예제 #1
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;

            if (Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject is EditorSprite)
                EditorSprite s = Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject as EditorSprite;
                    s.ObjectTypeName = lsTypes.Text;
                    s.ObjectType     = lsTypes.SelectedItem.GetType();


            if (Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject is EditorActor)
                EditorActor s = Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject as EditorActor;
                    s.ObjectTypeName = lsTypes.Text;
                    s.ObjectType     = lsTypes.SelectedItem.GetType();


            if (Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject is EditorEmitter)
                EditorEmitter s = Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject as EditorEmitter;
                    s.ObjectTypeName = lsTypes.Text;
                    s.ObjectType     = lsTypes.SelectedItem.GetType();


            if (Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject is EditorGroup)
                EditorGroup s = Globals.RenderWindow.CurrentSelectedObject as EditorGroup;
                    s.ObjectTypeName = lsTypes.Text;
                    s.ObjectType     = lsTypes.SelectedItem.GetType();

        private void tsDuplicate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Grab our currently selected frame
            var old = pnKeyFrameContainer.Controls[Globals.CurrentSelectedObject.Index] as conKeyFrame;

            if (old == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not grab the current frame for duplication!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Create Frame and add it to our container
            conKeyFrame con = new conKeyFrame();


            // Display the Frame number on the frame we just added (indexof returns 0 based array so add 1)
            con.Tag         = Globals.FrameSelectedEvent;
            con.FrameNumber = pnKeyFrameContainer.Controls.IndexOf(con);

            for (int i = 0; i < con.VisualObjects.Count; i++)
                if (con.VisualObjects[i] is Sprite)
                    Sprite original = con.VisualObjects[i] as Sprite;

                    if (original != null)
                        EditorSprite s = new EditorSprite(Game);

                        s.Name         = original.Name;
                        s.AssetName    = original.AssetName;
                        s.Texture      = original.Texture;
                        s.Position     = original.Position;
                        s.Scale        = original.Scale;
                        s.Rotation     = original.Rotation;
                        s.BlendMode    = original.BlendMode;
                        s.Camera       = original.Camera;
                        s.CustomEffect = original.CustomEffect;
                        s.Color        = original.Color;
                        s.DrawOrder    = original.DrawOrder;
                        s.UpdateOrder  = original.UpdateOrder;
                        s.Visible      = original.Visible;
                        s.Effects      = original.Effects;
                        s.Origin       = original.Origin;
                        s.LayerDepth   = original.LayerDepth;
                        s.Enabled      = original.Enabled;
                        s.Index        = original.Index;


                        // Add it to our visual objects

                if (con.VisualObjects[i] is ParticleEmitter)
                    ParticleEmitter original = con.VisualObjects[i] as ParticleEmitter;

                    if (original != null)
                        EditorEmitter emitter = new EditorEmitter(Game);
                        emitter.Name             = original.Name;
                        emitter.Position         = original.Position;
                        emitter.Texture          = original.Texture;
                        emitter.ParticleColor    = original.ParticleColor;
                        emitter.AssetName        = original.AssetName;
                        emitter.Camera           = original.Camera;
                        emitter.DrawOrder        = original.DrawOrder;
                        emitter.UpdateOrder      = original.UpdateOrder;
                        emitter.Index            = original.Index;
                        emitter.MaxAcceleration  = original.MaxAcceleration;
                        emitter.MinAcceleration  = original.MinAcceleration;
                        emitter.MinLifeSpan      = original.MinLifeSpan;
                        emitter.MaxLifeSpan      = original.MaxLifeSpan;
                        emitter.MinParticles     = original.MinParticles;
                        emitter.MaxParticles     = original.MaxParticles;
                        emitter.MinRotationSpeed = original.MinRotationSpeed;
                        emitter.MaxRotationSpeed = original.MaxRotationSpeed;
                        emitter.MinScale         = original.MinScale;
                        emitter.MaxScale         = original.MaxScale;
                        emitter.ForceObjects     = original.ForceObjects;
                        emitter.Visible          = original.Visible;
                        emitter.Index            = original.Index;


