public void QueryResources_SingleInclude() { //Create new ESRegAggConnection... string actualPath = ""; string expectedPath = "r4r_v1/resource/_search"; //Use index in config JObject actualRequest = null; JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@" { ""from"": 20, ""size"": 20, ""_source"": { ""includes"": [ ""id"" ] }, ""sort"": [ { ""title._sort"": { ""order"": ""asc"" } } ] }" ); ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); //SearchResponse<Resource> <-- type conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <SearchResponse <Resource> >((req, res) => { actualPath = req.Path; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); var svc = this.GetService <ESResourceQueryService>(conn); try { var results = svc.QueryResources( query: new ResourceQuery { Keyword = null, Filters = new Dictionary <string, string[]> { } }, from: 20, includeFields: new string[] { "id" } ); } catch (Exception) { } //We don't care how it processes the results... Assert.Equal(expectedPath, actualPath); Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public void GetRequestPost_WithData(string data) { JToken expected = JToken.Parse(data); Mock <IConnectionConfigurationValues> mockConfig = new Mock <IConnectionConfigurationValues>(); mockConfig.Setup(cfg => cfg.RequestTimeout).Returns(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); mockConfig.Setup(cfg => cfg.PingTimeout).Returns(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); IConnectionConfigurationValues config = mockConfig.Object; Mock <PostData> mockData = new Mock <PostData>(); mockData.Setup( d => d.Write(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <IConnectionConfigurationValues>()) ) .Callback(( Stream str, IConnectionConfigurationValues iccv) => { byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data); str.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); } ); // None of these values really matter except the post data which is the third parameter. RequestData requestData = new RequestData(HttpMethod.GET, "foo", mockData.Object, config, null, null); ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); JToken actual = conn.GetRequestPost(requestData); Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public async void Search_TestRequestSetup(Terms_Search_Request_Base data) { JObject actualRequest = null; ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) => { // We don't really care about the ES response for this test. res.Stream = MockEmptyResponse; res.StatusCode = 200; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests // from the server. var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); // Setup the mocked Options IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions(); ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>()); try { var results = await termsClient.Search(data.Dictionary, data.Audience, data.LangCode, data.SearchTerm, data.MatchType, data.Size, data.From, data.IncludeAdditionalInfo); } catch (Exception) { } Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public void GetKeyLabelAggregation_Build_EmptyQuery() { //Create new ESRegAggConnection... string actualPath = ""; string expectedPath = "r4r_v1/resource/_search"; //Use index in config JObject actualRequest = null; JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@" { ""size"": 0, ""aggs"": { ""researchTypes_agg"": { ""nested"": { ""path"": ""researchTypes"" }, ""aggs"": { ""researchTypes_key"": { ""terms"": { ""field"": ""researchTypes.key"", ""size"": 999 }, ""aggs"": { ""researchTypes_label"": { ""terms"": { ""field"": ""researchTypes.label"" } } } } } } } } "); /* */ ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); //SearchResponse<Resource> <-- type conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <SearchResponse <Resource> >((req, res) => { actualPath = req.Path; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); ESResourceAggregationService aggSvc = this.GetService <ESResourceAggregationService>(conn); try { KeyLabelAggResult[] aggResults = aggSvc.GetKeyLabelAggregation("researchTypes", new ResourceQuery()); } catch (Exception) {} //We don't care how it processes the results... Assert.Equal(expectedPath, actualPath); Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public void GetRequestPost_NullPostData() { Mock <IConnectionConfigurationValues> mockConfig = new Mock <IConnectionConfigurationValues>(); mockConfig.Setup(cfg => cfg.RequestTimeout).Returns(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); mockConfig.Setup(cfg => cfg.PingTimeout).Returns(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); IConnectionConfigurationValues config = mockConfig.Object; // None of these values really matter except the post data which is the third parameter. RequestData requestData = new RequestData(HttpMethod.GET, "foo", null, config, null, null); ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); Assert.Null(conn.GetRequestPost(requestData)); }
