예제 #1
            public static void Main1()
                // Instantiate the client object
                var easyUAClient = new EasyUAClient();

                // Obtain nodes under "Server" node
                UANodeElementCollection nodeElementCollection = easyUAClient.BrowseNodes(
                    "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer", // or "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer"
                    new UABrowseParameters(UANodeClass.All, new [] { UAReferenceTypeIds.References }));

                // Display results
                foreach (UANodeElement nodeElement in nodeElementCollection)
                    Debug.Assert(nodeElement != null);
                    Console.WriteLine("nodeElement.NodeId: {0}", nodeElement.NodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("nodeElement.DisplayName: {0}", nodeElement.DisplayName);
            // A node ID specifies a namespace (either by an URI or by an index), and an identifier.
            // The identifier can be numeric (an integer), string, GUID, or opaque.
            public static void Main1()
                // A node ID can be specified in string form (so-called expanded text).
                // The code below specifies a namespace URI (nsu=...), and an integer identifier (i=...).
                UANodeId nodeId1 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=10853");


                // Similarly, with a string identifier (s=...).
                UANodeId nodeId2 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;s=someIdentifier");


                // Actually, "s=" can be omitted (not recommended, though)
                UANodeId nodeId3 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;someIdentifier");


                // Similarly, with a GUID identifier (g=...)
                UANodeId nodeId4 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;g=BAEAF004-1E43-4A06-9EF0-E52010D5CD10");


                // Similarly, with an opaque identifier (b=..., in Base64 encoding).
                UANodeId nodeId5 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;b=AP8=");


                // Namespace index can be used instead of namespace URI. The server is allowed to change the namespace
                // indices between sessions, and for this reason, you should avoid the use of namespace indices, and
                // rather use the namespace URIs whenever possible.
                UANodeId nodeId6 = new UANodeId("ns=2;i=10853");


                // Namespace index can be also specified together with namespace URI. This is still safe, but may be
                // a bit quicker to perform, because the client can just verify the namespace URI instead of looking
                // it up.
                UANodeId nodeId7 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;ns=2;i=10853");


                // When neither namespace URI nor namespace index are given, the node ID is assumed to be in namespace
                // with index 0 and URI "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/", which is reserved by OPC UA standard. There are
                // many standard nodes that live in this reserved namespace, but no nodes specific to your servers will
                // be in the reserved namespace, and hence the need to specify the namespace with server-specific nodes.
                UANodeId nodeId8 = new UANodeId("i=2254");


                // If you attempt to pass in a string that does not conform to the syntax rules,
                // a UANodeIdFormatException is thrown.
                    UANodeId nodeId9 = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=notAnInteger");
                catch (UANodeIdFormatException nodeIdFormatException)

                // There is a parser object that can be used to parse the expanded textx of node IDs.
                UANodeIdParser nodeIdParser10 = new UANodeIdParser();
                UANodeId       nodeId10       = nodeIdParser10.Parse("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=10853");


                // The parser can be used if you want to parse the expanded text of the node ID but do not want
                // exceptions be thrown.
                UANodeIdParser      nodeIdParser11 = new UANodeIdParser();
                UANodeId            nodeId11;
                IStringParsingError stringParsingError =
                    nodeIdParser11.TryParse("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=notAnInteger", out nodeId11);

                if (stringParsingError == null)

                // You can also use the parser if you have node IDs where you want the default namespace be different
                // from the standard "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/".
                UANodeIdParser nodeIdParser12 = new UANodeIdParser("http://test.org/UA/Data/");
                UANodeId       nodeId12       = nodeIdParser12.Parse("i=10853");


                // The namespace URI string (or the namespace index, or both) and the identifier can be passed to the
                // constructor separately.
                UANodeId nodeId13 = new UANodeId("http://test.org/UA/Data/", 10853);


