예제 #1
        // GET api/<controller>
        public SelectItemsVM Get()
            //Connet to db
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            SelectItemsVM locations = new SelectItemsVM();

            locations.SelectItemsVMList = new List <SelectItemVM>();

            // Get the customers
            var oCust = from c in estEnt.Locations
                        orderby c.LocationName
                        select new { c.LocationName, c.LocationID };

            locations.SelectItemsVMList.Add(new SelectItemVM {
                Text = "-- Choose Location --", Value = "0"
            foreach (var o in oCust)
                locations.SelectItemsVMList.Add(new SelectItemVM {
                    Text = o.LocationName, Value = o.LocationID.ToString()

예제 #2
        public IHttpActionResult GetCustomer(int id)
            //Connet to db
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            var o = (from c in estEnt.Customers
                     where c.CustomerID == id
                     join b in estEnt.CustomerBalances on c.CustomerID equals b.CustomerID into joinedT
                     from b in joinedT.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     select new
                City = c.City,
                Email = c.Email,
                FirstName = c.FirstName,
                LastName = c.LastName,
                Phone = c.Phone,
                State = c.State,
                Street1 = c.Street1,
                Street2 = c.Street2,
                Zip = c.Zip,
                Amount = b.Balance == null ? 0 : (decimal)b.Balance

            CustomerInfo oCustInfo = new CustomerInfo()
                FirstName = o.FirstName, LastName = o.LastName, Street1 = o.Street1, Street2 = o.Street2, City = o.City, State = o.State, Zip = o.Zip, Phone = o.Phone, Email = o.Email, Balance = o.Amount

예제 #3
        // GET api/<controller>

        public SelectItemsVM GetAllCustomers()
            //Connet to db
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            SelectItemsVM customers = new SelectItemsVM();

            customers.SelectItemsVMList = new List <SelectItemVM>();

            // Get the customers
            var oCust = from c in estEnt.Customers
                        orderby c.LastName
                        select new { c.LastName, c.FirstName, c.CustomerID };

            customers.SelectItemsVMList.Add(new SelectItemVM {
                Text = "-- Choose Customer --", Value = "0"

            foreach (var o in oCust)
                customers.SelectItemsVMList.Add(new SelectItemVM {
                    Text = o.LastName + ", " + o.FirstName, Value = o.CustomerID.ToString()

예제 #4
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateCustomerBalance(PurchaseData oPurch)
        {//PurchaseData oPurch
            //Connet to db
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            int newBalance = 0;

            var oBal = (from b in estEnt.CustomerBalances
                        where b.CustomerID == oPurch.CustomerID
                        select b).FirstOrDefault();

            if (oBal != null)
                oBal.Balance += Convert.ToDecimal(oPurch.Amount);

                newBalance = Convert.ToInt32(oBal.Balance);

                oBal.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                // Insert Transaction

                Transaction oTran = new Transaction()
                    AddedBy = "Admin", CustomerID = oPurch.CustomerID, Amount = oPurch.Amount, LocationID = oPurch.LocationID, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now


                CustomerBalance oCust = new CustomerBalance()
                    Balance = oPurch.Amount, CustomerID = oPurch.CustomerID, DateUpdated = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "LR"

                Transaction oTran = new Transaction()
                    AddedBy = "Admin", CustomerID = oPurch.CustomerID, Amount = oPurch.Amount, LocationID = oPurch.LocationID, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now

                newBalance = Convert.ToInt32(oPurch.Amount);


예제 #5
        // GET api/<controller>/5
        public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            CustomerDetail oCustInfo = new CustomerDetail();

            // Get the customer info
            var oC = (from c in estEnt.Customers
                      where c.CustomerID == id
                      join b in estEnt.CustomerBalances on c.CustomerID equals b.CustomerID into joinedT
                      from b in joinedT.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      select new
                City = c.City,
                Email = c.Email,
                FirstName = c.FirstName,
                LastName = c.LastName,
                Phone = c.Phone,
                State = c.State,
                Street1 = c.Street1,
                Street2 = c.Street2,
                Zip = c.Zip,
                Amount = b.Balance == null ? 0 : (decimal)b.Balance,
                CustomerID = c.CustomerID

            if (oC != null)
                oCustInfo.City      = oC.City;
                oCustInfo.Email     = oC.Email;
                oCustInfo.FirstName = oC.FirstName;
                oCustInfo.LastName  = oC.LastName;
                oCustInfo.Phone     = oC.Phone;
                oCustInfo.State     = oC.State;
                oCustInfo.Street1   = oC.Street1;
                oCustInfo.Street2   = oC.Street2;
                oCustInfo.Zip       = oC.Zip;

예제 #6
        // GET api/<controller>/5
        public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            LocationInfo oLocInfo = new LocationInfo();

            var oLocs = (from l in estEnt.Locations
                         where l.LocationID == id
                         select new { l.LocationName, l.Street1, l.Street2, l.City, l.State, l.Zip }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (oLocs != null)
                oLocInfo.City         = oLocs.City;
                oLocInfo.LocationName = oLocs.LocationName;
                oLocInfo.State        = oLocs.State;
                oLocInfo.Street1      = oLocs.Street1;
                oLocInfo.Street2      = oLocs.Street2;
                oLocInfo.Zip          = oLocs.Zip;

예제 #7
        // POST api/<controller>
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateLocation(LocationInfo oLocInfo)
            // Connect to db
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();
            int iReturnID = 0;

