예제 #1
        private IContentKey FetchKey(IEnumerable <TLLVSlab> spcSlabs, IEnumerable <TLLVSlab> ckcSlabs, byte[] SK)
            EncryptedCKPayload EncryptedContentKeyPayload = null;

            try {  EncryptedContentKeyPayload = ckcSlabs.First(s => s.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.EncryptedCK)).Payload <EncryptedCKPayload>(); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_2020", "Unable to process inspection. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            EncryptedCKParcel EncryptedContentKeyParcel = null;

            try { EncryptedContentKeyParcel = new EncryptedCKParcel(new ReadOnlyMemory <byte>(EncryptedContentKeyPayload.UnscrambledParcel(SK))); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_2021", "Unable to process inspection. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            byte[] IV = null;
            try { IV = EncryptedContentKeyPayload.IV; }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_2022", "Unable to process inspection. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            byte[] CK = null;
            try { CK = EncryptedContentKeyParcel.Key; }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_2023", "Unable to process inspection. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            return(new FPStaticKey(CK, IV));
예제 #2
        public static byte[] UnscrambledParcel(this EncryptedCKPayload payload, byte[] key)
            ArgumentThrow.IfNull(payload, $"Invalid {typeof(EncryptedCKPayload).Name} to unscramble. Payload can not be null.", nameof(payload));
            ArgumentThrow.IfLengthNot(key, 16, "Invalid key to unscramble. Key buffer should be 16 bytes.", nameof(key));

            using (var aes = Aes.Create())
                // aes.IV = null;
                aes.Key     = key;
                aes.Mode    = CipherMode.ECB;
                aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;

                using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor())
                    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))

예제 #3
        private async Task <IEnumerable <TLLVSlab> > GenerateCKC(DFunction derivator, IEnumerable <TLLVSlab> spcSlabs, object info)
            var ckcSlabs = new List <TLLVSlab>();

            byte[] DASk = null;
            try { DASk = derivator.DeriveBytes(spcSlabs.First(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.R2)).Payload <R2Payload>().R2); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0014", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            SKR1Payload SessionRandom1Payload = null;

            try { SessionRandom1Payload = spcSlabs.First(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.SKR1)).Payload <SKR1Payload>(); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0015", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            SKR1IntegrityPayload SessionRandom1IntegrityPayload = null;

            try { SessionRandom1IntegrityPayload = spcSlabs.First(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.SKR1Integrity)).Payload <SKR1IntegrityPayload>(); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0016", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            SKR1Parcel SessionRandom1Parcel = null;

            try { SessionRandom1Parcel = new SKR1Parcel(new ReadOnlyMemory <byte>(SessionRandom1Payload.UnscrambledParcel(DASk))); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0017", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            if (Enumerable.SequenceEqual(SessionRandom1Parcel.Integrity, SessionRandom1IntegrityPayload.Integrity) == false)
                throw new FPContextIntegrityViolatedException("EXC_0034", "Unable to process SPC. SPC integrity violated.");

            TRRPayload TagReturnRequestPayload = null;

            try { TagReturnRequestPayload = spcSlabs.First(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.TRR)).Payload <TRRPayload>(); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0018", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            ckcSlabs.AddRange(spcSlabs.Where(slab => TagReturnRequestPayload.TRR.Select(tag => tag.Code).Contains(slab.Tag.Code)));

            AssetPayload AssetIdentifierPayload = null;

            try { AssetIdentifierPayload = spcSlabs.First(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.Asset)).Payload <AssetPayload>(); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0019", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            IContentKey ContentKey = null;

            try { ContentKey = await this.Locator.FetchContentKey(AssetIdentifierPayload.Identifier, info); }
            catch (FPException) {  throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPKeyLocatorException("EXC_0020", "Unable to fetch content key from key locator. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            if (ContentKey.IV == null || ContentKey.IV.Length != 16)
                throw new FPInvalidKeyException("EXC_0035", "Invalid IV fetched from key locator. IV can not be null and should be 16 bytes length.");
            if (ContentKey.Key == null || ContentKey.Key.Length != 16)
                throw new FPInvalidKeyException("EXC_0036", "Invalid key fetched from key locator. Key can not be null and should be 16 bytes length.");

