protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { form_id_HiddenField.Value = "1"; LangDropDownList.SelectedValue = "1"; if (Session["tablet_mode"] != null) { if (Session["tablet_mode"].ToString() == "1") { if (Session["id"] != null) { form_id_HiddenField.Value = Session["id"].ToString(); LangDropDownList.SelectedValue = Session["id"].ToString(); } if (Session["badge_id"] != null) { BadgeTextBox.Text = Session["badge_id"].ToString(); // byte[] bytes = MarshFormsFunctions.GetEmployeeBadgeImage(Session["badge_id"]); // BitmapImage bmpImage = new BitmapImage(); // MemoryStream msImageStream = new MemoryStream(); // msImageStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // bmpCardImage.BeginInit(); // bmpCardImage.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(msImageStream.ToArray()); // bmpCardImage.EndInit(); //// image.Source = bmpCardImage; // BadgeImage.ImageUrl = MarshFormsFunctions.GetEmployeeBadgeImage(Session["badge_id"].ToString()); TemperatureTextBox.Text = MarshFormsFunctions.GetLastTemp(Session["badge_id"].ToString()); } if (Session["employee_name"] != null) { EmployeeNameTextBox.Text = Session["employee_name"].ToString(); } if (Session["max_dt"] != null) { LastSurveyedLabel.Text = Session["max_dt"].ToString(); } } else if (Session["tablet_mode"].ToString() == "0") { } } else { } EmployeeNameTextBox.Focus(); } //EmployeeNameTextBox.Focus(); }
private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Clear all of the form's text fields EmployeeSalesBonusTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeNameTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeIdTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeTotalSalesTextBox.Clear(); }
private void ClearAddEmployee(object sender, DialogClosingEventArgs eventArgs) { EmployeeNameTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeAddressTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today; EmployeeSalaryTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeDepartmentComboBox.SelectedItem = null; EmpoloyeeRoleComboBox.SelectedItem = null; validation.Text = ""; }
public void addEmployee(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ViewModel.ValidateName()) { ViewModel.addEmployee(); EmployeeNameTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeAddressTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeBirthDatePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today; EmployeeSalaryTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeDepartmentComboBox.SelectedItem = null; EmpoloyeeRoleComboBox.SelectedItem = null; Home.ViewModel.CloseRootDialog(); } }
private bool IsFormValid() { if (EmployeeNameTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Name is required"); EmployeeNameTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (CNICTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("CNIC is required"); CNICTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if ((TelephoneTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) && (MobileTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Mobile number or Telephone number is required"); MobileTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (GenderComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Gender is required"); GenderComboBox.Focus(); return(false); } //if (BranchComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) //{ // Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Branch is required"); // BranchComboBox.Focus(); // return false; //} if (AddressLineTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Address Line is required"); AddressLineTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (CityComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("City is required"); CityComboBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (DistrictComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("District is required"); DistrictComboBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (PostalCodeTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Postal Code is required"); PostalCodeTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (JobTitleComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Job Title is required"); JobTitleComboBox.Focus(); return(false); } if (StartingSalaryTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Starting Salary is required"); StartingSalaryTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } else { if (Convert.ToDecimal(StartingSalaryTextBox.Text) <= 0) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Starting Salary cannot be zero or less than zero"); StartingSalaryTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } } if (CurrentSalaryTextBox.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Current Salary is required"); CurrentSalaryTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } else { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CurrentSalaryTextBox.Text) <= 0) { Messages.ShowErrorMessage("Current Salary cannot be zero or less than zero"); CurrentSalaryTextBox.Focus(); return(false); } } return(true); }
//Method to clear the form and reset focus private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClearForm(); EmployeeNameTextBox.Focus(); }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (EmployeeIdTextBox.Text.Trim() == "" || EmployeeNameTextBox.Text.Trim() == "" || RankTextBox.Text.Trim() == "" || FacutlyComboBox.SelectedItem == null || DepartmentComboBox.SelectedItem == null || CenterComboBox.SelectedItem == null || BuildingComboBox.SelectedItem == null || LevelComboBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry! Fields cannot be empty!", "Error"); return; } Lecturer lecturer = new Lecturer { EmployeeId = Int32.Parse(EmployeeIdTextBox.Text.Trim()), EmployeeName = EmployeeNameTextBox.Text.Trim(), Rank = float.Parse(RankTextBox.Text.Trim()) }; string facultyName = FacutlyComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); string departmentName = DepartmentComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); string