public async void GetSuggestions_TestRequestSetup(BaseAutosuggestServiceScenario data) { Uri esURI = null; string esContentType = String.Empty; HttpMethod esMethod = HttpMethod.DELETE; // Basically, something other than the expected value. JObject requestBody = null; ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <Suggestion> >((req, res) => { // We don't really care about the response for this test. res.Stream = MockEmptyResponse; res.StatusCode = 200; esURI = req.Uri; esContentType = req.ContentType; esMethod = req.Method; requestBody = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server. var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); // Setup the mocked Options IOptions <DrugDictionaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions(); clientOptions.Value.Autosuggest.MaxSuggestionLength = data.MaxSuggestionLength; ESAutosuggestQueryService query = new ESAutosuggestQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESAutosuggestQueryService>()); // We don't really care that this returns anything (for this test), only that the intercepting connection // sets up the request correctly. Suggestion[] result = await query.GetSuggestions(data.SearchText, data.MatchType, data.Size, data.IncludeResourceTypes, data.IncludeNameTypes, data.ExcludeNameTypes); Assert.Equal("/drugv1/terms/_search", esURI.AbsolutePath); Assert.Equal("application/json", esContentType); Assert.Equal(HttpMethod.POST, esMethod); Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData, requestBody, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public async void GetCount_Request(BaseTermsQueryCountTestData data) { Uri esURI = null; string esContentType = String.Empty; HttpMethod esMethod = HttpMethod.DELETE; // Basically, something other than the expected value. JObject requestBody = null; ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.CountResponse>((req, res) => { // We don't really care about the response for this test. res.Stream = GetMockCountResponse(); res.StatusCode = 200; esURI = req.Uri; esContentType = req.ContentType; esMethod = req.Method; requestBody = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server. var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); // Setup the mocked Options IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions(); ESTermsQueryService query = new ESTermsQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>()); // We don't really care that this returns anything (for this test), only that the intercepting connection // sets up the request correctly. long result = await query.GetCount(data.DictionaryName, data.Audience, data.Language); Assert.Equal("/glossaryv1/terms/_count", esURI.AbsolutePath); Assert.Equal("application/json", esContentType); Assert.Equal(HttpMethod.POST, esMethod); Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedData, requestBody, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public async void GetCount_Response(BaseTermsCountResponseData data) { Uri esURI = null; string esContentType = String.Empty; HttpMethod esMethod = HttpMethod.DELETE; // Basically, something other than the expected value. JObject requestBody = null; ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.CountResponse>((req, res) => { res.Stream = TestingTools.GetTestFileAsStream("ESTermsQueryData/GetCount/" + data.TestFilename); res.StatusCode = 200; esURI = req.Uri; esContentType = req.ContentType; esMethod = req.Method; requestBody = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); // The URI does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests from the server. var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); // Setup the mocked Options IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> clientOptions = GetMockOptions(); ESTermsQueryService query = new ESTermsQueryService(client, clientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>()); // We don't really care about the inputs. What matters is the return, which is controlled by the mock ES connection. long result = await query.GetCount("", AudienceType.Patient, "es"); Assert.Equal(data.ExpectedCount, result); }
