예제 #1
 public void SendMessage(EmailMessage pMessage)
     EmailService.EmailServiceClient lClient = new EmailService.EmailServiceClient();
         new EmailService.EmailMessage()
             Message = pMessage.Message,
             ToAddresses = pMessage.ToAddress,
             Date = DateTime.Now
예제 #2
        public ActionResult <string> Get(int id)
            var host = _configuration["ServiceUrl:EmailGrpc"];//

            Channel channel = new Channel(host, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

            var client = new EmailService.EmailServiceClient(channel);

            var reply = client.SendEmail(new Messages.EmailGrpcService.SendEmailRequest {
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

예제 #3
 private void SendEmail(string pdfPath, string to, string folder)
     using (var email = new EmailService.EmailServiceClient())
         email.SendEmail("Registro de Cliente", new EmailService.EmailDto
             Tok__BackingField   = new string[] { to },
             Bodyk__BackingField = string.Format("Aqui está o email com as informações do seu cadastro. \n"
                                                 + "Segue o link para download dos arquivos {0}",
                                                 ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("serverPath") + folder), //"Aqui está o seu email com as informações do cadastro",
             Subjectk__BackingField    = "Informações do Cadastro",
             Attachmentk__BackingField = new EmailService.AttachmentDto
                 _content  = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pdfPath),
                 _filename = new FileInfo(pdfPath).Name
예제 #4
    protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Collect all check box list items from the 'ICU will fund the following'
        // check box list group into one string
        string IcuWillFundChoosenItems = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in IcuWillFund.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                IcuWillFundChoosenItems = IcuWillFundChoosenItems + li.Value + ", ";

        // Collect all check box list items from the 'Please select an invitation option'
        // check box list group into one string
        string InviteOptionChoosenItems = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in IcuWillFund.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                InviteOptionChoosenItems = InviteOptionChoosenItems + li.Value + ", ";

        //Send request e-mail
        string emailMsgBody;

        //Format the e-mail message with a HTML table
        emailMsgBody = "<html><header></head><body>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<table width='650' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' >";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td width='265' valign='top'><strong>Your name:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + RequestorName.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top' width='265'><strong>Your e-mail address:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + RequestorEmail.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Requested speaker:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + RequestedSpeaker.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Requested speaking topic:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + RequestedSpeakingTopic.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top' width='265'><strong>Chapter and/or Association:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + ChapterAssociation.SelectedItem.Text + " " + ChapterAssociationOther.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td rowspan='2' valign='top'><strong>Chapter/Association location:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>City:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td width='425'>" + ChapterAssociationCity.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td width='110'>State:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + ChapterAssociationState.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Is this part of a local chapter or association meeting? </strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + ChapterLocalMeeting.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Is there a table-top or exhibit opportunity?</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + ExhibitOpportunity.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td rowspan='5' valign='top'><strong>Chapter/Association contact: </strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Facility:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + AssociationContactFacility.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Name:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + AssociationContactName.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Title:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + AssociationContactTitle.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Phone:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + AssociationContactPhone.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>E-Mail:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + AssociationContactEmail.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td rowspan='3' valign='top'><strong>Proposed date(s):</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Date Option 1:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + ProposedDate1.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Date Option 2:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + ProposedDate2.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>Date Option 3:</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td>" + ProposedDate3.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Purposed time: </strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + ProposedTime.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Number of expected attendees:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + ExpectedAttendees.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>ICU will fund the following:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + IcuWillFundChoosenItems + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>If a venue is needed, please recommend 2-3 possible locations:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + VenueRecomnd.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Will continuing education credits be provided?</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + CEcredits.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Please select an invitation option:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + InviteOptionChoosenItems + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td valign='top'><strong>Additional comments:</strong></td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "<td colspan='2'>" + Comments.Text + "</td>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</tr>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</table>";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "";
        emailMsgBody = emailMsgBody + "</body></html>";

        EmailService.EmailServiceClient es = new EmailService.EmailServiceClient();
        es.SendMail(ManagerEmail.Value, RequestorName.Text, RequestorEmail.Text, emailMsgBody, "KOL Speaker Request", "MarketingRequestForms");

        private void SendEmail()
            EmailService.EmailServiceClient obj = new EmailService.EmailServiceClient();
            obj.SendEmailCompleted += new EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(obj_SendEmailCompleted);
            obj.SendEmailAsync(MessageData.Name, MessageData.ToAddress, MessageData.FromAddress, MessageData.Phone, MessageData.Comment);

            MessageData = new MessageData();