public virtual void Enc_ndr_string(string s) { Align(4); int i = Index; int len = s.Length; Encdec.Enc_uint32le(len + 1, Buf, i); i += 4; Encdec.Enc_uint32le(0, Buf, i); i += 4; Encdec.Enc_uint32le(len + 1, Buf, i); i += 4; try { Array.Copy(Runtime.GetBytesForString(s, "UTF-16LE"), 0, Buf, i, len * 2); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException) { } i += len * 2; Buf[i++] = unchecked ((byte)('\0')); Buf[i++] = unchecked ((byte)('\0')); Advance(i - Index); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Dcerpc.Ndr.NdrException"></exception> public virtual string Dec_ndr_string() { Align(4); int i = Index; string val = null; int len = Encdec.Dec_uint32le(Buf, i); i += 12; if (len != 0) { len--; int size = len * 2; try { if (size < 0 || size > unchecked (0xFFFF)) { throw new NdrException(NdrException.InvalidConformance); } val = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(Buf, i, size, "UTF-16LE"); i += size + 2; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException) { } } Advance(i - Index); return(val); }
private string GetNtlmsspListItem(byte[] type2Token, int id0) { int ri = 58; for (;;) { int id = Encdec.Dec_uint16le(type2Token, ri); int len = Encdec.Dec_uint16le(type2Token, ri + 2); ri += 4; if (id == 0 || (ri + len) > type2Token.Length) { break; } if (id == id0) { try { return Runtime.GetStringForBytes(type2Token, ri, len, SmbConstants.UniEncoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException) { break; } } ri += len; } return null; }
public static byte[] GetNtlMv2Response(byte[] responseKeyNt, byte[] serverChallenge, byte[] clientChallenge, long nanos1601, byte[] targetInfo) { int targetInfoLength = targetInfo != null ? targetInfo.Length : 0; byte[] temp = new byte[28 + targetInfoLength + 4]; Encdec.Enc_uint32le(unchecked (0x00000101), temp, 0); // Header Encdec.Enc_uint32le(unchecked (0x00000000), temp, 4); // Reserved Encdec.Enc_uint64le(nanos1601, temp, 8); Array.Copy(clientChallenge, 0, temp, 16, 8); Encdec.Enc_uint32le(unchecked (0x00000000), temp, 24); // Unknown if (targetInfo != null) { Array.Copy(targetInfo, 0, temp, 28, targetInfoLength); } Encdec.Enc_uint32le(unchecked (0x00000000), temp, 28 + targetInfoLength); // mystery bytes! return(ComputeResponse(responseKeyNt, serverChallenge, temp, 0, temp.Length)); }
/* * /// <exception cref="SharpCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> * public void WriteChars(string s) * { * int clen = s.Length; * int blen = 2 * clen; * byte[] b = new byte[blen]; * char[] c = new char[clen]; * Sharpen.Runtime.GetCharsForString(s, 0, clen, c, 0); * for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < clen; i++) * { * b[j++] = unchecked((byte)((char)(((uchar)c[i]) >> 8))); * b[j++] = unchecked((byte)((char)(((uchar)c[i]) >> 0))); * } * Write(b, 0, blen); * } */ /// <exception cref="SharpCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteUtf(string str) { int len = str.Length; int ch; int size = 0; byte[] dst; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = str[i]; size += ch > unchecked (0x07F) ? (ch > unchecked (0x7FF) ? 3 : 2) : 1; } dst = new byte[size]; WriteShort(size); try { Encdec.Enc_utf8(str, dst, 0, size); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SmbException(string.Empty, ioe); } Write(dst, 0, size); }
public virtual int Dec_ndr_short() { Align(2); int val = Encdec.Dec_uint16le(Buf, Index); Advance(2); return(val); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public double ReadDouble() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 8)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_doublebe(_tmp, 0)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public float ReadFloat() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 4)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_floatbe(_tmp, 0)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public long ReadLong() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 8)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_uint64be(_tmp, 0)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public int ReadInt() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 4)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_uint32be(_tmp, 0)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public char ReadChar() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 2)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return((char)Encdec.Dec_uint16be(_tmp, 0)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public int ReadUnsignedShort() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 2)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_uint16be(_tmp, 0) & unchecked (0xFFFF)); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public short ReadShort() { if ((Read(_tmp, 0, 2)) < 0) { throw new SmbException("EOF"); } return(Encdec.Dec_uint16be(_tmp, 0)); }