            EncryptedCKParcel EncryptedContentKeyParcel = null;

            try { EncryptedContentKeyParcel = new EncryptedCKParcel(ContentKey.Key); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0021", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            EncryptedCKPayload EncryptedContentKeyPayload = null;

            try {  EncryptedContentKeyPayload = new EncryptedCKPayload(ContentKey.IV, EncryptedContentKeyParcel.ScrambledParcel(SessionRandom1Parcel.SK)); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0022", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            TLLVSlab EncryptedContentKeySlab = null;

            try { EncryptedContentKeySlab = new TLLVSlab(TLLVTag.Id.EncryptedCK, EncryptedContentKeyPayload.Binary); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0023", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }


            R1Payload Random1Payload = null;

            try { Random1Payload = new R1Payload(SessionRandom1Parcel.R1); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0024", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            TLLVSlab Random1Slab = null;

            try { Random1Slab = new TLLVSlab(TLLVTag.Id.R1, Random1Payload.Binary); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0025", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }


            TLLVSlab MediaPlaybackSlab = null;

            try { MediaPlaybackSlab = spcSlabs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.MediaPlayback)); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0026", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            if (MediaPlaybackSlab != null)
                MediaPlaybackPayload MediaPlaybackPayload = null;
                try { MediaPlaybackPayload = MediaPlaybackSlab.Payload <MediaPlaybackPayload>(); }
                catch (FPException) { throw; }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0027", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

                if (MediaPlaybackPayload.CreationDate < DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-6))
                    throw new FPContextDateViolatedException("EXC_0036", "Unable to process SPC. Date range violated.");
                if (MediaPlaybackPayload.CreationDate > DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(6))
                    throw new FPContextDateViolatedException("EXC_0037", "Unable to process SPC. Date range violated.");

                DurationCKPayload DurationContentKeyPayload = null;
                try { DurationContentKeyPayload = new DurationCKPayload((UInt32)this.LicenseDuration, 0, DurationCKType.Rental); }
                catch (FPException) { throw; }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0028", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

                TLLVSlab DurationContentKeySlab = null;
                try { DurationContentKeySlab = new TLLVSlab(TLLVTag.Id.DurationCK, DurationContentKeyPayload.Binary); }
                catch (FPException) { throw; }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0029", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }


            TLLVSlab CapabilitiesSlab = null;

            try { CapabilitiesSlab = spcSlabs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Tag.Same(TLLVTag.Id.Capabilities)); }
            catch (FPException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0030", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

            if (CapabilitiesSlab != null)
                // Send HDCPEnforcementSlab
                CapabilitiesPayload CapabilitiesPayload = null;
                try { CapabilitiesPayload = CapabilitiesSlab.Payload <CapabilitiesPayload>(); }
                catch (FPException) { throw; }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0031", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

                if (CapabilitiesPayload.HasCapability(LowCapabilities.HDCPEnforcement))
                    HDCPEnforcementPayload HDCPEnforcementPayload = null;
                    try { HDCPEnforcementPayload = new HDCPEnforcementPayload(HDCPTypeRequierement.HDCPType0Required); }
                    catch (FPException) { throw; }
                    catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0032", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

                    TLLVSlab HDCPEnforcementSlab = null;
                    try { HDCPEnforcementSlab = new TLLVSlab(TLLVTag.Id.HDCPEnforcement, HDCPEnforcementPayload.Binary); }
                    catch (FPException) { throw; }
                    catch (Exception ex) { throw new FPInvalidContextException("EXC_0033", "Unable to process SPC. See 'innerException' for more information.", ex); }