centerName = CenterComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); string buildingName = BuildingComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); string levelName = LevelComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); LecturerDataService lecturerDataService = new LecturerDataService(new EntityFramework.TimetableManagerDbContext()); if (!EmployeeIdTextBox.IsEnabled) { EmployeeIdTextBox.IsEnabled = true; lecturerDataService.UpdateLecturer(lecturer, facultyName, departmentName, centerName, buildingName, levelName).ContinueWith(result => { if (result != null) { MessageBox.Show("Lecture Updated!", "Success"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry! Error occured!", "Error"); } }); } else { lecturerDataService.AddLecturer(lecturer, facultyName, departmentName, centerName, buildingName, levelName).ContinueWith(result => { if (result != null) { MessageBox.Show("Lecture Added!", "Success"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry! Error occured!", "Error"); } }); } EmployeeIdTextBox.Clear(); EmployeeNameTextBox.Clear(); RankTextBox.Clear(); FacutlyComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; DepartmentComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; CenterComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; BuildingComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; LevelComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1; LecturerDataList.Clear(); _ = this.LoadLecturerData(); }
protected void SubmitLinkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String employee_name = EmployeeNameTextBox.Text; String employee_badge_id = BadgeTextBox.Text; String temperature = TemperatureTextBox.Text; String additional_comments = AdditionalCommentsTextBox.Text; bool NoBlanks = true; if (employee_name == "") { NoBlanks = false; EmployeeNameTextBox.Focus(); MessageLabel.Text = "Employee name field must be filled in."; } else if (employee_badge_id == "") { NoBlanks = false; BadgeTextBox.Focus(); } //REMOVED 10/5/2020 /*else if (temperature == "") * { * NoBlanks = false; * TemperatureTextBox.Focus(); * }*/ else { int employee_id = MarshFormsFunctions.GetEmployeeID(Convert.ToInt32(employee_badge_id)); int payroll_id = MarshFormsFunctions.GetEmployeePayrollIDFromBadge(employee_badge_id); String g = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //IDictionary<int, string> answers = new Dictionary<int, string>(); List <List <string> > answers = new List <List <string> >(); bool answeredTrue = false; int critical_count = 0; int non_critical_count = 0; foreach (ListViewItem lvi1 in question_headings_ListView.Items) { ListView questions_ListView = (ListView)lvi1.FindControl("questions_ListView"); foreach (ListViewItem lvi2 in questions_ListView.Items) { int question_id; if (Int32.TryParse(questions_ListView.DataKeys[lvi2.DataItemIndex].Values["id"].ToString(), out question_id)) { CheckBox answer1bit = (CheckBox)lvi2.FindControl("answer1bit"); CheckBox answer2bit = (CheckBox)lvi2.FindControl("answer2bit"); CheckBox answer3bit = (CheckBox)lvi2.FindControl("answer3bit"); String critical_question = questions_ListView.DataKeys[lvi2.DataItemIndex].Values["critical"].ToString(); answers.Add(new List <string> { question_id.ToString(), answer1bit.Checked.ToString(), answer2bit.Checked.ToString(), answer3bit.Checked.ToString() }); if (answer1bit.Checked || answer2bit.Checked) { //answers.Add(question_id, "True"); answeredTrue = true; if (critical_question == "True") { critical_count++; } else { non_critical_count++; } } else if (answer3bit.Checked) { //answers.Add(question_id, "False"); } else { //answers.Add(question_id, "Blank"); NoBlanks = false; } } } } ////ERROR CHECKING if (NoBlanks) { if (!MarshFormsFunctions.SubmitTemp(employee_id, employee_name, employee_badge_id, temperature, g, additional_comments)) { //ERROR database exception MessageLabel.Text = "An unexpected error occurred when trying to submit the form. Please try again."; } else { foreach (List <string> subList in answers) { int question_id; String answer1 = ""; String answer2 = ""; String answer3 = ""; if (Int32.TryParse(subList[0], out question_id)) { answer1 = subList[1]; answer2 = subList[2]; answer3 = subList[3]; } if (!MarshFormsFunctions.SubmitAnswer1(question_id, employee_id, employee_name, employee_badge_id, answer1, answer2, answer3, g)) { //ERROR database exception MessageLabel.Text = "An unexpected error occurred when trying to submit the form. Please try again."; break; } } //IF THERE TEMP IS HIGH THEN GRAB A PHONE # AND GO TO YOUR CAR if (temperature != "") { if (double.Parse(temperature, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) >= 100.4) { HttpContext.Current.Session["guid"] = g; Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmittedTrue.aspx"); } } //IF THEY ARE IN THE PROGRAM THEN BUSINESS AS USUAL if (MarshFormsFunctions.get_monitor(employee_badge_id)) { //MarshFormsFunctions.sendEmail(g, employee_name, "", true, payroll_id.ToString()); Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmitted.aspx"); } //ANY AMOUNT OF YES -- GO TO CAR //else if (answeredTrue) //{ // HttpContext.Current.Session["guid"] = g; // Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmittedTrue.aspx"); //} //IF YOU ANSWER 1 OR MORE CRITICAL QUESTIONS TRUE THEN GO TO YOUR CAR else if (critical_count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["guid"] = g; Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmittedTrue.aspx"); } //IF YOU ANSWER 2 OR MORE SOFT QUESTIONS TRUE THEN GO TO YOUR CAR else if (non_critical_count > 1) { HttpContext.Current.Session["guid"] = g; Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmittedTrue.aspx"); } //OTHERWISE YOUR GOOD TO STAY IN THE FACILITY else { //SEND FOLLOW UP EMAIL IF THERE IS ONE SOFT YES if (non_critical_count > 0) { MarshFormsFunctions.sendEmail(g, employee_name, "", true, payroll_id.ToString()); } Response.Redirect("~\\FormSubmitted.aspx"); } } } else { // MessageLabel.Text = "Please be sure to fill out each field on the form."; //ERROR blank value } } }