                        // Add it to our visual objects

            // Init all the sprites
//			for (int i = 0; i < con.VisualObjects.Count; i++)
//				con.VisualObjects[i].Initialize();

            con.IsLocked   = old.IsLocked;
            con.IsSelected = true;
            con.FrameSpeed = old.FrameSpeed;

예제 #3
        private void btnDuplicate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int counts  = Convert.ToInt16(tbQTY.Text);
            int offsetX = Convert.ToInt16(tbXOffset.Text);
            int offsetY = Convert.ToInt16(tbYOffset.Text);

            float totalWidth  = 0;
            float totalHeight = 0;

            #region Groups

            if (SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] is EditorGroup)
                EditorGroup original = SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] as EditorGroup;

                if (original != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++)
                        EditorGroup group = new EditorGroup(Globals.Game, RenderWindow)
                            AssetName       = original.AssetName,
                            DrawOrder       = original.DrawOrder,
                            UpdateOrder     = original.UpdateOrder,
                            Enabled         = original.Enabled,
                            Name            = original.Name,
                            Scale           = original.Scale,
                            Visible         = original.Visible,
                            ShowBoundingBox = true,
                            Position        = original.Position

                        foreach (VisualObject o in original.Objects)
                            if (o is EditorSprite)
                                EditorSprite sOriginal = o as EditorSprite;

                                // Init our new Sprite
                                EditorSprite sprite = new EditorSprite(sOriginal.Game)
                                    Name            = sOriginal.Name,
                                    Texture         = sOriginal.Texture,
                                    AssetName       = sOriginal.AssetName,
                                    Position        = sOriginal.Position,
                                    Scale           = sOriginal.Scale,
                                    LayerDepth      = sOriginal.LayerDepth,
                                    Origin          = sOriginal.Origin,
                                    Rotation        = sOriginal.Rotation,
                                    StartPosition   = sOriginal.StartPosition,
                                    UpdateOrder     = sOriginal.UpdateOrder,
                                    CustomEffect    = sOriginal.CustomEffect,
                                    ShowBoundingBox = false,
                                    BlendMode       = sOriginal.BlendMode,
                                    DrawOrder       = sOriginal.DrawOrder,
                                    ScrollSpeed     = sOriginal.ScrollSpeed,

                                // Init this texture

                                // Add it to our groups objects

                            if (o is EditorEmitter)
                                EditorEmitter eOriginal = o as EditorEmitter;

                                EditorEmitter emitter = new EditorEmitter(eOriginal.Game, RenderWindow)
                                    Name                = eOriginal.Name,
                                    AssetName           = eOriginal.AssetName,
                                    Camera              = eOriginal.Camera,
                                    ParticleColor       = eOriginal.ParticleColor,
                                    DrawOrder           = eOriginal.DrawOrder,
                                    EnableAlphaBlending = eOriginal.EnableAlphaBlending,
                                    Enabled             = eOriginal.Enabled,
                                    ForceObjects        = eOriginal.ForceObjects,
                                    MinAcceleration     = eOriginal.MinAcceleration,
                                    MaxAcceleration     = eOriginal.MaxAcceleration,
                                    MinInitialSpeed     = eOriginal.MinInitialSpeed,
                                    MaxInitialSpeed     = eOriginal.MaxInitialSpeed,
                                    MinLifeSpan         = eOriginal.MinLifeSpan,
                                    MaxLifeSpan         = eOriginal.MaxLifeSpan,
                                    MinParticles        = eOriginal.MinParticles,
                                    MaxParticles        = eOriginal.MaxParticles,
                                    MinRotationSpeed    = eOriginal.MinRotationSpeed,
                                    MaxRotationSpeed    = eOriginal.MaxRotationSpeed,
                                    MinScale            = eOriginal.MinScale,
                                    MaxScale            = eOriginal.MaxScale,
                                    ShowBoundingBox     = false,
                                    Texture             = eOriginal.Texture,
                                    Position            = eOriginal.Position


