예제 #1
        public DateRange(int days)

            End   = DateTime.Today;
            Start = End.AddDays(-days);
예제 #2
        public Reservation Map()
            var reservation = new Reservation();

            reservation.Start           = Start;
            reservation.End             = End.AddDays(WeeksCount * 7);
            reservation.Subject         = Subject;
            reservation.ReservationDays = WeekDays.GetDays();

            reservation.Room        = new Room();
            reservation.Room.Number = RoomNumber?.Split('/').Last().Trim();
            if (RoomNumber.Contains('/'))
                var floorStr = RoomNumber.Split('/').First().Trim();

                int.TryParse(floorStr, out var floor);

                reservation.Room.Floor = floor;

            int.TryParse(BuildingNumber, out var bn);

            reservation.Room.Building = new Building()
                Number = bn

        private void cbxAddMonth_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Int32    Year  = Convert.ToInt32(cbxAddYear.SelectedValue);
            Int32    Month = Convert.ToInt32(cbxAddMonth.SelectedValue);
            DateTime Start;
            DateTime End;

            if (Year == -1)
                Start = new DateTime(1988, 1, 1);
                End   = Start.AddYears(100);
                End   = End.AddMonths(12);
                End   = End.AddDays(-1);
                if (Month == -1)
                    Start = new DateTime(Year, 1, 1);
                    End   = Start.AddMonths(12);
                    End   = End.AddDays(-1);
                    Start = new DateTime(Year, Month, 1);
                    End   = Start.AddMonths(1);
                    End   = End.AddDays(-1);

            this.stockAddTableAdapter.FillByDate(this.farmManageDataSet.StockAdd, Start, End);
        private void FillRemove()
            Int32    Year  = Convert.ToInt32(cbxRemoveYear.SelectedValue);
            Int32    Month = Convert.ToInt32(cbxRemoveMonth.SelectedValue);
            DateTime Start;
            DateTime End;

            if (Year == -1)
                Start = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1);
                End   = Start.AddYears(100);
                End   = End.AddMonths(12);
                End   = End.AddDays(-1);
                if (Month == -1)
                    Start = new DateTime(Year, 1, 1);
                    End   = Start.AddMonths(12);
                    End   = End.AddDays(-1);
                    Start = new DateTime(Year, Month, 1);
                    End   = Start.AddMonths(1);
                    End   = End.AddDays(-1);

            this.stockRemoveListViewTableAdapter.FillByStockID(this.farmManageDataSet.StockRemoveListView, StockID, Start, End);
예제 #5
        public void MoveToWeek(DateTime weekStart)
            int weeks = (int)Math.Ceiling((weekStart - Start).TotalDays / 7);

            Start = Start.AddDays(7 * weeks);
            End   = End.AddDays(7 * weeks);
예제 #6
 public override string ToString()
     if (1 < End.Subtract(Start).Days)
         return(string.Format("{0:MM/dd}-{1:MM/dd}", Start, End.AddDays(-1)));
    public Request(DateTime start)
        while (!IsWorkingDay(start))
            start = start.AddDays(1);
        Start = start;

        End = start.AddDays(1);
        while (!IsWorkingDay(End))
            End = End.AddDays(1);
예제 #8
        public IndexRescueRoomDay(DateTime time)
            var db = new EiSDbContext();

            this.End   = time.Date.AddHours(8);
            this.Start = End.AddDays(-1);

            var queryIn   = db.RescueRoomInfos.Where(c => this.Start <= c.InDepartmentTime && c.InDepartmentTime < this.End);
            var queryStay = db.RescueRoomInfos.Where(c => c.InDepartmentTime < this.Start && (this.Start < c.OutDepartmentTime || c.OutDepartmentTime == null));

            var query        = queryIn.Union(queryStay);
            var queryOrdered = query.OrderBy(c => c.InDepartmentTime).ThenBy(c => c.RescueRoomInfoId);
            var list         = queryOrdered.ToList();

            this.List = list.Select(c => new Item(c)).ToList();
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            SelectedInterval         = IntervalFilter.GetIntervalFilters()[3];
            SelectedFilterInterval   = IntervalFilter.GetIntervalFilters()[3].Duration;
            ActiveTimeFilterDuration = TimeFilter.GetFilters()[4].Duration;

            Start = End.AddDays(-4);

