예제 #1
        public override void OnReady()
            var content = ReadSave();
            var dict    = Program.Deserialise <Dictionary <ulong, userInfo> >(content);

            Clients = new Dictionary <ulong, EduLinkClient>();
            foreach (var x in dict)
                var client = new EduLinkClient();
                client.Log = logHandler;
                    client.LoginAsync(x.Value.username, x.Value.password, x.Value.establishment).Wait();
                    Clients[x.Key] = client;
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is EduLinkException || ex is AggregateException ag && ag.InnerExceptions.Any(x => x is EduLinkException))
                    Program.LogMsg($"EduLink-{x.Value.username}", ex);
#if !DEBUG
                        var usr = Program.Client.GetUser(x.Key);
                        usr.SendMessageAsync($"Your EduLink login information has failed; you may use `{Program.Prefix}edulink setup {x.Value.username} [password]` to update it:\r\n" +
                                             $">>> {ex.Message}");
                    catch { }
예제 #2
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Setup(string username, [Sensitive][Remainder] string password)
            var hadPrior = Service.Clients.Remove(Context.User.Id);

            var client = new EduLinkClient();

            client.Log = EduLinkService.logHandler;
                var successLogin = await client.LoginAsync(username, password, 60);

                if (!successLogin)
                    return(new BotResult("Failed to login for an unknown reason"));
            } catch (EduLinkException ex)
                return(new BotResult($"Failed to login: {ex.Message}"));
            Service.Clients[Context.User.Id] = client;
            await ReplyAsync($"Account information {(hadPrior ? "updated" : "registered")} to {client.CurrentUser.Forename}\r\n" +
                             $"Please delete your message.");

            return(new BotResult());
        public async Task <string[]> SetClasses(BotUser bUser, EduLinkClient client)
            bUser.Classes = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var timetable = await client.TimetableAsync();

            foreach (var week in timetable)
                foreach (var day in week.Days)
                    foreach (var lesson in day.Lessons)
                        bUser.Classes[lesson.TeachingGroup.Name] = lesson.TeachingGroup.Subject ?? "unknown";
예제 #4
        public static void logHandler(EduLinkClient cl, EduLinkDLL.LogMessage m)
            if (m.Severity == EduLinkDLL.LogSeverity.Debug && (m.Source == "Response" || m.Source == "Request"))
                /*var path = Path.Combine(Program.BASE_PATH, "data", "logs", "edulink", cl.CurrentUser?.Username ?? cl.UserName ?? "nouser");
                 * if(!Directory.Exists(path))
                 *  Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
                 * path = Path.Combine(path, $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}.txt");
                 * var id = Guid.NewGuid();
                 * var chr = m.Source == "Request" ? '>' : '<';
                 * var pad = new string(chr, 3);
                 * string header = pad + id.ToString() + pad;
                 * string full = header + "\r\n" + m.Message + "\r\n" + new string(chr, header.Length) + "\r\n";
                 * if (m.Source == "Response")
                 *  full += "\r\n";
                 * File.AppendAllText(path, full);
                 * Program.LogMsg($"Logged as {id}", Discord.LogSeverity.Verbose, "EL:" + m.Source);*/
            var conv = new Discord.LogMessage((Discord.LogSeverity)m.Severity, $"EL:{(cl?.CurrentUser?.UserName ?? "")}:" + (m.Source ?? ""), m.Message, m.Exception);
