public void RendererProduceNameAndSynopsis() { MamlRenderer renderer = new MamlRenderer(); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", Synopsis = "This is the synopsis", Description = "This is a long description." }; command.Parameters.Add(new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Name", Required = true, Description = "Parameter Description.", VariableLength = true, Globbing = true, PipelineInput = "True (ByValue)", Position = "1", Aliases = new string [] { "GF", "Foos", "Do" }, } ); command.Inputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Input Description goes here!" } ); command.Outputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Output Description goes here!" } ); command.Examples.Add(new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 1", Code = "PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt", Remarks = "This does stuff!" } ); command.Links.Add(new MamlLink() { LinkName = "PowerShell made by Microsoft Hackathon", LinkUri = "" } ); string maml = renderer.MamlModelToString(new [] { command }); string[] name = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/helpItems/command:command/command:details/command:name"); Assert.Equal(1, name.Length); Assert.Equal("Get-Foo", name[0]); string[] synopsis = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/helpItems/command:command/command:details/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Equal(1, synopsis.Length); Assert.Equal("This is the synopsis", synopsis[0]); }
public void RendererProducePaddedExampleTitle() { MamlRenderer renderer = new MamlRenderer(); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", Synopsis = new SectionBody("This is a description") }; var example1 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 1", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }; var example10 = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 10", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }; var exampleWithTitle = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 11: With a title", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }; var exampleWithLongTitle = new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 12: ".PadRight(66, 'A'), Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }; command.Examples.Add(example1); command.Examples.Add(example10); command.Examples.Add(exampleWithTitle); command.Examples.Add(exampleWithLongTitle); string maml = renderer.MamlModelToString(new[] { command }); // Check that example header is padded by dashes (-) unless to long string[] example = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:examples/command:example/maml:title"); Assert.Equal(4, example.Length); Assert.Equal(63, example[0].Length); Assert.Equal(64, example[1].Length); Assert.Equal(66, example[3].Length); Assert.Matches($"^-+ {example1.Title} -+$", example[0]); Assert.Matches($"^-+ {example10.Title} -+$", example[1]); Assert.Matches($"^-+ {exampleWithTitle.Title} -+$", example[2]); Assert.Matches($"^{exampleWithLongTitle.Title}$", example[3]); }
public void RendererProduceEscapeXmlSpecialChars() { MamlRenderer renderer = new MamlRenderer(); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", Synopsis = new SectionBody("<port&number>") // < and > should be properly escaped }; string maml = renderer.MamlModelToString(new[] { command }); string[] synopsis = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:details/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Single(synopsis); Assert.Equal(command.Synopsis.Text, synopsis[0]); }
public void RendererProduceSyntaxAndParameter() { MamlRenderer renderer = new MamlRenderer(); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", }; var param1 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Param1", Position = "" }; var param2 = new MamlParameter() { Type = "System.Int32", Name = "Param2", Position = "Named" }; command.Parameters.Add(param1); command.Parameters.Add(param2); var syntax = new MamlSyntax(); syntax.Parameters.Add(param1); syntax.Parameters.Add(param2); command.Syntax.Add(syntax); string maml = renderer.MamlModelToString(new[] { command }); string[] syntaxItemName = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:syntax/command:syntaxItem/maml:name"); Assert.Single(syntaxItemName); Assert.Equal("Get-Foo", syntaxItemName[0]); string[] nameSyntax = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:syntax/command:syntaxItem/command:parameter/maml:name"); Assert.Equal(2, nameSyntax.Length); Assert.Equal("Param1", nameSyntax[0]); Assert.Equal("Param2", nameSyntax[1]); string[] nameParam = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:parameters/command:parameter/maml:name"); Assert.Equal(2, nameParam.Length); Assert.Equal("Param1", nameParam[0]); Assert.Equal("Param2", nameParam[1]); }
public void RendererProduceNameAndSynopsis() { MamlRenderer renderer = new MamlRenderer(); MamlCommand command = new MamlCommand() { Name = "Get-Foo", Synopsis = new SectionBody("This is the synopsis"), Description = new SectionBody("This is a long description.") }; command.Parameters.Add(new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Name", Required = true, Description = "This is the name parameter description.", VariableLength = true, Globbing = true, PipelineInput = "True (ByValue)", Position = "1", Aliases = new string [] { "GF", "Foos", "Do" }, } ); command.Parameters.Add(new MamlParameter() { Type = "String", Name = "Path", Required = true, Description = "This is the path parameter description.", VariableLength = true, Globbing = true, PipelineInput = "True (ByValue)", Position = "2", Aliases = new string[] { }, } ); command.Inputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Input Description goes here!" } ); command.Outputs.Add(new MamlInputOutput() { TypeName = "String", Description = "Output Description goes here!" } ); command.Examples.Add(new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 1", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }); command.Examples.Add(new MamlExample() { Title = "Example 2", Code = new[] { new MamlCodeBlock("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt", "powershell"), new MamlCodeBlock("Output") }, Remarks = "This does stuff!" }); command.Links.Add(new MamlLink() { LinkName = "PowerShell made by Microsoft Hackathon", LinkUri = "" } ); string maml = renderer.MamlModelToString(new [] { command }); string[] name = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:details/command:name"); Assert.Single(name); Assert.Equal("Get-Foo", name[0]); string[] synopsis = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:details/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Single(synopsis); Assert.Equal("This is the synopsis", synopsis[0]); string[] description = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Single(description); Assert.Equal("This is a long description.", description[0]); string[] parameter1 = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:parameters/command:parameter[maml:name='Name']/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Single(parameter1); Assert.Equal("This is the name parameter description.", parameter1[0]); string[] parameter2 = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:parameters/command:parameter[maml:name='Path']/maml:description/maml:para"); Assert.Single(parameter2); Assert.Equal("This is the path parameter description.", parameter2[0]); string[] example1 = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:examples/command:example[contains(maml:title,'Example 1')]/dev:code"); Assert.Single(example1); Assert.Equal("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt", example1[0]); // Check that multiple code blocks in the same example merge together when rendering maml string[] example2 = EndToEndTests.GetXmlContent(maml, "/msh:helpItems/command:command/command:examples/command:example[contains(maml:title,'Example 2')]/dev:code"); Assert.Single(example2); Common.AssertMultilineEqual("PS:> Get-Help -YouNeedIt\r\n\r\nOutput", example2[0]); }