debugger(e, "Nonlocal"); } Result result = new Result(); return(result); }
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SuspendLayout(); foreach (Control Ent in FlowEntries.Controls) { Ent.Dispose(); } FlowEntries.Controls.Clear(); ResumeLayout(); }
public void TestAlpha() { var va = Vec.From(1, 2, 3); var vb = Vec.From(4, 5, 6); var vc = Vec.From(7, 8, 9); var vd = Vec.From(0, 0, 0); Ent.Wind(va, vb).Deco().Says("dual"); Ent.Wind(va, vb, vc).Deco().Says("tri"); Ent.Wind(va, vb, vc, vd).Deco().Says("quadri"); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { Result result = new Result(); Result rsVerdadera = Verdadera.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isObjeto, errores); Result rsFalsa = Falsa.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isObjeto, errores); if (Condicion is Relacional) { ((Relacional)Condicion).Cortocircuito = true; } else if (Condicion is Logica) { ((Logica)Condicion).Evaluar = true; } Result rsCondicion = Condicion.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isObjeto, errores); if (rsVerdadera != null && rsFalsa != null && rsCondicion != null) { if (Condicion is Literal) { rsCondicion.EtiquetaV = NuevaEtiqueta(); rsCondicion.EtiquetaF = NuevaEtiqueta(); rsCondicion.Codigo += "ifFalse (" + rsCondicion.Valor + " == 1) goto " + rsCondicion.EtiquetaV + ";\n"; rsCondicion.Codigo += "goto " + rsCondicion.EtiquetaF + ";\n"; rsCondicion.EtiquetaV += ":\n"; rsCondicion.EtiquetaF += ":\n"; } if (Condicion is Relacional || Condicion is Literal) { string copy = rsCondicion.EtiquetaF; rsCondicion.EtiquetaF = rsCondicion.EtiquetaV; rsCondicion.EtiquetaV = copy; } string etqSalida = NuevaEtiqueta(); result.Valor = NuevoTemporal(); result.Codigo += rsCondicion.Codigo; result.Codigo += rsCondicion.EtiquetaV; result.Codigo += rsVerdadera.Codigo; result.Codigo += result.Valor + " = " + rsVerdadera.Valor + ";\n"; result.Codigo += "goto " + etqSalida + ";\n"; result.Codigo += rsCondicion.EtiquetaF; result.Codigo += rsFalsa.Codigo; result.Codigo += result.Valor + " = " + rsFalsa.Valor + ";\n"; result.Codigo += etqSalida + ":\n"; Tipo = Verdadera.GetTipo(); } return(result); }
private void MapInfosThatExist(Ent ent, IntToVoidFunc mapfunc) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxConnCount; i++) { if (ent.Infos[i] != null) { Info.AssertValidType(ent.Infos[i].Type); mapfunc(i); } } }
public static Ent ToEnt(this AuthorityEntity AuthorityEntity, Ent ent = null) { if (ent == null) { ent = new Ent(); } ent.EntOwnId = AuthorityEntity.Id; ent.EntVal = AuthorityEntity.AuthorityName; return(ent); }
public List <Op> Merge(TreeNodeCollection nodes) { List <Op> ops = new List <Op>(); if (nodes.Count > 0) { TreeNode rootNode = nodes[0]; Ent rootEnt = (Ent)rootNode.Tag; MergeRecurse(rootEnt, new List <string>(), ops); } // NOTE: I'm relying on the fact that OrderBy is a stable sort. return(ops.OrderBy(x => x).ToList()); }
public override double UseSkill(Ent player, Ent Enemy) { if (!(player is Player)) { return(0); } if (manaCost <= (player as Player).Mp) { player.Mp -= manaCost; player.BonusChanceCrit += Buff + Amplificator * Lvl; return(0); } return(0); }
public override double UseSkill(Ent player, Ent Enemy) { if (!(player is Player)) { return(0); } if (manaCost <= (player as Player).Mp) { player.Mp -= manaCost; return(DamageBonus + Damage); } return(0); }
private void AnalyzeDir(Ent dirent, ulong dirconnmask) { var ents = new Dictionary <string, Ent>(); MapBits(dirconnmask, delegate(int c) { conns[c].MapDirEntries(delegate(string name, Info info) { if (ShouldIgnore(name, info)) { dirent.Infos[c].AddIgnoredFile(name); } else { if (!ents.ContainsKey(name)) { ents[name] = new Ent(conns); } ents[name].Infos[c] = info; } }); }); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Ent> kvp in ents) { string name = kvp.Key; Ent ent = kvp.Value; if (ent.AllInfosAreIdenticalFiles) { continue; } ent.AddUnder(dirent, name); ulong connmask = MapIntoBits(MaxConnCount, delegate(int c) { return((ent.Infos[c] != null) && (ent.Infos[c].Type == Info.TypeEn.Dir)); }); if (connmask != 0) { MapBits(connmask, delegate(int c) { conns[c].DescendDir(name); }); AnalyzeDir(ent, connmask); MapBits(connmask, delegate(int c) { conns[c].AscendDir(); }); } if (ent.AllInfosAreDirs && (ent.Node.Nodes.Count == 0)) { ent.Node.Remove(); } } }
public override double UseSkill(Ent player, Ent Enemy) { if (!(player is Player)) { return(0); } if (manaCost <= (player as Player).Mp) { // CalcBonus(player); // Damage = Damage + Amplificator * Lvl; player.Mp -= manaCost; return(DamageBonus + Damage); } return(0); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isDeclaracion, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { Result result = new Result(); string etqSalida = NuevaEtiqueta(); foreach (SubIf subif in SubIfs) { subif.Salida = etqSalida; result.Codigo += subif.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isDeclaracion, isObjeto, errores).Codigo; } result.Codigo += etqSalida + ":\n"; return(result); }
