예제 #1
        public object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host)

            // Subscribing to constraint problem handler
            host.Log.ProblemHandler += (problemEventArgs) =>
                var location = problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Method == null ?
                               "" :
                               (problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Method.FullName + ":" + problemEventArgs.FlippedLocation.Offset);


            // Subscribing to test emitting handler
            host.Log.GeneratedTestHandler += (generatedTestEventArgs) =>
                // Getting the number of the corresponding run
                var run = generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.Run;

                // Storing the result of the test (this is called before AfterRun)
                EmittedTestResult.Add(run, new Tuple <bool, string>(generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.IsFailure, generatedTestEventArgs.GeneratedTest.MethodCode));

예제 #2
        public void AfterRun(IPexPathComponent host, object data)

            // Getting the executions nodes in the current path
            var nodesInPath = host.PathServices.CurrentExecutionNodeProvider.ReversedNodes.Reverse().ToArray();

            // Getting the sequence id of the current run
            var runId = host.ExplorationServices.Driver.Runs;

            // Iterating over the nodes in the path
            foreach (var node in nodesInPath)
                var vertex = new CFGNode(node.UniqueIndex, false);

                // Adding the method name this early in order to color edges
                string methodName = null;
                int    offset     = 0;
                if (node.CodeLocation.Method == null)
                    if (node.InCodeBranch.Method != null)
                        methodName = node.InCodeBranch.Method.FullName;
                    methodName = node.CodeLocation.Method.FullName;
                    offset     = node.CodeLocation.Offset;
                // Setting the method name
                vertex.MethodName = methodName;

                // Setting the offset
                vertex.ILOffset = (uint)offset;

                var nodeIndex = nodesInPath.ToList().IndexOf(node);
                if (nodeIndex > 0)
                    var prevNode = nodesInPath [nodeIndex - 1];
                    // If there is no edge between the previous and the current node
                    if (!(Edges.ContainsKey(prevNode.UniqueIndex) && Edges [prevNode.UniqueIndex].ContainsKey(node.UniqueIndex)))
                        var prevVertex = Vertices [prevNode.UniqueIndex];

                        var edge = new CFGEdge(new Random().Next(), prevVertex, vertex);

                        Dictionary <int, CFGEdge> outEdges = null;
                        if (Edges.TryGetValue(prevNode.UniqueIndex, out outEdges))
                            outEdges.Add(node.UniqueIndex, edge);
                            Edges.Add(prevNode.UniqueIndex, new Dictionary <int, CFGEdge>());
                            Edges [prevNode.UniqueIndex].Add(node.UniqueIndex, edge);

                        // Edge coloring based on unit border detection
                        if (UnitNamespace != null)
                            // Checking if pointing into the unit from outside
                            if (!(prevVertex.MethodName.StartsWith(UnitNamespace + ".") || prevVertex.MethodName.Equals(UnitNamespace)) && (vertex.MethodName.StartsWith(UnitNamespace + ".") || vertex.MethodName.Equals(UnitNamespace)))
                                edge.Color = CFGEdge.EdgeColor.Green;

                            // Checking if pointing outside the unit from inside
                            if ((prevVertex.MethodName.StartsWith(UnitNamespace + ".") || prevVertex.MethodName.Equals(UnitNamespace)) && !(vertex.MethodName.StartsWith(UnitNamespace + ".") || vertex.MethodName.Equals(UnitNamespace)))
                                edge.Color = CFGEdge.EdgeColor.Red;

                // If the node is new then it is added to the list and the metadata is filled
                if (!Vertices.ContainsKey(node.UniqueIndex))
                    Vertices.Add(node.UniqueIndex, vertex);

                    // Adding source code mapping
                    vertex.SourceCodeMappingString = MapToSourceCodeLocationString(host, node);

                    // Setting the border based on mapping existence
                    vertex.Border = vertex.SourceCodeMappingString == null ? CFGNode.NodeBorder.Single : CFGNode.NodeBorder.Double;

                    // Setting the color
                    if (nodesInPath.LastOrDefault() == node)
                        if (!EmittedTestResult.ContainsKey(runId))
                            vertex.Color = CFGNode.NodeColor.Orange;
                            if (EmittedTestResult [runId].Item1)
                                vertex.Color = CFGNode.NodeColor.Red;
                                vertex.Color = CFGNode.NodeColor.Green;
                            vertex.GenerateTestCode = EmittedTestResult [runId].Item2;
                        vertex.Color = CFGNode.NodeColor.White;

                    // Setting the default shape
                    vertex.Shape = CFGNode.NodeShape.Rectangle;

                    // Adding path condition tasks and getting the required services
                    TermEmitter       termEmitter      = new TermEmitter(host.GetService <TermManager>());
                    SafeStringWriter  safeStringWriter = new SafeStringWriter();
                    IMethodBodyWriter methodBodyWriter = host.GetService <IPexTestManager>().Language.CreateBodyWriter(safeStringWriter, VisibilityContext.Private, 2000);
                    PrettyPathConditionTasks.Add(vertex.Id, PrettyPrintPathCondition(termEmitter, methodBodyWriter, safeStringWriter, node));

                    // Setting the status
                    vertex.Status = node.ExhaustedReason.ToString();

                    // Collecting the parent nodes for the later incremental path condition calculation
                    if (nodeIndex > 0)
                        ParentNodes.Add(vertex.Id, nodesInPath [nodeIndex - 1].UniqueIndex);

                // Adding the Id of the run
                Vertices [node.UniqueIndex].Runs += (runId + ";");