            TimeFilters.Add(new TimeFilter()
                Name = "MAX", Duration = (long)(MaxDate - MinDate).TotalMilliseconds

        public DateTime GetNext(DateTime dt)
            var nextTime = dt.AddMinutes(1);

            if (transactionDates.Contains(nextTime.Date))
                var time = new TimeSpan(nextTime.Hour, nextTime.Minute, 0);
                if (time <= new TimeSpan(9, 25, 0))
                    return(new DateTime(nextTime.Year, nextTime.Month, nextTime.Day, 9, 25, 0));
                if (time > new TimeSpan(9, 25, 0) && time <= new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0))
                    return(new DateTime(nextTime.Year, nextTime.Month, nextTime.Day, 9, 30, 0));
                if (time > new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0) && time <= new TimeSpan(11, 29, 0))
                    return(new DateTime(nextTime.Year, nextTime.Month, nextTime.Day, nextTime.Hour, nextTime.Minute, 0));
                if (time > new TimeSpan(11, 29, 0) && time <= new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0))
                    return(new DateTime(nextTime.Year, nextTime.Month, nextTime.Day, 13, 0, 0));
                if (time > new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0) && time <= new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0))
                    return(new DateTime(nextTime.Year, nextTime.Month, nextTime.Day, nextTime.Hour, nextTime.Minute, 0));
                if (time > new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0) && nextTime.Date < transactionDates.Last())
                    var nextDate = transactionDates[transactionDates.IndexOf(nextTime.Date) + 1];
                    return(new DateTime(nextDate.Year, nextDate.Month, nextDate.Day, 9, 25, 0));
                var res = transactionDates.FirstOrDefault(c => c > nextTime.Date);
                if (res != default(DateTime))
                    return(new DateTime(res.Year, res.Month, res.Day, 9, 25, 0));
        protected override void GenerateReport()
            var connection            = DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection;
            var supplierDeliveryIdSql = @"DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS reports.TempIntersection;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE reports.TempIntersection (
	AddressId INT unsigned,
	SupplierDeliveryId varchar(255),
) engine=MEMORY;

insert into reports.TempIntersection(SupplierDeliveryId, AddressId)
SELECT ai.SupplierDeliveryId, ai.AddressId
FROM Customers.Intersection i
	JOIN Customers.AddressIntersection ai on ai.IntersectionId = i.Id
	JOIN Customers.Clients c ON c.Id = i.ClientId
	JOIN usersettings.RetClientsSet r ON r.clientcode = c.Id
	JOIN usersettings.PricesData pd ON pd.pricecode = i.PriceId
	JOIN Customers.Suppliers supplier ON supplier.Id = pd.firmcode
	JOIN usersettings.PricesRegionalData prd ON prd.regioncode = i.RegionId AND prd.pricecode = pd.pricecode
	JOIN usersettings.RegionalData rd ON rd.RegionCode = i.RegionId AND rd.FirmCode = pd.firmcode
WHERE  c.Status = 1
	and (supplier.RegionMask & i.RegionId) > 0
	and (c.maskregion & i.RegionId) > 0
	and (r.WorkRegionMask & i.RegionId) > 0
	and pd.agencyenabled = 1
	and pd.enabled = 1
	and prd.enabled = 1
	and i.AvailableForClient = 1
	and i.AgencyEnabled = 1
	and supplier.Id = ?supplierId
group by ai.AddressId, ai.SupplierDeliveryId";

            var supplierClientIdSql = @"DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS reports.TempIntersection;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE reports.TempIntersection (
	SupplierClientId varchar(255),
	LegalEntityId INT unsigned,
) engine=MEMORY;

insert into reports.TempIntersection(SupplierClientId, LegalEntityId)
SELECT i.SupplierClientId, i.LegalEntityId
FROM Customers.Intersection i
	JOIN Customers.Clients c ON c.Id = i.ClientId
	JOIN usersettings.RetClientsSet r ON r.clientcode = c.Id
	JOIN usersettings.PricesData pd ON pd.pricecode = i.PriceId
	JOIN Customers.Suppliers supplier ON supplier.Id = pd.firmcode
	JOIN usersettings.PricesRegionalData prd ON prd.regioncode = i.RegionId AND prd.pricecode = pd.pricecode
	JOIN usersettings.RegionalData rd ON rd.RegionCode = i.RegionId AND rd.FirmCode = pd.firmcode
WHERE  c.Status = 1
	and (supplier.RegionMask & i.RegionId) > 0
	and (c.maskregion & i.RegionId) > 0
	and (r.WorkRegionMask & i.RegionId) > 0
	and pd.agencyenabled = 1
	and pd.enabled = 1
	and prd.enabled = 1
	and i.AvailableForClient = 1
	and i.AgencyEnabled = 1
	and supplier.Id = ?supplierId
group by i.LegalEntityId, i.SupplierClientId";

