protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Initialising the object
            ep = new Easypay_wrapper();

            //Loading your credentials
            ep.Username = "";
            ep.CIN = 123;
            ep.Entity = 10611;

            ep_box.Visible = false;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Initialising the object
            ep = new Easypay_wrapper();

            //Loading your credentials
            ep.Username = "******";
            ep.CIN = 3016;
            ep.Entity = 10611;

            XmlDocument data = ep.RequestPayment(Convert.ToInt32(Request["r"]), Request["k"],;

            EasypayCreatePaymentReferenceExample.DisplayXML(lblData, data);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request ["s"].ToString () != "ok") {

            //Initialising the object
            ep = new Easypay_wrapper();

            //Loading your credentials
            ep.Username = "";
            ep.CIN 		= 1234;
            ep.Entity 	= Convert.ToInt32( Request ["e"]);

            //Requesting transaction key varefication
            XmlDocument data = ep.GetTransationVerification(Convert.ToInt32( Request ["r"]));

            EasypayCreatePaymentReferenceExample.DisplayXML (lblData, data);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Initialising the object
            ep = new Easypay_wrapper();

            //Loading your credentials
            ep.Username = Request["ep_user"];
            ep.CIN = Convert.ToInt32( Request["ep_cin"] );

            /* First you need to insert the data returned through GET parameter
               "INSERT INTO `easypay_notifications` ( `ep_cin`, `ep_user`, `ep_doc`)
              		VALUES ('" + Request["ep_cin"] + "', '" + Request["ep_user"] + "', '" + Request["ep_doc"] + "');"

            //After inserting, you request the detailed information
            XmlDocument data = ep.GetPaymentInfo( Request["ep_doc"] );

            /* Once you got it, you need to update your data
                "UPDATE `easypay_notifications` SET " +
                    "`ep_status` = '"        + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_status").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_entity` = '"        + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_entity").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_reference` = '"     + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_reference").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_value` = '"         + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_value").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_date` = '"          + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_date").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_payment_type` = '"  + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_payment_type").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_value_fixed` = '"   + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_value_fixed").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_value_var` = '"     + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_value_var").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_value_tax` = '"     + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_value_tax").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_value_transf` = '"  + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_value_transf").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`ep_date_transf` = '"   + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_date_transf").InnerText.ToString() + "'," +
                    "`t_key` = '"            + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/t_key").InnerText.ToString() + "'" +
                  "WHERE `ep_doc` = '" + data.SelectSingleNode("getautoMB_detail/ep_doc").InnerText.ToString() + "';"

            data = null;