public void TestOpenSaveDocxWithOptions() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.PasswordProtectedDocx; var loadOptions = new WordProcessingLoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath, EnablePagination = true, FontExtraction = WordProcessingLoadOptions.FontExtractionEnum.ExtractAll }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new WordProcessingSaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}", EnablePagination = true, Format = "Docx", Password = testFile.Password, ProtectionPassword = testFile.Password, ProtectionType = WordProcessingSaveOptions.ProtectionTypeEnum.AllowOnlyComments }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public void TestOpenSavePresentationWithOptions() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.PresentationWithHiddenSlide; var loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath, ShowHiddenSlides = true, SlideNumber = 0 }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new PresentationSaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}", Password = "******" }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public void TestOpenSaveDocxProtected() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.PasswordProtectedDocx; var loadOptions = new LoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new SaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}" }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public void TestOpenSaveTsvWithOptions() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.Tsv; var loadOptions = new DelimitedTextLoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath, Separator = "\t", ConvertNumericData = true, TreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = true }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new DelimitedTextSaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}", Encoding = "UTF-8", Format = "tsv", KeepSeparatorsForBlankRow = true }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public void TestOpenSaveTextWithOptions() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.Txt; var loadOptions = new TextLoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath, EnablePagination = true, LeadingSpaces = TextLoadOptions.LeadingSpacesEnum.Trim, RecognizeLists = true }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new TextSaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}", AddBidiMarks = true, Encoding = "UTF-8", Format = "txt", PreserveTableLayout = true }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public void TestOpenSaveXlsxWithOptions() { // Load var testFile = TestFiles.FourSheetsProtectedXlsx; var loadOptions = new SpreadsheetLoadOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), OutputPath = DefaultOutputPath, ExcludeHiddenWorksheets = true }; var loadResult = EditApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.HtmlPath); Assert.IsNotEmpty(loadResult.ResourcesPath); // Save var saveOptions = new SpreadsheetSaveOptions { FileInfo = testFile.ToFileInfo(), HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath, OutputPath = $"{DefaultOutputPath}/{testFile.FileName}", Format = "xlsx", Password = testFile.Password, ProtectionPassword = testFile.Password, ProtectionType = SpreadsheetSaveOptions.ProtectionTypeEnum.All }; var saveResult = EditApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); Assert.AreEqual(saveOptions.OutputPath, saveResult.Path); }
public static void Run() { try { // Create necessary API instances var editApi = new EditApi(Common.GetConfig()); var fileApi = new FileApi(Common.GetConfig()); // The document already uploaded into the storage. // Load it into editable state var loadOptions = new PresentationLoadOptions { FileInfo = new FileInfo { FilePath = "Presentation/with-notes.pptx" }, OutputPath = "output", SlideNumber = 0 }; var loadResult = editApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); // Download html document var stream = fileApi.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest(loadResult.HtmlPath)); var htmlString = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd(); // Edit something... htmlString = htmlString.Replace("Slide sub-heading", "Hello world!"); // Upload html back to storage fileApi.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest(loadResult.HtmlPath, new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlString)))); // Save html back to pptx var saveOptions = new PresentationSaveOptions { FileInfo = loadOptions.FileInfo, OutputPath = "output/edited.pptx", HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath }; var saveResult = editApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); // Done. Console.WriteLine("Document edited: " + saveResult.Path); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // Create necessary API instances var editApi = new EditApi(Common.GetConfig()); var fileApi = new FileApi(Common.GetConfig()); // The document already uploaded into the storage. // Load it into editable state var loadOptions = new SpreadsheetLoadOptions { FileInfo = new FileInfo { FilePath = "Spreadsheet/four-sheets.xlsx" }, OutputPath = "output", WorksheetIndex = 0 }; var loadResult = editApi.Load(new LoadRequest(loadOptions)); // Download html document var stream = fileApi.DownloadFile(new DownloadFileRequest(loadResult.HtmlPath)); var htmlString = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd(); // Edit something... htmlString = htmlString.Replace("This is sample sheet", "This is sample sheep"); // Upload html back to storage fileApi.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest(loadResult.HtmlPath, new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlString)))); // Save html back to xlsx var saveOptions = new SpreadsheetSaveOptions { FileInfo = loadOptions.FileInfo, OutputPath = "output/edited.xlsx", HtmlPath = loadResult.HtmlPath, ResourcesPath = loadResult.ResourcesPath }; var saveResult = editApi.Save(new SaveRequest(saveOptions)); // Done. Console.WriteLine("Document edited: " + saveResult.Path); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } }
public void BeforeAllTests() { var config = new Configuration(_appSid, _appKey) { ApiBaseUrl = _apiBaseUrl }; EditApi = new EditApi(config); InfoApi = new InfoApi(config); FileApi = new FileApi(config); FolderApi = new FolderApi(config); StorageApi = new StorageApi(config); UploadTestFiles(); }
public void Init() { instance = new EditApi(); }