            if (_grouping.Group.Match("a.LegalEntityId"))
                connection.Execute(supplierClientIdSql, new { supplierId = _supplierId });
            else if (_grouping.Group.Match("oh.AddressId"))
                connection.Execute(supplierDeliveryIdSql, new { supplierId = _supplierId });

            var userIds = connection.Read <uint>(String.Format(@"
select oh.UserId
from Orders.OrdersHead oh
where oh.WriteTime > ?begin
	and oh.WriteTime < ?end
	and oh.Deleted = 0
	and oh.Submited = 1
	and oh.RegionCode in ({0})
group by oh.UserId", _regions.Implode()), new { begin = Begin, end = End })

drop temporary table if exists Reports.UserStat;
create temporary table Reports.UserStat(
	UserId int unsigned not null,
	RequestCount int unsigned not null,
	primary key (UserId)
) engine=memory;

drop temporary table if exists Reports.UserAllStat;
create temporary table Reports.UserAllStat(
	Id int auto_increment primary key,
	UserId int unsigned not null,
	RequestCount int unsigned not null
) engine=memory;");
            if (userIds.Length > 0)
insert into Reports.UserStat(UserId, RequestCount)
select l.UserId, count(*)
from Logs.AnalitfUpdates l
where l.UserId in ({0})
	and l.UpdateType in (4, 11)
	and l.RequestTime > ?begin
	and l.RequestTime < ?end
group by l.UserId;

insert into Reports.UserAllStat(UserId, RequestCount)
	select r.UserId, count(*)
	from Logs.RequestLogs r
	where r.Userid in ({0})
		and r.CreatedOn > ?begin
		and r.CreatedOn < ?end
		and r.IsCompleted = 1
		and r.IsFaulted = 0
		and r.UpdateType = 'OrdersController'
	group by r.UserId
union all
	select *
	from Reports.UserStat s
	group by s.UserId"    , userIds.Implode()), new { begin = Begin, end = End });

            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format(@"
drop temporary table if exists Reports.KeyToUser;
create temporary table Reports.KeyToUser(
	GroupKey int unsigned not null,
	UserId int unsigned not null,
	primary key(GroupKey, UserId)
) engine=memory;

insert into Reports.KeyToUser(GroupKey, UserId)
select {1}, UserId
from Orders.OrdersHead oh
	join Usersettings.PricesData pd on pd.PriceCode = oh.PriceCode
	join Customers.Clients c on c.Id = oh.ClientCode
	join Customers.Users u on u.ClientId = c.Id and oh.UserId = u.Id
	join Customers.Addresses a on a.Id = oh.AddressId
		join Billing.LegalEntities le on le.Id = a.LegalEntityId
where oh.WriteTime > ?begin
	and oh.WriteTime < ?end
	and oh.Deleted = 0
	and oh.Submited = 1
	and oh.RegionCode in ({0})
	and pd.IsLocal = 0
group by {1}, UserId;

drop temporary table if exists Reports.KeyToCount;
create temporary table Reports.KeyToCount(
	GroupKey int unsigned not null,
	RequestCount int unsigned not null,
	primary key(GroupKey)
) engine=memory;

insert into Reports.KeyToCount(GroupKey, RequestCount)
	select k.GroupKey, sum(s.RequestCount)
	from Reports.KeyToUser k
		join Reports.UserAllStat s on s.UserId = k.UserId
	group by k.GroupKey;

drop temporary table if exists Reports.PreResult;
create temporary table Reports.PreResult(
	GroupKey int unsigned not null,
	TotalSum decimal(12, 2),
	SupplierSum decimal(12, 2),
	SuppliersCount int unsigned,
	LastOrder time,
	primary key(GroupKey)
) engine=memory;

