예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate key pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            ElGamalParametersGenerator generator2 = new ElGamalParametersGenerator();

            generator2.Init(_keySize, _certainty, Common.ThreadSecureRandom.Value);
            ElGamalParameters                 parameters2 = generator2.GenerateParameters();
            KeyGenerationParameters           parameters  = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(Common.ThreadSecureRandom.Value, parameters2);
            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator generator   = new ElGamalKeyPairGenerator();

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an El Gamal Key pair given its bit size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keySize">Bit size for keys of 1024, 2048, 3072 or 4096.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair ElGamalkeyGen(int keySize)
            var secRand             = new SecureRandom();
            var probPrime           = GetMODRFC3526(keySize);
            var elGenertor          = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ELGAMAL");
            var elBaseGenerator     = new BigInteger("2", 16);
            var elGamalParameterSet = new ElGamalParameters(probPrime, elBaseGenerator);
            var elParams            = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(secRand, elGamalParameterSet);

            var keypair = elGenertor.GenerateKeyPair();

예제 #3
         * this test is can take quiet a while
         * @param size size of key in bits.
        private void doTestGeneration(
            int size)
            ElGamalParametersGenerator pGen = new ElGamalParametersGenerator();

            pGen.Init(size, 10, new SecureRandom());

            ElGamalParameters elParams = pGen.GenerateParameters();

            if (elParams.L != 0)
                Fail("ElGamalParametersGenerator failed to set L to 0 in generated ElGamalParameters");

            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters ekgParams = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), elParams);

            ElGamalKeyPairGenerator kpGen = new ElGamalKeyPairGenerator();


            // generate first pair
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair = kpGen.GenerateKeyPair();

            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters  pu = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)pair.Public;
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters pv = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)pair.Private;

            ElGamalEngine e = new ElGamalEngine();

            e.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(pu, new SecureRandom()));

            byte[] message = Hex.Decode("5468697320697320612074657374");

            byte[] pText = message;
            byte[] cText = e.ProcessBlock(pText, 0, pText.Length);

            e.Init(false, pv);

            pText = e.ProcessBlock(cText, 0, cText.Length);

            if (!Arrays.AreEqual(message, pText))
                Fail("generation test failed");
        private void GenerateElGamal(Stream outSecret, Stream outPublic)
            // Prepare a strong Secure Random with seed
            SecureRandom secureRandom = PgpEncryptionUtil.GetSecureRandom();

            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator dsaKpg = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("DSA");
            DsaParametersGenerator            pGen   = new DsaParametersGenerator();

            pGen.Init((int)PublicKeyLength.BITS_1024, 80, new SecureRandom());  // DSA is 1024 even for long 2048+ ElGamal keys
            DsaParameters dsaParams        = pGen.GenerateParameters();
            DsaKeyGenerationParameters kgp = new DsaKeyGenerationParameters(secureRandom, dsaParams);


            // this takes a while as the key generator has to Generate some DSA parameters
            // before it Generates the key.
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair           dsaKp  = dsaKpg.GenerateKeyPair();
            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator elgKpg = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ELGAMAL");

            Group elgamalGroup = Precomputed.GetElGamalGroup((int)this.publicKeyLength);

            if (elgamalGroup == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("ElGamal Group not found for key length: " + this.publicKeyLength);

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger p = elgamalGroup.GetP();
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger g = elgamalGroup.GetG();

            secureRandom = PgpEncryptionUtil.GetSecureRandom();
            ElGamalParameters elParams           = new ElGamalParameters(p, g);
            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters elKgp = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(secureRandom, elParams);


            // this is quicker because we are using preGenerated parameters.
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair elgKp = elgKpg.GenerateKeyPair();

            DsaElGamalKeyGeneratorUtil.ExportKeyPair(outSecret, outPublic, dsaKp, elgKp, identity, passphrase, true);
예제 #5
        public void TestElGamal()
            BigInteger g512 = new BigInteger("153d5d6172adb43045b68ae8e1de1070b6137005686d29d3d73a7749199681ee5b212c9b96bfdcfa5b20cd5e3fd2044895d609cf9b410b7a0f12ca1cb9a428cc", 16);
            BigInteger p512 = new BigInteger("9494fec095f3b85ee286542b3836fc81a5dd0a0349b4c239dd38744d488cf8e31db8bcb7d33b41abb9e5a33cca9144b1cef332c94bf0573bf047a3aca98cdf3b", 16);

