예제 #1
 private void b_contacts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     EmptyForm ef = new EmptyForm();
       wuc.wuc_contactList clW = new wuc.wuc_contactList(contacts, login);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// init an empty form, this gives us a Form to hook onto if we want to do stuff on the UI thread
 /// from a back groundthread, use : BeginInvoke()
 /// </summary>
 public static void Init()
     _anchorForm = new EmptyForm {
         Location = new Point(-10000, -10000),
         Visible  = false
 private void b_EditContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     EmptyForm ef = new EmptyForm();
       wuc.wuc_viewContact viewCW = new wuc_viewContact(contacts.Where(x => x.Name == lv_contactList.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text.ToString()).First());
       viewCW.ContactEdited += new Delegates.EhVoid(FillContactListView);
 private void b_AddContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     EmptyForm ef = new EmptyForm();
       wuc.wuc_addContact addCW = new wuc.wuc_addContact(contacts);
       addCW.ContactAdded += new Delegates.EhVoid(FillContactListView);
예제 #5
 public VideoWallpaperWindow(string mediapath, int width, int height, int x, int y) : base(width, height, x, y)
     this._form               = new EmptyForm();
     this._mediaplayer        = new MediaPlayer(Program.LibVLC);
     this._mediaplayer.Hwnd   = this._form.Handle;
     this._media              = new Media(Program.LibVLC, mediapath);
     this._mediaplayer.Volume = 0;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the form
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            FakeForm = new EmptyForm();
            NppTbData nppTbData = new NppTbData {
                hClient       = FakeForm.Handle,
                pszName       = AssemblyInfo.AssemblyProduct + " - Code explorer",
                dlgID         = DockableCommandIndex,
                uMask         = NppTbMsg.DWS_DF_CONT_RIGHT | NppTbMsg.DWS_ICONTAB | NppTbMsg.DWS_ICONBAR,
                hIconTab      = (uint)Utils.GetIconFromImage(ImageResources.CodeExplorerLogo).Handle,
                pszModuleName = AssemblyInfo.AssemblyProduct
            IntPtr ptrNppTbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(nppTbData));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(nppTbData, ptrNppTbData, false);
            WinApi.SendMessage(Npp.HandleNpp, NppMsg.NPPM_DMMREGASDCKDLG, 0, ptrNppTbData);
            Form = new CodeExplorerForm(FakeForm);
예제 #7
        public FileExplorerForm(EmptyForm formToCover)
            : base(formToCover)

                ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
                ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
                ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

            StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;

            #region Current env

            // register to env change event
            ProEnvironment.OnEnvironmentChange += UpdateCurrentEnvName;

            btEnvList.BackGrndImage  = ImageResources.Env;
            btEnvList.ButtonPressed += BtEnvListOnButtonPressed;
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btEnvList, "Click to <b>open a menu</b> that allows you to quickly select another environment");

            btEnvModify.BackGrndImage  = ImageResources.ZoomIn;
            btEnvModify.ButtonPressed += BtEnvModifyOnButtonPressed;
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btEnvModify, "Click to go to see the details of the current environment");

            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(lblEnv, "Name of the currently selected environment");


            #region Current file

            // register to Updated Operation events
            FilesInfo.OnUpdatedOperation += FilesInfoOnUpdatedOperation;
            FilesInfo.OnUpdatedErrors    += FilesInfoOnUpdatedErrors;

            btPrevError.ButtonPressed           += BtPrevErrorOnButtonPressed;
            btNextError.ButtonPressed           += BtNextErrorOnButtonPressed;
            btClearAllErrors.ButtonPressed      += BtClearAllErrorsOnButtonPressed;
            btGetHelp.ButtonPressed             += BtGetHelpOnButtonPressed;
            btStopExecution.ButtonPressed       += BtStopExecutionOnButtonPressed;
            btBringProcessToFront.ButtonPressed += BtBringProcessToFrontOnButtonPressed;

            btPrevError.BackGrndImage           = ImageResources.Previous;
            btNextError.BackGrndImage           = ImageResources.Next;
            btClearAllErrors.BackGrndImage      = ImageResources.ClearAll;
            btGetHelp.BackGrndImage             = ImageResources.GetHelp;
            btGetHelp.UseGreyScale              = !Config.Instance.GlobalShowDetailedHelpForErrors;
            btStopExecution.BackGrndImage       = ImageResources.Stop;
            btBringProcessToFront.BackGrndImage = ImageResources.BringToFront;


            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btGetHelp, "Toggle on/off the <b>detailed help</b> for compilation errors and warnings");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btPrevError, "<b>Move the caret</b> to the previous error");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btNextError, "<b>Move the caret</b> to the next error");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btClearAllErrors, "<b>Clear</b> all the displayed errors");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(lbStatus, "Provides information on the current status of the file");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btStopExecution, "Click to <b>kill</b> the current processus");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btBringProcessToFront, "Click to <b>bring</b> the current process to foreground");

            lbStatus.BackColor = ThemeManager.Current.FormBack;


            #region File list

            // Image getter
            FileName.ImageGetter += ImageGetter;

            // Style the control

            // Register to events
            fastOLV.DoubleClick    += FastOlvOnDoubleClick;
            fastOLV.KeyDown        += FastOlvOnKeyDown;
            fastOLV.Click          += FastOlvOnClick;
            fastOLV.CellRightClick += FastOlvOnCellRightClick;

            // decorate rows
            fastOLV.UseCellFormatEvents = true;
            fastOLV.FormatCell         += FastOlvOnFormatCell;

            // problems with the width of the column, set here
            FileName.Width             = fastOLV.Width - 17;
            fastOLV.ClientSizeChanged += (sender, args) => FileName.Width = fastOLV.Width - 17;

