예제 #1
    }     //end f'n void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Vector3, GameObject, int)

    /**A function to spawn the given enemy [prefab] at the given position; if there are more */
    public void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Spawner enemy_spawner, Vector3 position, EnemyName enemy_name, int number_of_enemies)
//		Debug.Log ("Do we make it this far, at least? Enemy name: " + enemy_name.ToString());
        if (this.m_EnemyContainer == null)
            this.m_EnemyContainer      = new GameObject();
            this.m_EnemyContainer.name = enemy_name.ToString() + "Container";
        //For consistency, though the empty's position really doesn't matter.
        this.m_EnemyContainer.transform.position = position;
        //for however many enemies are needed...
        for (int index = 0; index < number_of_enemies; index++)
            //Spawn the enemy
//			GameObject enemy_obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, this.m_EnemyContainer.transform);
            GameObject enemy_obj = enemy_spawner.SpawnEnemy(enemy_name, this.m_EnemyContainer.transform);
            //Position the enemy
            enemy_obj.transform.position = position;
            //			this.m_EnemyContainer.transform.enemy_obj
            //Adjust position with respect to number of enemies

            //Then extract the Enemy component and store it in the target list, to be checked later
            DefaultEnemy enemy = enemy_obj.GetComponent <DefaultEnemy>();
            //if the enemy component isn't in the object, it's in one of the children
            if (enemy == null)
                enemy           = enemy_obj.GetComponentInChildren <DefaultEnemy> ();
                enemy.m_Spawner = this.m_EnemyLootSpawner;

        } //end for
    }     //end f'n void SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(Spawner, Vector3, EnemyName, int)
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads scene- and gameObject-related information
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="battleID">0+</param>
    /// <param name="nameSuffix">used when there are multiple enemies of the same kind</param>
    /// <param name="obj">gameObject referenced by this class</param>
    /// <param name="pos">original placement in the scene</param>
    /// <param name="boss">whether or not this enemy is the boss</param>
    public void LoadObjs(int battleID, int nameSuffix, GameObject obj, Vector2 pos, bool boss)
        this.battleID = battleID;

        // create the display name by adding a suffix
        NameNumber = nameSuffix;
        string idAddendum = "";

        if (NameNumber > 0)
            idAddendum = " " + NameNumber;
        fullName = (enemyName.ToString() + idAddendum).Replace("_", " ");

        gameObject = obj;

        position = pos;
        obj.transform.position = position;

        isBoss = boss;