예제 #1
        [HttpGet("{meetingId}/{part}")]        // GET: api/fixasr
        public EditMeeting_Dto Get(int meetingId, int part)
            string          meeting        = EditMeetingRepo.Get(meetingId, part);
            EditMeeting_Dto meetingEditDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditMeeting_Dto>(meeting);

예제 #2
        /*   Split the video, audio and JSON data for this meeting into smaller
         *   segments. This allows multiple people to work on the fixes to
         *   the text at the same time.
        public void Split(string meetingFolder, string videofile, string fixasrFile,
                          int segmentSize, int segmentOverlap)
            string splitFolder = Path.Combine(meetingFolder, "FixText");

            // The processed recording will next go through the following workflow:
            //   1. Users will fix errors in the text generated by auto voice recognition.
            //   2. Users will add metadata tags to the transcript.
            // To facilitate this, we will split the video, audio and transcript files into smaller segments.
            // This has the advantages that:
            //   1. More than one volunteer can work on the recording at the same time.
            //   2. Less video or audio data needs to be downloaded to a user at one time.

            string          stringValue    = File.ReadAllText(fixasrFile);
            EditMeeting_Dto meetingEditDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditMeeting_Dto>(stringValue);

            // Split the recording into parts and put them each in subfolders of subfolder "parts".
            SplitRecording splitRecording = new SplitRecording();
            int            parts          = splitRecording.Split(videofile, splitFolder, segmentSize, segmentOverlap);

            // Also extract the audio from each of these segments.
            // Some user may prefer to work with the audio for fixing the transcript.
            // We will put the audio files in the same folder as the video.

            // Split the full transcript into segments that match the audio and video segments in size.
            SplitTranscript splitTranscript = new SplitTranscript();

            splitTranscript.Split(meetingEditDto, splitFolder, segmentSize, segmentOverlap, parts);
예제 #3
        //    readonly CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
        //    readonly string format = "hh\\:mm\\:ss";
        //    int sectionNumber;
        //    readonly FixasrView[] fixasrSegment = new FixasrView[2];

        public void Split(EditMeeting_Dto meetingEditDto, string outputFolder, int sectionSize, int overlap, int parts)
            //        fixasrSegment[0] = new FixasrView();
            //        fixasrSegment[1] = new FixasrView();
            //        fixasrSegment[0].lastedit = 0;
            //        fixasrSegment[1].lastedit = 0;
            //        sectionNumber = 1;

            //        // Since we want the sections to overlap (if overlap is non-zero), we can be adding to 2 outputs at once
            //        // during the overlap. The first output that we start becomes the "primary" output.
            //        // When we reach sectionSize for the primary, we open the next output. We now add to both outputs until
            //        // we reach "sectionSize + overlap" on the primary. At that time we close the primary and write it to disk.
            //        // The output that just started writing to now becomes the primary.
            //        int primary = 0; // current primary output
            //        int secondary = 1;
            //        int currentPart = 1;

            //        foreach (AsrSegment asrsegment in fixasr.asrsegments)
            //        {
            //            TimeSpan timespan = TimeSpan.ParseExact(asrsegment.startTime, format, culture);
            //            int currentTime = (int) timespan.TotalSeconds;

            //            // If we are within the overlap time, add to both. Unless we are on the last part.
            //            if ((currentTime >= (sectionNumber * sectionSize)) && (currentTime <= (sectionNumber * sectionSize + overlap))
            //                && (currentPart != parts))
            //            {
            //                fixasrSegment[secondary].asrsegments.Add(asrsegment);
            //            }

            //            // If we are past the overlap. Write out the primary to disk and swap primary/secondary.
            //            //  Unless we are on the last part.
            //            if (currentTime > (sectionNumber * sectionSize + overlap)
            //                && (currentPart != parts))
            //            {
            //                WriteSection(outputFolder, primary, sectionNumber);
            //                sectionNumber++;
            //                currentPart++;
            //                fixasrSegment[primary] = new FixasrView();

            //                // Swap primary and secondary
            //                int x = primary;
            //                primary = secondary;
            //                secondary = x;
            //            }

            //            fixasrSegment[primary].asrsegments.Add(asrsegment);

            //        }
            //        // Handle end of file
            //        if (fixasrSegment[primary].asrsegments.Count > 0)
            //        {
            //            WriteSection(outputFolder, primary, sectionNumber);
            //        }
예제 #4
        // Create the EditTranscriptView structure used by EditTranscript
        static void CreateEditTranscriptView(string fixedTags, string editmeetingFile)
            // Clean up from last run

            // Reformat the response to what the editmeeting routine will use.
            string               responseString = File.ReadAllText(fixedTags);
            Transcribed_Dto      response       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Transcribed_Dto>(responseString);
            ModifyTranscriptJson convert        = new ModifyTranscriptJson();
            EditMeeting_Dto      editmeeting    = convert.Modify(response);
            string               stringValue    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(editmeeting, Formatting.Indented);

            File.WriteAllText(editmeetingFile, stringValue);
예제 #5
        public EditMeeting_Dto Modify2(Transcribed_Dto transcript)
            EditMeeting_Dto editmeeting = new EditMeeting_Dto();
            int             wordNum     = 0; // running word sequence number

            foreach (TranscribedTalk_Dto result in transcript.Talks)
                EditMeetingTalk_Dto talk = new EditMeetingTalk_Dto(result.Transcript, result.Confidence);
                int speaker = -1;

                foreach (TranscribedWord_Dto respword in result.Words)
                    EditMeetingWord_Dto word = new EditMeetingWord_Dto(

