public List <Property> VerifyProperty(int propId, bool?state) { List <Property> prp = null; try { e = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in e.Properties where p.PropertyId == propId select p).ToList <Property>(); prp[0].IsActive = state; e.SaveChanges(); } catch (AdminException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
public IQueryable <Property> viewPropByRegion(string state, string city) { IQueryable <Property> result = null; entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); try { result = (from prop in entityObj.Properties select prop); if (state != string.Empty && city != string.Empty) { result = (from prop in entityObj.Properties where prop.StateId == (from sId in entityObj.States where sId.StateName == state select sId.StateId).FirstOrDefault() && prop.CityId == (from sId in entityObj.Cities where sId.CityName == city select sId.CityId).FirstOrDefault() select prop); } else if (state != string.Empty && city == string.Empty) { result = (from prop in entityObj.Properties where prop.StateId == (from sId in entityObj.States where sId.StateName == state select sId.StateId).FirstOrDefault() select prop); } } catch (AdminException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public void SortByPrice() { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); var SortedData = from a in entity.Properties orderby a.PriceRange ascending select a; }
public List <Property> DeleteFromCart(int id) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>(); // delete from cart.. var DeleteCart = (from p in entity.Carts where p.PropertyId == id && p.BuyerId == Loginid select p); foreach (var k in DeleteCart) { entity.Carts.Remove(k); } // fectching the property data which is deleted... var propdata = from k in entity.Properties where k.PropertyId == id select k; foreach (var k in propdata) { propertyList.Add(k); } entity.SaveChanges(); return(propertyList); }
public List <Property> AddToCart(int propID) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>(); // this is current buyer id... this has to be fetched from db // fectching the property data.. var propdata = from k in entity.Properties where k.PropertyId == propID select k; foreach (var k in propdata) { propertyList.Add(k); } Cart cart = new Cart(); cart.PropertyId = propID; cart.BuyerId = Loginid; entity.Carts.Add(cart); entity.SaveChanges(); return(propertyList); }
public void UpdateProperty(Property updateProperty) { try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> prp = (from p in ehsEntity.Properties where p.PropertyId == updateProperty.PropertyId select p).ToList(); prp[0].PropertyName = updateProperty.PropertyName; prp[0].Address = updateProperty.Address; prp[0].Description = updateProperty.Description; prp[0].Status_Description = updateProperty.Status_Description; prp[0].Images = updateProperty.Images; prp[0].InitialDeposit = updateProperty.InitialDeposit; prp[0].Landmark = updateProperty.Landmark; prp[0].PriceRange = updateProperty.PriceRange; prp[0].PropertyOption = updateProperty.PropertyOption; prp[0].PropertyType = updateProperty.PropertyType; ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool UpdateProperty(Property updateProperty) { bool propertyUpdated = false; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> result = (from prop in ehsEntity.Properties where prop.PropertyId == updateProperty.PropertyId select prop).ToList(); result[0].PropertyName = updateProperty.PropertyName; result[0].Address = updateProperty.Address; result[0].Description = updateProperty.Description; result[0].Status_Description = updateProperty.Status_Description; result[0].Images = updateProperty.Images; result[0].InitialDeposit = updateProperty.InitialDeposit; result[0].Landmark = updateProperty.Landmark; result[0].PriceRange = updateProperty.PriceRange; result[0].PropertyOption = updateProperty.PropertyOption; result[0].PropertyType = updateProperty.PropertyType; ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); propertyUpdated = true; } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(propertyUpdated); }
public List <Property> VerifyProperty(int propId, bool?state) { List <Property> result = null; try { entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); result = (from prop in entityObj.Properties where prop.PropertyId == propId select prop).ToList <Property>(); result[0].IsActive = state; entityObj.SaveChanges(); } catch (AdminException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public void InsertBuyer(Buyer newBuyer) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); ehsEntity.Buyers.Add(newBuyer); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); }
public List <Property> GetPropertiesByPrice(int min, int max) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); var result = (from prop in entity.Properties where prop.PriceRange >= min && prop.PriceRange <= max && prop.IsActive == true select prop); return(result.ToList <Property>()); }
/// <summary> /// Author: Batch3 /// Description: This function is written to add buyer details. /// Function Name: ShowCart /// Input arguments: /// Return Type : A List which contain buyer details. /// Date: 07/14/2018 /// </summary> public void InsertBuyer(Buyer newBuyer) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); // Adding buyer details to the BuyerTable ehsEntity.Buyers.Add(newBuyer); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); }
// this will Search the properties.. and s public void FilteredData(Property dfs) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); var filteredData = from a in entity.Properties where a.Address.ToString() == dfs.Address && a.PropertyType == dfs.PropertyType orderby a.PriceRange ascending select a; foreach (var k in filteredData) { Console.WriteLine(k.PropertyName + "" + k.PropertyOption + " " + k.SellerId + " " + k.PriceRange); } }