public void GetKLA_Build_SubType() { //Create new ESRegAggConnection... string actualPath = ""; string expectedPath = "r4r_v1/resource/_search"; //Use index in config JObject actualRequest = null; JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@" { ""size"": 0, ""query"": { ""bool"": { ""filter"": [ { ""term"": { ""toolTypes.key"": { ""value"": ""datasets_databases"" }}} ] } }, ""aggs"": { ""toolSubtypes_agg"": { ""nested"": { ""path"": ""toolSubtypes"" }, ""aggs"": { ""toolSubtypes_filter"": { ""filter"": { ""term"": { ""toolSubtypes.parentKey"": { ""value"": ""datasets_databases"" } } }, ""aggs"": { ""toolSubtypes_key"": { ""terms"": { ""field"": ""toolSubtypes.key"", ""size"": 999 }, ""aggs"": { ""toolSubtypes_label"": { ""terms"": { ""field"": ""toolSubtypes.label"" } } } } } } } } } } "); /* */ ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); //SearchResponse<Resource> <-- type conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <SearchResponse <Resource> >((req, res) => { actualPath = req.Path; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); ESResourceAggregationService aggSvc = this.GetService <ESResourceAggregationService>(conn); try { KeyLabelAggResult[] aggResults = aggSvc.GetKeyLabelAggregation( "toolSubtypes", new ResourceQuery { Filters = new Dictionary <string, string[]> { { "toolTypes", new string[] { "datasets_databases" } } } } ); } catch (Exception ex) { int i = 1; } //We don't care how it processes the results... Assert.Equal(expectedPath, actualPath); Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public async void GetByName_TestRequestSetup() { JObject actualRequest = null; JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@" { ""sort"": [ { ""term_name"": {} } ], ""query"": { ""bool"": { ""must"": [ { ""term"": { ""language"": { ""value"": ""en"" } } }, { ""term"": { ""audience"": { ""value"": ""Patient"" } } }, { ""term"": { ""dictionary"": { ""value"": """" } } }, { ""term"": { ""pretty_url_name"": { ""value"": ""s-1"" } } } ] } } }" ); ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <Nest.SearchResponse <GlossaryTerm> >((req, res) => { res.Stream = TestingTools.GetTestFileAsStream("ESTermsQueryData/GetByName/s-1.json"); res.StatusCode = 200; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); // While this has a URI, it does not matter, an InMemoryConnection never requests // from the server. var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, conn); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); // Setup the mocked Options IOptions <GlossaryAPIOptions> gTermsClientOptions = GetMockOptions(); ESTermsQueryService termsClient = new ESTermsQueryService(client, gTermsClientOptions, new NullLogger <ESTermsQueryService>()); try { var results = await termsClient.GetByName("", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-1"); } catch (Exception) { } Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }
public void QueryResources_SingleFilter_Keyword() { //Create new ESRegAggConnection... string actualPath = ""; string expectedPath = "r4r_v1/resource/_search"; //Use index in config JObject actualRequest = null; JObject expectedRequest = JObject.Parse(@" { ""from"": 0, ""size"": 20, ""_source"": { ""includes"": [ ""id"", ""title"", ""website"", ""body"", ""description"", ""toolTypes"", ""researchAreas"", ""researchTypes"", ""resourceAccess"", ""docs"", ""pocs"" ] }, ""sort"": [ { ""_score"": { } }, { ""id"": { } } ], ""query"": { ""bool"": { ""filter"": [ {""term"": { ""researchTypes.key"": { ""value"": ""basic"" }}} ], ""must"": [ { ""bool"": { ""should"": [ { ""common"": { ""title._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""cutoff_frequency"": 1.0, ""low_freq_operator"": ""and"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""title._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""title._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0, ""type"": ""phrase"" } } }, { ""common"": { ""body._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""cutoff_frequency"": 1.0, ""low_freq_operator"": ""and"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""body._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""body._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0, ""type"": ""phrase"" } } }, { ""match"": { ""pocs.lastname._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""pocs.firstname._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } }, { ""match"": { ""pocs.middlename._fulltext"": { ""query"": ""CGCI"", ""boost"": 1.0 } } } ] } } ] } } } "); /* */ ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection conn = new ElasticsearchInterceptingConnection(); //SearchResponse<Resource> <-- type conn.RegisterRequestHandlerForType <SearchResponse <Resource> >((req, res) => { actualPath = req.Path; actualRequest = conn.GetRequestPost(req); }); var svc = this.GetService <ESResourceQueryService>(conn); try { var results = svc.QueryResources( query: new ResourceQuery { Keyword = "CGCI", Filters = new Dictionary <string, string[]> { { "researchTypes", new string[] { "basic" } } } }, includeFields: new string[] { "id", "title", "website", "body", "description", "toolTypes", "researchAreas", "researchTypes", "resourceAccess", "docs", "pocs" } ); } catch (Exception) { } //We don't care how it processes the results... Assert.Equal(expectedPath, actualPath); Assert.Equal(expectedRequest, actualRequest, new JTokenEqualityComparer()); }