private void Transform(ElementNode node, IList <Node> body) { AttributeNode forAttribute = node.GetAttribute("for"); AttributeNode forType = node.GetAttribute("fortype"); AttributeNode forProperty = node.GetAttribute("forproperty"); if (forAttribute != null) { // put in as content property node.Attributes.Remove(forAttribute); node.RemoveAttributesByName("name"); node.RemoveAttributesByName("value"); var nameNode = new ExpressionNode(forAttribute.Value.GetPropertyNameSnippet()); var valueNode = new ConditionNode("resource!=null") { Nodes = new List <Node>() { new ExpressionNode(forAttribute.Value) } }; SetNodeNameAndValue(node, valueNode, nameNode, body, forAttribute); } else if (forType != null) { if (forProperty == null) { throw new Exception("Must have both a forProperty attribute if using the forType attribute."); } node.Attributes.Remove(forType); node.Attributes.Remove(forProperty); node.RemoveAttributesByName("name"); SetNodeNameAndValue(node, null, new TextNode(string.Concat(forType.Value, ".", forProperty.Value)), body, forAttribute); } }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (element.Name != "meta" || element.GetAttribute("property") == null) { return(results); } AttributeNode property = element.GetAttribute("property"); if (property.Value.StartsWith("og:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ElementNode head = element.Parent; if (head != null && head.Name == "head") { AttributeNode prefix = head.GetAttribute("prefix"); int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(property); if (prefix == null) { results.AddAttributeError(element, "The 'prefix' attribute on <head> for OpenGraph is missing", HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } else if (prefix.Value.IndexOf("og:", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) { results.AddAttributeError(element, "To use OpenGraph, you must add the value 'og:' to 'prefix' in <head>", HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } } } return(results); }
private MarkdownPage ParsePage(string fileName) { string html = CommonMark.CommonMarkConverter.Convert(File.ReadAllText(fileName)); HtmlTree tree = new HtmlTree(new TextStream(html)); tree.Build(); ElementNode firstChild = tree.RootNode.Children[0]; ElementNode prop = firstChild.Children[0]; MarkdownPage page = new MarkdownPage(); page.Title = AttrValue(prop, "pageTitle", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); page.Description = AttrValue(prop, "description", page.Title); page.Content = html.Substring(firstChild.End, tree.RootNode.Length - firstChild.End).Trim(); page.Keywords = AttrValue(prop, "keywords", page.Title); page.Slug = AttrValue(prop, "slug", page.Title.ToLowerInvariant()); page.DateModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName); page.FileName = fileName.Replace(BaseDirectory, string.Empty).Replace("\\", "/"); page.ShowInMenu = Path.GetFileName(fileName).StartsWith("_") ? false : true; if (prop.GetAttribute("order") != null) { page.Order = int.Parse(prop.GetAttribute("order").Value); } else { page.Order = 1000 + page.Title[0]; } return(page); }
private bool TryGetPath(out string path) { int position = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position; path = null; ElementNode element = null; AttributeNode attr = null; _tree.GetPositionElement(position, out element, out attr); if (element == null) { return(false); } attr = element.GetAttribute("src") ?? element.GetAttribute("href"); if (attr != null) { path = attr.Value; return(true); } return(false); }
public IEnumerable <ISuggestedAction> GetSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { AttributeNode ngController = element.GetAttribute("ng-controller") ?? element.GetAttribute("data-ng-controller"); return(new ISuggestedAction[] { new HtmlAngularControllerLightBulbAction(textView, textBuffer, element, ngController) }); }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { AttributeNode attr = element.GetAttribute("src") ?? element.GetAttribute("href"); if (attr == null) return null; Uri url = NormalizeUrl(attr); if (url == null || (!attr.Value.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !attr.Value.Contains("://"))) return null; return new RemoteDownloaderSmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element, attr); }
private static bool IsEnabled(ElementNode element) { if (element.Name != "img") return false; return element.GetAttribute("src", true) != null; }
private static NamedItemType GetItemType(string name, ElementNode td) { if (Constants.IsConstant(name) || Logicals.IsLogical(name) || name.StartsWithIgnoreCase("R_")) { return(NamedItemType.Constant); } if (td.Children.Count == 1) { ElementNode a = td.Children[0]; AttributeNode href = a.GetAttribute("href"); if (href != null && href.Value != null) { if (href.Value.IndexOf("constant", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { return(NamedItemType.Constant); } else if (href.Value.IndexOf("-package", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { return(NamedItemType.None); } } } return(NamedItemType.Function); }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (!WESettings.Instance.Html.EnableBootstrapValidation) { return(results); } var elementClasses = element.GetAttribute("class"); if (elementClasses == null || !elementClasses.Value.Split(' ').Any(x => x.StartsWith("col-", StringComparison.CurrentCulture))) { return(results); } // Bootstrap grid system require a parent <div class='row ... to work if (IsParentDivElementMissingRowClass(element)) { results.AddAttributeError(element, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _errorRowMissing, elementClasses.Value.Split(' ').Where(x => x.StartsWith("col-", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)).First()), HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, element.Attributes.IndexOf(elementClasses)); } return(results); }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (!WESettings.Instance.Html.EnableBootstrapValidation) { return(results); } var classNames = element.GetAttribute("class"); List <string> childrenClassNames = null; if (classNames == null) { return(results); } foreach (string token in _tokens) { childrenClassNames = GetIfTokenIsDependent(token, element); if (!IsCorrect(classNames.Value, token, childrenClassNames)) { int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(classNames); string offender = GetOffendingClassName(classNames.Value, token); string error = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _error, offender, token); results.AddAttributeError(element, error, HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } } return(results); }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (!WESettings.Instance.Html.EnableFoundationValidation) { return(results); } var classNames = element.GetAttribute("class"); if (classNames == null) { return(results); } if (!ColumnPairElementsOk(classNames.Value)) { int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(classNames); var specificErrorMessage = classNames.Value.Contains("column") ? _errorMissingSize : _errorMissingColumns; results.AddAttributeError(element, specificErrorMessage, HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } return(results); }
public bool HasSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (!element.StartTag.Contains(caretPosition)) { return(false); } string url = (element.GetAttribute("src") ?? element.GetAttribute("href"))?.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) || (!url.Contains("://") && !url.StartsWith("//"))) { return(false); } return(element.IsElement("style") || element.IsElement("script")); }
public async override void Invoke() { ITextBuffer textBuffer = this.HtmlSmartTag.TextBuffer; ElementNode element = this.HtmlSmartTag.Element; AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src", true); ImageCompressor compressor = new ImageCompressor(); bool isDataUri = src.Value.StartsWith("data:image/", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (isDataUri) { string dataUri = await compressor.CompressDataUriAsync(src.Value); if (dataUri.Length < src.Value.Length) { using (WebEssentialsPackage.UndoContext("Optimize image")) { Span span = Span.FromBounds(src.ValueRangeUnquoted.Start, src.ValueRangeUnquoted.End); textBuffer.Replace(span, dataUri); } } } else { var fileName = ImageQuickInfo.GetFullUrl(src.Value, textBuffer); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || !ImageCompressor.IsFileSupported(fileName) || !File.Exists(fileName)) { return; } await compressor.CompressFilesAsync(fileName); } }
public override void DoReplace(ElementNode node, IList <Node> body) { body.Clear(); Node newBody = node.GetAttribute("for").Value.GetPropertyValueNode(); body.Add(newBody); }
public IEnumerable <ISuggestedAction> GetSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src"); return(new ISuggestedAction[] { new HtmlBase64DecodeLightBulbAction(textView, textBuffer, element, src) }); }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (element.GetAttribute("class") == null) { return(new $safeitemname$SmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element)); } return(null); }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (element.GetAttribute("class") == null) { return new $safeitemname$SmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element); } return null; }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { AttributeNode attr = element.GetAttribute("src") ?? element.GetAttribute("href"); if (attr == null) { return(null); } Uri url = NormalizeUrl(attr); if (url == null || (!attr.Value.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !attr.Value.Contains("://"))) { return(null); } return(new RemoteDownloaderSmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element, attr)); }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (element.GetAttribute("ng-controller") != null) { return(new HtmlAngularControllerSmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element)); } return(null); }
public static void RemoveAttributesByName(this ElementNode node, string name) { var attribute = node.GetAttribute(name); if (attribute != null) { node.Attributes.Remove(attribute); } }
public IHtmlSmartTag TryCreateSmartTag(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, int caretPosition, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (element.GetAttribute("ng-controller") != null) { return new HtmlAngularControllerSmartTag(textView, textBuffer, element); } return null; }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (element.Name.Equals("datalist", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && element.HasAttribute("id")) { var list = (HashSet <string>)parameter; list.Add(element.GetAttribute("id").Value); } return(true); }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (element.HasAttribute("id")) { var list = (HashSet <string>)parameter; list.Add(element.GetAttribute("id").Value); } return(true); }
public bool HasSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (element.Name != "img") { return(false); } AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src"); return(src != null && src.Value.Trim().Length > 0); }
private static bool IsRequireValid(HtmlAttribute attribute, ElementNode element, out string error) { error = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Require) && element.GetAttribute(attribute.Require) == null) { error = $"When using \"{attribute.Name}\" you must also specify \"{attribute.Require}\"."; return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool HasClass(this ElementNode element, string className) { AttributeNode attr = element.GetAttribute("class", true); if (attr == null) { return(false); } string[] names = attr.Value.Split(' '); return(names.Contains(className)); }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (_inputTypes.Contains(element.Name.ToLowerInvariant())) { var list = (List<string>)parameter; var id = element.GetAttribute("id"); if (id != null && !list.Contains(id.Value)) list.Add(id.Value); } return true; }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (element.Name == "label") { var list = (HashSet<string>)parameter; var forAttr = element.GetAttribute("for"); if (forAttr != null) list.Add(forAttr.Value); } return true; }
