public static UserAuthToken CheckAuthToken(string auth) { const string LOG_TITLE = "CheckAuthToken"; UserAuthToken TR = null; try { TR = UserAuthToken.FromAuthTokenKey(auth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(LogSeverity.Warning); } if (TR != null) { // Else we're going to use Windows Domain Auth. if (LoginUsingAD(TR.UserName, TR.Password, TimeSpan.Zero) != null) { var AI = EXSLogger.CreateAdditionalItemList("UserName", TR.UserName); AI["ExpDateUTC"] = TR.ExpiresUTC.ToString(); EXSLogger.Log("Auth Token Valid", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); return(TR); } } EXSLogger.Log("Auth Token is invalid", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Warning); return(null); }
private static UserAuthToken LoginUsingAD(string userName, string password, TimeSpan ttl) { const string LOG_TITLE = "LoginUsingAD"; string CacheKey = "RTS.Service.Business.AuthController.LoginUsingAD:UserAuthToken:" + userName + ":" + password; var AI = EXSLogger.CreateAdditionalItemList("UserName", userName); //AI["UserName"] = userName; AI["Password"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? "" : password.Length < 2 ? "*" : password.Substring(0, 1) + "**********" + password.Substring(password.Length - 1, 1); AI["TimeToLive"] = ttl; // Look in the cache first. The process of going into AD takes forever (sometimes)! var URFromCache = ApplicationCache.CacheManagerGet <UserAuthToken>(CacheKey); if (URFromCache != null) { // If it's in the cache but is expired, then we go through the entire // AD auth process again. Otherwise lets work with this token. if (URFromCache.ExpiresUTC > DateTime.UtcNow) { EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Credentials found in my cache and were not expired.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); // If they passed us a TimeSpan of Zero, then they're just checking the Auth. // Otherwise they're logging someone in so we need to apply their TimeSpan. if (ttl != TimeSpan.Zero) { URFromCache.ExpiresUTC = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(ttl); URFromCache.GenerateAuthTokenKey(); } return(URFromCache); } // Clear item out of the cache - we're doing to go through the whole // AD process again. //ApplicationCache.CacheManagerSet(CacheKey, null, TimeSpan.Zero); ApplicationCache.CacheManagerRemove(CacheKey); EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Credentials found in my cache, but were expired so we will check Active Directory again.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); } // Else we have to go through this whole process. var ConString = ConnectionManager.GetRegEntConnectionString(); bool adPassed = false; string joinedName = null; var adSetting = new ADSetting(); string[] username = userName.Split('\\'); if (username.Length > 1) { switch (username[0].ToLower()) { case "expoexchange": adSetting.ADServer = ""; break; case "exporeg": adSetting.ADServer = ""; break; case "conferon-inc": adSetting.ADServer = "conferon.local"; break; default: adSetting.ADServer = ""; break; } adSetting.ADUser = username[1]; using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, adSetting.ADServer)) { adPassed = ctx.ValidateCredentials(adSetting.ADUser, password); if (adPassed) { joinedName = userName; } } } else { // Try all 3? adSetting.ADServer = "conferon.local||"; adSetting.ADUser = userName; using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "conferon.local")) adPassed = ctx.ValidateCredentials(adSetting.ADUser, password); if (adPassed) { joinedName = string.Format("conferon-inc\\{0}", adSetting.ADUser); } else { using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "")) adPassed = ctx.ValidateCredentials(adSetting.ADUser, password); if (adPassed) { joinedName = string.Format("exporeg\\{0}", adSetting.ADUser); } else { using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "")) adPassed = ctx.ValidateCredentials(adSetting.ADUser, password); if (adPassed) { joinedName = string.Format("expoexchange\\{0}", adSetting.ADUser); } } } } adSetting.ADPassword = password; adSetting.ADPath = "LDAP://"; if (!adPassed) { EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Active Directory login failed.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); return(null); } var Controller = new BusinessPrincipalController(ConString); // Perform the AD authentication for this username and password. //var UI = Controller.Login(adSetting); var UI = Controller.GetUserIdentity(joinedName); if (UI != null) { // AD authentication works. Now let's check to make sure this user has EXS_CRM // application rights according to the EXS Framework/system. DataTable ToFill = null; new SecurityController().LoadApplicationUsers(out ToFill, CRMConfig.ApplicationCode); if (ToFill.AsEnumerable().OfType <DataRow>().Any(R => R["UserID"] != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt32(R["UserID"]) == UI.UserID)) { var TR = new UserAuthToken() { //UserName = adSetting.ADUser, UserName = UI.UserName, Password = adSetting.ADPassword, ExpiresUTC = (ttl == TimeSpan.Zero) ? DateTime.MaxValue : DateTime.UtcNow.Add(ttl) }; CacheKey = "RTS.Service.Business.AuthController.LoginUsingAD:UserAuthToken:" + UI.UserName + ":" + password; TR.GenerateAuthTokenKey(); // Throw it in the cache. ApplicationCache.CacheManagerSet(CacheKey, TR, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)); EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Active Directory login succeeded.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); return(TR); } EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Active Directory login succeeded, but user is not in the EXS CRM group.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); } EXSLogger.Log("RTS.Service.Business.AuthService: Active Directory login failed.", LOG_TITLE, LogSeverity.Verbose, AI); return(null); }