            ElGamalParameters dhParams = new ElGamalParameters(p512, g512);
            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters parameters = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), dhParams);         ElGamalKeyPairGenerator kpGen = new ElGamalKeyPairGenerator();


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair     pair = kpGen.GenerateKeyPair();
            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters  pu1  = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)pair.Public;
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters pv1  = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)pair.Private;

            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters  pu2 = new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters(pu1.Y, pu1.Parameters);
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters pv2 = new ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters(pv1.X, pv1.Parameters);
            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters  pu3 = new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters(pv1.X, pu1.Parameters);
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters pv3 = new ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters(pu1.Y, pu1.Parameters);

            doTest(pu1, pu2, pu3);
            doTest(pv1, pv2, pv3);

            ElGamalParameters pr1 = pu1.Parameters;
            ElGamalParameters pr2 = new ElGamalParameters(pr1.P, pr1.G);
            ElGamalParameters pr3 = new ElGamalParameters(pr1.G, pr1.P);

            doTest(pr1, pr2, pr3);

            pu2 = new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters(pu1.Y, pr2);
            pv2 = new ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters(pv1.X, pr2);

            doTest(pu1, pu2, pu3);
            doTest(pv1, pv2, pv3);

            ElGamalTestKeyParameters k1 = new ElGamalTestKeyParameters(false, null);
            ElGamalTestKeyParameters k2 = new ElGamalTestKeyParameters(false, null);
            ElGamalTestKeyParameters k3 = new ElGamalTestKeyParameters(false, pu1.Parameters);

            doTest(k1, k2, k3);
        public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateElGamalKeyPair(int keySize, BigInteger prime = null, BigInteger generator = null)
            ElGamalParameters elGamalParameters;

            if (prime != null && generator != null)
                elGamalParameters = new ElGamalParameters(prime, generator);
                var elGamalParameterGenerator = new ElGamalParametersGenerator();
                elGamalParameterGenerator.Init(keySize, 64, secureRandom.Generator);

                elGamalParameters = elGamalParameterGenerator.GenerateParameters();

            var keyGenerationParameters = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(secureRandom.Generator, elGamalParameters);
            var keyPairGenerator        = new ElGamalKeyPairGenerator();


예제 #7
 public void Init(
     KeyGenerationParameters parameters)
     this.param = (ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters)parameters;
예제 #8
파일: ElGamalTest.cs 프로젝트: 894880010/MP
        private void doTestGP(
            int size,
            int privateValueSize,
            BigInteger g,
            BigInteger p)
            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator keyGen = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ElGamal");

//			DHParameterSpec elParams = new DHParameterSpec(p, g);
//			keyGen.initialize(elParams);
            ElGamalParameters elParams           = new ElGamalParameters(p, g, privateValueSize);
            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters elKgp = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(
                new SecureRandom(), elParams);


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = keyGen.GenerateKeyPair();
            SecureRandom            rand    = new SecureRandom();

            checkKeySize(privateValueSize, keyPair);

            IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("ElGamal");

            cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(keyPair.Public, rand));

            byte[] inBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is a test");

            if (cipher.GetOutputSize(inBytes.Length) != (size / 8) * 2)
                Fail("getOutputSize wrong on encryption");

            byte[] outBytes = cipher.DoFinal(inBytes);

            cipher.Init(false, keyPair.Private);

            if (cipher.GetOutputSize(outBytes.Length) != (size / 8) - 1)
                Fail("GetOutputSize wrong on decryption");

            // No Padding - maximum length
            byte[] modBytes = ((ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)keyPair.Public).Parameters.P.ToByteArray();
            byte[] maxInput = new byte[modBytes.Length - 1];

            maxInput[0] |= 0x7f;

            cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(keyPair.Public, rand));

            outBytes = cipher.DoFinal(maxInput);

            cipher.Init(false, keyPair.Private);

            outBytes = cipher.DoFinal(outBytes);

            if (!AreEqual(outBytes, maxInput))
                Fail("NoPadding test failed on decrypt expected "
                     + Hex.ToHexString(maxInput) + " got "
                     + Hex.ToHexString(outBytes));

