예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Stops an Audio which is being played
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sound"></param>
    public void Stop(string sound)
        EasyAudioUtility_Helper h = Array.Find(helper, item => item.name == sound);

    /// <summary>
    /// Play an Audio Clip defined in the inspector
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sound"></param>
    public void Play(string sound)
        EasyAudioUtility_Helper h = Array.Find(helper, item => item.name == sound);

        //randomizing volume by variation
        h.source.volume = h.volume * (1f + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-h.volumeVariance / 2f, h.volumeVariance / 2f));
        //randomizing pitch by variation
        h.source.pitch = h.pitch * (1f + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-h.pitchVariance / 2f, h.pitchVariance / 2f));

        //playing it after setting all variations
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Play an Audio Clip defined in the inspector
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sound"></param>
    public void Play(Som som)
        string sound = som.ToString();

        EasyAudioUtility_Helper h = Array.Find(helper, item => item.name == sound);

        if (h != null)
            //randomizing volume by variation
            h.source.volume = h.volume;
            //randomizing pitch by variation
            h.source.pitch = h.pitch;

            //playing it after setting all variations
            if (h.source.enabled)
예제 #4
    public void AjustarSomBG(float volume)
        EasyAudioUtility_Helper h = Array.Find(helper, item => item.name == Som.Background.ToString());

        h.source.volume = volume * (1f + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-h.volumeVariance / 2f, h.volumeVariance / 2f));