insert into Reports.PreResult(GroupKey, {5}, TotalSum, SupplierSum, SuppliersCount, LastOrder)
select {1} as GroupKey,
	sum(ol.Cost * ol.Quantity) as TotalSum,
	sum(if(pd.FirmCode = ?SupplierId, ol.Cost * ol.Quantity, 0)) as SupplierSum,
	count(distinct pd.FirmCode) as SuppliersCount,
	time(min(oh.WriteTime)) as LastOrder
from Orders.OrdersHead oh
	join Orders.OrdersList ol on ol.OrderId = oh.RowId
	join Customers.Clients c on c.Id = oh.ClientCode
	join Customers.Users u on u.ClientId = c.Id and oh.UserId = u.Id
	join Customers.Addresses a on a.Id = oh.AddressId
		join Billing.LegalEntities le on le.Id = a.LegalEntityId
	join Usersettings.PricesData pd on pd.PriceCode = oh.PriceCode
where oh.WriteTime > ?begin
	and oh.WriteTime < ?end
	and oh.Deleted = 0
	and oh.Submited = 1
	and oh.RegionCode in ({0})
	and pd.IsLocal = 0
group by {1}
order by {3};

drop temporary table if exists Reports.PrevResult;
create temporary table Reports.PrevResult(
	GroupKey int unsigned not null,
	TotalSum decimal(12, 2),
	SupplierSum decimal(12, 2),
	primary key(GroupKey)
) engine=memory;

insert into Reports.PrevResult(GroupKey, TotalSum, SupplierSum)
select {1} as GroupKey,
	sum(ol.Cost * ol.Quantity) as TotalSum,
	sum(if(pd.FirmCode = ?SupplierId, ol.Cost * ol.Quantity, 0)) as SupplierSum
from Orders.OrdersHead oh
	join Orders.OrdersList ol on ol.OrderId = oh.RowId
	join Customers.Clients c on c.Id = oh.ClientCode
	join Customers.Users u on u.ClientId = c.Id and oh.UserId = u.Id
	join Customers.Addresses a on a.Id = oh.AddressId
		join Billing.LegalEntities le on le.Id = a.LegalEntityId
	join Usersettings.PricesData pd on pd.PriceCode = oh.PriceCode
where oh.WriteTime > ?prevBegin
	and oh.WriteTime < ?prevEnd
	and oh.Deleted = 0
	and oh.Submited = 1
	and oh.RegionCode in ({0})
	and pd.IsLocal = 0
group by {1};

select r.*, k.RequestCount as OrderSendRequestCount, pr.SupplierSum as PrevSupplierSum, pr.TotalSum as PrevTotalSum
from Reports.PreResult r
left join Reports.KeyToCount k on k.GroupKey = r.GroupKey
left join Reports.PrevResult pr on pr.GroupKey = r.GroupKey;",
                                                                  _grouping.Columns.Implode(c => $"{c.Sql} as {c.Name}"),
                                                                  _grouping.Columns.Where(c => c.Order).Implode(c => c.Name),
                                                                  _grouping.Columns.Implode(c => c.Name),
                                                                  _grouping.Columns.Implode(c => $"{c.Name} varchar(255)"));

            var prevBegin = Begin.AddDays(-(int)(End - Begin).TotalDays);
            var prevEnd   = Begin;

            if (ReportPeriod == ReportPeriod.ByToday)
                prevBegin = Begin.AddDays(-1);
                prevEnd   = End.AddDays(-1);
            else if (ReportPeriod == ReportPeriod.ByPrevMonth)
                prevBegin = Begin.AddMonths(-1);
                prevEnd   = End.AddMonths(-1);

            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?SupplierId", _supplierId);
            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?begin", Begin);
            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?end", End);
            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?prevBegin", prevBegin);
            DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?prevEnd", prevEnd);

            DataAdapter.Fill(_dsReport, "data");


drop temporary table if exists reports.TempIntersection;
drop temporary table if exists reports.UserStat;
drop temporary table if exists reports.UserAllStat;
drop temporary table if exists Reports.KeyToCount;
drop temporary table if exists Reports.KeyToUser;
drop temporary table if exists Reports.PreResult;

            var data   = _dsReport.Tables["data"];
            var result = _dsReport.Tables.Add("Results");
            foreach (var column in _grouping.Columns)
                var dataColumn = result.Columns.Add(column.Name);
                dataColumn.Caption = column.Caption;
            result.Columns.Add("Share", typeof(string));
            result.Columns.Add("ShareDiff", typeof(string));
            result.Columns.Add("SupplierSum", typeof(string));
            if (ShowAllSum)
                result.Columns.Add("TotalSum", typeof(string));
            result.Columns.Add("SuppliersCount", typeof(string));
            result.Columns.Add("OrderSendRequestCount", typeof(string));
            result.Columns.Add("LastOrder", typeof(string));

            var supplier = Session.Get <Supplier>(_supplierId);
            var regions  = _regions
                           .Select(id => Session.Load <global::Common.Models.Region>(Convert.ToUInt64(id)));

