public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null || !(await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.ResetPasswordCallbackLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); await EmailSenderExtensions.SendEmailPasswordRessetAsync(_emailSender, model.Email, callbackUrl); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task SendEmailConfirmationForNewRegistration() { // Arrange var emailSenderMock = new Mock <IEmailSender>(); // Act await EmailSenderExtensions.SendEmailConfirmationAsync(emailSenderMock.Object, TESTEMAIL, TESTLINK, false).ConfigureAwait(false); // Assert emailSenderMock.Verify( mock => mock.SendEmailAsync( TESTEMAIL, "Potwierdzenie założenia konta", It.Is <string>(str => str.StartsWith("Prosimy o potwierdzenie założenia konta poprzez kliknięcie na link", System.StringComparison.InvariantCulture))), Times.Once()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string returnUrl = null) { ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; ViewData["Companies"] = _databaseContext.Companies.ToList(); ViewData["Cities"] = _databaseContext.Cities.ToList(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Company company; if (model.CompanyType == "new") { // Additional validation before creating the Company var requiredFields = new[] { new Tuple <string, object>("Name", model.Company.Name), new Tuple <string, object>("Address", model.Company.Address), new Tuple <string, object>("CityId", model.Company.CityId), new Tuple <string, object>("Logo", model.Company.Logo), new Tuple <string, object>("Description", model.Company.Description), new Tuple <string, object>("Website", model.Company.Website), }; foreach (var field in requiredFields) { if (field.Item2 == null || field.Item2.Equals("")) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, $"{field.Item1} field is required."); } } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } // Create the company company = model.Company; _databaseContext.Companies.Add(company); } else { company = _databaseContext.Companies.Find(model.CompanyId); } var user = new User { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email, Name = model.Name, Surname = model.Surname, Phone = model.Phone, Published = DateTime.Now, Company = company }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.EmailConfirmationLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); await EmailSenderExtensions.SendEmailConfirmationAsync(_emailSender, model.Email, callbackUrl); //await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false); _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }