public CustomersAdministrationViewModel(ISession session) { _session = session; #region Maintance - Customers Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { View = new EditorView(_session); View.DataContext = new EditorViewModel <Customer>(_session); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.Background); }, Category = "Maintance", Title = "Customers" }); #endregion }
public override IView Create(ViewTypes type) { IView view = null; switch (type) { case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LANDING: view = new EditorView(services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_PATH: view = new PathView((services as EditorServices).PathService, services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_PATH: view = new EditPathView((services as EditorServices).PathService, services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LEVELS: view = new LevelsView((services as EditorServices).LevelService, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).PathService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_LEVEL: view = new EditLevelView(services.Pool, (services as EditorServices).LevelService, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).PathService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_ENEMY: view = new EditEnemyView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_ENEMIES: view = new EnemiesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_DIFFICULTY: view = new EditDifficultyView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_DIFFICULTIES: view = new DifficultiesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_BONUS: view = new EditBonusView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_BONUSES: view = new BonusesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_LANGUAGE: view = new EditLanguageView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).LanguageService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LANUGAGES: view = new LanguagesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).LanguageService); break; } if (view == null) { view = base.Create(type); } else { initView(view); } return view; }
public EditorTab(EditorView v, EditorInstance i, IntPtr h) { view = v; instance = i; handle = h; initDone = false; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the control. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { effect = new BasicEffect(this.GraphicsDevice); // Get our editor view. editorView = Hephaestus.ViewManager.GetEditorView(this.GraphicsDevice); // Start editor timer timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Hook the idle event to keep redrawing the animation Application.Idle += delegate { Invalidate(); }; }
public ProjectLineBuffer( Project project, EditorView editorView) { // Save the parameters as member fields for later. this.project = project; this.editorView = editorView; // Pull out some common elements. blocks = this.project.Blocks; commands = project.Commands; // Hook up the events. editorView.Controller.PopulateContextMenu += OnPopulateContextMenu; blocks.BlockTextChanged += OnBlockTextChanged; blocks.TextSpansChanged += OnTextSpansChanged; blocks.BlockTypeChanged += OnBlockTypeChanged; }
public ImeHighlight(EditorView editorView) { _editorView = editorView; _editorHelper = new SourceEditorViewHelper(_editorView); Color highlightColor = SystemColors.HighlightColor; Color color = Color.FromArgb(0x60, highlightColor.R, highlightColor.G, highlightColor.B); Color color3 = Color.FromArgb(180, (Byte)(highlightColor.R / 3), (Byte)(highlightColor.G / 3), (Byte)(highlightColor.B / 3)); _baseBrush = new SolidColorBrush(color); _blinkBrush = new SolidColorBrush(color3); _provisionalSpan = null; Int32 caretBlinkTime = User32.GetCaretBlinkTime(); if (caretBlinkTime > 0) { _blinkTimer = new Timer((Double)caretBlinkTime); _blinkTimer.AutoReset = true; } base.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; base.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(this.OnThisVisibilityChanged); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public CaretElement(EditorView editorView) { SizeChangedEventHandler handler = null; _editorView = editorView; _caretPlacement = CaretPlacement.LeftOfCharacter; _insertionPoint = new TextPoint(editorView.TextBuffer, 0); _preferredVerticalPosition = _preferredHorizontalPosition = 0; _textViewHelper = new TextViewHelper(_editorView); this.ConstructCaretGeometry(); TextLine line = TextFormatter.Create().FormatLine(new DefaultLineGutterTextSource("W", TextFormattingRunProperties.DefaultProperties), 0, 10, new TextFormattingParagraphProperties(), null); _defaultOverwriteCaretWidth = line.Width; _overwriteCaretBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); _overwriteCaretBrush.Opacity = 0.5; DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames frames = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames(); frames.BeginTime = new TimeSpan((long)0); frames.