private void RecursivelyPopulateMenuSubCategory(DataRow dbRow, EasyMenu parentMenuItem, DataSet ds,int rows,int columns) { string ParentId = dbRow["CategoryId"].ToString(); //if( dbRow["CategoryId"].ToString().ToLower()=="") if (dbRow.GetChildRows("NodeRelation").Length > 0 && columns > 0) { // parentMenuItem.AttachTo = category; // parentMenuItem.Visible = true; parentMenuItem.Align = MenuAlign.Under; parentMenuItem.Position = MenuPosition.Horizontal; parentMenuItem.ShowEvent = MenuShowEvent.MouseOver; parentMenuItem.UseIcons = true; parentMenuItem.OffsetHorizontal = 10; parentMenuItem.ZIndex = 400; parentMenuItem.ExpandStyle = ExpandStyle.Slide; //parentMenuItem.EventList = "OnAfterMenuClose"; //parentMenuItem.ID = "mynewid"; if (columns >= 2) parentMenuItem.RepeatColumns = columns; parentMenuItem.Width = (120 * columns).ToString(); string iconPath = "~/Images/home/"; iconPath = iconPath.Replace("~", ""); parentMenuItem.IconsFolder = iconPath; OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem miDepart = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem("Departments", "    ", "departments.jpg", "", "", "");//<span id=\"departments\">departments</span> miDepart.Disabled = true; // miDepart.Visible = false; OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem miSplit = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem("Split", "    ", "split.png", "", "", ""); miSplit.Disabled = true; parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(0, miDepart); parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(1, miSplit); int DepartNo = 0; foreach (DataRow childRow in dbRow.GetChildRows("NodeRelation")) { DepartNo++; if (DepartNo <= rows) { string itemText = childRow["Name"].ToString(); string categoryId = childRow["CategoryId"].ToString(); string seoURL = childRow["SEOURL"].ToString(); seoURL = ZNodeSEOUrl.MakeURL(categoryId, SEOUrlType.Category, seoURL); string categoryText = itemText; categoryText = categoryText.Replace(" ", ""); parentMenuItem.AddMenuItem(categoryText, "<span id=\"menu_item\">" + itemText + "</span>", "arrow.png", seoURL, "", ""); } } if (DepartNo > rows) { string ceva = "Departments"; string callback = "for (i = 0; i < ob_em_mynewid.items.length; i++){alert(ob_em_mynewid.items[i].id)}"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItem("ViewAll1", "<span id=\"view_all\">View All...</span>", "", "", "", "displaymessage(ob_em_subMenu4," + ceva + ")"); } if (columns > 1) { OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem miBrand = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem("Brand", "    ", "brands.jpg", "", "", "");//<span id=\"brand\">brands</span> miBrand.Disabled = true; OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem miSplit2 = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem("Split2", "    ", "split.png", "", "", ""); miSplit2.Disabled = true; parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(1, miBrand); parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(1 + columns, miSplit2); int BrandNo = 0; string newID = ""; foreach (DataRow childRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string itemText = childRow["ManufacturerName"].ToString(); string categoryId = childRow["CategoryId"].ToString(); string seoURL = " ";// = childRow["SEOURL"].ToString(); // seoURL = ZNodeSEOUrl.MakeURL(categoryId, SEOUrlType.Category, seoURL); string categoryText = itemText; categoryText = categoryText.Replace(" ", ""); newID = categoryText+BrandNo.ToString(); //newID = newID.Replace(" ",""); if (categoryId == ParentId && BrandNo + 1 <= rows) { //parentMenuItem.AddMenuItem(categoryText, itemText, "arrow.png", seoURL, "", ""); parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt((BrandNo + 1) * 2 - 1, newID, "<span id=\"menu_item\">" + itemText + "</span>", "arrow.png", seoURL, "", ""); BrandNo++; } } if (BrandNo > rows) parentMenuItem.AddMenuItem("ViewAll2", "<b>View All...</b>", "", "", "", ""); } if (columns > 2) { string categoryName=dbRow["Name"].ToString().ToLower(); if (categoryName == "eyeglasses" || categoryName == "sunglasses") { string imagePath = "~/Images/home/"; imagePath = imagePath.Replace("~", ""); string itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" onmouseover=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "clip_on" + "', '" + imagePath + "clip_on_over.jpg" + "')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "clip_on" + "', '" + imagePath + "clip_on.jpg" + "')\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "clip_on" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath +"clip_on.jpg"+ "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(2, categoryName + "clip_on", itemText, "", "", "", ""); itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" onmouseover=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "goggles" + "', '" + imagePath + "goggles_over.jpg" + "')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "goggles" + "', '" + imagePath + "goggles.jpg" + "')\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "goggles" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "goggles.