            Header.Add("Поставщик: " + supplier.Name);
            Header.Add("Регионы: " + regions.Implode(r => r.Name));
            if (_shareMoreThan.HasValue)
                Header.Add($"Из отчета ИСКЛЮЧЕНЫ юр. лица, клиенты, адреса, по которым доля НЕ превышает {_shareMoreThan.Value}%");
                Header.Add("Из отчета ИСКЛЮЧЕНЫ юр. лица, клиенты, адреса," +
                           " по которым отсутствуют заказы на любых поставщиков за период формирования отчета");

            result.Columns["SupplierSum"].Caption = $"Сумма по '{supplier.Name}'";
            if (ShowAllSum)
                result.Columns["TotalSum"].Caption = "Сумма по всем поставщикам";
            result.Columns["Share"].Caption                 = $"Доля '{supplier.Name}', %";
            result.Columns["ShareDiff"].Caption             = "Изменение доли";
            result.Columns["SuppliersCount"].Caption        = "Кол-во поставщиков";
            result.Columns["OrderSendRequestCount"].Caption = "Кол-во сессий отправки заказов";
            result.Columns["LastOrder"].Caption             = "Самая поздняя заявка";
            foreach (var row in data.Rows.Cast <DataRow>())
                var resultRow = result.NewRow();
                var share     = SetTotalSum(row, resultRow);
                resultRow["SuppliersCount"]        = row["SuppliersCount"];
                resultRow["LastOrder"]             = row["LastOrder"];
                resultRow["OrderSendRequestCount"] = row["OrderSendRequestCount"];
                if (ShowAllSum)
                    resultRow["TotalSum"] = row["TotalSum"];
                foreach (var column in _grouping.Columns)
                    resultRow[column.Name] = row[column.Name];
                    resultRow[column.Name] = row[column.Name];
                if (!_shareMoreThan.HasValue || share > _shareMoreThan.Value)
            var emptyRowCount = EmptyRowCount;
            for (var i = 0; i < emptyRowCount; i++)
                result.Rows.InsertAt(result.NewRow(), 0);
예제 #12
        protected virtual void Create(Dto src, string user, IDbSession session)
            Start = src.Start ?? MinimumDate;
            End   = src.End ?? MaximumDate;
            var set   = session.DbContext.Set <T>();
            var items = set.Where(SeriesExpression).ToArray();

            var replacing = items.Where(args => Start <= args.Start && args.End <= End);


            var front = items.Where(args => args.Start < Start && args.End >= Start && args.End <= End);

            foreach (var item in front)
                if (CanMerge(item))
                    if (item.Start < Start)
                        Start = item.Start;
                    item.End = Start.AddDays(-1);

            var back = items.Where(args => Start <= args.Start && args.Start <= End && End < args.End);

            foreach (var item in back)
                if (CanMerge(item))
                    if (item.End > End)
                        End = item.End;
                    item.Start = End.AddDays(1);

            var overlap = items.Where(args => args.Start <Start && args.End> End);

            foreach (var item in overlap)
                if (CanMerge(item))
                    if (item.Start < Start)
                        Start = item.Start;
                    if (item.End > End)
                        End = item.End;
                    var clone = item.Clone(user);
                    item.End    = Start.AddDays(-1);
                    clone.Start = End.AddDays(1);
예제 #13
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("{0:MM/dd} - {1:MM/dd}", Start, End.AddDays(-1)));
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Se esse torneio deve ou não aparecer no menu, com relação a data em que está sendo listado
 /// </summary>
 public bool ShouldAppear(DateTime date)
     return((Start.AddDays(-14) <= date) && (date <= End.AddDays(14)));
예제 #15
 public DateTimeRange SpreadByDays(int daysStart, int daysEnd)
     return(new DateTimeRange(
                start: Start.AddDays(-daysStart),
                end: End.AddDays(daysEnd)));
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// 前后扩展N天
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DateRange ExtendDay(double value)
     return(new DateRange(Start.AddDays(-value), End.AddDays(value)));
예제 #17
 public DateRange ExtendEndDay(double value)
     return(new DateRange(Start, End.AddDays(value).Subtract(Start)));
예제 #18
 public DateRangePickerVM(MainWindowVM mainWindowVM)
     End   = DateTime.Now;
     Start = End.AddDays(-100);
     Main  = mainWindowVM;