예제 #1
    public void doMove(int moveNum)
        // check for valid moveNum
        // add later incase i add moves rip

        int costSP = getMoveSetCost(moveNum);
        int recSP  = getSPrecover(moveNum);

        Debug.Log("before calc recSP = " + recSP);
        int recHP = getHPrecover(moveNum);

        int  baseDMG     = getMoveBaseDMG(moveNum);
        int  attackerDMG = getAdjustedDMG(baseDMG);
        bool guard       = getGuard(); // gets if the one recieving move has guard up

        if (guard)                     // might decide to have crit ignore guard, when crit exists
            attackerDMG = (int)(attackerDMG / 2);

        if (turn.PlayerTurn)
            if (moveNum == 6)
                player.Guard = true;

            enemy.HP -= attackerDMG;

            // must prevent spending more SP than have and such
            player.SP -= costSP;

            if (player.SP + recSP > player.MaxSP)
                player.SP = player.MaxSP;
                Debug.Log("the SP rec is : " + (player.MaxSP - player.SP));
                player.SP += recSP;
                Debug.Log("the SP rec is : " + recSP);

            if (player.HP + recHP > player.MaxHP)
                player.HP = player.MaxHP;
                Debug.Log("the HP rec is : " + (player.MaxHP - player.HP));
                player.HP += recHP;
                Debug.Log("the HP rec is : " + recHP);

            // update HP/SP bars

            // relinquish turn
            turn.PlayerTurn = false;
            turn.EnemyTurn  = true;
            Debug.Log("it is enemy's turn!");

        // UPDATE prevMove with the move that happened (number) (could be a miss or counter)
예제 #2
    public void doMove(int moveNum)
        // check for valid moveNum
        if (moveNum < 0 || moveNum > 11)
            Debug.Log("INVALID MOVE NUMBER, EXITING.");

        // DELETE/FIX THIS LATER....
//        animate.testAnimation("jab","hit");

        int costSP = getMoveSetCost(moveNum);
        int recSP  = getSPrecover(moveNum);
        int recHP  = getHPrecover(moveNum);

        int  baseDMG     = getMoveBaseDMG(moveNum);
        int  attackerDMG = getAdjustedDMG(baseDMG);
        bool guard       = getGuard(); // gets if the one recieving move has guard up
        bool dazeEnemy   = getDazeChance(moveNum);

        // If last move was Dazed, clear it now
        if (player.prevMove == 10)
            player.Dazed = false;

        // Halve damage of target is guarding
        if (guard)
            attackerDMG = (int)(attackerDMG / 2);

        // If you dazed enemy, set their status dazed = true
        if (dazeEnemy)
            enemy.Dazed = true;

        // If doing Guard move, set guard status = true
        if (moveNum == 6)
            player.Guard = true;

        // Update enemy HP with damage done, without going into negative
        if (enemy.HP > attackerDMG)
            enemy.HP -= attackerDMG;
            enemy.HP = 0;

        // Should not be able to spend SP you don't have (prevented elsewhere)
        player.SP -= costSP;

        // Get the SP amount recovered this turn & update SP
        if (player.SP + recSP > player.MaxSP)
//            Debug.Log("the SP rec is : " + (player.MaxSP - player.SP));
            recSP     = (player.MaxSP - player.SP);
            player.SP = player.MaxSP;
            player.SP += recSP;
            //           Debug.Log("the SP rec is : " + recSP);

        // Get the HP amount recovered this turn & update HP
        if (player.HP + recHP > player.MaxHP)
//            Debug.Log("the HP rec is : " + (player.MaxHP - player.HP));
            recHP     = (player.MaxHP - player.HP);
            player.HP = player.MaxHP;
            player.HP += recHP;
//            Debug.Log("the HP rec is : " + recHP);

        animate.playerTextRoll(recHP, recSP);
//        animate.playerHPText(recHP);
//        animate.playerSPText(recSP);

        // update HP/SP bars

        // UPDATE prevMove with the move that happened (number) (could be a miss or counter)
        player.prevMove = moveNum;
        Debug.Log("PLAYER MOVE NUMBER ==== " + moveNum);