            // button images
            btErase.BackGrndImage   = ImageResources.eraser;
            btRefresh.BackGrndImage = ImageResources.refresh;

            // events
            textFilter.TextChanged  += TextFilterOnTextChanged;
            textFilter.KeyDown      += TextFilterOnKeyDown;
            btRefresh.ButtonPressed += BtRefreshOnButtonPressed;
            btErase.ButtonPressed   += BtEraseOnButtonPressed;

            // button tooltips
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btErase, "<b>Erase</b> the content of the text filter");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(textFilter, "Start writing a file name to <b>filter</b> the list below");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btGotoDir, "<b>Open</b> the current path in the windows explorer");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(btDirectory, "Click to <b>change</b> the directory to explore");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(lbDirectory, "Current directory being explored");

            btGotoDir.BackGrndImage    = ImageResources.OpenInExplorer;
            btGotoDir.ButtonPressed   += BtGotoDirOnButtonPressed;
            _explorerDirStr            = new[] { "Local path ", "Compilation path", "Propath", "Everywhere" };
            btDirectory.ButtonPressed += BtDirectoryOnButtonPressed;


            Refreshing = false;

예제 #8
 // Use this for initialization
 public void Start()
     this.form = (EmptyForm)FormsManager.LoadForm(gameObject, typeof(EmptyForm), this.Skin);
예제 #9
        public CodeExplorerForm(EmptyForm formToCover) : base(formToCover)

                ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
                ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
                ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

            #region Object list

            // column
            _displayText = new OLVColumn {
                AspectName       = "DisplayText",
                FillsFreeSpace   = true,
                IsEditable       = false,
                ShowTextInHeader = false,
                Text             = ""

            // fast ovl
            fastOLV = new FastObjectListView();
            fastOLV.AutoArrange = false;
            fastOLV.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            fastOLV.Columns.AddRange(new ColumnHeader[] { _displayText });
            fastOLV.FullRowSelect                   = true;
            fastOLV.HeaderMaximumHeight             = 0;
            fastOLV.HeaderStyle                     = ColumnHeaderStyle.None;
            fastOLV.HideSelection                   = false;
            fastOLV.LabelWrap                       = false;
            fastOLV.MultiSelect                     = false;
            fastOLV.OwnerDraw                       = true;
            fastOLV.RowHeight                       = 20;
            fastOLV.SelectAllOnControlA             = false;
            fastOLV.ShowGroups                      = false;
            fastOLV.ShowHeaderInAllViews            = false;
            fastOLV.ShowSortIndicators              = false;
            fastOLV.SortGroupItemsByPrimaryColumn   = false;
            fastOLV.UseCellFormatEvents             = true;
            fastOLV.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
            fastOLV.UseFiltering                    = true;
            fastOLV.UseHotItem                      = true;
            fastOLV.UseTabAsInput                   = true;
            fastOLV.View        = View.Details;
            fastOLV.VirtualMode = true;
            fastOLV.Anchor      = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;
            fastOLV.Location    = new Point(0, 30);
            fastOLV.Size        = new Size(320, 300);

            // add to content panel

            // Image getter
            _displayText.ImageGetter += ImageGetter;

            // Style the control

            // Register to events
            fastOLV.KeyDown += FastOlvOnKeyDown;
            fastOLV.Click   += FastOlvOnClick;

            // decorate rows
            fastOLV.UseCellFormatEvents = true;
            fastOLV.FormatCell         += FastOlvOnFormatCell;

            // problems with the width of the column, set here
            _displayText.Width         = fastOLV.Width - 17;
            fastOLV.ClientSizeChanged += (sender, args) => _displayText.Width = fastOLV.Width - 17;


            #region Buttons

            // Buttons images
            buttonCleanText.BackGrndImage       = ImageResources.eraser;
            buttonExpandRetract.BackGrndImage   = ImageResources.collapse;
            buttonRefresh.BackGrndImage         = ImageResources.refresh;
            buttonIncludeExternal.BackGrndImage = ImageResources.External;
            buttonIncludeExternal.UseGreyScale  = !Config.Instance.CodeExplorerDisplayExternalItems;


            // Register buttons to events
            buttonCleanText.ButtonPressed       += buttonCleanText_Click;
            buttonExpandRetract.ButtonPressed   += buttonExpandRetract_Click;
            textBoxFilter.TextChanged           += textBoxFilter_TextChanged;
            buttonRefresh.ButtonPressed         += buttonRefresh_Click;
            buttonSort.ButtonPressed            += buttonSort_Click;
            buttonIncludeExternal.ButtonPressed += ButtonIncludeExternalOnButtonPressed;
            textBoxFilter.KeyDown += TextBoxFilterOnKeyDown;

            // tooltips
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(buttonExpandRetract, "Toggle <b>Expand/Collapse</b>");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(buttonCleanText, "<b>Clean</b> the current text filter");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(buttonRefresh, "Click to <b>Refresh</b> the tree");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(buttonSort, "Choose the way the items are sorted :<br>- Natural order (code order)<br>-Alphabetical order<br>-Uncategorized, unsorted");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(buttonIncludeExternal, "Toggle on/off <b>the display</b> of external items in the list<br>(i.e. will a 'run' statement defined in a included file (.i) appear in this list or not)");
            toolTipHtml.SetToolTip(textBoxFilter, "Allows to <b>filter</b> the items of the list below");

예제 #10
 // Use this for initialization
 public void Start()
     this.form = (EmptyForm)FormsManager.LoadForm(gameObject, typeof(EmptyForm), this.Skin);