예제 #1
        private void AddError(String errMessage)
            Label lblError = new Label();

            lblError.ID       = "lblError" + encryptingSupport.GetUniqueKey();
            lblError.Text     = errMessage;
            lblError.CssClass = CSSStrings.ErrorLabelCssClass;

            LiteralControl br = new LiteralControl("<BR>");

        private void AddItemsToMenu(XPathNavigator xmlNavigator, string parentValue, string cssClass)

            //check to see if the number of levels is not over the maximum
            if (levelCount > ApplicationConstants.REPORTING_MAXIMUM_LEVEL)
                throw new XmlException(string.Format("A maximum of '{0}' menu levels is permitted. Level {1} is beyond this limit.",
                                                     ApplicationConstants.REPORTING_MAXIMUM_LEVEL, xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("Text", "")));

            string navigatorText = xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("Text", "");

            //check not to allow nodes without Text attribute
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigatorText))
                throw new XmlException("Text attribute cannot be empty.");

            //on level 2 we should have only nodes
            if (levelCount == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("NavigateUrl", "")))
                throw new XmlException(string.Format("Node '{0}' must be a parent MenuItem because it is a level 2 node.", navigatorText));

            //Check not to allow leaf not to have a NavigateUrl attribute. Except level 2.
            if (levelCount > 2 &&
                !xmlNavigator.HasChildren &&
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("NavigateUrl", "")))
                throw new XmlException(string.Format("NavigateUrl attribute is empty for node '{0}'. This is not allowed for a leaf MenuItem.",

            //Navigate url must be empty for a parent MenuItems.
            if (xmlNavigator.HasChildren &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("NavigateUrl", "")))
                throw new XmlException(string.Format("NavigateUrl attribute is NOT empty for node '{0}'. This is not allowed for a parent MenuItem.",
            //Window must be empty for a parent MenuItems.
            if (xmlNavigator.HasChildren &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("Window", "")))
                throw new XmlException(string.Format("Window attribute is NOT empty for node '{0}'. This is not allowed for a parent MenuItem.",

            //********* make the breadcrumb************************
            repBreadCrumb += " > " + navigatorText;

            EncryptingSupport encryptingSupport = new EncryptingSupport();
            IndMenuItem       itemToAdd         = new IndMenuItem();
            string            newValue          = encryptingSupport.GetUniqueKey();

            itemToAdd.Value = newValue;
            itemToAdd.Text  = navigatorText;

            String window      = xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("Window", "");
            String urlType     = xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("UrlType", "");
            String navigateUrl = xmlNavigator.GetAttribute("NavigateUrl", "");

            if (window == "new")
                itemToAdd.Target = "newINDev3Window";

            String navigateUrlToSet;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigateUrl))
                if (urlType == "absolute")
                    navigateUrlToSet = navigateUrl;
                    //we remove any HTTP text to avoid some fatal error
                    navigateUrl = navigateUrl.Replace("http://", "");

                    navigateUrlToSet = "~/ReportPlaceHolder.aspx?Code=" + navigateUrl
                                       + "&nav=" + repBreadCrumb;

                itemToAdd.NavigateUrl = Server.UrlDecode(navigateUrlToSet);

            itemToAdd.CssClass = cssClass;

            //Add to menu
            RadMenuItem item = mnuMain.FindItemByValue(parentValue);


            //if has children append this function again
            XPathNodeIterator NodeItererator = xmlNavigator.Select("MenuItem");

            int iterator = 0;

            while (NodeItererator.MoveNext())
                string css = getCssClass(NodeItererator.Count, iterator);
                AddItemsToMenu(NodeItererator.Current, newValue, css);


                //***********reset the breadcrumb because navigator enters another branch *************
                repBreadCrumb = repBreadCrumb.Remove(repBreadCrumb.LastIndexOf(" > "));