예제 #1
    protected override void GetColumns()
        columns = new ES2EditorColumn[0];
        curves  = new ES2EditorRowCurve[0];

        if (ES2EditorAutoSaveUtility.mgr == null)
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.contentButtonStyle);
            // Stretch style to full height.
            style.stretchWidth  = true;
            style.stretchHeight = true;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Click to enable Auto Save for this scene", ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.contentButtonStyle))

        // Get ES2AutoSaves at top of hierarchy.
        ES2AutoSave[] autoSaves = ES2EditorAutoSaveUtility.mgr.sceneObjects;

        foreach (ES2AutoSave autoSave in autoSaves)
            if (autoSave != null && autoSave.transform != null)
                if (autoSave.transform.parent == null)
                    GetColumnsForAutoSave(autoSave, 0);
예제 #2
 public ES2EditorRowCurve(ES2EditorColumn leftColumn, ES2EditorRow leftRow, ES2EditorColumn rightColumn, ES2EditorRow rightRow, Color color)
     this.leftColumn  = leftColumn;
     this.rightColumn = rightColumn;
     this.leftRow     = leftRow;
     this.rightRow    = rightRow;
     this.color       = color;
예제 #3
 public ES2EditorRow(ES2EditorColumn column, string label, IES2Selectable obj, int rowNo, GUIStyle iconStyle, GUIStyle selectedIconStyle, int indentLevel = 0)
     this.label             = label;
     this.obj               = obj;
     this.rowNo             = rowNo;
     this.indentLevel       = indentLevel;
     this.iconStyle         = iconStyle;
     this.selectedIconStyle = selectedIconStyle;
예제 #4
    /* Gets the Rect of the column relative to the Horizontal layout */
    private Rect GetColumnRect(ES2EditorColumn column)
        // Add up the widths of all preceeding columns to get the column's left margin.
        float      columnLeftMargin = GetColumnLeftMargin(column);
        Rect       columnRect       = column.GetRect();
        RectOffset padding          = ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.windowContentStyle.padding;

        return(new Rect(columnLeftMargin + padding.left, padding.top, columnRect.width, columnRect.height));
예제 #5
    /* Gets the Rect of the row relative to the Horizontal layout */
    private Rect GetRowRect(ES2EditorColumn column, ES2EditorRow row)
        Rect columnRect = GetColumnRect(column);
        Rect rowRect    = column.GetRowRect(row);

        return(new Rect(columnRect.xMin + rowRect.x,
                        columnRect.yMin + rowRect.y,
예제 #6
    private float GetColumnLeftMargin(ES2EditorColumn column)
        // Sum all of previous column widths to get left margin of column.
        float leftMargin = 0;

        foreach (ES2EditorColumn col in columns)
            if (col == column)
            leftMargin += col.width;
예제 #7
    protected void GetColumnsForAutoSave(ES2AutoSave autoSave, int hierarchyDepth)
        ES2EditorColumn column = GetColumn(0);
        ES2EditorRow    row    = column.AddRow(autoSave.gameObject.name, autoSave, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonStyle, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonSelectedStyle, hierarchyDepth);

        if (autoSave.selected)
            if (autoSave.selectionChanged)

            GetComponentsColumnForAutoSave(autoSave, column, row);

        if (autoSave.buttonSelected && autoSave.buttonSelectionChanged)
            // Add support for any Components which are currently unsupported.
            Component[] components = autoSave.GetComponents <Component>();
            foreach (Component c in components)
                // Handle unassigned components.
                if (c == null)
                // If this Component isn't currently supported, add support for it and isn't an ES2AutoSave.
                if (!ES2EditorTypeUtility.TypeIsSupported(c.GetType()) &&
                    !typeof(ES2AutoSave).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()) &&

        foreach (Transform t in autoSave.transform)
            ES2AutoSave child = ES2AutoSave.GetAutoSave(t.gameObject);
            if (child != null)
                GetColumnsForAutoSave(child, hierarchyDepth + 1);
예제 #8
    protected override void GetColumns()
        columns = new ES2EditorColumn[0];
        curves  = new ES2EditorRowCurve[0];
        // Get ES2AutoSaves at top of hierarchy.
        ES2AutoSave[] autoSaves = ES2EditorAutoSaveUtility.globalMgr.prefabArray;

