public void TestSendAndDeleteMail() { // Login to the mail box. HomePage homePage = Login(); // Send a mail. EmailPage emailPage = homePage.ClickWriteBtn(); emailPage.CreateDraft(this.mailTo, this.subject, this.text); emailPage.SendDraft(); // Delete sent mail. SentPage sentPage = homePage.OpenSent(); sentPage.SelectMailBySubject(this.subject); sentPage.DeleteSelectedMail(); // Verify, that the mail disappeared from ‘Sent’ folder. sentPage.RefreshPage(); bool isMailDisplayed = sentPage.IsMailDisplayed(this.subject); Assert.IsFalse(isMailDisplayed); // Verify, that the mail is in ‘Trash’ folder TrashPage trashPage = sentPage.OpenTrash(); string subjectOfDeletedMail = trashPage.GetMailSubjectText(this.subject); Assert.AreEqual(this.subject, subjectOfDeletedMail, "The mail wasn't deleted"); // Log out. trashPage.Logout(); }
public void TestCreateAndSendDraft() { // Login to the mail box. HomePage homePage = Login(); string writeBtnText = homePage.GetWriteBtnText(); // Assert, that the login is successful: Если появляется кнопка Написать, значит вход выполнен успешно StringAssert.Contains("Написать", writeBtnText, "Login failed."); // Create a new mail(fill addressee, subject and body fields). EmailPage emailPage = homePage.ClickWriteBtn(); emailPage.CreateDraft(this.mailTo, this.subject, this.text); // Save the mail as a draft. emailPage.SaveAndCloseDraft(); // Verify, that the mail presents in ‘Drafts’ folder. DraftsPage draftsPage = homePage.OpenDrafts(); string subjectOfCreatedDraft = draftsPage.GetMailSubjectText(this.subject); Assert.AreEqual(this.subject, subjectOfCreatedDraft, "Draft wasn't saved"); // Verify the draft content(addressee, subject and body – should be the same as in 3). emailPage = draftsPage.OpenMailBySubject(this.subject); string draftBody = emailPage.GetBodyText(); string draftMailTo = emailPage.GetDraftMailToText(); string draftSubject = emailPage.GetDraftSubjectText(); StringAssert.Contains(this.mailTo, draftMailTo, "TO value is not expected"); StringAssert.Contains(this.subject, draftSubject, "Subject value is not expected"); StringAssert.Contains(this.text, draftBody, "Body value is not expected"); // Send the mail. emailPage.SendDraft(); // Verify, that the mail disappeared from ‘Drafts’ folder. draftsPage.RefreshPage(); bool isDraftDisplayed = draftsPage.IsMailDisplayed(this.subject); Assert.IsFalse(isDraftDisplayed); // Verify, that the mail is in ‘Sent’ folder. SentPage sentPage = draftsPage.OpenSent(); string subjectOfSentMail = sentPage.GetMailSubjectText(this.subject); Assert.AreEqual(this.subject, subjectOfSentMail, "Mail is not in 'Sent' folder"); // Log out. sentPage.Logout(); }