public async Task <ActionResult> Index(UserChatModel paramUserInfo) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { paramUserInfo._UserType = UserChatModel.RegisteredUserType.regularUser; paramUserInfo._GroupNameChat = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); EmailModel emailService = new EmailModel(); //creates custom URL to access HelpDesk Login for users in service desk string urlWebDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebDomain"]; UrlHelper uhelper = new UrlHelper(ControllerContext.RequestContext); string urlHelpDeskLogin = urlWebDomain + uhelper.Action("HelpDeskLogin", "Chat", new { groupName = paramUserInfo._GroupNameChat }); //sends the email to helpdesk group await emailService.CreatesUserStartSessionNotificationEmail(paramUserInfo, urlHelpDeskLogin); return(RedirectToAction("ChatRoom", paramUserInfo)); } else { return(View()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = String.Format("Se ha presentado un problema al tratar de ingresar al chat. \n {0}", ex.Message); return(View()); } }