            // encrypt/decrypt
            IBufferedCipher c1 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("ElGamal");
            IBufferedCipher c2 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("ElGamal");

            c1.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(keyPair.Public, rand));

            byte[] out1 = c1.DoFinal(inBytes);

            c2.Init(false, keyPair.Private);

            byte[] out2 = c2.DoFinal(out1);

            if (!AreEqual(inBytes, out2))
                Fail(size + " encrypt test failed");

            // encrypt/decrypt with update
            int outLen = c1.ProcessBytes(inBytes, 0, 2, out1, 0);

            outLen += c1.DoFinal(inBytes, 2, inBytes.Length - 2, out1, outLen);

            outLen = c2.ProcessBytes(out1, 0, 2, out2, 0);

            outLen += c2.DoFinal(out1, 2, out1.Length - 2, out2, outLen);

            if (!AreEqual(inBytes, out2))
                Fail(size + " encrypt with update test failed");

            // public key encoding test
//			byte[] pubEnc = keyPair.Public.GetEncoded();
            byte[] pubEnc = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(keyPair.Public).GetDerEncoded();

//			KeyFactory keyFac = KeyFactory.GetInstance("ElGamal");
//			X509EncodedKeySpec pubX509 = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubEnc);
//			DHPublicKeyParameters pubKey = (DHPublicKeyParameters)keyFac.generatePublic(pubX509);
            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters pubKey = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)
            ElGamalParameters spec = pubKey.Parameters;

            if (!spec.G.Equals(elParams.G) || !spec.P.Equals(elParams.P))
                Fail(size + " bit public key encoding/decoding test failed on parameters");

            if (!((ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)keyPair.Public).Y.Equals(pubKey.Y))
                Fail(size + " bit public key encoding/decoding test failed on y value");

 *                      //
 *                      // public key serialisation test
 *                      //
 *                      // TODO Is there some standard this serialization must conform to?
 *                      BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
 *                      MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
 * //			ObjectOutputStream oOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bOut);
 * //			oOut.writeObject(keyPair.Public);
 *                      formatter.Serialize(bOut, keyPair.Public);
 *                      MemoryStream bIn = new MemoryStream(bOut.ToArray(), false);
 * //			ObjectInputStream oIn = new ObjectInputStream(bIn);
 * //			pubKey = (DHPublicKeyParameters)oIn.readObject();
 *                      pubKey = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters) formatter.Deserialize(bIn);
 *                      spec = pubKey.Parameters;
 *                      if (!spec.G.Equals(elParams.G) || !spec.P.Equals(elParams.P))
 *                      {
 *                              Fail(size + " bit public key serialisation test failed on parameters");
 *                      }
 *                      if (!((ElGamalPublicKeyParameters )keyPair.Public).Y.Equals(pubKey.Y))
 *                      {
 *                              Fail(size + " bit public key serialisation test failed on y value");
 *                      }

            // private key encoding test
            // TODO Keys don't support GetEncoded
//			byte[] privEnc = keyPair.Private.GetEncoded();
            byte[] privEnc = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(keyPair.Private).GetDerEncoded();

//			PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privEnc);
//			DHPrivateKeyParameters privKey = (DHPrivateKeyParameters)keyFac.generatePrivate(privPKCS8);
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters privKey = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)

            spec = privKey.Parameters;

            if (!spec.G.Equals(elParams.G) || !spec.P.Equals(elParams.P))
                Fail(size + " bit private key encoding/decoding test failed on parameters");

            if (!((ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)keyPair.Private).X.Equals(privKey.X))
                Fail(size + " bit private key encoding/decoding test failed on y value");

 *                      //
 *                      // private key serialisation test
 *                      //
 *                      bOut = new MemoryStream();
 * //			oOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bOut);
 * //			oOut.writeObject(keyPair.Private);
 *                      formatter.Serialize(bOut, keyPair.Private);
 *                      bIn = new MemoryStream(bOut.ToArray(), false);
 * //			oIn = new ObjectInputStream(bIn);
 * //			privKey = (DHPrivateKeyParameters)oIn.readObject();
 *                      privKey = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters) formatter.Deserialize(bIn);
 *                      spec = privKey.Parameters;
 *                      if (!spec.G.Equals(elParams.G) || !spec.P.Equals(elParams.P))
 *                      {
 *                              Fail(size + " bit private key serialisation test failed on parameters");
 *                      }
 *                      if (!((ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters) keyPair.Private).X.Equals(privKey.X))
 *                      {
 *                              Fail(size + " bit private key serialisation test failed on y value");
 *                      }
예제 #9
        public static int Main(
            string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("DsaElGamalKeyRingGenerator [-a] identity passPhrase");