public List <Property> ShowALLProperties() { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>(); var HouseDetails = from p in entity.Properties select p; foreach (var k in HouseDetails) { propertyList.Add(k); } return(propertyList); }
/// <summary> /// Author: Batch3 /// Description: This function is written to Show all Property details of the buyer. /// Function Name: ShowCart /// Input arguments: /// Return Type : A List which contain all Property Details of the buyer. /// Date: 07/14/2018 /// </summary> public List <Property> ShowALLProperties() { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); // Creating a list object of type Property List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>(); // A LINQ query to get all property details of the buyer var HouseDetails = from PropertyData in entity.Properties select PropertyData; //This Loop will show the property Details of buyer foreach (var k in HouseDetails) { propertyList.Add(k); } return(propertyList); }
public void AddUser(User newUser) { try { entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); entityObj.Users.Add(newUser); entityObj.SaveChanges(); } catch (UserException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void AddProperty(Property newProperty) { try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); ehsEntity.Properties.Add(newProperty); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void AddSeller(Seller newSeller) { try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); ehsEntity.Sellers.Add(newSeller); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool AddUser(User newUser) { bool userAdded = false; try { entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); userAdded = entityObj.Users.Add(newUser); entityObj.SaveChanges(); } catch (UserException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(userAdded); }
public bool AddSeller(Seller newSeller) { bool sellerAdded = false; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); ehsEntity.Sellers.Add(newSeller); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(sellerAdded); }
public bool AddProperty(Property newProperty) { bool propertyAdded = false; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); propertyAdded = ehsEntity.Properties.Add(newProperty); ehsEntity.SaveChanges(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(propertyAdded); }
public List <Property> ShowCart() { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>(); // fetching cart data... var shoWCart = from p in entity.Properties from c in entity.Carts where p.PropertyId == c.PropertyId && c.BuyerId == Loginid select p; foreach (var k in shoWCart) { propertyList.Add(k); } return(propertyList); }
public User LoginUser(User login) { entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); var result = new User(); try { result = (from user in entityObj.Users where user.UserName == login.UserName && user.Password == login.Password select user).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (UserException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public List <Seller> GetOwners() { List <Seller> result = null; try { entityObj = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); result = (from p in entityObj.Sellers select p).ToList(); } catch (AdminException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public List <Property> viewProperties(int sellerID, bool?status) { List <Property> prp = null; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in ehsEntity.Properties where p.SellerId == sellerID && p.IsActive == status select p).ToList(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
public List <Property> viewProperties(int sellerID) { List <Property> result = null; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); result = (from prop in ehsEntity.Properties where prop.SellerId == sellerID select prop).ToList(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
public int SellerId(string userName) { int prp; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in ehsEntity.Sellers where p.UserName == userName select p.SellerId).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
public List <State> GetState() { List <State> prp = null; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in ehsEntity.States select p).ToList(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
public List <City> Get_City(int cityId) { List <City> prp = null; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in ehsEntity.Cities where p.CityId == cityId select p).ToList(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
public Property GetProp(int propId) { Property prp = null; try { ehsEntity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); prp = (from p in ehsEntity.Properties where p.PropertyId == propId select p).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (SellerException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(prp); }
/// <summary> /// Author: Batch3 /// Description: This function is written to Show all Property details of the buyer. /// Function Name: ShowCart /// Input arguments: /// Return Type : A List which contain all Property Details of the buyer. /// Date: 07/14/2018 /// </summary> public List <Property> ShowALLProperties(string state, string city) { EasyHousingSolutions_Entities entity = new EasyHousingSolutions_Entities(); var result = (from prop in entity.Properties where prop.IsActive == true select prop); if (state != string.Empty && city != string.Empty) { result = (from prop in entity.Properties where prop.StateId == (from sId in entity.States where sId.StateName == state select sId.StateId).FirstOrDefault() && prop.CityId == (from sId in entity.Cities where sId.CityName == city select sId.CityId).FirstOrDefault() && prop.IsActive == true select prop); } else if (state != string.Empty && city == string.Empty) { result = (from prop in entity.Properties where prop.StateId == (from sId in entity.States where sId.StateName == state select sId.StateId).FirstOrDefault() && prop.IsActive == true select prop); } return(result.ToList <Property>()); }