                // You can create a "null" node ID. Such node ID does not actually identify any valid node in OPC UA, but
                // is useful as a placeholder or as a starting point for further modifications of its properties.
                UANodeId nodeId14 = new UANodeId();


                // Properties of a node ID can be modified individually. The advantage of this approach is that you do
                // not have to care about syntax of the node ID expanded text.
                UANodeId nodeId15 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId15.NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId15.Identifier         = 10853;

                // The same as above, but using an object initializer list.
                UANodeId nodeId16 = new UANodeId
                    NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/",
                    Identifier         = 10853


                // If you know the type of the identifier upfront, it is safer to use typed properties that correspond
                // to specific types of identifier. Here, with an integer identifier.
                UANodeId nodeId17 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId17.NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId17.NumericIdentifier  = 10853;

                // Similarly, with a string identifier.
                UANodeId nodeId18 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId18.NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId18.StringIdentifier   = "someIdentifier";

                // Similarly, with a GUID identifier.
                UANodeId nodeId19 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId19.NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId19.GuidIdentifier     = Guid.Parse("BAEAF004-1E43-4A06-9EF0-E52010D5CD10");

                // If you have GUID in its string form, the node ID object can parse it for you.
                UANodeId nodeId20 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId20.NamespaceUriString   = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId20.GuidIdentifierString = "BAEAF004-1E43-4A06-9EF0-E52010D5CD10";

                // And, with an opaque identifier.
                UANodeId nodeId21 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId21.NamespaceUriString = "http://test.org/UA/Data/";
                nodeId21.OpaqueIdentifier   = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xFF };

                // Assigning an expanded text to a node ID parses the value being assigned and sets all corresponding
                // properties accordingly.
                UANodeId nodeId22 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId22.ExpandedText = "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=10853";

                // There is an implicit conversion from a string (representing the expanded text) to a node ID.
                // You can therefore use the expanded text (string) in place of any node ID object directly.
                UANodeId nodeId23 = "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=10853";


                // There is a copy constructor as well, creating a clone of an existing node ID.
                UANodeId nodeId24a = new UANodeId("nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=10853");

                UANodeId nodeId24b = new UANodeId(nodeId24a);


                // We have provided static classes with properties that correspond to all standard nodes specified by
                // OPC UA. You can simply refer to these node IDs in your code.
                // The class names are UADataTypeIds, UAMethodIds, UAObjectIds, UAObjectTypeIds, UAReferenceTypeIds,
                // UAVariableIds and UAVariableTypeIds.
                UANodeId nodeId25 = UAObjectIds.TypesFolder;


                // You can also refer to any standard node using its name (in a string form).
                // Note that assigning a non-existing standard name is not allowed, and throws ArgumentException.
                UANodeId nodeId26 = new UANodeId();

                nodeId26.StandardName = "TypesFolder";

                // When you browse for nodes in the OPC UA server, every returned node element contains a node ID that
                // you can use further.
                var client27 = new EasyUAClient();
                UANodeElementCollection nodeElementCollection27 = client27.BrowseNodes(
                    new UABrowseParameters(UANodeClass.All, new[] { UAReferenceTypeIds.References }));
                UANodeId nodeId27 = nodeElementCollection27[0].NodeId;


                // As above, but using a constructor that takes a node element as an input.
                var client28 = new EasyUAClient();
                UANodeElementCollection nodeElementCollection28 = client28.BrowseNodes(
                    new UABrowseParameters(UANodeClass.All, new[] { UAReferenceTypeIds.References }));
                UANodeId nodeId28 = new UANodeId(nodeElementCollection28[0]);


                // Or, there is an explicit conversion from a node element as well.
                var client29 = new EasyUAClient();
                UANodeElementCollection nodeElementCollection29 = client29.BrowseNodes(
                    new UABrowseParameters(UANodeClass.All, new[] { UAReferenceTypeIds.References }));
                UANodeId nodeId29 = (UANodeId)nodeElementCollection29[0];
