/// <summary>
        /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on the specified data source and feature, before the option to execute
        /// the feature action is displayed to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
        /// <param name="feature">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the feature action should be enabled, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool CanExecute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
            // Check if the data source and feature can be used with this feature action.

            // For example, identify if a MapWidget is ultimately providing the data source, and enable the feature action if that
            // MapWidget also has its Show Popups setting enabled.
            return true;
 public SearchNearbyFeatureAction(string targetDataSourceId, int bufferDistance, client.Tasks.LinearUnit bufferUnit)
   _geometryTask = new client.Tasks.GeometryService(
   _geometryTask.BufferCompleted += GeometryTask_BufferCompleted;
   _geometryTask.Failed += GeometryServiceFailed;
   TargetDataSourceId = targetDataSourceId;
   BufferDistance = bufferDistance;
   BufferUnit = bufferUnit;
        //This method returns all the feature layers displayed on a map
        public static List<client.FeatureLayer> GetMapFeatureLayers(client.Map Map)
            List<client.FeatureLayer> FeatureLayers = new List<client.FeatureLayer>();

             //To know more about acceleratedDisplayLayers, read
             client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers adLayers = Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(l => l is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;

             foreach (client.FeatureLayer layer in adLayers.ChildLayers.OfType<client.FeatureLayer>())

             return FeatureLayers;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on the specified data source and feature, before the option to execute
 /// the feature action is displayed to the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataSource">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
 /// <param name="feature">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the feature action should be enabled, otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool CanExecute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
     // Check if the data source and feature can be used with this feature action.
     bool available = false;
     foreach (var widget in OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets)
         if (widget is RangeFanWid)
             available = true;
             available = false;
     return available;
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on the specified data source and feature, before the option to execute
    /// the feature action is displayed to the user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataSource">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
    /// <param name="feature">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the feature action should be enabled, otherwise false.</returns>
    public bool CanExecute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
      //CanExecute = false if the feature's data source is a stand alone data source (i.e. map widget is null)
      MapWidget mw = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(dataSource);
      if (mw == null)
        return false;

      //CanExecute = false if the input feature's geometry is null
      if (feature.Geometry == null)
        return false;

      //CanExecute = false if the input feature is not a polyline
      if (feature.Geometry.GetType() != typeof(client.Geometry.Polyline))
        return false;

      return true;
        public DrawPolygonToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, client.FeatureLayer searchAreaFL)
             DataContext = this;

             #region Initialize the map widget and the search area feature layer
             MapWidget = mapWidget;
             if (!mapWidget.Map.IsInitialized)
             SearchAreaLayer = searchAreaFL;
             SearchAreaLayer.DisableClientCaching = true;

             #region MapWidget is not null, initialize the editor tool
             Editor = new client.Editor()
            LayerIDs = new string[] { SearchAreaLayer.ID },
            Map = mapWidget.Map,
            GeometryServiceUrl = @"http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer"
             Editor.EditCompleted += Editor_EditCompleted;
             Editor.EditorActivated += Editor_EditorActivated;
 void GeometryServiceFailed(object sender, client.Tasks.TaskFailedEventArgs e)
   MessageBox.Show("fail to calculate buffer, error: " + e.Error);
      /// <summary>
      /// Execute is called when user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
      /// CanExecute returned true.
      /// </summary>
      public void Execute(DataSource searchAreaDS, client.Graphic searchArea)
            //Clear any running task

            //Get the map widget and the map that contains the polygon used to generate the buffer
            client.Map mwMap = MapWidget.Map;

            //Define the params to pass to the buffer operation
            client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = CreateBufferParameters(searchArea, mwMap);

            //Copy the display field of the search area for later use.
            //Polygon.Attributes[polygonDataSrc.DisplayFieldName] might be null if for example, 
            //user creates a new polygon without specifying its attributes
            if (searchArea.Attributes[searchAreaDS.DisplayFieldName] == null)
               SearchAreaName = "";
               SearchAreaName = searchArea.Attributes[searchAreaDS.DisplayFieldName].ToString();

