public async Task Level3(FearCtx ctx) { // Each player adds 1 Strife in a land with Presence await EachPlayerAddsStrifeInALandWithPresence.Execute(ctx.GameState); // Each Invader with Strife deals Damage to other Invaders in its land. await Cmd.InEachLand(StrifedRavage.Cmd, tokens => tokens.HasStrife).Execute(ctx.GameState); }
public async Task Level2(FearCtx ctx) { // Each player adds 1 Strife in a land with Presence await EachPlayerAddsStrifeInALandWithPresence.Execute(ctx.GameState); // Each Spirit gains 1 Energy per SacredSite they have in lands with Invaders. await Cmd.EachSpirit(new SelfAction( "Gain 1 Energy per SacredSite Spirit has in lands with Invaders" , spiritCtx => spiritCtx.Self.Energy += spiritCtx.Self.Presence.SacredSites.Count(ss => spiritCtx.Target(ss).HasInvaders) )).Execute(ctx.GameState); }
public Task Level1(FearCtx ctx) { return(EachPlayerAddsStrifeInALandWithPresence.Execute(ctx.GameState)); }