예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Author: Satish
        /// Date: 8-05-2017
        /// Description: This region is Used for sending mails.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        internal string SendMail(EmailAttributesModel mailitem)
            string strMail = string.Empty;

                SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(AppConfig.SMTPServerName, Convert.ToInt32(AppConfig.SMTPServerPort));
                smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(AppConfig.SMTPEMAILFROM, AppConfig.SMTPEmailFromPassword);
                smtpClient.EnableSsl   = true;
                MailMessage message = null;
                message = new MailMessage(mailitem.From, mailitem.To);
                message.Subject    = mailitem.Subject;
                message.Body       = mailitem.MessageBody;
                message.IsBodyHtml = true;
                if (mailitem.CC != "")
                message.BodyEncoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8;
                message.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure;
                if (mailitem.AlternateView != null)
                strMail = "1";
            catch (Exception exception)
                strMail = exception.Message;

        public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string txtEmailAddress)
            List <DCUsers> lstDCUsers = new List <DCUsers>();

            string strMessage = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmailAddress))
                objBLUsers = new BLUsers();
                objDataOperationResponse = new DataOperationResponse();

                lstDCUsers = objBLUsers.ForgotPassword(txtEmailAddress);
                if (lstDCUsers.Count > 0)
                    EmailAttributesModel objEmailAttributes = new EmailAttributesModel();
                    objEmailAttributes.Subject = "IRMA™ Onboarding Portal Password";
                    string imagePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Images/mail.png");

                    var linkedResource = new LinkedResource(imagePath, MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
                    linkedResource.ContentId = "logoImage";
                    string body = "Hello " + lstDCUsers[0].FirstName + "," + " <br/><br/>" + "We heard that you lost your IRMA™ Onboarding Portal password. Sorry about that!"
                                  + "<br/><br/>" + "<b style='margin-left:30px;'>Your Password: </b>" + lstDCUsers[0].LastName + "<br/><br/>" + " Please contact the applicable support group for any questions or assistance:" + "<br/><br/>"
                                  + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>Adaptive Risk System (ARS™) support team for questions related to the use of the IRMA™ Onboarding and/or Live applications.</li>"
                                  + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + "'>" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + " </a></li> "
                                  + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> Mobile: " + AppConfig.SMTPPHNNO + "</li>"

                                  + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>IRMA™ IT support team for any questions related to logon, password or other IT related issues.</li>"
                                  + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + "'> " + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + " </a></li> "

                                  + "<br/><br/>" + " We will respond to emails within 24 hours of receipt." + "<br/><br/>" + " Thank you and have a great day!" + "<br/><b> IRMA™ Support Team</b>" + "<br/> <img src='cid:logoImage' alt='Red dot' width='122' height='48' />";
                    var altView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, null, "text/html");
                    objEmailAttributes.AlternateView = altView;
                    objEmailAttributes.MessageBody   = body;
                    objEmailAttributes.From          = AppConfig.SMTPEMAILFROM;
                    objEmailAttributes.To            = lstDCUsers[0].EmailAddress;
                    objEmailAttributes.CC            = "";
                    strMessage = SendMail(objEmailAttributes);
                    TempData["SuccessMessage"] = "Password has been sent to your mail";
                    TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Email-id does not exist";
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used for Add Update Users
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frmColl"></param>
        /// <param name="UserId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult AddUpdateUsers(FormCollection frmColl)
            if (Session["UserLogon"] != null)
                objDCUsers = new DCUsers();
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frmColl["btnSave"]) && string.Compare(frmColl["btnSave"].ToUpper(), "SAVE") == 0)

                objDataOperationResponse = new DataOperationResponse();
                objBLUsers = new BLUsers();

                StringBuilder objStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frmColl["ddlAssessmentType"]))
                    string[] strUserAssessmentTypeIds = frmColl["ddlAssessmentType"].Split(',');
                    foreach (string UserAssessmentTypeId in strUserAssessmentTypeIds)
                        objStrBuilder.Append("<UserAssessmentTypeId>" + Convert.ToInt32(UserAssessmentTypeId) + "</UserAssessmentTypeId>");
                objDCUsers.UserId          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(frmColl["hdnUserId"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(frmColl["hdnUserId"]);
                objDCUsers.FirstName       = frmColl["txtFirstName"];
                objDCUsers.LastName        = frmColl["txtLastName"];
                objDCUsers.EmailAddress    = frmColl["txtEmail"];
                objDCUsers.SponsorApproval = frmColl["ddlSponserApproval"];
                objDCUsers.ExpiryDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(frmColl["txtExpiryDate"]);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(frmColl["ddlClientName"]) == 0)
                    objDCUsers.ClientName     = frmColl["txtNewClientName"];
                    objDCUsers.ClientNameAbbr = frmColl["txtClientNameABBR"];
                    objDCUsers.ClientName = frmColl["hdnClientName"];
                if (Convert.ToInt32(frmColl["ddlSponserName"]) == 0)
                    objDCUsers.SponserName     = frmColl["txtNewSponserName"];
                    objDCUsers.SponserNameAbbr = frmColl["txtSponserNameABBR"];
                    objDCUsers.SponserName = frmColl["hdnSponserName"];
                if (Convert.ToInt32(frmColl["ddlProtocalName"]) == 0)
                    objDCUsers.ProtocalName     = frmColl["txtNewProtocalName"];
                    objDCUsers.ProtocolNameAbbr = frmColl["txtProtocolNameABBR"];
                    objDCUsers.ProtocalName = frmColl["hdnProtocalName"];

                string XMLData = objStrBuilder.ToString();
                objDataOperationResponse = objBLUsers.AddUpdateUser(objDCUsers, XMLData);
                if (objDataOperationResponse.Code > 0)
                    if (objDCUsers.UserId == 0)
                        string strMessage  = string.Empty;
                        string strPassword = string.Empty;
                        objDCUsers = (DCUsers)Session["UserLogon"];
                        EmailAttributesModel objEmailAttributes = new EmailAttributesModel();
                        objEmailAttributes.Subject = "Welcome to the IRMA™ Onboarding Portal";
                        string imagePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Images/mail.png");