            //Execute the GP tool
         catch (Exception)
            MessageBox.Show("Error searching for team. Please retry");
 private client.Tasks.BufferParameters CreateBufferParameters(client.Graphic feature, client.Map mwMap)
   client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = new client.Tasks.BufferParameters()
     Unit = BufferUnit,
     BufferSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
     OutSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
     UnionResults = true,
   bufferParameters.Distances.AddRange(new List<double> { BufferDistance });
   bufferParameters.Features.AddRange(new List<client.Graphic>() { feature });
   return bufferParameters;
        void DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
            // Deactivate the draw object for now.
              if (_drawObject != null)
            _drawObject.IsEnabled = false;
            _drawObject.DrawComplete -= DrawComplete;
             _mapWidget.Map.KeyDown -= Map_KeyDown;

              // Remove the cancelation toolbar

              // Get the tracked shape passed in as an argument.
              client.Geometry.Envelope env = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Envelope;
              if (env != null)
            _mapWidget.Map.Extent = env;

            if (isZoomout == false)
              // If zoom in, set the Map Extent to be the extent of the drawn geometry.
              _mapWidget.Map.Extent = env;
              //Zoom out based on the shorter dimension of the drawm rectangle
              double shorterRectangleDimension = env.Height > env.Width ? env.Width : env.Height;
              double selectedMapExtentDimension = shorterRectangleDimension == env.Width ? _mapWidget.Map.Extent.Width : _mapWidget.Map.Extent.Height;

              _mapWidget.Map.Zoom(shorterRectangleDimension / selectedMapExtentDimension);
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function which does the actual report generation work
    /// </summary>
    private async void GenerateReportAsync(client.Graphic feature, int wkid)
      CensusReport.ReportGenerationService.ReportGenerationService service =
        new CensusReport.ReportGenerationService.ReportGenerationService();

      //Generate a census report and retrive the location of the report
      string reportLocation = await service.GetReportGenerationAsync(feature, BufferRadius, wkid);

      //Try to open the report in a pdf viewer
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportLocation))
        MessageBox.Show("Error generating report", "Report Generation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.None);
        Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(reportLocation));
        public bool addToList(client.Graphic pGraphic)
                if (_map == null)

                if (_graphics == null)
                    _graphics = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphics.ID = "RangeFanGraphics";
                string oID = _datasource.ObjectIdFieldName;
                bool contains = false;
                foreach (Feature p in _rfFeatures)
                    if (p.Graphic.Attributes[oID].ToString() == pGraphic.Attributes[oID].ToString())
                        contains = true;
                if (contains == false)
                    Feature pFeature = new Feature(pGraphic, Field);

                    client.Graphic cFan = CreateFan(pGraphic);
                    if (cFan != null)


                    FeatureListBox.ItemsSource = null;
                    FeatureListBox.ItemsSource = _rfFeatures;
                return true;
                return false;
        private client.Graphic CreateFan(client.Graphic g)
                SimpleFillSymbol _sym = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                    Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, (byte)255, (byte)190, (byte)232)),
                    BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, (byte)197, (byte)0, (byte)255)),
                    BorderThickness = 1
                client.Graphic pPolyGraphic = new client.Graphic();
                if (Traversal < 360)
                    double initBearing = Bearing;
                    initBearing = Geo2Arithmetic(Bearing);  //Need to convert from geographic angles (zero north clockwise) to arithmetic (zero east counterclockwise)
                    if (Traversal == 0)
                        Traversal = 1;
                    double leftAngle = initBearing - (Traversal / 2.0);
                    double rightAngle = initBearing + (Traversal / 2.0);

                    double centerpointX = g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().X;
                    double centerpointY = g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().Y;

                    ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection> pcol = new ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection>();
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection ptCollection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection();
                    ptCollection.Add(g.Geometry as MapPoint);

                    for (int i = System.Convert.ToInt16(leftAngle); i < rightAngle; i++)
                        double x = centerpointX + (Range * Math.Cos(DegreeToRadian(i)));
                        double y = centerpointY + (Range * Math.Sin(DegreeToRadian(i)));
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint mPt = new MapPoint(x, y);
                    ptCollection.Add(g.Geometry as MapPoint);