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(5, categoryName + "goggles", itemText, "", "", "", ""); itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" onmouseover=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "readers" + "', '" + imagePath + "readers_over.jpg" + "')\" onmouseout=\"roll_over('" + categoryName + "readers" + "', '" + imagePath + "readers.jpg" + "')\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "readers" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "readers.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(8, categoryName + "readers", itemText, "", "", "", ""); /*itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "build" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "build_custom.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(11, categoryName + "build", itemText, "", "", "", "");*/ itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "build1" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "build_custom1.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(11, categoryName + "build1", itemText, "", "", "", ""); itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "build2" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "build_custom2.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(14, categoryName + "build2", itemText, "", "", "", ""); itemText = "<a href=\"ceva\" ><img border=\"0\" name =\"" + categoryName + "build3" + "\" src=\"" + imagePath + "build_custom3.jpg" + "\"/>"; parentMenuItem.AddMenuItemAt(17, categoryName + "build3", itemText, "", "", "", ""); } } } }
private void RecursivelyPopulateMenuBrands(EasyMenu parentMenuItem, int rows, int columns) { //check if the product already exists in the cache System.Data.DataSet ds = (System.Data.DataSet)HttpContext.Current.Cache["MenuBrands"]; if (ds == null) { GoOpticCategoryHelper categoryHelper = new GoOpticCategoryHelper(); ds = categoryHelper.GetBrandNavigationItems(ZNodeConfigManager.SiteConfig.PortalID); HttpContext.Current.Cache["MenuBrands"] = ds; } parentMenuItem.Align = MenuAlign.Under; parentMenuItem.Position = MenuPosition.Horizontal; parentMenuItem.ShowEvent = MenuShowEvent.MouseOver; if (columns >= 2) parentMenuItem.RepeatColumns = 2*columns-1; parentMenuItem.Width = (100 * columns).ToString(); parentMenuItem.UseIcons = true; parentMenuItem.ZIndex = 400; parentMenuItem.ExpandStyle = ExpandStyle.Slide; string iconPath = "~/Images/home/"; iconPath = iconPath.Replace("~", ""); parentMenuItem.IconsFolder = iconPath; int alphabetLetters = 0; string alphabet =String.Empty; foreach (DataRow dbRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string brandName = dbRow["Name"].ToString(); string firstLetter = brandName.Substring(0, 1); if (alphabet != firstLetter) { alphabet = firstLetter; alphabetLetters++; } } int BrandsPerCol=(int)Math.Ceiling((double)(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count+alphabetLetters)/columns); int brandNo = 0; int currentCol = 0; alphabet = String.Empty; OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem miBrand; foreach (DataRow dbRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string brandName = dbRow["Name"].ToString(); string firstLetter= brandName.Substring(0, 1); string itemBrandName = brandName.Replace(" ",""); if (alphabet != firstLetter) { alphabet = firstLetter; miBrand = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem(alphabet, "<span id=\"alphabet\">" + alphabet.ToUpper() + "</span>", "", "", "", ""); miBrand.Disabled = true; if (currentCol == 0) { parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(brandNo,miBrand); }else{ parentMenuItem.AddItemAt((brandNo+1) *(currentCol+1)-1, miBrand); } brandNo++; if (brandNo+1 == BrandsPerCol) { currentCol++; brandNo = 0; } } string seoURL = " ";// = childRow["SEOURL"].ToString(); // seoURL = ZNodeSEOUrl.MakeURL(categoryId, SEOUrlType.Category, seoURL); miBrand = new OboutInc.EasyMenu_Pro.MenuItem(itemBrandName, "<span >" + brandName + "</span>", "",seoURL, "", "");//id=\"menu_item\" if (currentCol == 0) { parentMenuItem.AddItemAt(brandNo, miBrand); } else { parentMenuItem.AddItemAt((brandNo + 1) * (currentCol + 1) - 1, miBrand); } brandNo++; if (brandNo+1 == BrandsPerCol) { currentCol++; brandNo = 0; } } int sepCount=1; int colSepCount = 1; string sepPath = "<img src=\"~/Images/home/split_brand.jpg\"/>"; sepPath = sepPath.Replace("~", ""); for (int i = 0; i < (columns-1) * BrandsPerCol;i++ ) { parentMenuItem.AddSeparatorAt(sepCount, "sep" + sepCount.ToString(), sepPath); sepCount+=2*columns-1; if ((i + 1)%BrandsPerCol==0) { colSepCount += 2; sepCount = colSepCount; } } }