private List <int> FindEdgeSubVertices(EdgeVertex_old p1, EdgeVertex_old p2, float scaleAmount) { List <int> subEdgeVertices = new List <int>(); subEdgeVertices.Add(p1.listLoc); Vector3 pt1 = p1.transform.position; Vector3 pt2 = p2.transform.position; Vector3 distance = (pt2 - pt1).normalized; for (int i = 1; i < scaleAmount; i++) { Vector3 overlapPos = new Vector3(pt1.x + (1 * distance.x * i), pt1.y + (1 * distance.y * i), pt1.z + (1 * distance.z * i)); Collider[] hitCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(overlapPos, .25f); foreach (Collider collider in hitCollider) { EdgeVertex_old tp = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeVertex_old>(); if (tp) { subEdgeVertices.Add(tp.listLoc); break; } } } subEdgeVertices.Add(p2.listLoc); return(subEdgeVertices); }
private void OnMouseDown() { if (GameManager.SharedInstance.PlayMode) { return; } //Debug.Log(ptID); if (!_activePoint) { isActivePoint = true; _activePoint = this; CleanAdjacentPointLists(); ToggleSelectablePoints(false); coroutine = PreviewSelectablePoints(); StartCoroutine(coroutine); _rend.enabled = true; } else if (_isActiveSelectable) { GameManager.SharedInstance.edgeManager.GenerateEdge(_activePoint, this); _activePoint.isActivePoint = false; _activePoint._rend.enabled = false; StopCoroutine(_activePoint.coroutine); ToggleSelectablePoints(true); _activePoint._onPoint = false; _activePoint = null; _rend.enabled = true; } }
private void EdgeUtil(Graph graph, EdgeVertex_old tp1, EdgeVertex_old tp2, float scaleAmount) { var edgeSubVerts = FindEdgeSubVertices(tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); //FormEdgesFromSubVerts for (int i = 0; i < edgeSubVerts.Count - 1; i++) { graph.addEdge(edgeSubVerts[i], edgeSubVerts[i + 1]); } //TODO: figure out early exit for no edge being drawn }
private bool GenerateSelectableVertex(Vector3 pos) { foreach (var point in _points) { if (point == pos) { return(false); } } GameObject edgePoint = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); Destroy(edgePoint.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); EdgeVertex_old tp = edgePoint.AddComponent <EdgeVertex_old>(); tp.ptID = "Pt" + _nextPtID; = tp.ptID; tp.listLoc = _nextPtID; if (Array.Exists(_initTPLocs, i => _nextPtID == i)) { _initTPs.Add(_nextPtID, tp); } _nextPtID++; Renderer rend = edgePoint.GetComponent <Renderer>(); rend.material.shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/ColorZAlways"); rend.material.renderQueue = 2350; rend.enabled = false; SphereCollider sphereCollider = edgePoint.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); sphereCollider.radius = .75f; edgePoint.transform.position = pos; edgePoint.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); edgePoint.transform.parent = verticesHolder.transform; return(true); }
//TODO: properly use the addEdge function to make use of the bool and avoid creating edge game object public void GenerateEdge(EdgeVertex_old tp1, EdgeVertex_old tp2) { Vector3 p1 = tp1.transform.position; Vector3 p2 = tp2.transform.position; int pt1ID = tp1.listLoc; int pt2ID = tp2.listLoc; float xRot = 90; float yRot = 0; //use the mid point of the two points to position the prefab since the anchor is the center of the quad aka the //center of our line Vector3 midPoint =; midPoint = (p1 + p2) / 2; //To make quads always visible to the (isometric) camera there are some specific rotation angles needed. When a //line is moving only along the x-axis it's y rot needs to be 90 and when a line is moving along the y-axis only //it's y-rot is 90 and it's x-rot is 180. These will be standard values since (for now) we're not rotating the //camera. Vector3 distance = p2 - p1; float scaleAmount; bool xAxisEdge = false, yAxisEdge = false, zAxisEdge = false; if (Mathf.Abs(distance.x) > 0) { yRot = 90; scaleAmount = Mathf.Abs(distance.x); xAxisEdge = true; } else if (Mathf.Abs(distance.y) > 0) { xRot = 180; yRot = 90; scaleAmount = Mathf.Abs(distance.y); yAxisEdge = true; } else { scaleAmount = Mathf.Abs(distance.z); zAxisEdge = true; } string xGraphKey = p1.x.ToString(); string yGraphKey = p1.y.ToString(); string zGraphKey = p1.z.ToString(); if (xAxisEdge) { EdgeUtil(_yGraphs[yGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); EdgeUtil(_zGraphs[zGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); FaceGenUtil(_yGraphs[yGraphKey]); FaceGenUtil(_zGraphs[zGraphKey]); } else if (yAxisEdge) { EdgeUtil(_xGraphs[xGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); EdgeUtil(_zGraphs[zGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); FaceGenUtil(_xGraphs[xGraphKey]); FaceGenUtil(_zGraphs[zGraphKey]); } else if (zAxisEdge) { EdgeUtil(_xGraphs[xGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); EdgeUtil(_yGraphs[yGraphKey], tp1, tp2, scaleAmount); FaceGenUtil(_xGraphs[xGraphKey]); FaceGenUtil(_yGraphs[yGraphKey]); } /*TODO: optimization idea; check overlap sphere for midpoint, if edge already present (e.g. larger overlapping edge) * or just the same edge, don't instantiate*/ GameObject line = Instantiate(linePrefab, midPoint, Quaternion.Euler(xRot, yRot, 0)); Transform lineTransform = line.transform; lineTransform.parent = gameObject.transform; var localScale = lineTransform.localScale; lineTransform.localScale = new Vector3(localScale.x, localScale.y * scaleAmount, localScale.z); }
private void FillAdjacentList(List <EdgeVertex_old> adjacentList, Vector3 axis) { Vector3 tpPos = transform.position; //Check for adjacent points in positive axis dir Vector3 overlapPos = new Vector3(tpPos.x + axis.x, tpPos.y + axis.y, tpPos.z + axis.z); Collider[] hitCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(overlapPos, .25f); int i = 1; while (hitCollider.Length > 0) { bool foundTp = false; foreach (Collider collider in hitCollider) { EdgeVertex_old tp = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeVertex_old>(); if (tp) { adjacentList.Add(tp); foundTp = true; break; } } if (!foundTp) { break; } i++; overlapPos = new Vector3(tpPos.x + axis.x * i, tpPos.y + axis.y * i, tpPos.z + axis.z * i); hitCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(overlapPos, .25f); } //Check for adjacent points in negative axis dir overlapPos = new Vector3(tpPos.x - axis.x, tpPos.y - axis.y, tpPos.z - axis.z); hitCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(overlapPos, .25f); i = 1; while (hitCollider.Length > 0) { bool foundTp = false; foreach (Collider collider in hitCollider) { EdgeVertex_old tp = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeVertex_old>(); if (tp) { adjacentList.Add(tp); foundTp = true; break; } } if (!foundTp) { break; } i++; overlapPos = new Vector3(tpPos.x - axis.x * i, tpPos.y - axis.y * i, tpPos.z - axis.z * i); hitCollider = Physics.OverlapSphere(overlapPos, .25f); } }