public void TestGetLastMessageText_NoPrevious()
            string original = @"<html>
This is a boring email.

            // Note: it's acceptable to not preserve whitespace / insert empty HTML tags because we're
            // manipulating HTML, not plain text. As long as the rendered page isn't impacted, all is well
            string expected = @"<html><head></head><body>
This is a boring email.


            string actual = EmailBodyProcessingUtils.GetLastMessageText_Html(original);

            Assert.AreEqual(Normalize(expected), Normalize(actual));
예제 #2
        public void TestGetLastMessageText_Previous_FromColon()
            string original = @"<html>
<div class=""wrapppingBothMessageAndReply"">
    <p class=""customStyling"">This is random text with some custom styling and outlook-generated elements.<o:p></o:p></p>
        <div style=""border:none;border-top:solid"">
            <p class=""customStyling""><b>From:</b> someAddress;<br><b>Subject:</b> RE: Build error<o:p></o:p>
    <p class=""customStyling"">
    <p class=""customStyling"">text of the reply
<div>Something after the containing div</div>

            // Note: it's acceptable to not preserve whitespace because it's
            // manipulating HTML, not plain text. As long as the rendered page isn't impacted, all is well
            // Note that we expect that both
            // 1. Elements following the latest message are removed
            // 2. Anything in the same element as the latest message but after the start of the previous should be cleared out
            string expected = @"<html><head></head><body>
<div class=""wrapppingBothMessageAndReply"">
    <p class=""customStyling"">This is random text with some custom styling and outlook-generated elements.<o:p></o:p></p>
        <div style=""border:none;border-top:solid"">
            <p class=""customStyling""><b></b></p></div></div></div></body></html>";

            string actual = EmailBodyProcessingUtils.GetLastMessageText_Html(original);

            Assert.AreEqual(Normalize(expected), Normalize(actual));
        public void TestGetLastMessageText_EmailClientsSchemas()
            const string schemasFolder = "LastMessageSchemas";

            foreach (var originalFilename in Directory.GetFiles(schemasFolder, "*.orig"))
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing email schema file {0}", originalFilename));

                var baseFilename     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalFilename);
                var expectedFilename = Path.Combine(schemasFolder, baseFilename + ".expected");

                var original = File.ReadAllText(originalFilename);
                var expected = Normalize(File.ReadAllText(expectedFilename));
                var actual   = Normalize(EmailBodyProcessingUtils.GetLastMessageText_Html(original));

                // Note: it's acceptable to not preserve whitespace because it's
                // manipulating HTML, not plain text. As long as the rendered page isn't impacted, all is well
                // Note that we expect that both
                // 1. Elements following the latest message are removed
                // 2. Anything in the same element as the latest message but after the start of the previous should be cleared out
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);