            // Add a new location
            if (oLocInfo.LocationID == 0)
                Location oLoc = new Location()
                    City = oLocInfo.City, LocationName = oLocInfo.LocationName, State = oLocInfo.State, Street1 = oLocInfo.Street1, Street2 = oLocInfo.Street2, Zip = oLocInfo.Zip
                iReturnID = oLoc.LocationID;
                // Update existing location
                var oLoc = (from l in estEnt.Locations
                            where l.LocationID == oLocInfo.LocationID
                            select l).FirstOrDefault();
                if (oLoc != null)
                    oLoc.City         = oLocInfo.City;
                    oLoc.LocationName = oLocInfo.LocationName;
                    oLoc.State        = oLocInfo.State;
                    oLoc.Street1      = oLocInfo.Street1;
                    oLoc.Street2      = oLocInfo.Street2;
                    oLoc.Zip          = oLocInfo.Zip;
                    iReturnID = oLoc.LocationID;

예제 #8
        // POST api/<controller>
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateCustomerDetail(CustomerDetail oCustInfo)
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEntity = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();
            int iReturnID = 0;

            if (oCustInfo.CustomerID == 0)
                Customer oCust = new Customer()
                    AddedBy   = "Admin",
                    City      = oCustInfo.City,
                    FirstName = oCustInfo.FirstName,
                    LastName  = oCustInfo.LastName,
                    Phone     = oCustInfo.Phone,
                    State     = oCustInfo.State,
                    Street1   = oCustInfo.Street1,
                    Street2   = oCustInfo.Street2,
                    Zip       = oCustInfo.Zip,
                    Email     = oCustInfo.Email


                iReturnID = oCust.CustomerID;

                // Setup their Balance information
                CustomerBalance oBal = new CustomerBalance()
                    Balance = 0, CustomerID = oCust.CustomerID, DateUpdated = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "Admin"
                // Update the customer
                var oC = (from c in estEntity.Customers
                          where c.CustomerID == oCustInfo.CustomerID
                          select c).FirstOrDefault();

                if (oC != null)
                    oC.City      = oCustInfo.City;
                    oC.FirstName = oCustInfo.FirstName;
                    oC.LastName  = oCustInfo.LastName;
                    oC.Phone     = oCustInfo.Phone;
                    oC.State     = oCustInfo.State;
                    oC.Street1   = oCustInfo.Street1;
                    oC.Street2   = oCustInfo.Street2;
                    oC.Zip       = oCustInfo.Zip;
                    oC.Email     = oCustInfo.Email;


                    iReturnID = oCustInfo.CustomerID;

        public CustomerTransactions Get(string dtTo, string dtFrom, string LocationID)
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            CustomerTransactions transactions = new CustomerTransactions();

            transactions.CustomerTransactionList = new List <CustomerTransaction>();

            // get all transactions
            var oTrans = from t in estEnt.Transactions
                         join c in estEnt.Customers on t.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
                         join l in estEnt.Locations on t.LocationID equals l.LocationID into joinedT
                         from l in joinedT.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         orderby t.TransactionDate descending
                         select new { t.Amount, t.TransactionDate, c.FirstName, c.LastName, l.LocationName, l.City, l.State, LocationID = l.LocationID == null ? 0 : l.LocationID };

            if (dtFrom != "undefined" && dtFrom != "null")
                DateTime dFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFrom);
                oTrans = oTrans.Where(m => m.TransactionDate >= dFrom);

            if (dtTo != "undefined" && dtTo != "null")
                DateTime dTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dtTo).AddDays(1);

                oTrans = oTrans.Where(m => m.TransactionDate <= dTo);

            if (LocationID != "undefined")
                int iLocation = Convert.ToInt32(LocationID);
                if (iLocation > 0)
                    oTrans = oTrans.Where(m => m.LocationID == iLocation);

            foreach (var t1 in oTrans)
                string sLoc = t1.LocationName + " - " + t1.City + ", " + t1.State;
                if (t1.LocationName != null)
                    sLoc = t1.LocationName;

                    if (t1.City != "")
                        sLoc += " - " + t1.City;

                    if (t1.State != "")
                        sLoc += ", " + t1.State;
                    sLoc = "None";

                transactions.CustomerTransactionList.Add(new CustomerTransaction {
                    Name = t1.LastName + ", " + t1.FirstName, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(t1.Amount), Location = sLoc, DateUpdated = Convert.ToDateTime(t1.TransactionDate).ToShortDateString()

예제 #10
        public Balances ObtainBalances(string sortOrder = "")
            EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1();

            Balances balances = new Balances();

            balances.BalanceList = new List <Balance>();

            var oBal = from b in estEnt.CustomerBalances
                       join c in estEnt.Customers on b.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
                       select new { c.FirstName, c.LastName, b.Balance, b.DateUpdated, c.Email, c.Phone };

            if (sortOrder != "undefined")
                if (sortOrder == "Balance Ascending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderBy(m => m.Balance);

                if (sortOrder == "Balance Descending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderByDescending(m => m.Balance);

                if (sortOrder == "Date Ascending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderBy(m => m.DateUpdated);

                if (sortOrder == "Date Descending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderByDescending(m => m.DateUpdated);

                if (sortOrder == "Name Ascending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderBy(m => m.LastName); //.ThenBy(m => m.FirstName);

                if (sortOrder == "Name Descending")
                    oBal = oBal.OrderByDescending(m => m.LastName); //.ThenByDescending(m => m.FirstName);
                oBal = oBal.OrderByDescending(m => m.DateUpdated);

            foreach (var b1 in oBal)
                balances.BalanceList.Add(new Balance {
                    Name = b1.LastName + ", " + b1.FirstName, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(b1.Balance), Email = b1.Email, DateUpdated = Convert.ToDateTime(b1.DateUpdated).ToShortDateString(), Phone = b1.Phone