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon pPoly = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon();
                    pPoly.Rings = pcol;

                    pPolyGraphic.Geometry = pPoly;

                    pPolyGraphic.Symbol = _sym;
                    pPolyGraphic.Attributes.Add("Name", g.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString());
                    Circle pCircle = new Circle();
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint mPt = new MapPoint(g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().X, g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().Y);
                    pCircle.Center = mPt;
                    pCircle.Radius = Range;
                    pPolyGraphic.Symbol = _sym;
                    pPolyGraphic.Geometry = pCircle;
                    pPolyGraphic.Attributes.Add("Name", g.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString());
                return pPolyGraphic;

                return null;
      /// <summary>
      /// Get the spatial query result (the buffer polygon) then use the polygon to search for the 
      /// team features that intersect with it. 
      /// Finally, show the team assignment page and select the teams nearby
      /// </summary>
      async void GeometryTask_BufferCompleted(object sender, client.Tasks.GraphicsEventArgs e)
         if (e.Results != null)
            //There will be only one result 
            client.Graphic buffer = e.Results[0];

            //Then query for the team features that intersect with the buffer polygon
            await QueryForFeatures(buffer.Geometry);

            #region Confirm team assignment and send SMS to the teams.
            //If the team data source doesn't have the phone number or the carrier field, we won't allowing sending SMS
            bool smsEnabled = (TeamDataSrc.Fields.Count(f => f.FieldName == "PhoneNumber" || f.FieldName == "Carrier") == 2) ? true : false;
            TeamAssignmentPage smsPage = new TeamAssignmentPage(SearchAreaName, TeamFeatureLayer, TeamsNearby, smsEnabled);     
      public async Task QueryForFeatures(client.Geometry.Geometry buffer)
         //Reset the list of TeamsNearby before re-populating them later in the method

         //Set up the query and query result
         Query query = new Query("", buffer, true);
         if (TeamDataSrc != null)
            //Run the query and check the result
            QueryResult result = await TeamDataSrc.ExecuteQueryAsync(query);
            if ((result == null) || (result.Canceled) || (result.Features == null))

            // Get the array of Oids from the query results.
            var resultOids = from resultFeature in result.Features select System.Convert.ToInt32(resultFeature.Attributes[TeamDataSrc.ObjectIdFieldName]);

            // For each graphic feature in featureLayer, use its OID to find the graphic feature from the result set.
            // Note that though the featureLayer's graphic feature and the result set's feature graphic feature share the same properties,
            // they are indeed different objects
            foreach (client.Graphic team in TeamFeatureLayer.Graphics)
               int featureOid;
               int.TryParse(team.Attributes[TeamDataSrc.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString(), out featureOid);

               //If feature has been selected in previous session, unselect it
               if (team.Selected)

               //If the feature is in the query result set, select it
               //Also add them to the TeamsNearby list so we can send SMS later
               if ((resultOids.Contains(featureOid)))
 /// <summary>
 /// Define the radius where teams will be searched. We hardcoded it to 1 mile for this sample
 /// </summary>
 private client.Tasks.BufferParameters CreateBufferParameters(client.Graphic polygon, client.Map mwMap)
    client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = new client.Tasks.BufferParameters()
       Unit = client.Tasks.LinearUnit.SurveyMile,
       BufferSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
       OutSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
       UnionResults = true,
    bufferParameters.Distances.AddRange(new List<double> { 0.5 });
    bufferParameters.Features.AddRange(new List<client.Graphic>() { polygon });
    return bufferParameters;
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute is called when the user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
 /// CanExecute returned true.
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
         // For example, in the MapWidget that ultimately provides the data source, show the popup window for the feature.
         MapWidget mw = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(dataSource);
         foreach (var widget in OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets)
             if (widget is RangeFanWid)
                 RangeFanWid pWidget = (RangeFanWid)widget;
     catch (Exception ex)
      /// <summary>
      /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on the specified data source and feature, before the option to execute
      /// the feature action is displayed to the user.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="searchAreaDS">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
      /// <param name="searchArea">The data which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
      /// <returns>True if the feature action should be enabled, otherwise false.</returns>
      public bool CanExecute(DataSource searchAreaDS, client.Graphic searchArea)
         //Map widget that contains the searchArea data Source
         MapWidget areaMW;
         //Map widget that contains the rescueTeam data Source
         MapWidget teamMW;
            #region Check if the polygon data source is valid
            //Check if the searchAreaDS has a display name field
            if (searchAreaDS.DisplayFieldName == null) return false;

            //Check if the map widget associated with the search area dataSource is valid
            if ((areaMW = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(searchAreaDS)) == null) return false;