            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator dsaKpg = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("DSA");
            DsaParametersGenerator            pGen   = new DsaParametersGenerator();

            pGen.Init(1024, 80, new SecureRandom());
            DsaParameters dsaParams        = pGen.GenerateParameters();
            DsaKeyGenerationParameters kgp = new DsaKeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), dsaParams);


            // this takes a while as the key generator has to Generate some DSA parameters
            // before it Generates the key.
            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPair dsaKp = dsaKpg.GenerateKeyPair();

            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator elgKpg = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ELGAMAL");

            IBigInteger g = new BigInteger("153d5d6172adb43045b68ae8e1de1070b6137005686d29d3d73a7749199681ee5b212c9b96bfdcfa5b20cd5e3fd2044895d609cf9b410b7a0f12ca1cb9a428cc", 16);
            IBigInteger p = new BigInteger("9494fec095f3b85ee286542b3836fc81a5dd0a0349b4c239dd38744d488cf8e31db8bcb7d33b41abb9e5a33cca9144b1cef332c94bf0573bf047a3aca98cdf3b", 16);

            ElGamalParameters elParams           = new ElGamalParameters(p, g);
            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters elKgp = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), elParams);


            // this is quicker because we are using preGenerated parameters.
            IAsymmetricCipherKeyPair elgKp = elgKpg.GenerateKeyPair();

            Stream out1, out2;

            if (args[0].Equals("-a"))
                if (args.Length < 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("DSAElGamalKeyRingGenerator [-a] identity passPhrase");

                out1 = File.Create("secret.asc");
                out2 = File.Create("pub.asc");

                ExportKeyPair(out1, out2, dsaKp, elgKp, args[1], args[2].ToCharArray(), true);
                out1 = File.Create("secret.bpg");
                out2 = File.Create("pub.bpg");

                ExportKeyPair(out1, out2, dsaKp, elgKp, args[0], args[1].ToCharArray(), false);
예제 #10
        private void doTestEnc(
            int size,
            int privateValueSize,
            BigInteger g,
            BigInteger p)
            ElGamalParameters dhParams = new ElGamalParameters(p, g, privateValueSize);
            ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters ekgParams = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), dhParams);
            ElGamalKeyPairGenerator        kpGen     = new ElGamalKeyPairGenerator();


            // generate pair
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair = kpGen.GenerateKeyPair();

            ElGamalPublicKeyParameters  pu = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)pair.Public;
            ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters pv = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)pair.Private;

            checkKeySize(privateValueSize, pv);

            ElGamalEngine e = new ElGamalEngine();

            e.Init(true, pu);

            if (e.GetOutputBlockSize() != size / 4)
                Fail(size + " GetOutputBlockSize() on encryption failed.");

            byte[] message = Hex.Decode("5468697320697320612074657374");

            byte[] pText = message;
            byte[] cText = e.ProcessBlock(pText, 0, pText.Length);

            e.Init(false, pv);

            if (e.GetOutputBlockSize() != (size / 8) - 1)
                Fail(size + " GetOutputBlockSize() on decryption failed.");

            pText = e.ProcessBlock(cText, 0, cText.Length);

            if (!Arrays.AreEqual(message, pText))
                Fail(size + " bit test failed");

            e.Init(true, pu);
            byte[] bytes = new byte[e.GetInputBlockSize() + 2];

                e.ProcessBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                Fail("out of range block not detected");
            catch (DataLengthException)
                // expected

                bytes[0] = (byte)0xff;

                e.ProcessBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length - 1);

                Fail("out of range block not detected");
            catch (DataLengthException)
                // expected

                bytes[0] = (byte)0x7f;

                e.ProcessBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length - 1);
            catch (DataLengthException)
                Fail("in range block failed");