public void testList010() { EmailList el = new EmailList(); // Using the generic "Wrap" API so that we can use this // test against any internationalized version of the ADK Email email1 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("foo"), "*****@*****.**"); Email email2 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("foo"), "*****@*****.**"); el.Add(email1); Assert.AreEqual(1, el.ChildCount, "Should have 1 email"); el.Add(email2); Assert.AreEqual(2, el.ChildCount, "Should have 2 emails"); Email[] children = el.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(2, children.Length, "Should have 2 array elements"); el.RemoveChild(email2); Assert.AreEqual(1, el.ChildCount, "Should have 1 email"); el.RemoveChild(email1); Assert.AreEqual(0, el.ChildCount, "Should have 0 emails"); children = el.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(0, children.Length, "Should have 0 array elements"); }
public void testList020() { EmailList el = new EmailList(); // Using the generic "Wrap" API so that we can use this // test against any internationalized version of the ADK Email email1 = new Email( EmailType.Wrap( "asdfasdf" ), "*****@*****.**" ); Email email2 = new Email( EmailType.Wrap( "Primary" ), "*****@*****.**" ); el.Add(email1); Assert.AreEqual(1, el.ChildCount, "Should have 1 email"); el.Add(email2); Assert.AreEqual(2, el.ChildCount, "Should have 2 emails"); Email email3 = new Email(); email3.Type = "Alternate1"; el.Add(email3); Assert.AreEqual(3, el.ChildCount, "Should have 3 emails"); Email primary = el[EmailType.PRIMARY]; Assert.IsNotNull( primary ); primary = el["Primary"]; Assert.IsNotNull(primary); Email secondary = el[EmailType.ALT1]; Assert.IsNotNull(secondary); secondary = el["Alternate1"]; Assert.IsNotNull(secondary); }
private void ExecuteNewCommand() { new EmailView().Show(); Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessageAction <EmailItem>(null, item => { EmailList.Add(item); }), "email"); }
// Adds new mail into the JSON file so it appears in the inbox. public static void AddMail(string src, string dst, string dt, string sbjt, string bdy) { string domain = "";//init if (BootOptions.enableNetworking == true) { //break up parts of the sender's email if (src.Contains("@")) { string[] breakUpEmail = src.Split('@'); domain = breakUpEmail[1]; //grab domain after the @ symbol } //If the email source hasn't been blocked on the firewall if (Class_Firewall.blockedDomains.Contains(domain) == false) { EmailStruct newMail = new EmailStruct { // Creates a new email with the passed in values. Source = src, Destination = dst, Date = dt, Subject = sbjt, Body = bdy }; //Then we add the new email to the inbox. EmailList.Add(newMail); Desktop_BKEND.Notification("You've got mail!"); } } }
private void dlgSendMail_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { MySQLHelper._connectionString = Global.MySQLConnectionInfo.ConnectionString; if (this.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (!CheckInfo()) { txtTo.Hide(); txtCc.Hide(); e.Cancel = true; } else { dlgPasscode dlg = new dlgPasscode(); if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { _passcode = dlg.Passcode; List <string> toEmailList = txtTo.GetEmailList(); List <string> ccEmailList = txtCc.GetEmailList(); foreach (var mail in toEmailList) { _emailList.Add(mail); } foreach (var mail in ccEmailList) { _emailList.Add(mail); } _emailList.Serialize(Global.EmailListPath); txtTo.Clear(); txtCc.Clear(); } else { e.Cancel = true; } } } else { txtTo.Hide(); txtCc.Hide(); } }
async void Init() { var soapClient = new Bubble.ContactsSoapClient(); IEnumerable <Person> persons; IEnumerable <Email> ems; IEnumerable <Address> ads; IEnumerable <Phone> phs; persons = await soapClient.GetPeopleAsync(); foreach (var dude in persons) { ContactList.Add(dude); } ems = await soapClient.GetEmailsAsync(); foreach (var e in ems) { EmailList.Add(e); } ads = await soapClient.GetAddressesAsync(); foreach (var a in ads) { AddressList.Add(a); } phs = await soapClient.GetPhonesAsync(); foreach (var p in phs) { PhoneList.Add(p); } foreach (var dude in ContactList) { foreach (var e in EmailList) { if (dude.PID == e.PersonID) { dude.elist.Add(e); } } foreach (var a in AddressList) { if (dude.PID == a.PersonID) { dude.alist.Add(a); } } foreach (var p in PhoneList) { if (dude.PID == p.PersonID) { dude.plist.Add(p); } } } }
//Send email to all people who has an component with expired loan date, but only once (no more than 1 email pr. user pr. component) public void SendExpLoanEmail() { //DateTime today = DateTime.Today; //SqlDateTime? today = DateTime.Today; foreach (Component component in AllComponentList) { if (component.ActualLoanInformation.ReturnDate != null) { if ((component.ActualLoanInformation.ReturnDate.Value < DateTime.Now) && (component.ActualLoanInformation.IsEmailSend == "yes")) { EmailList.Add(component); } } } foreach (Component component in EmailList) { try { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); //put your SMTP address and port here. SmtpClient smtpServer = new SmtpClient("smtp.", 587); //todo skal rettes til med mail og port for skolens udbyders SMPT server. //Set the secure socket layer to true. smtpServer.EnableSsl = true; //Your username and password! smtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", ""); //todo skal have indsat Login oplysninger for værkstedet for den nye mail oprettet til projektet. //Set the timeout period for which the email keeps trying to send the email smtpServer.Timeout = 30000; //Put the email address mail.From = new MailAddress(""); //todo skal have indsat skolens statiske mail her. //Put the email where you want to send. mail.To.Add(component.ActualLoanInformation.OwnerID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ""); mail.Subject = component.ComponentName + "indkaldes"; StringBuilder sbBody = new StringBuilder(); sbBody.AppendLine("Nu er tiden kommet til at få afleveret lånte komponenter fra værkstedet"); sbBody.AppendLine("Du bedes returnere" + component.ComponentName + "snarest muligt"); sbBody.AppendLine("Mvh Værkstedet i Shannon"); //Writes the newly made predifned string builder into the mails body property. mail.Body = sbBody.ToString(); //Your log file path //System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(@"C:\Logs\CheckoutPOS.log"); //mail.Attachments.Add(attachment); smtpServer.Send(mail); //MessageBox.Show("The exception has been sent! :)"); component.ActualLoanInformation.IsEmailSend = "yes"; ldbUtil_.UpdateLoanInformation(component.ComponentID, component.ActualLoanInformation); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Det var ikke muligt at sende emails med udløbet udlån" + ex); //Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } }
private async Task OnAddEmail() { if (!_emailText.IsValidEmail()) { await Alert.ShowMessage(nameof(AppResources.PleaseEnterValidEmail).Translate()); return; } EmailList.Add(_emailText); }
public void testList020() { EmailList el = new EmailList(); // Using the generic "Wrap" API so that we can use this // test against any internationalized version of the ADK Email email1 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("foo"), "*****@*****.**"); Email email2 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("foo"), "*****@*****.**"); el.Add(email1); el.Add(email2); Assert.IsNotNull(email1.Parent, "Parent should not be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(email2.Parent, "Parent should not be null"); el.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, el.ChildCount, "Should have 0 emails"); Assert.IsNull(email1.Parent, "Parent should be null"); Assert.IsNull(email2.Parent, "Parent should be null"); }
public void testList020() { EmailList el = new EmailList(); // Using the generic "Wrap" API so that we can use this // test against any internationalized version of the ADK Email email1 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("asdfasdf"), "*****@*****.**"); Email email2 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("Primary"), "*****@*****.**"); el.Add(email1); Assert.AreEqual(1, el.ChildCount, "Should have 1 email"); el.Add(email2); Assert.AreEqual(2, el.ChildCount, "Should have 2 emails"); Email email3 = new Email(); email3.Type = "Alternate1"; el.Add(email3); Assert.AreEqual(3, el.ChildCount, "Should have 3 emails"); Email primary = el[EmailType.PRIMARY]; Assert.IsNotNull(primary); primary = el["Primary"]; Assert.IsNotNull(primary); Email secondary = el[EmailType.ALT1]; Assert.IsNotNull(secondary); secondary = el["Alternate1"]; Assert.IsNotNull(secondary); }
public void testAddChildTwice() { StudentPersonal sp1 = new StudentPersonal(); Email email1 = new Email(EmailType.PRIMARY, "*****@*****.**"); EmailList eList = new EmailList(); sp1.EmailList = eList; eList.AddChild(CommonDTD.EMAIL, email1); // We should be able to add the same child twice without getting an exception eList.AddChild(CommonDTD.EMAIL, email1); // Add it again, using the overload eList.AddChild(email1); Email[] studentEmails = sp1.EmailList.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(1, studentEmails.Length, "Should be one email"); StudentPersonal sp2 = ObjectCreator.CreateStudentPersonal(); Email email2 = new Email(EmailType.ALT1, "*****@*****.**"); EmailList elist2 = new EmailList(); elist2.Add(email2); sp2.EmailList = elist2; bool exceptionThrown = false; try { eList.AddChild(email2); // should throw here } catch (InvalidOperationException) { exceptionThrown = true; } Assert.IsTrue(exceptionThrown, "IllegalStateException should have been thrown in addChild(SIFElement)"); exceptionThrown = false; try { eList.AddChild(CommonDTD.EMAILLIST, email2); // should throw here } catch (InvalidOperationException) { exceptionThrown = true; } Assert.IsTrue(exceptionThrown, "IllegalStateException should have been thrown in addChild( ElementDef, SIFElement)"); }
public void testList030() { EmailList el = new EmailList(); // Using the generic "Wrap" API so that we can use this // test against any internationalized version of the ADK Email email1 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("foo"), "*****@*****.**"); Email email2 = new Email(EmailType.Wrap("bar"), "*****@*****.**"); el.Add(email1); el.Add(email2); // test the iterator int count = 0; foreach (Email e in el) { Assert.IsNotNull(e, "Email should not be null"); Assert.AreEqual(24, e.TextValue.Length, "Should have email address"); count++; } Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "Should have iterated 2 emails"); }
private void _import(string file) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) || !File.Exists(file)) { return; } var encoder = new TxtEncoder(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file, encoder.GetEncoding(file)); string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(line, Pattern)) { continue; } var match = Regex.Match(line, Pattern); EmailList.Add(new EmailItem(match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value)); } sr.Close(); }