public override void Reflow(DrawContext dc, BoundingContext bounds, bool incremental) { ReflowStart(dc); if (incremental) { bounds = bounds.Narrow(style.Left, style.Right); } MarkupItem tag = new StartTag(CurrentLine, ElementNode); ReflowMarkup(tag, dc, style, bounds); ImageStyle s = style as ImageStyle; if (s == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected style for image to be Custom"); } string imgPath = ElementNode.GetAttribute(s.SourceAttribute); if (imgPath == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("SourceAttribute for image is missing"); } // think about relative to doc Bitmap bm; Uri docUri = new Uri(elementNode.BaseURI); Uri uri = new Uri(docUri, imgPath); if (uri.IsFile && File.Exists(uri.AbsolutePath)) { bm = new Bitmap(uri.AbsolutePath); } else { bm = ErrorBitmap; } ImageLineItem ili = new ImageLineItem(CurrentLine, ElementNode, bm); ReflowMarkup(ili, dc, style, bounds); tag = new EndTag(CurrentLine, ElementNode); ReflowMarkup(tag, dc, style, bounds); ReflowEnd(dc); }
public bool HasSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { if (!element.IsElement("img")) { return(false); } if (element.Parent.IsElement("picture")) { return(false); } var src = element.GetAttribute("src"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src?.Value)) { src = element.GetAttribute("data-src"); } var srcValue = src?.Value?.ToUpperInvariant() ?? string.Empty; return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcValue) && !srcValue.Contains(".SVG")); }
private static bool IsEnabled(ElementNode element) { if (element.Name != "img") return false; AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src", true); if (src != null && src.Value.StartsWith("data:image/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return true; } return false; }
public IEnumerable <ISuggestedAction> GetSuggestedActions(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, int caretPosition, ElementNode element, AttributeNode attribute, HtmlPositionType positionType) { AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src"); if (src.Value.StartsWith("data:image/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { yield return(new HtmlBase64DecodeLightBulbAction(textView, textBuffer, element, src)); } if (!src.Value.StartsWith("http:") && !src.Value.StartsWith("https:") && !src.Value.StartsWith("//")) { yield return(new HtmlOptimizeImageLightBulbAction(textView, textBuffer, element, src)); } }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (!WESettings.Instance.Html.EnableBootstrapValidation) { return(results); } var elementClasses = element.GetAttribute("class"); if (elementClasses == null || !elementClasses.Value.Split(' ').Any(x => x.StartsWith("col-", StringComparison.CurrentCulture))) { return(results); } // Bootstrap grid system require a parent <div class='row ... to work if (IsParentDivElementMissingRowClass(element)) { int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(elementClasses); string columnsClass = elementClasses.Value.Split(' ').Where(x => x.StartsWith("col-", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)).First(); string error = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _errorRowMissing, columnsClass, ""); results.AddAttributeError(element, error, HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } // Sum of columns size of a row must egal 12. var classList = elementClasses.Value.Split(' ') .Select(x => x.Trim()) .Where(x => x.StartsWith("col-", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)); foreach (var c in classList) { // Find the type (size) of column var columnSize = c.Replace("col-", string.Empty).Substring(0, 2); var sumColumnsCurrentRow = GetSumOfColumns(element, columnSize); if (sumColumnsCurrentRow > 12) { int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(elementClasses); var columnType = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "col-{0}-*", columnSize); string error = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _errorInvalidSum, columnType); results.AddAttributeError(element, error, HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } } return(results); }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (element.Name == "label") { var list = (HashSet <string>)parameter; var forAttr = element.GetAttribute("for"); if (forAttr != null) { list.Add(forAttr.Value); } } return(true); }
public override IList <IHtmlValidationError> ValidateElement(ElementNode element) { var results = new ValidationErrorCollection(); if (element.Name != "link" || !element.HasAttribute("rel") || !element.HasAttribute("type")) { return(results); } AttributeNode rel = element.GetAttribute("rel"); if (rel.Value.Equals("logo", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { AttributeNode type = element.GetAttribute("type"); if (!type.Value.Equals("image/svg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { int index = element.Attributes.IndexOf(type); results.AddAttributeError(element, "The type attribute value must be \"image/svg\" for rel=\"logo\" links.", HtmlValidationErrorLocation.AttributeValue, index); } } return(results); }
public bool Visit(ElementNode element, object parameter) { if (_inputTypes.Contains(element.Name.ToLowerInvariant())) { var list = (HashSet <string>)parameter; var id = element.GetAttribute("id"); if (id != null) { list.Add(id.Value); } } return(true); }
private static bool IsEnabled(ElementNode element) { if (element.Name != "img") { return(false); } AttributeNode src = element.GetAttribute("src", true); if (src != null && src.Value.StartsWith("data:image/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public override void DoReplace(ElementNode node, IList<Node> body) { body.Clear(); Node newBody = node.GetAttribute("for").Value.GetPropertyValueNode(); body.Add(newBody); }
public override void DoReplace(ElementNode node, IList<Node> body) { AttributeNode forAttribute = node.GetAttribute(ReplacementSpecification.OriginalAttributeName); AddAttribute(node, "name", new ExpressionNode(forAttribute.Value.GetPropertyNameSnippet())); }