            //Check if the search area layer is polygon 
            if (areaMW.FindFeatureLayer(searchAreaDS).LayerInfo.GeometryType != client.Tasks.GeometryType.Polygon) return false;

            #region Find the rescue team data source and check if it is consumed by the same mapWidget as the polygon data source
            //Find all the data sources that can possibly be a taem data sources
            //(i.e. are associated with point layers and hase the field "SearchAreaName")
            var teamDataSrcs = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources.Where(ds => IsValidTeamDataSource(ds));
            if (teamDataSrcs == null || teamDataSrcs.Count() == 0)
               return false;

            //For each of the data source retrieved, get its associated mapWidget
            //Check if the polygon feature source is also consumed by the same map widget (i.e. teamMW)
            foreach (DataSource teamDataSrc in teamDataSrcs)
               if ((teamMW = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(teamDataSrc)) == null) return false;
               if (teamMW.Id == areaMW.Id)
                  MapWidget = areaMW;
                  TeamDataSrc = teamDataSrc;
                  TeamFeatureLayer = MapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(TeamDataSrc);
                  return true;

            return false;
         catch (Exception)
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// This function determines if the feature action will be enabled or disabled
 /// In order for the FeatureAction to execute:
 /// - The map widget that contains the dataSource from which the buffer area is generated must not be null
 /// - The Target DataSource that will be queried must not be null
 /// - The radius (Distance) of the buffer area must be >0 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BufferDS">BufferDS is the data source containing the BufferFeature</param>
 /// <param name="BufferFeature">BufferFeature is the feature used to generate the buffer area</param>
 public bool CanExecute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource BufferDS, client.Graphic BufferFeature)
     return (MapWidget.FindMapWidget(BufferDS) != null && TargetDataSourceId != null && BufferDistance > 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
         client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
         WebMercator mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
         client.Geometry.MapPoint pt = null;
         pt = mercator.ToGeographic(clickPoint) as client.Geometry.MapPoint;
         if (_graphicsLayer == null)
             _graphicsLayer = new client.GraphicsLayer();
             _graphicsLayer.ID = "ComputedPoints";
             client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
             if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
         ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
         mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/AirCraftRouteGenerationLineAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
         client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic();
         graphic.Geometry = pt;
         graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["RedPin"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;
         RunButton.IsEnabled = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Error in map mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
    /// <summary>
    /// Execute is called when the user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
    /// CanExecute returned true.
    /// </summary>
    public async void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
      //This feature action relies on a profile graph widget to create a graph based on the profile line
      //Check if the view has a ProfileGraphWidget widget to display the output graph
      ProfileGraphFromMap profileWidget = OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets.FirstOrDefault(w => w.GetType() == typeof(ProfileGraphFromMap)) as ProfileGraphFromMap;
      if (profileWidget == null)
        MessageBox.Show("Add the Profile Graph Widget to the view to execute this feature action", "Profile Graph Widget Required");

      //Send the feature to the Elevation Analysis service to get the profile line
      ProfileService service = new ProfileService();
      Profile = await service.GetProfileLine(feature.Geometry);
      if (Profile == null)
        MessageBox.Show("Failed to get elevation profile");

      //Send the result (Profile) to the profile graph widget and ask it to generate the graph
      profileWidget.MapWidget = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(dataSource);
      profileWidget.Profile = Profile;
 // ***********************************************************************************
 // * Add an incident location on the map... closest facility will be found for this location
 // ***********************************************************************************
 void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
     client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
     if (clickPoint != null)
         client.Graphic tempGraphic = new client.Graphic()
             Geometry = clickPoint,
             Symbol = new client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                 Color = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red,
                 Size = 12,
                 Style = client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle
 public void removefromList(client.Graphic pGraphic)
         string oid = pGraphic.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString();
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Removing OID: " + oid);
         foreach (Feature f in _rfFeatures)
             if (f.Graphic.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString() == oid)
         int idx = 0;
         for (int g = 0; g < _graphics.Graphics.Count; g++)
             if (_graphics.Graphics[g].Attributes["Name"].ToString() == oid)
                 idx = g;
         FeatureListBox.ItemsSource = _rfFeatures;
     catch (Exception ex)
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * User finished drawing a polyline on the map. Add the polyline 
        // * barriers GraphicsLayer. 
        // ***********************************************************************************
        void DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
            // Deactivate the draw object for now.
            if (_drawObject != null)
                _drawObject.IsEnabled = false;
                _drawObject.DrawComplete -= DrawComplete;