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; frames.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(1, KeyTime.FromPercent(0))); Int32 caretBlinkTime = User32.GetCaretBlinkTime(); if (caretBlinkTime > 0) { frames.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(0, KeyTime.FromPercent(0.5))); } else { caretBlinkTime = 500; } frames.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, caretBlinkTime * 2)); _blinkAnimationClock = frames.CreateClock(); base.ApplyAnimationClock(UIElement.OpacityProperty, _blinkAnimationClock); this.PositionChanged = (EventHandler<CaretPositionChangedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(this.PositionChanged, new EventHandler<CaretPositionChangedEventArgs>(this.CaretElement_PositionChanged)); if (handler == null) { handler = delegate { this.ConstructCaretGeometry(); }; } base.SizeChanged += handler; base.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(this.UIElement_VisibleChanged); this.OverwriteMode = false; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EditorViewController"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="editorView">The text editor associated with this controller.</param> public EditorViewController(EditorView editorView) { // Saves the display context for performing actions. if (editorView == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("editorView"); } displayContext = editorView; // Bind the initial keybindings. keyBindings = new Dictionary <int, ActionEntry>(); actions = new Dictionary <string, ActionEntry>(); // Bind the action states. states = new ActionStateCollection(); Commands = new CommandManager(); CommandController = new LineBufferCommandController(); CommandFactory = new CommandFactoryManager <OperationContext>(CommandController); // Bind the default actions for the editor. BindActions(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); FontBank fontBank = new FontBank(); fontBank.Load(this.Content, "Fonts"); IFontScaler fontScaler = new SimpleFontScaler(fontBank); var textEntity = new TextEntity() { Colour = Color.Cyan, Text = "This is a test.", Bounds = new RectangleF(100, 100, 100, 25), FontName = "Calibri", FontSize = 20, Behaviour = TextEntityBehaviour.AutoScale, }; var textEntityView = new TextEntityView( textEntity, fontScaler, _spriteBatch, fontBank ); var textEntityEditorView = new EditorView( textEntityView, _spriteBatch ); _views.Add(textEntityEditorView); _controllers.Add(new EditorViewController(textEntityEditorView)); _controllers.Add(new TextEntityViewController(textEntityView, _graphics.GraphicsDevice, _spriteBatch)); }
/// <summary> /// Attach model to view. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model object</param> /// <param name="view">The view object</param> /// <param name="explorerPresenter">The explorer presenter</param> public void Attach(object model, object view, ExplorerPresenter explorerPresenter) { this.operations = model as Operations; this.view = view as EditorView; this.explorerPresenter = explorerPresenter; this.intellisense = new IntellisensePresenter(view as ViewBase); intellisense.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => { if (e.TriggerWord == string.Empty) { this.view.InsertAtCaret(e.ItemSelected); } else { int position = this.view.Text.Substring(0, this.view.Offset).LastIndexOf(e.TriggerWord); this.view.InsertCompletionOption(e.ItemSelected, e.TriggerWord); } }; this.PopulateEditorView(); this.view.ContextItemsNeeded += this.OnContextItemsNeeded; this.view.TextHasChangedByUser += this.OnTextHasChangedByUser; this.explorerPresenter.CommandHistory.ModelChanged += this.OnModelChanged; }
protected override void OnViewLoaded(object view) { _view = (EditorView)view; }
/// <summary> /// Called once when view is created /// </summary> public void TextViewCreated(IWpfTextView textView) { EditorView.Create(textView); OnTextViewCreated(textView); }
public static EditorView GetEditorView(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { EditorView view = new EditorView(graphicsDevice); _views.Add(view); return view; }
public StockAdministrationViewModel(ISession session, IProductService productService, IStockService stockService) { _session = session; _productService = productService; _stockService = stockService; #region Maintance - Products Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { View = new EditorView(_session); var _viewModel = new EditorViewModel<Product>(_session); _viewModel.ItemRemoved += (sender, e) => { _session.Delete<Data.Models.Stock>(s => s.ProductId == e.Item.Id); _session.CommitChanges(); }; _viewModel.NewItemSaved += (sender, e) => { _session.Add<Data.Models.Stock>(new Data.Models.Stock() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ProductId = e.Item.Id, Units = 0 }); _session.CommitChanges(); }; View.DataContext = _viewModel; IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.Background); }, Category = "Maintance", Title = "Products" }); #endregion #region Maintance - Tax Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { View = new EditorView(_session); View.DataContext = new EditorViewModel<Tax>(_session); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.Background); }, Category = "Maintance", Title = "Tax" }); #endregion #region Maintance - Categories Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { View = new EditorView(_session); View.DataContext = new EditorViewModel<Category>(_session); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.Background); }, Category = "Maintance", Title = "Categories" }); #endregion #region Maintance - Stock Maintance Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { View = new StockMaintanceView_Main(); View.DataContext = new StockMaintanceViewModel( _productService, _stockService); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.Background); }, Category = "Maintance", Title = "Stock Maintance" }); #endregion #region Reports - Products Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( new FileStream( @"Templates\ProductsReport.xaml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); reportDocument.XamlData = reader.ReadToEnd(); reportDocument.XamlImagePath = Path.Combine( Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Templates\"); reader.Close(); ReportData reportData = new ReportData(); DataTable table = new DataTable("Products"); table.Columns.Add("Reference", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add("BuyPrice", typeof (double)); table.Columns.Add("SellPrice", typeof (double)); foreach ( var product in _productService.GetProducts()) { table.Rows.Add(new object[] { product.Reference, product.Name, product.BuyPrice, product.SellPrice }); } reportData.DataTables.Add(table); XpsDocument xps = reportDocument.CreateXpsDocument( reportData); View = new SimpleReportView(xps); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle); }, Category = "Reports", Title = "Products" }); #endregion #region Reports - Current Inventory Actions.Add(new AdministrationActionViewModel() { Action = (p) => { IsBusy = true; Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( new FileStream( @"Templates\CurrentInventoryReport.xaml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); reportDocument.XamlData = reader.ReadToEnd(); reportDocument.XamlImagePath = Path.Combine( Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Templates\"); reader.Close(); ReportData reportData = new ReportData(); DataTable table = new DataTable("Products"); table.Columns.Add("Reference", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add("Units", typeof (double)); foreach ( var product in _productService.GetProducts()) { Data.Models.Stock stock = _stockService.GetStockByProductId( product.Id); table.Rows.Add(new object[] { product.Reference, product.Name, stock.Units }); } reportData.DataTables.Add(table); XpsDocument xps = reportDocument.CreateXpsDocument( reportData); View = new SimpleReportView(xps); IsBusy = false; }, DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle); }, Category = "Reports", Title = "Current Inventory" }); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Resizes the specified margin based on the context. /// </summary> /// <param name="editorView">The text editor.</param> public virtual void Resize(EditorView editorView) { // The default implementation is to do nothing. }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of open file names in the specified view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The editor view to retrieve the list of open file names.</param> /// <returns>A list of file names for the open files.</returns> /// <remarks>To get a list of all open file names in both views, you can use the 'FileNames' property.</remarks> public IEnumerable<string> GetFileNames(EditorView view) { return Plugin.NppIntf.GetFileNames(view); }
/// <summary> /// Switches to the file in the specified view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The view in which the file is to be switched.</param> /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the view to switch to.</param> public void SetActiveFileIndex(EditorView view, int index) { Plugin.NppIntf.SetActiveFileIndex(view, index); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of open file names in the specified view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The editor view to retrieve the list of open file names.</param> /// <returns>A list of file names for the open files.</returns> /// <remarks>To get a list of all open file names in both views, you can use the 'FileNames' property.</remarks> public IEnumerable <string> GetFileNames(EditorView view) { return(Plugin.NppIntf.GetFileNames(view)); }
public Editor(SongResources songResources) { editorView = new EditorView(songResources); SetGameTimer(59700); }
public EditorPresenter(EditorView view) { mView = view; mBuildManager = CommonInjector.provideBuildManager(); }