                        var linkedResource = new LinkedResource(imagePath, MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
                        linkedResource.ContentId = "logoImage";
                        string body = "Hello " + frmColl["txtFirstName"] + "," + " <br/><br/>" + "Welcome to Adaptive Risk Systems (ARS™) Intelligent Risk Monitoring Assessment ( IRMA™) Onboarding application [" + AppConfig.IRMAVERSION + "]. The web-link to login to the IRMA™ Onboarding portal and user name details are provided below. Password will be provided in a separate email."
                                      + "<br/><br/>" + "<b style='margin-left:30px;'> IRMA™ Onboarding web-link:</b> <a href='http://onboarding.besymple.com/'> http://onboarding.besymple.com/ </a>" + "<br/><b style='margin-left:30px;'>User Name: </b>" + frmColl["txtEmail"] + "<br/><b style='margin-left:30px;'> Password:</b> to be provided in a separate email<br/><br/>" + " Please contact the applicable support group for any questions or assistance:" + "<br/><br/>"
                                      + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>Adaptive Risk System (ARS™) support team for questions related to the use of the IRMA™ Onboarding and/or Live applications.</li>"
                                      + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + "'>" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + " </a></li> "
                                      + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> Mobile: " + AppConfig.SMTPPHNNO + "</li>"

                                      + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>IRMA™ IT support team for any questions related to logon, password or other IT related issues.</li>"
                                      + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + "'> " + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + " </a></li> "

                                      + "<br/><br/>" + " We will respond to emails within 24 hours of receipt." + "<br/><br/>" + " Thank you and have a great day!" + "<br/><b> IRMA™ Support Team</b>" + "<br/> <img src='cid:logoImage' alt='Red dot' width='122' height='48' />";
                        var altView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, null, "text/html");
                        objEmailAttributes.AlternateView = altView;
                        objEmailAttributes.MessageBody   = body;
                        objEmailAttributes.From          = AppConfig.SMTPEMAILFROM;
                        objEmailAttributes.To            = frmColl["txtEmail"];
                        objEmailAttributes.CC            = AppConfig.SMTPEmailCC;
                        strMessage = SendMail(objEmailAttributes);

                        EmailAttributesModel objEmailAttributesForPassword = new EmailAttributesModel();
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.Subject = "";
                        string imagePathPwd = Server.MapPath(@"~/Images/mail.png");

                        var linkedResourcePwd = new LinkedResource(imagePathPwd, MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
                        linkedResourcePwd.ContentId = "logoImagePwd";
                        string bodyPwd = "Hello " + frmColl["txtFirstName"] + "," + " <br/><br/>" + "Welcome to Adaptive Risk Systems (ARS™) Intelligent Risk Monitoring Assessment ( IRMA™) Onboarding application [" + AppConfig.IRMAVERSION + "]."
                                         + "<br/><br/>" + frmColl["txtLastName"] + "<br/><br/>" + " Please contact the applicable support group for any questions or assistance:" + "<br/><br/>"
                                         + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>Adaptive Risk System (ARS™) support team for questions related to the use of the IRMA™ Onboarding and/or Live applications.</li>"
                                         + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + "'>" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailARS + " </a></li> "
                                         + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> Mobile: " + AppConfig.SMTPPHNNO + "</li>"

                                         + "<li style='margin-left:30px;'>IRMA™ IT support team for any questions related to logon, password or other IT related issues.</li>"
                                         + "<li type='circle' style='margin:5px 60px'> <a href='mailto:" + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + "'> " + AppConfig.SMTPEmailIRMA + " </a></li> "

                                         + "<br/><br/>" + " We will respond to emails within 24 hours of receipt." + "<br/><br/>" + " Thank you and have a great day!" + "<br/><b> IRMA™ Support Team</b>" + "<br/> <img src='cid:logoImagePwd' alt='Red dot' width='122' height='48' />";
                        var altViewPwd = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(bodyPwd, null, "text/html");
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.AlternateView = altViewPwd;
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.MessageBody   = bodyPwd;
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.From          = AppConfig.SMTPEMAILFROM;
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.To            = frmColl["txtEmail"];
                        objEmailAttributesForPassword.CC            = "";
                        strPassword = SendMail(objEmailAttributesForPassword);
                    objDCUsers.Activetab = frmColl["hdnActivetab"];
                    if (objDCUsers.Activetab == "1")
                        if (objDataOperationResponse.Code > 0)
                            TempData["successMessage"] = objDataOperationResponse.Message;
                            TempData["errorMessage"] = objDataOperationResponse.Message;
                        TempData["hdnActivetab"] = "1";
                        TempData["hdnActivetab"] = "2";
                        return(Json(objDataOperationResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    objDCUsers.Activetab = frmColl["hdnActivetab"];
                    if (objDCUsers.Activetab == "1")
                        TempData["hdnActivetab"] = "1";
                        TempData["errorMessage"] = objDataOperationResponse.Message;
                        TempData["hdnActivetab"] = "2";
                        return(Json(objDataOperationResponse.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                //return View("ViewUsers");