                                // Add it to our group

                        // Initialize our group

                        float width  = 0;
                        float height = 0;

                        foreach (VisualObject o in group.Objects)
                            if (o is EditorSprite)
                                EditorSprite s = o as EditorSprite;
                                if ((s.Texture.Width * s.Scale.X) > width)
                                    width = s.Texture.Width * s.Scale.X;

                                if ((s.Texture.Height * s.Scale.Y) > height)
                                    height = s.Texture.Height * s.Scale.Y;
                            if (o is EditorEmitter)
                                EditorEmitter emitter = o as EditorEmitter;
                                if ((emitter.Texture.Width * emitter.Scale.X) > width)
                                    width = emitter.Texture.Width * emitter.Scale.X;

                                if ((emitter.Texture.Height * emitter.Scale.Y) > height)
                                    height = emitter.Texture.Height * emitter.Scale.Y;

                        totalWidth  += width + offsetX * (i + 1);
                        totalHeight += height + offsetY * (i + 1);

                        // Move the individual objects in the group
                        // TODO: Make this later automatically done in the CTBaseGroup class!
                        foreach (VisualObject vo in group.Objects)
                            switch (cbDirection.Text)
                            case "X":
                                vo.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, 0);

                            case "Y":
                                vo.Position += new Vector2(0, totalHeight);

                            case "Both":
                                vo.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                        // Move the Complete groups position too
                        switch (cbDirection.Text)
                        case "X":
                            group.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, 0);

                        case "Y":
                            group.Position += new Vector2(0, totalHeight);

                        case "Both":
                            group.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                        group.Name = original.Name + (i + 1);

                        // Add it to current our Key Frame


            #region Sprites

            if (SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] is EditorSprite)
                EditorSprite sprite = SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] as EditorSprite;

                if (sprite != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++)
                        totalWidth  += (sprite.Texture.Width * sprite.Scale.X) + offsetX * (i + 1);
                        totalHeight += (sprite.Texture.Height * sprite.Scale.Y) + offsetY * (i + 1);

                        EditorSprite s = new EditorSprite(sprite.Game)
                            Name                     = sprite.Name,
                            AssetName                = sprite.AssetName,
                            BlendMode                = sprite.BlendMode,
                            Color                    = sprite.Color,
                            CameraOffsetX            = sprite.CameraOffsetX,
                            CameraOffsetY            = sprite.CameraOffsetY,
                            CameraZoomOffset         = sprite.CameraZoomOffset,
                            CustomEffect             = sprite.CustomEffect,
                            DrawOrder                = sprite.DrawOrder,
                            Effects                  = sprite.Effects,
                            Enabled                  = sprite.Enabled,
                            IsLocked                 = sprite.IsLocked,
                            ShowBoundingBox          = sprite.ShowBoundingBox,
                            LayerDepth               = sprite.LayerDepth,
                            Origin                   = sprite.Origin,
                            Position                 = sprite.Position,
                            Rotation                 = sprite.Rotation,
                            Scale                    = sprite.Scale,
                            UpdateOrder              = sprite.UpdateOrder,
                            Visible                  = sprite.Visible,
                            Texture                  = sprite.Texture,
                            ScrollSpeed              = sprite.ScrollSpeed,
                            AttachedPathingNode      = sprite.AttachedPathingNode,
                            AttachedPathingNodeName  = sprite.AttachedPathingNodeName,
                            CurrentPathLerpPosition  = sprite.CurrentPathLerpPosition,
                            CurrentPathNodeIndex     = sprite.CurrentPathNodeIndex,
                            StartPathingLerpPosition = sprite.StartPathingLerpPosition,
                            StartPathNodeIndex       = sprite.StartPathNodeIndex,