private Widget CreateGuiEditor() { // Create the editor for the user. commandController = new ProjectCommandController(); editorView = new EditorView(); editorView.Controller.CommandController = commandController; EditorViewTheme.SetupTheme(editorView.Theme); // Remove the default margins because they aren't helpful at this // point and whenever they load, it causes the document to reset. editorView.Margins.Clear(); // Wrap the text editor in a scrollbar. var scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); scrolledWindow.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Always; scrolledWindow.Add(editorView); // Create the indicator bar that is 10 px wide. indicatorView = new IndicatorView(editorView); indicatorView.SetSizeRequest(20, 1); var indicatorFrame = new Frame { BorderWidth = 2, ShadowType = ShadowType.None, Shadow = ShadowType.None }; indicatorFrame.Add(indicatorView); // Add the editor and bar to the current tab. var editorBand = new HBox(false, 0); editorBand.PackStart(indicatorFrame, false, false, 0); editorBand.PackStart(scrolledWindow, true, true, 4); // Return the top-most frame. return editorBand; }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override IDock CreateLayout() { // Documents var pageDocument = new PageDocument { Id = nameof(PageDocument), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Page" }; // Left / Top var projectView = new ProjectTool { Id = nameof(ProjectTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Project" }; var optionsView = new OptionsTool { Id = nameof(OptionsTool), Width = 200, Height = 200, Title = "Options" }; var imagesView = new ImagesTool { Id = nameof(ImagesTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Images" }; // Left / Bottom var groupsView = new GroupsTool { Id = nameof(GroupsTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Groups" }; var databasesView = new DatabasesTool { Id = nameof(DatabasesTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Databases" }; // Right / Top var stylesView = new StylesTool { Id = nameof(StylesTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Styles" }; var templatesView = new TemplatesTool { Id = nameof(TemplatesTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Templates" }; var containerView = new ContainerTool { Id = nameof(ContainerTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Container" }; var zoomView = new ZoomTool { Id = nameof(ZoomTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Zoom" }; // Right / Bottom var toolsView = new ToolsTool { Id = nameof(ToolsTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Tools" }; var shapeView = new ShapeTool { Id = nameof(ShapeTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Shape" }; var dataView = new DataTool { Id = nameof(DataTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Data" }; var styleView = new StyleTool { Id = nameof(StyleTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Style" }; var templateView = new TemplateTool { Id = nameof(TemplateTool), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Template" }; // Left Pane var leftPane = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Dock = "Left", Width = 200, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLeft", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Dock = "Top", Width = double.NaN, Height = 340, Title = "EditorLeftTop", CurrentView = projectView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { projectView, optionsView, imagesView } }, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Dock = "Top", Title = "LeftTopSplitter" }, new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Dock = "Bottom", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLeftBottom", CurrentView = groupsView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { groupsView, databasesView } } } }; // Right Pane var rightPane = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Dock = "Right", Width = 240, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorRight", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Dock = "Top", Width = double.NaN, Height = 340, Title = "EditorRightTop", CurrentView = stylesView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { stylesView, templatesView, containerView, zoomView } }, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Dock = "Top", Title = "RightTopSplitter" }, new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Dock = "Bottom", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorRightBottom", CurrentView = toolsView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { toolsView, shapeView, dataView, styleView, templateView } } } }; // Documents var documentsPane = new DocumentDock { Id = nameof(IDocumentDock), Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "DocumentsPane", CurrentView = pageDocument, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { pageDocument } }; // Main var editorLayout = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLayout", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { leftPane, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Dock = "Left", Title = "LeftSplitter" }, rightPane, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Dock = "Right", Title = "RightSplitter" }, documentsPane } }; var editorView = new EditorView { Id = nameof(EditorView), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Editor", CurrentView = editorLayout, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { editorLayout } }; // About var aboutView = new AboutView { Id = nameof(AboutView), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "About" }; // Browser var browserView = new BrowserView { Id = nameof(BrowserView), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Browser" }; // Document var documentView = new DocumentView { Id = nameof(DocumentView), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Document" }; // Dashboard var dashboardView = new DashboardView { Id = nameof(DashboardView), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Dashboard" }; // Main var layout = new RootDock { Id = nameof(IRootDock), Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Root", CurrentView = dashboardView, DefaultView = dashboardView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { dashboardView, editorView, aboutView, browserView, documentView } }; return(layout); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current document index in the specified view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The view in which the active file index will be retrieved.</param> /// <returns>Zero-based index of the active file.</returns> public int GetActiveFileIndex(EditorView view) { return Plugin.NppIntf.GetActiveFileIndex(view); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current document index in the specified view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The view in which the active file index will be retrieved.</param> /// <returns>Zero-based index of the active file.</returns> public int GetActiveFileIndex(EditorView view) { return(Plugin.NppIntf.GetActiveFileIndex(view)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override IDock CreateDefaultLayout() { // Dashboard var dashboardView = new DashboardView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Dashboard" }; // Page var pageView = new PageView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Page" }; // Left / Top var projectView = new ProjectView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Project" }; var optionsView = new OptionsView { Dock = "", Width = 200, Height = 200, Title = "Options" }; var imagesView = new ImagesView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Images" }; // Left / Bottom var groupsView = new GroupsView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Groups" }; var databasesView = new DatabasesView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Databases" }; // Right / Top var stylesView = new StylesView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Styles" }; var templatesView = new TemplatesView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Templates" }; var containerView = new ContainerView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Container" }; var zoomView = new ZoomView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Zoom" }; // Right / Bottom var toolsView = new ToolsView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Tools" }; var shapeView = new ShapeView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Shape" }; var dataView = new DataView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Data" }; var styleView = new StyleView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Style" }; var templateView = new TemplateView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Template" }; // Left var leftPane = new DockLayout { Dock = "Left", Width = 200, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLeft", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { new DockStrip { Dock = "Top", Width = double.NaN, Height = 340, Title = "EditorLeftTop", CurrentView = projectView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { projectView, optionsView, imagesView } }, new DockSplitter() { Dock = "Top", Title = "LeftTopSplitter" }, new DockStrip { Dock = "Bottom", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLeftBottom", CurrentView = groupsView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { groupsView, databasesView } } } }; // Right var rightPane = new DockLayout { Dock = "Right", Width = 240, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorRight", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { new DockStrip { Dock = "Top", Width = double.NaN, Height = 340, Title = "EditorRightTop", CurrentView = stylesView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { stylesView, templatesView, containerView, zoomView } }, new DockSplitter() { Dock = "Top", Title = "RightTopSplitter" }, new DockStrip { Dock = "Bottom", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorRightBottom", CurrentView = toolsView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { toolsView, shapeView, dataView, styleView, templateView } } } }; // Editor var editorLayout = new DockLayout { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "EditorLayout", CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { leftPane, new DockSplitter() { Dock = "Left", Title = "LeftSplitter" }, rightPane, new DockSplitter() { Dock = "Right", Title = "RightSplitter" }, pageView } }; var editorView = new EditorView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Editor", CurrentView = editorLayout, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { editorLayout } }; // About var aboutView = new AboutView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "About" }; // Browser var browserView = new BrowserView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Browser" }; // Document var documentView = new DocumentView { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, Title = "Document" }; // Main var layout = new DockRoot { Dock = "", Width = double.NaN, Height = double.NaN, CurrentView = dashboardView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IDock> { dashboardView, editorView, aboutView, browserView, documentView } }; return(layout); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override IDock CreateLayout() { // Documents var pageDocument = new PageDocument { Id = nameof(PageDocument), Title = "Page" }; // Tools var projectTool = new ProjectTool { Id = nameof(ProjectTool), Title = "Project" }; var optionsTool = new OptionsTool { Id = nameof(OptionsTool), Title = "Options" }; var imagesTool = new ImagesTool { Id = nameof(ImagesTool), Title = "Images" }; var groupsTool = new GroupsTool { Id = nameof(GroupsTool), Title = "Groups" }; var databasesTool = new DatabasesTool { Id = nameof(DatabasesTool), Title = "Databases" }; var scriptTool = new ScriptTool { Id = nameof(ScriptTool), Title = "Script" }; var browserTool = new BrowserTool { Id = nameof(BrowserTool), Title = "Browser" }; var stylesTool = new StylesTool { Id = nameof(StylesTool), Title = "Styles" }; var templatesTool = new TemplatesTool { Id = nameof(TemplatesTool), Title = "Templates" }; var containerTool = new ContainerTool { Id = nameof(ContainerTool), Title = "Container" }; var zoomTool = new ZoomTool { Id = nameof(ZoomTool), Title = "Zoom" }; var shapeTool = new ShapeTool { Id = nameof(ShapeTool), Title = "Shape" }; var toolsTool = new ToolsTool { Id = nameof(ToolsTool), Title = "Tools" }; var dataTool = new DataTool { Id = nameof(DataTool), Title = "Data" }; var styleTool = new StyleTool { Id = nameof(StyleTool), Title = "Style" }; var templateTool = new TemplateTool { Id = nameof(TemplateTool), Title = "Template" }; // Panes var leftPane = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Title = "EditorLeft", Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Proportion = 0.17, CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Title = "EditorLeftTop", Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = projectTool, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { projectTool, optionsTool, imagesTool } }, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Title = "LeftTopSplitter" }, new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Title = "EditorLeftBottom", Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = groupsTool, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { groupsTool, databasesTool, scriptTool, browserTool } } } }; var rightPane = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Title = "EditorRight", Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Proportion = 0.17, CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Title = "EditorRightTop", Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = stylesTool, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { stylesTool, templatesTool, containerTool, zoomTool } }, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Title = "RightTopSplitter" }, new ToolDock { Id = nameof(IToolDock), Title = "EditorRightBottom", Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = shapeTool, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { shapeTool, toolsTool, dataTool, styleTool, templateTool } } } }; var documentsPane = new DocumentDock { Id = nameof(IDocumentDock), Title = "DocumentsPane", Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = pageDocument, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { pageDocument } }; // Editor var editorLayout = new LayoutDock { Id = nameof(ILayoutDock), Title = "EditorLayout", Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Proportion = double.NaN, CurrentView = null, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { leftPane, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Title = "LeftSplitter" }, documentsPane, new SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(ISplitterDock), Title = "RightSplitter" }, rightPane } }; // Views var editorView = new EditorView { Id = nameof(EditorView), Title = "Editor", CurrentView = editorLayout, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { editorLayout } }; var aboutView = new AboutView { Id = nameof(AboutView), Title = "About" }; var browserView = new BrowserView { Id = nameof(BrowserView), Title = "Browser" }; var scriptView = new ScriptView { Id = nameof(ScriptView), Title = "Script" }; var documentView = new DocumentView { Id = nameof(DocumentView), Title = "Document" }; var dashboardView = new DashboardView { Id = nameof(DashboardView), Title = "Dashboard" }; // Root var layout = new RootDock { Id = nameof(IRootDock), Title = "Root", CurrentView = dashboardView, DefaultView = dashboardView, Views = new ObservableCollection <IView> { dashboardView, editorView, aboutView, browserView, scriptView, documentView } }; return(layout); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override DM.IDock CreateLayout() { // Documents var pageDocument = new PageDocument { Id = nameof(PageDocument), Title = "Page" }; // Tools var projectTool = new ProjectTool { Id = nameof(ProjectTool), Title = "Project" }; var optionsTool = new OptionsTool { Id = nameof(OptionsTool), Title = "Options" }; var imagesTool = new ImagesTool { Id = nameof(ImagesTool), Title = "Images" }; var groupsTool = new GroupsTool { Id = nameof(GroupsTool), Title = "Groups" }; var databasesTool = new DatabasesTool { Id = nameof(DatabasesTool), Title = "Databases" }; var scriptTool = new ScriptTool { Id = nameof(ScriptTool), Title = "Script" }; var exportTool = new ExportTool { Id = nameof(ExportTool), Title = "Export" }; var browserTool = new BrowserTool { Id = nameof(BrowserTool), Title = "Browser" }; var documentTool = new DocumentTool { Id = nameof(DocumentTool), Title = "Document" }; var stylesTool = new StylesTool { Id = nameof(StylesTool), Title = "Styles" }; var templatesTool = new TemplatesTool { Id = nameof(TemplatesTool), Title = "Templates" }; var scriptsTool = new ScriptsTool { Id = nameof(ScriptsTool), Title = "Scripts" }; var containerTool = new ContainerTool { Id = nameof(ContainerTool), Title = "Container" }; var zoomTool = new ZoomTool { Id = nameof(ZoomTool), Title = "Zoom" }; var rendererTool = new RendererTool { Id = nameof(RendererTool), Title = "Renderer" }; var shapeTool = new ShapeTool { Id = nameof(ShapeTool), Title = "Shape" }; var toolsTool = new ToolsTool { Id = nameof(ToolsTool), Title = "Tools" }; var recordTool = new RecordTool { Id = nameof(RecordTool), Title = "Record" }; var propertiesTool = new PropertiesTool { Id = nameof(PropertiesTool), Title = "Properties" }; var styleTool = new StyleTool { Id = nameof(StyleTool), Title = "Style" }; var templateTool = new TemplateTool { Id = nameof(TemplateTool), Title = "Template" }; // Panes var leftPane = new DMC.ProportionalDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IProportionalDock), Title = "EditorLeft", Orientation = DM.Orientation.Vertical, Proportion = 0.17, ActiveDockable = null, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( new DMC.ToolDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IToolDock), Title = "EditorLeftTop", Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = projectTool, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( projectTool, optionsTool, rendererTool, imagesTool ) }, new DMC.SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(DMC.ISplitterDock), Title = "LeftTopSplitter" }, new DMC.ToolDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IToolDock), Title = "EditorLeftBottom", Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = groupsTool, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( groupsTool, databasesTool, toolsTool, scriptsTool ) } ) }; var rightPane = new DMC.ProportionalDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IProportionalDock), Title = "EditorRight", Orientation = DM.Orientation.Vertical, Proportion = 0.20, ActiveDockable = null, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( new DMC.ToolDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IToolDock), Title = "EditorRightTop", Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = stylesTool, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( stylesTool, containerTool, templatesTool, templateTool ) }, new DMC.SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(DMC.ISplitterDock), Title = "RightTopSplitter" }, new DMC.ToolDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IToolDock), Title = "EditorRightBottom", Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = shapeTool, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( shapeTool, propertiesTool, recordTool, styleTool, zoomTool ) } ) }; var documentsPane = new DMC.DocumentDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IDocumentDock), Title = "DocumentsPane", IsCollapsable = false, Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = pageDocument, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( pageDocument, documentTool, scriptTool, exportTool, browserTool ) }; // Editor var editorLayout = new DMC.ProportionalDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IProportionalDock), Title = "EditorLayout", Orientation = DM.Orientation.Horizontal, Proportion = double.NaN, ActiveDockable = null, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( leftPane, new DMC.SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(DMC.ISplitterDock), Title = "LeftSplitter" }, documentsPane, new DMC.SplitterDock() { Id = nameof(DMC.ISplitterDock), Title = "RightSplitter" }, rightPane ) }; // Views var dashboardView = new DashboardView { Id = nameof(DashboardView), Title = "Dashboard" }; var editorView = new EditorView { Id = nameof(EditorView), Title = "Editor", ActiveDockable = editorLayout, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( editorLayout ) }; // Root var root = new DMC.RootDock { Id = nameof(DMC.IRootDock), Title = "Root", IsCollapsable = false, ActiveDockable = dashboardView, DefaultDockable = dashboardView, VisibleDockables = CreateList <DM.IDockable> ( dashboardView, editorView ) }; root.Top = CreatePinDock(); root.Top.Alignment = DM.Alignment.Top; root.Bottom = CreatePinDock(); root.Bottom.Alignment = DM.Alignment.Bottom; root.Left = CreatePinDock(); root.Left.Alignment = DM.Alignment.Left; root.Right = CreatePinDock(); root.Right.Alignment = DM.Alignment.Right; return(root); }
private void SaveFilesInApp(EditorView view) { int fileIndex = 0; foreach (var fileName in GetFileNames(EditorView.Main)) { try { if (ProbeEnvironment.FileExistsInApp(fileName)) { SetActiveFileIndex(view, fileIndex); if (Modified) { if (!SaveFile()) { Output.WriteLine(OutputStyle.Warning, "Could not save file '{0}'.", fileName); Output.Show(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Output.WriteLine(OutputStyle.Error, "Exception when saving file '{0}':\r\n{1}", fileName, ex); Output.Show(); } fileIndex++; } }
public EditorViewController(EditorView view) { _view = view ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(); }
private void CreateUIControls22(object sender, EventArgs e) { ICurrentDocumentWindow win = this.GetServiceForThisTypeKey <ICurrentDocumentWindow>(); if (win != null) { string id = win.EditController.EditorView.Id; DependencyObject dataS = win.EditController.Document.DataSource as DependencyObject; if (dataS != null && dataS.ExtendedProperties.Contains("TFL_FormulaView") && //只有在E10中的公式查看按钮才执行下面的逻辑 (id.Contains("QC") || id.Contains("QM") || id.Contains("FS") || id.Contains("LFS") )) { DependencyObject obj = win.EditController.EditorView.DataSource as DependencyObject; bool isLS = false; //是否存在离散的条件 if (obj["FILER_MODE1"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiADMIN_UNIT_CODE"] = obj["uiADMIN_UNIT_NAME"] = obj["ADMIN_UNITS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE6"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiCUSTOMER_CODE"] = obj["uiCUSTOMER_NAME"] = obj["CUSTOMERS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE4"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiSUPPLIER_CODE"] = obj["uiSUPPLIER_NAME"] = obj["SUPPLIERS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE2"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiEMPLOYEE_CODE"] = obj["uiEMPLOYEE_NAME"] = obj["EMPLOYEES"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE5"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiSALES_CENTER_CODE"] = obj["uiSALES_CENTER_NAME"] = obj["SALES_CENTERS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE3"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiSUPPLY_CENTER_CODE"] = obj["uiSUPPLY_CENTER_NAME"] = obj["SUPPLY_CENTERS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE7"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiPLANT_CODE"] = obj["uiPLANT_NAME"] = obj["PLANTS"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE8"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiAUXILIARY_ITEM_CODE"] = obj["uiAUXILIARY_ITEM_NAME"] = obj["AUXILIARY_ITEM1S"].ToStringExtension(); } if (obj["FILER_MODE9"].ToInt32() == 2) { isLS = true; obj["uiAUXILIARY_ITEM_CODE_02"] = obj["uiAUXILIARY_ITEM_NAME_02"] = obj["AUXILIARY_ITEM2S"].ToStringExtension(); } if (isLS && !obj.ExtendedProperties.Contains("TFL_IN")) //第一次通过业务的入口进去时,要初始化各参数的值 { obj.ExtendedProperties.Add("TFL_IN", "TFL"); } EditorView ev = sender as EditorView; Control[] ctrls = ev.Control.Controls.Find("TabControl1", true); if (ctrls.Length > 0) { TabControl tc = ctrls[0] as TabControl; if (tc != null) { SetFINReadOnly(tc.TabPages["HeaderTab_2"]); // 公式查看各参数只读 } } } } }
public override void DrawScrollBarBlockBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, EditorView view) { Graphics graphics = e.Graphics; Image scrollbarBlockImage = this.GetScrollbarBlockImage(); try { graphics.DrawImage(scrollbarBlockImage, bounds); } finally { if (scrollbarBlockImage != null) { scrollbarBlockImage.Dispose(); } } }