예제 #1
        void Controller_ControllerEvent(object sender, ControllerEventArgs e)
            // When model is prepared, we can connect to the HD Module
            if (e.State == ControllerState.Prepared)
                // We are done with the ControllerEvent, so unregister
                controller.ControllerEvent -= Controller_ControllerEvent;

                // Register for event triggered every time step, where the weir coefficient will be updated
                controller.EngineNet.PostTimeStepEvent += UpdateWeirCoefficients;

                // Find upstream H gridpoint, where to extract the water level.
                ProxyUtil proxy = new ProxyUtil(controller.EngineNet);
                for (int i = 0; i < _weirCoefficients.Count; i++)
                    HonmaWeir weir = _weirCoefficients[i].Weir;

                    // Find location of weir, and upstream reach and grid point - for a water level getter we need the H grid point
                    // This is chainage-upstream and not flow-upstream.
                    EngineReach engineReach = controller.EngineNet.FindReach(weir.Location);
                    if (engineReach == null)
                        continue;            // throw error?
                    GridPoint gp = engineReach.GetClosestUpstreamGridPoint(weir.Location.Chainage, gpm => gpm is HGridPoint, false);
                    if (gp == null)
                        continue;   // throw error?
                    // Extract a getter which will return the current water level
                    _weirCoefficients[i].Getter = proxy.Getter(engineReach, gp.PointIndex, Quantity.Create(PredefinedQuantity.WaterLevel));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="IEngineDataItem{T}"/> that stores one value on the gridpoint
        /// where the structure is located.
        /// Adds this <see cref="IEngineDataItem{T}"/> to the <see cref="DataModule"/> for supporting outputting.
        /// Returns an <see cref="IEngineDataReach{T}"/> holding the value to update every timestep.
        /// </summary>
        private EngineDataReach <double> CreateEngineDataReach(Quantity quantity, EngineReach engineReach, GridPoint gridPoint)
            // Grid point index where PowerPlant data belongs - required to get output right
            int[] indexList = new int[] { gridPoint.PointIndex };

            // EngineDataItem that stores data for a single PowerPlant and transfers data to result file
            var engineData = new EngineDataItemAll <double>(_controller.EngineNet, quantity)
                ReachesData = new IEngineDataReach <double> [_controller.EngineNet.Reaches.Count]

            // Add data items to data module

            // Data for this reach, containing one value at the structure grid point
            var engineDataReach = new EngineDataReach <double>()
                Values    = new double[indexList.Length],
                IndexList = indexList,

            // Register reach data with dataitem
            engineData.ReachesData[engineReach.ReachListIndex] = engineDataReach;

        private void Initialize()
            _powerPlants = new List <PowerPlantData>();

            // Proxy, used for getting access to engine variables
            ProxyUtil proxy = new ProxyUtil(_controller.EngineNet);

            // Quantities
            Quantity powerQuantity  = new Quantity("EnergyPower", "Energy Power", eumItem.eumIPower, eumUnit.eumUkwatt);
            Quantity energyQuantity = new Quantity("EnergyProduced", "Energy produced", eumItem.eumIenergy, eumUnit.eumUKiloWattHour);

            // Add quantities to default HD results
            ResultSpecification hdResults = _controller.Mike1DData.ResultSpecifications.Find(rs => rs.ID == "DefaultHDResults");


            // Setup all powerplants
            foreach (string powerPlantStructureId in _powerPlantStructureIds)
                // Find structure with Id - returns null if not found
                IStructure structure = _controller.Mike1DData.Network.StructureCollection.Structures.FirstOrDefault(
                    s => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(s.ID, powerPlantStructureId));

                // Only applicable for Discharge structures
                DischargeStructure dischargeStructure = structure as DischargeStructure;

                // null if structure was not an IDischargeStructure, or powerPlantStructureId was not found
                if (dischargeStructure == null)

                // Find reach and grid point of structure
                ILocation   location    = dischargeStructure.Location;
                EngineReach engineReach = _controller.EngineNet.FindReach(location);
                GridPoint   gridPoint   = engineReach.GetClosestGridPoint <GridPoint>(dischargeStructure.Location);

                // Getters for waterlevels upstream and downstream of structure.
                DDoubleGetter upWl = proxy.GetterUnboxed(engineReach, gridPoint.PointIndex - 1, Quantity.Create(PredefinedQuantity.WaterLevel));
                DDoubleGetter doWl = proxy.GetterUnboxed(engineReach, gridPoint.PointIndex + 1, Quantity.Create(PredefinedQuantity.WaterLevel));

                // Data for this reach. Id of structure is added to description of quantity
                var powerDataReach  = CreateEngineDataReach(CreateIdQuantity(powerQuantity, structure.ID), engineReach, gridPoint);
                var energyDataReach = CreateEngineDataReach(CreateIdQuantity(energyQuantity, structure.ID), engineReach, gridPoint);

                PowerPlantData powerPlantData = new PowerPlantData();
                powerPlantData.Structure  = dischargeStructure;
                powerPlantData.UpWl       = upWl;
                powerPlantData.DoWl       = doWl;
                powerPlantData.PowerData  = powerDataReach;
                powerPlantData.EnergyData = energyDataReach;


            _controller.EngineNet.PostTimeStepEvent += PostTimestep;
        private void AddLocation(EngineReach engineReach, LocationSpan locationsSpan)
            var hdReach = _engineNet.HDModule.GetReach(engineReach);

            if (hdReach == null)

            var useAllReach = locationsSpan.StartChainage == Constants.DOUBLE_DELETE_VALUE ||
                              locationsSpan.EndChainage == Constants.DOUBLE_DELETE_VALUE;

            var location = new BedResistanceLocation()
                Reach = hdReach

            // Bed resistance toolbox modifies the resistance only on the H grid points.
            foreach (var hdGridPoint in hdReach.GridPoints)
                var hdhGridPoint = hdGridPoint as IHDHGridPoint;
                if (hdhGridPoint == null)

                if (!locationsSpan.ContainsChainage(hdhGridPoint.GridPoint.Location.Chainage) && !useAllReach)


            if (location.GridPoints.Count > 0)