                        switch (cbDirection.Text)
                        case "X":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, 0);

                        case "Y":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(0, totalHeight);

                        case "Both":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                        // Add it to our scene


            #region Emitters

            if (SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] is EditorEmitter)
                EditorEmitter original = SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] as EditorEmitter;

                if (original != null)
                    for (int i = 1; i < counts; i++)
                        totalWidth  += (original.Texture.Width * original.Scale.X) + offsetX * (i + 1);
                        totalHeight += (original.Texture.Height * original.Scale.Y) + offsetY * (i + 1);

                        EditorEmitter emitter = new EditorEmitter(original.Game, RenderWindow)
                            Name                     = original.Name,
                            AssetName                = original.AssetName,
                            Camera                   = original.Camera,
                            ParticleColor            = original.ParticleColor,
                            DrawOrder                = original.DrawOrder,
                            EnableAlphaBlending      = original.EnableAlphaBlending,
                            Enabled                  = original.Enabled,
                            ForceObjects             = original.ForceObjects,
                            MinAcceleration          = original.MinAcceleration,
                            MaxAcceleration          = original.MaxAcceleration,
                            MinInitialSpeed          = original.MinInitialSpeed,
                            MaxInitialSpeed          = original.MaxInitialSpeed,
                            MinLifeSpan              = original.MinLifeSpan,
                            MaxLifeSpan              = original.MaxLifeSpan,
                            MinParticles             = original.MinParticles,
                            MaxParticles             = original.MaxParticles,
                            MinRotationSpeed         = original.MinRotationSpeed,
                            MaxRotationSpeed         = original.MaxRotationSpeed,
                            MinScale                 = original.MinScale,
                            MaxScale                 = original.MaxScale,
                            ShowBoundingBox          = true,
                            Texture                  = original.Texture,
                            Position                 = original.Position,
                            AttachedPathingNode      = original.AttachedPathingNode,
                            AttachedPathingNodeName  = original.AttachedPathingNodeName,
                            CurrentPathLerpPosition  = original.CurrentPathLerpPosition,
                            CurrentPathNodeIndex     = original.CurrentPathNodeIndex,
                            StartPathingLerpPosition = original.StartPathingLerpPosition,
                            StartPathNodeIndex       = original.StartPathNodeIndex


                        switch (cbDirection.Text)
                        case "X":
                            emitter.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, 0);

                        case "Y":
                            emitter.Position += new Vector2(0, totalHeight);

                        case "Both":
                            emitter.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                        // Add it to current our Key Frame


            #region Custom Sprite Boxes

            if (SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] is EditorSpriteBox)
                EditorSpriteBox sprite = SceneObjects[rlSceneObjects.SelectedIndex] as EditorSpriteBox;

                if (sprite != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++)
                        totalWidth  += (sprite.Texture.Width * sprite.Scale.X) + offsetX * (i + 1);
                        totalHeight += (sprite.Texture.Height * sprite.Scale.Y) + offsetY * (i + 1);