public virtual long Dec_ndr_hyper() { Align(8); long val = Encdec.Dec_uint64le(Buf, Index); Advance(8); return(val); }
public virtual int Dec_ndr_long() { Align(4); int val = Encdec.Dec_uint32le(Buf, Index); Advance(4); return(val); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected internal override void DoRecv(Response response) { ServerMessageBlock resp = (ServerMessageBlock)response; resp.UseUnicode = UseUnicode; resp.ExtendedSecurity = (Capabilities & SmbConstants.CapExtendedSecurity) == SmbConstants.CapExtendedSecurity; lock (Buf) { Array.Copy(Sbuf, 0, Buf, 0, 4 + SmbConstants.HeaderLength); int size = Encdec.Dec_uint16be(Buf, 2) & 0xFFFF; if (size < (SmbConstants.HeaderLength + 1) || (4 + size) > RcvBufSize) { throw new IOException("Invalid payload size: " + size); } int errorCode = Encdec.Dec_uint32le(Buf, 9) & unchecked ((int)(0xFFFFFFFF)); if (resp.Command == ServerMessageBlock.SmbComReadAndx && (errorCode == 0 || errorCode == unchecked ((int)(0x80000005)))) { // overflow indicator normal for pipe SmbComReadAndXResponse r = (SmbComReadAndXResponse)resp; int off = SmbConstants.HeaderLength; Readn(In, Buf, 4 + off, 27); off += 27; resp.Decode(Buf, 4); int pad = r.DataOffset - off; if (r.ByteCount > 0 && pad > 0 && pad < 4) { Readn(In, Buf, 4 + off, pad); } if (r.DataLength > 0) { Readn(In, r.B, r.Off, r.DataLength); } } else { Readn(In, Buf, 4 + 32, size - 32); resp.Decode(Buf, 4); if (resp is SmbComTransactionResponse) { ((SmbComTransactionResponse)resp).Current(); } } if (Digest != null && resp.ErrorCode == 0) { Digest.Verify(Buf, 4, resp); } if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine(response); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Buf, 4, size); } } } }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected internal override void DoSkip() { int size = Encdec.Dec_uint16be(Sbuf, 2) & 0xFFFF; if (size < 33 || (4 + size) > RcvBufSize) { In.Skip(In.Available()); } else { In.Skip(size - 32); } }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public string ReadUtf() { int size = ReadUnsignedShort(); byte[] b = new byte[size]; Read(b, 0, size); try { return(Encdec.Dec_utf8(b, 0, size)); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SmbException(string.Empty, ioe); } }
public static byte[] ToByteArray(Rpc.SidT sid) { byte[] dst = new byte[1 + 1 + 6 + sid.SubAuthorityCount * 4]; int di = 0; dst[di++] = sid.Revision; dst[di++] = sid.SubAuthorityCount; Array.Copy(sid.IdentifierAuthority, 0, dst, di, 6); di += 6; for (int ii = 0; ii < sid.SubAuthorityCount; ii++) { Encdec.Enc_uint32le(sid.SubAuthority[ii], dst, di); di += 4; } return(dst); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected internal override ServerMessageBlock PeekKey() { int n; do { if ((n = Readn(In, Sbuf, 0, 4)) < 4) { return(null); } }while (Sbuf[0] == 0x85); if ((n = Readn(In, Sbuf, 4, 32)) < 32) { return(null); } if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine("New data read: " + this); Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Sbuf, 4, 32); } for (;;) { if (Sbuf[0] == 0x00 && Sbuf[1] == 0x00 && Sbuf[4] == 0xFF && Sbuf[5] == 'S' && Sbuf[6] == 'M' && Sbuf[7] == 'B') { break; } for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { Sbuf[i] = Sbuf[i + 1]; } int b; if ((b = In.Read()) == -1) { return(null); } Sbuf[35] = unchecked ((byte)b); } Key.Mid = Encdec.Dec_uint16le(Sbuf, 34) & 0xFFFF; return(Key); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected internal override void DoSend(ServerMessageBlock request) { lock (Buf) { ServerMessageBlock smb = request; int n = smb.Encode(Buf, 4); Encdec.Enc_uint32be(n & 0xFFFF, Buf, 0); if (Log.Level >= 4) { do { Log.WriteLine(smb); }while (smb is AndXServerMessageBlock && (smb = ((AndXServerMessageBlock)smb).Andx) != null); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Buf, 4, n); } } Out.Write(Buf, 0, 4 + n); } }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> protected internal override void DoReceiveFragment(byte[] buf, bool isDirect) { int off; int flags; int length; if (buf.Length < MaxRecv) { throw new ArgumentException("buffer too small"); } if (IsStart && !isDirect) { // start of new frag, do trans off = In.Read(buf, 0, 1024); } else { off = In.ReadDirect(buf, 0, buf.Length); } if (buf[0] != 5 && buf[1] != 0) { throw new IOException("Unexpected DCERPC PDU header"); } flags = buf[3] & unchecked (0xFF); // next read is start of new frag IsStart = (flags & DcerpcConstants.DcerpcLastFrag) == DcerpcConstants.DcerpcLastFrag; length = Encdec.Dec_uint16le(buf, 8); if (length > MaxRecv) { throw new IOException("Unexpected fragment length: " + length); } while (off < length) { off += In.ReadDirect(buf, off, length - off); } }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteChar(int v) { Encdec.Enc_uint16be((short)v, _tmp, 0); Write(_tmp, 0, 2); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private void Negotiate(int port, ServerMessageBlock resp) { lock (Sbuf) { if (port == 139) { Ssn139(); } else { if (port == -1) { port = SmbConstants.DefaultPort; } // 445 Socket = new SocketEx(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //TCPローカルポートは、毎回空いているものを使う。 // Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(LocalAddr, 0)); Socket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Address.GetHostAddress()), port), // <- 445 SmbConstants.ConnTimeout); Socket.SoTimeOut = SmbConstants.SoTimeout; Out = Socket.GetOutputStream(); In = Socket.GetInputStream(); } if (++Mid == 32000) { Mid = 1; } NegotiateRequest.Mid = Mid; int n = NegotiateRequest.Encode(Sbuf, 4); Encdec.Enc_uint32be(n & 0xFFFF, Sbuf, 0); if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine(NegotiateRequest); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Sbuf, 4, n); } } Out.Write(Sbuf, 0, 4 + n); Out.Flush(); if (PeekKey() == null) { throw new IOException("transport closed in negotiate"); } int size = Encdec.Dec_uint16be(Sbuf, 2) & 0xFFFF; if (size < 33 || (4 + size) > Sbuf.Length) { throw new IOException("Invalid payload size: " + size); } Readn(In, Sbuf, 4 + 32, size - 32); resp.Decode(Sbuf, 4); if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine(resp); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Sbuf, 4, n); } } } }
public virtual void Enc_ndr_hyper(long h) { Align(8); Encdec.Enc_uint64le(h, Buf, Index); Advance(8); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private void Negotiate(int port, ServerMessageBlock resp) { lock (Sbuf) { if (port == 139) { Ssn139(); } else { if (port == -1) { port = SmbConstants.DefaultPort; } // 445 Socket = new SocketEx(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (LocalAddr != null) { Socket.Bind2(new IPEndPoint(LocalAddr, LocalPort)); } Socket.Connect(Address.GetHostAddress(), port); //Socket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Address.GetHostAddress()), port), SmbConstants.ConnTimeout); Socket.SoTimeOut = SmbConstants.SoTimeout; Out = Socket.GetOutputStream(); In = Socket.GetInputStream(); } if (++Mid == 32000) { Mid = 1; } NegotiateRequest.Mid = Mid; int n = NegotiateRequest.Encode(Sbuf, 4); Encdec.Enc_uint32be(n & 0xFFFF, Sbuf, 0); if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine(NegotiateRequest); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Sbuf, 4, n); } } Out.Write(Sbuf, 0, 4 + n); Out.Flush(); if (PeekKey() == null) { throw new IOException("transport closed in negotiate"); } int size = Encdec.Dec_uint16be(Sbuf, 2) & 0xFFFF; if (size < 33 || (4 + size) > Sbuf.Length) { throw new IOException("Invalid payload size: " + size); } Readn(In, Sbuf, 4 + 32, size - 32); resp.Decode(Sbuf, 4); if (Log.Level >= 4) { Log.WriteLine(resp); if (Log.Level >= 6) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Log, Sbuf, 4, n); } } } }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteInt(int v) { Encdec.Enc_uint32be(v, _tmp, 0); Write(_tmp, 0, 4); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteDouble(double v) { Encdec.Enc_doublebe(v, _tmp, 0); Write(_tmp, 0, 8); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteFloat(float v) { Encdec.Enc_floatbe(v, _tmp, 0); Write(_tmp, 0, 4); }
/// <exception cref="WinrtCifs.Smb.SmbException"></exception> public void WriteLong(long v) { Encdec.Enc_uint64be(v, _tmp, 0); Write(_tmp, 0, 8); }