public static GameObject CreateDaggerfallEnemyGameObject(MobileTypes type, Transform parent, MobileReactions reaction) { DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance; // Ensure enemy dict is loaded if (enemyDict == null) { enemyDict = EnemyBasics.GetEnemyDict(); } GameObject go = new GameObject(string.Format("DaggerfallEnemy [{0}]", type.ToString())); if (parent) { go.transform.parent = parent; } go.transform.forward = Vector3.forward; // Add custom tag and script go.tag = dfUnity.Option_EnemyTag; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (dfUnity.Option_CustomEnemyScript != null) { go.AddComponent(dfUnity.Option_CustomEnemyScript.GetClass()); } #endif // Add child object for enemy billboard GameObject mobileObject = new GameObject("DaggerfallMobileUnit"); mobileObject.transform.parent = go.transform; // Add mobile enemy Vector2 size =; DaggerfallMobileUnit dfMobile = mobileObject.AddComponent <DaggerfallMobileUnit>(); dfMobile.SetEnemy(dfUnity, enemyDict[(int)type], reaction); size = dfMobile.Summary.RecordSizes[0]; // Add character controller if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyCharacterController || dfUnity.Option_EnemyExampleAI) { CharacterController controller = go.AddComponent <CharacterController>(); controller.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; controller.height = size.y; controller.slopeLimit = dfUnity.Option_EnemySlopeLimit; controller.stepOffset = dfUnity.Option_EnemyStepOffset; // Reduce height of flying creatures as their wing animation makes them taller than desired // This helps them get through doors while aiming for player eye height if (dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.Behaviour == MobileBehaviour.Flying) { controller.height /= 2f; } // Limit maximum height to ensure controller can fit through doors // For some reason Unity 4.5 doesn't let you set SkinWidth from code >.< if (controller.height > 1.9f) { controller.height = 1.9f; } } // Add rigidbody if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyRigidbody) { Rigidbody rigidbody = go.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); rigidbody.useGravity = dfUnity.Option_EnemyUseGravity; rigidbody.isKinematic = dfUnity.Option_EnemyIsKinematic; } // Add capsule collider if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyCapsuleCollider) { CapsuleCollider collider = go.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); collider.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; collider.height = size.y; } // Add navmesh agent if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyNavMeshAgent) { NavMeshAgent agent = go.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; agent.height = size.y; agent.baseOffset = size.y * 0.5f; } // Add example AI if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyExampleAI) { // EnemyMotor will also add other required components go.AddComponent <Demo.EnemyMotor>(); // Set sounds Demo.EnemySounds enemySounds = go.GetComponent <Demo.EnemySounds>(); if (enemySounds) { enemySounds.MoveSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.MoveSound; enemySounds.BarkSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.BarkSound; enemySounds.AttackSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.AttackSound; } } return(go); }
public void setupMobile() { name = string.Format("DaggerfallEnemy [{0}]", creatureType.ToString()); // Add child object for enemy billboard GameObject mobileObject = new GameObject("DaggerfallMobileUnit"); mobileObject.transform.parent = this.transform; // Add mobile enemy Vector2 size =; DaggerfallMobileUnit dfMobile = mobileObject.AddComponent <DaggerfallMobileUnit>(); try { Dictionary <int, MobileEnemy> enemyDict = EnemyBasics.GetEnemyDict(); dfMobile.SetEnemy(dfUnity, enemyDict[(int)creatureType], reaction); size = dfMobile.Summary.RecordSizes[0]; } catch (System.Exception e) { string message = string.Format("Failed to set enemy type (int)type={0}. '{1}'", (int)creatureType, e.Message); // TODO: Change logging DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage(message); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(dfMobile); } // Add character controller if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyCharacterController) { CharacterController controller = gameObject.AddComponent <CharacterController>(); controller.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; controller.height = size.y; controller.slopeLimit = dfUnity.Option_EnemySlopeLimit; controller.stepOffset = dfUnity.Option_EnemyStepOffset; // Reduce height of flying creatures as their wing animation makes them taller than desired // This helps them get through doors while aiming for player eye height if (dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.Behaviour == MobileBehaviour.Flying) { controller.height /= 2f; } // Limit maximum height to ensure controller can fit through doors // For some reason Unity 4.5 doesn't let you set SkinWidth from code >.< if (controller.height > 1.9f) { controller.height = 1.9f; } } // Add rigidbody if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyRigidbody) { Rigidbody rigidbody = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); rigidbody.useGravity = dfUnity.Option_EnemyUseGravity; rigidbody.isKinematic = dfUnity.Option_EnemyIsKinematic; } // Add capsule collider if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyCapsuleCollider) { CapsuleCollider collider = gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); collider.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; collider.height = size.y; } // Add navmesh agent if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyNavMeshAgent) { NavMeshAgent agent = gameObject.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.radius = dfUnity.Option_EnemyRadius; agent.height = size.y; agent.baseOffset = size.y * 0.5f; } // Add example AI if (dfUnity.Option_EnemyExampleAI) { // EnemyMotor will also add other required components gameObject.AddComponent <DaggerfallWorkshop.Demo.EnemyMotor>(); // Set sounds DaggerfallWorkshop.Demo.EnemySounds enemySounds = gameObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallWorkshop.Demo.EnemySounds>(); if (enemySounds) { enemySounds.MoveSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.MoveSound; enemySounds.BarkSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.BarkSound; enemySounds.AttackSound = (SoundClips)dfMobile.Summary.Enemy.AttackSound; } } }