                        EditorSpriteBox s = new EditorSpriteBox(sprite.Game, RenderWindow)
                            Name                     = sprite.Name,
                            AssetName                = sprite.AssetName,
                            BlendMode                = sprite.BlendMode,
                            Width                    = sprite.Width,
                            Height                   = sprite.Height,
                            Color                    = sprite.Color,
                            CameraOffsetX            = sprite.CameraOffsetX,
                            CameraOffsetY            = sprite.CameraOffsetY,
                            CameraZoomOffset         = sprite.CameraZoomOffset,
                            CustomEffect             = sprite.CustomEffect,
                            DrawOrder                = sprite.DrawOrder,
                            Effects                  = sprite.Effects,
                            Enabled                  = sprite.Enabled,
                            IsLocked                 = sprite.IsLocked,
                            ShowBoundingBox          = sprite.ShowBoundingBox,
                            LayerDepth               = sprite.LayerDepth,
                            Origin                   = sprite.Origin,
                            Position                 = sprite.Position,
                            Rotation                 = sprite.Rotation,
                            Scale                    = sprite.Scale,
                            UpdateOrder              = sprite.UpdateOrder,
                            Visible                  = sprite.Visible,
                            Texture                  = sprite.Texture,
                            ScrollSpeed              = sprite.ScrollSpeed,
                            AttachedPathingNode      = sprite.AttachedPathingNode,
                            AttachedPathingNodeName  = sprite.AttachedPathingNodeName,
                            CurrentPathLerpPosition  = sprite.CurrentPathLerpPosition,
                            CurrentPathNodeIndex     = sprite.CurrentPathNodeIndex,
                            StartPathingLerpPosition = sprite.StartPathingLerpPosition,
                            StartPathNodeIndex       = sprite.StartPathNodeIndex


                        switch (cbDirection.Text)
                        case "X":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, 0);

                        case "Y":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(0, totalHeight);

                        case "Both":
                            s.Position += new Vector2(totalWidth, totalHeight);

                        // Add it to our scene


            Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;

        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem != null && lsAvailablePaths.SelectedItem != null)
                if (lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem is EditorGroup)
                    EditorGroup  vo = lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem as EditorGroup;
                    LedgeBuilder bo = lsAvailablePaths.SelectedItem as LedgeBuilder;

                    if (bo != null)
                        vo.AttachedPathingNode     = bo;
                        vo.CurrentPathNodeIndex    = Convert.ToInt16(tbNodeIndex.Text);
                        vo.AttachedPathingNodeName = bo.Name;

                        foreach (LedgeNodeDisplay node in bo.Nodes)
                            node.Scale = vo.Scale;

                        Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;


                if (lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem is EditorSprite)
                    EditorSprite vo = lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem as EditorSprite;
                    LedgeBuilder bo = lsAvailablePaths.SelectedItem as LedgeBuilder;

                    if (bo != null)
                        vo.AttachedPathingNode     = bo;
                        vo.CurrentPathNodeIndex    = Convert.ToInt16(tbNodeIndex.Text);
                        vo.AttachedPathingNodeName = bo.Name;

                        foreach (LedgeNodeDisplay node in bo.Nodes)
                            node.Scale = vo.Scale;

                        Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;


                if (lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem is EditorEmitter)
                    EditorEmitter vo = lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem as EditorEmitter;
                    LedgeBuilder  bo = lsAvailablePaths.SelectedItem as LedgeBuilder;

                    if (bo != null)
                        vo.AttachedPathingNode     = bo;
                        vo.CurrentPathNodeIndex    = Convert.ToInt16(tbNodeIndex.Text);
                        vo.AttachedPathingNodeName = bo.Name;

                        foreach (LedgeNodeDisplay node in bo.Nodes)
                            node.Scale = vo.Scale;

                        Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;


                if (lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem is EditorActor)
                    EditorActor  vo = lsSceneObjects.SelectedItem as EditorActor;
                    LedgeBuilder bo = lsAvailablePaths.SelectedItem as LedgeBuilder;

                    if (bo != null)
                        vo.AttachedPathingNode     = bo;
                        vo.CurrentPathNodeIndex    = Convert.ToInt16(tbNodeIndex.Text);
                        vo.AttachedPathingNodeName = bo.Name;

                        // Store these in the pathing node
                        bo.Sequences = vo.Sequences;

                        foreach (LedgeNodeDisplay node in bo.Nodes)
                            node.AnimationSequence = vo.ClipPlayer.CurrentSequence;
                            node.Scale             = vo.Scale;

                        Globals.IsDialogWindowOpen = false;

                MessageBox.Show(@"Please select a scene object and an available pathing node to attach it to.");