public void Analyze(TreeNodeCollection nodes) { Ent rootEnt = new Ent(conns); rootEnt.MakeRootOf(nodes); for (int i = 0; i < MaxConnCount; i++) { if (conns[i] != null) { rootEnt.Infos[i] = new Info(); rootEnt.Infos[i].Type = Info.TypeEn.Dir; conns[i].GoToDir(new string[0]); // Go to root dir. } } AnalyzeDir(rootEnt, AllConnsMask); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isDeclaracion, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { if (!isDeclaracion) { Debugger(e, "Asignacion"); } Result result = new Result(); if (!isDeclaracion) { Aritmetica operacion = new Aritmetica(Objetivo, Valor, Op, Linea, Columna); Result rsOperacion = operacion.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isObjeto, errores); if (rsOperacion != null) { if (!operacion.GetTipo().IsIndefinido()) { if (Objetivo is Identificador) { ((Identificador)Objetivo).Acceso = false; } else if (Objetivo is Referencia) { ((Referencia)Objetivo).Acceso = false; } Result rsObjetivo = Objetivo.GetC3D(e, funcion, ciclo, isObjeto, errores); if (operacion.GetTipo().Tip == Objetivo.GetTipo().Tip) { result.Codigo += rsOperacion.Codigo; result.Codigo += rsObjetivo.Codigo; result.Codigo += rsObjetivo.Valor + " = " + rsOperacion.Valor + ";\n"; } else { errores.AddLast(new Error("Semántico", "El valor a asignar no es del mismo tipo.", Linea, Columna)); return(null); } } } } return(result); }
public override Result GetC3D(Ent e, bool funcion, bool ciclo, bool isObjeto, LinkedList <Error> errores) { Result result = new Result(); if (Tipo.IsInt() || Tipo.IsDouble() || Tipo.IsBoolean()) { result.Valor = Valor.ToString(); } else if (Tipo.IsNone()) { result.Valor = NuevoTemporal(); result.Codigo += result.Valor + " = 0 - 1;\n"; } else if (Tipo.IsString()) { /* * string tmp; * int cont = 0; * foreach (char c in Valor.ToString().Substring(1, Valor.ToString().Length - 2)) * { * tmp = NuevoTemporal(); * result.Codigo += tmp + " = H + " + cont++ + ";\n"; * result.Codigo += "heap[" + tmp + "] = " + (int)c + ";\n"; * * } * tmp = NuevoTemporal(); * result.Codigo += tmp + " = H + " + cont++ + ";\n"; * result.Codigo += "heap[" + tmp + "] = 0;\n"; * * result.Valor = NuevoTemporal(); * result.Codigo += result.Valor + " = H;\n"; * result.Codigo += "H = H + " + cont + ";\n"; */ result.Valor = NuevoTemporal(); result.Codigo += result.Valor + " = H;\n"; foreach (char c in Valor.ToString().Substring(1, Valor.ToString().Length - 2)) { result.Codigo += "heap[H] = " + (int)c + ";\n"; result.Codigo += "H = H + 1;\n"; } result.Codigo += "heap[H] = 0;\n"; result.Codigo += "H = H + 1;\n"; } return(result); }
public override double UseSkill(Ent player, Ent Enemy) { if (!(player is Player)) { return(0); } if (manaCost <= (player as Player).Mp) { player.Mp -= manaCost; player.ArmorBuff += (Buff + Amplificator * Lvl); return(0); } else { return(0); } }
public static void tick(double fixedDelta) { List <Eid> entitiesToDestroy = new List <Eid>(); //Required to keep from getting 'Collection Was Modified' exception var all = EntityFu.getAll(EntityComponent.HealthComponent.getCid()); // for this example, just decrement all health components each tick foreach (var eid in all) { Ent e = new Ent(eid); // this is overly pragmatic, but you get the drift of how to check if a component is valid if ( == null || { continue; } // decrement; if ( < 0) { = 0; } Console.Write("Entity "); Console.Write((int); Console.Write(" has "); Console.Write(; Console.Write("/"); Console.Write(; Console.Write(" hit points."); Console.Write("\n"); // destroy entity if zero health if ( <= 0) { //EntityFu.destroyNow(eid); entitiesToDestroy.Add(eid); } } foreach (Eid eid in entitiesToDestroy) { EntityFu.destroyNow(eid); } }
private Info.TypeEn MergeRecurseSubs(Ent ent, List <string> path, List <Op> ops) { Info.TypeEn subbecomes = 0; if (ent.Node.Parent != null) { path.Add(ent.Name); } foreach (TreeNode subnode in ent.Node.Nodes) { Ent subent = (Ent)subnode.Tag; subbecomes |= MergeRecurse(subent, path, ops); } if (ent.Node.Parent != null) { path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); } return(subbecomes); }
public override double UseSkill(Ent player, Ent Enemy) { if (!(player is Player)) { return(0); } if (manaCost <= (player as Player).Mp) { player.Mp -= manaCost; oldstatus = player.Dex; player.Dex += (int)(player.Dex * (Buff + Amplificator * Lvl)); return(0); } else { return(0); } }
IEnumerator Download() { WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); string str = www.text; www.Dispose(); var arr = MiniJSON.JsonDecode(str) as ArrayList; foreach (Hashtable ht in arr) { Ent et = new Ent(); FromHashtable(ht, et); Debug.Log(et); } }