            client.Geometry.Polyline barrierGeometry = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Polyline;
            client.Graphic barrierGraphic = new client.Graphic()
                Symbol = _polylineBarrierSymbol, //(LineSymbol)this.FindResource("routeSymbol")
                Geometry = barrierGeometry

 public Feature(client.Graphic feature, string field)
     Graphic = feature;
     _field = field;
    /// <summary>
    /// This function creates the buffer area from user's selected feature
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="BufferDS">BufferDS is the data source containing the BufferFeature</param>
    /// <param name="BufferFeature">BufferFeature is the feature used to generate the buffer area</param>
    public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource BufferDS, client.Graphic BufferFeature)
      //Clear any running task

      //Get the map widget and the map that contains the feature used to generate the buffer
      MapWidget mw = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(BufferDS);
      client.Map mwMap = mw.Map;

      //Define the params to pass to the buffer operation
      client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = CreateBufferParameters(BufferFeature, mwMap);

      //Execute the GP tool
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute is called when the user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
 /// CanExecute returned true.
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
   int wkid = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(dataSource).Map.SpatialReference.WKID;
   GenerateReportAsync(feature, wkid);
    async void GeometryTask_BufferCompleted(object sender, client.Tasks.GraphicsEventArgs e)
      //check the result (the buffer polygon)
      //then pass to the query operation
      if (e.Results != null)
        //There will be only one result 
        client.Graphic buffer = e.Results[0];

        //Then query for the features that intersect with the polygon
        await QueryForFeatures(buffer.Geometry);
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on: 
    /// whether the data source is the one specified in the config window. If not, check if the data source is the selection data source of the one specified;
    /// whether the data source is broken;
    /// whether the feature's geometry is not null; 
    /// whether the feature is a point feature
    /// </summary>
    public bool CanExecute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
      #region If there's a previously set DataSourceId, we try to use it
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataSourceId))
        SelectedDataSource = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Id == DataSourceId);
      if (SelectedDataSource == null)
        return false;

      //Check if the data source picked by user is the one specified in the config window
      if (dataSource.Id != SelectedDataSource.Id)
        //If not, check if the data source picked by user is the selection data source of the one specified in the config window
        if (SelectedDataSource.Name == string.Format("{0} Selection", dataSource.Name) && SelectedDataSource.IsSelectable)
          return true;
          return false;
      //Check if the data source is broken
      if (dataSource.IsBroken)
        return false;
      //Check if the feature's geometry is null
      if (feature == null || feature.Geometry == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.Geometry.ToJson()))
        return false;
      //Check if the feature is a point feature
      if (feature.Geometry.GetType() != typeof(client.Geometry.MapPoint))
        return false;

      return true;
    public async Task QueryForFeatures(client.Geometry.Geometry bufferPolygon)
      //Set up the query and query result
      Query query = new Query("", bufferPolygon, true);
      DataSource ds = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources.Where(d => d.Id == TargetDataSourceId).FirstOrDefault();
      if (ds != null)
          //Run the query and check the result
          QueryResult result = await ds.ExecuteQueryAsync(query);
          if ((result == null) || (result.Canceled) || (result.Features == null) || (result.Features.Count < 1))

          // Get the array of OIDs from the query results.
          var resultOids = from resultFeature in result.Features select System.Convert.ToInt32(resultFeature.Attributes[ds.ObjectIdFieldName]);

          // Find the map layer in the map widget that contains the target data source.
          MapWidget mapW = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(ds);
          if (mapW != null)
              // Get the feature layer in the map for the data source.
              client.FeatureLayer featureLayer = mapW.FindFeatureLayer(ds);

              // For each graphic feature in featureLayer, use its OID to find the graphic feature from the result set.
              // Note that though the featureLayer's graphic feature and the result set's feature graphic feature share the same properties,
              // they are indeed different objects
              foreach (client.Graphic feature in featureLayer.Graphics)
                  int featureOid;
                  int.TryParse(feature.Attributes[ds.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString(), out featureOid);

                  //If feature has been selected in previous session, unselect it
                  if (feature.Selected)

                  //If the feature is in the query result set, select it
                  if ((resultOids.Contains(featureOid)))