                    // Check if the speaker is the same for all words
                    // "speaker" will equal "-2" if different speakers.
                    if (speaker != -2)
                        if (speaker == -1)
                            speaker = word.SpeakerTag;  // we found first speaker (could also be 0)
                            if (speaker != word.SpeakerTag)
                                speaker = -2;  // we found two speakers do not match

                    talk.SpeakerName = speaker switch
                        0 => "UNKOWN",
                        -2 => "DIFFERENT",
                        _ => "Speaker " + speaker.ToString(),
예제 #6
        public void TestSplitTranscript()
            string          fixasrFile     = @"C:\GOVMEETING\_SOURCECODE\src\DATAFILES\USA_ME_LincolnCounty_BoothbayHarbor_Selectmen_en\2017-02-15\R3-ToBeFixed.json";
            string          stringValue    = File.ReadAllText(fixasrFile);
            EditMeeting_Dto meetingEditDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EditMeeting_Dto>(stringValue);
            string          outputFolder   = @"C:\GOVMEETING\_SOURCECODE\src\DATAFILES\USA_ME_LincolnCounty_BoothbayHarbor_Selectmen_en\2017-02-15\FixText";
            int             sectionSize    = 180;
            int             overlap        = 5;
            int             parts          = 4;

            SplitTranscript st = new SplitTranscript();

            st.Split(meetingEditDto, outputFolder, sectionSize, overlap, parts);
예제 #7
        public void TestMoveToCloudAndTranscribe(string language)
            AudioProcessing audioProcessing = new AudioProcessing();

            string baseName     = "USA_ME_LincolnCounty_BoothbayHarbor_Selectmen_EN_2017-02-15";
            string videoFile    = Path.Combine(config.TestdataPath, baseName + ".mp4");
            string outputFolder = Path.Combine(config.TestdataPath, "TestMoveToCloudAndTranscribe");


            string outputBasePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, baseName);
            string shortFile      = outputBasePath + ".mp4";
            string audioFile      = outputBasePath + ".flac";
            string jsonFile       = outputBasePath + ".json";

            // Extract short version
            //SplitRecording splitRecording = new SplitRecording();
            audioProcessing.ExtractPart(videoFile, shortFile, 60, 4 * 60);

            // Extract audio.
            audioProcessing.Extract(shortFile, audioFile);

            // Transcribe
            //TranscribeAudio ta = new TranscribeAudio(_config);

            //TranscribeResultOrig response = new TranscribeResultOrig();
            Transcribed_Dto response = new Transcribed_Dto();

            // TODO - signature of TranscribeInCloud has changed.
            // response = transcribe.MoveToCloudAndTranscribe(audioFile, baseName + ".flac", config.GoogleCloudBucketName, config.UseAudioFileAlreadyInCloud, language);

            string stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented);

            File.WriteAllText(outputBasePath + "-rsp.json", stringValue);

            // Modify Transcript json format
            //ModifyTranscriptJson_1 mt = new ModifyTranscriptJson_1();
            ModifyTranscriptJson mt = new ModifyTranscriptJson();
            //FixasrViewModel fixasr = mt.Modify(response);
            EditMeeting_Dto meetingEditDto = mt.Modify(response);

            // Create JSON file
            //stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fixasr, Formatting.Indented);
            stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(meetingEditDto, Formatting.Indented);
            File.WriteAllText(jsonFile, stringValue);
예제 #8
        public void TestReformatOfTranscribeResponse()
            string inputFile = testfilesPath + @"\USA_ME_LincolnCounty_BoothbayHarbor_Selectmen_EN_2017-02-15-rsp.json";

            string outputFolder = Path.Combine(testfilesPath, "TestReformatOfTranscribeResponse");

            string outputFile = outputFolder + @"\USA_ME_LincolnCounty_BoothbayHarbor_Selectmen_EN_2017-02-15.json";

            string stringValue = File.ReadAllText(inputFile);
            var    transcript  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Transcribed_Dto>(stringValue);

            ModifyTranscriptJson convert        = new ModifyTranscriptJson();
            EditMeeting_Dto      meetingEditDto = convert.Modify(transcript);

            stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(meetingEditDto, Formatting.Indented);
            File.WriteAllText(outputFile, stringValue);
예제 #9
        public EditMeeting_Dto Modify(Transcribed_Dto transcript)
            EditMeeting_Dto editmeeting = new EditMeeting_Dto();
            int             wordNum     = 0; // running word sequence number

            foreach (TranscribedTalk_Dto result in transcript.Talks)
                EditMeetingTalk_Dto talk = new EditMeetingTalk_Dto(result.Transcript, result.Confidence);
                int speaker = -1;

                foreach (TranscribedWord_Dto respword in result.Words)
                    EditMeetingWord_Dto word = new EditMeetingWord_Dto(
                    if (speaker != word.SpeakerTag)
                        if (speaker != -1)
                            talk = new EditMeetingTalk_Dto(result.Transcript, result.Confidence);
                        speaker          = word.SpeakerTag;
                        talk.SpeakerName = "Speaker " + speaker.ToString();
예제 #10
        public bool Post([FromBody] EditMeeting_Dto value, int meetingId, int part)
            string stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, Formatting.Indented);

            return(EditMeetingRepo.Put(stringValue, meetingId, part));