        foreach (ES2AutoSave autoSavePrefab in autoSaves)
            if (autoSavePrefab != null)
                GetColumnsForAutoSave(autoSavePrefab, 0);

        if (columns.Length == 0)
            GUIStyle centerStyle = new GUIStyle(ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.contentTextStyle);
            centerStyle.stretchHeight = true;
            centerStyle.alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("To enable Auto Save for a prefab, right-click it in Project and select \'Easy Save 2 / Enable Auto Save for Prefab\'.", centerStyle);
예제 #9
     *  Displays all Properties for the given VariableInfo (which can also be a ComponentInfo.
     *  Finish GetVariablesColumn Method
    private ES2EditorColumn GetVariablesColumnForVariable(ES2AutoSaveVariableInfo info, ES2EditorColumn previousColumn, ES2EditorRow previousRow, int columnIndex)
        ES2EditorColumn column = GetColumn(columnIndex);

        ES2EditorRow firstRow = null;

        foreach (string variableID in info.variableIDs)
            ES2AutoSaveVariableInfo variable = info.autoSave.GetCachedVariableInfo(variableID);
            ES2EditorRow            row      = column.AddRow(variable.name, variable, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonStyle, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonSelectedStyle);
            if (firstRow == null)
                firstRow = row;

            SetTooltips(variable, row);

            // If this variable was just selected ...
            if (variable.buttonSelectionChanged && variable.buttonSelected)
                // ... select all of it's ancestors.

                // If this type isn't currently supported, add support for it.
                if (!ES2EditorTypeUtility.TypeIsSupported(variable.type))

            // If the button for the Auto Save of this Component was deselected, deselect this one too.
            if (info.buttonSelectionChanged && !info.buttonSelected)
                row.obj.buttonSelected = false;

            if (variable.selected)
                // If we just selected this variable, update it.
                if (variable.selectionChanged && variable.selected)

                GetVariablesColumnForVariable(variable, column, row, columnIndex + 1);

        if (info.variableIDs.Count == 0)
            //firstRow = column.AddRow("No supportable types", null, null, null);

        // Add seperator row.
        column.AddRow("", null, null, null);

        ArrayUtility.Add(ref curves, new ES2EditorRowCurve(previousColumn, previousRow, column, firstRow, info.autoSave.color));

예제 #10
    protected void GetComponentsColumnForAutoSave(ES2AutoSave autoSave, ES2EditorColumn previousColumn, ES2EditorRow previousRow)
        ES2EditorColumn column = GetColumn(1);

        ES2EditorRow firstRow = null;

        // GameObject instance variables. These have to be handled seperately.
        ES2AutoSaveVariableInfo[] instanceVariables = new ES2AutoSaveVariableInfo[] { autoSave.activeSelfVariable, autoSave.parentVariable, autoSave.nameVariable, autoSave.tagVariable, autoSave.layerVariable };
        for (int i = 0; i < instanceVariables.Length; i++)
            ES2AutoSaveVariableInfo variable = instanceVariables[i];

            ES2EditorRow newRow = column.AddRow(variable.name, variable, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonStyle, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonSelectedStyle, 0);
            if (firstRow == null)
                firstRow = newRow;

            SetTooltips(variable, newRow);

            // If this component was selected, also select it's Auto Save.
            if (variable.buttonSelectionChanged && variable.buttonSelected)
                autoSave.buttonSelected = true;

            // If the button for the Auto Save of this Component was deselected, deselect this one too.
            if (autoSave.buttonSelectionChanged && !autoSave.buttonSelected)
                newRow.obj.buttonSelected = false;

            // Get variables column if this Component is selected.
            if (variable.selected)
                // Update this component if we've only just selected this Component.
                if (variable.selectionChanged)

                GetVariablesColumnForVariable(variable, column, newRow, 2);

        // Create rows for Component's attached to this GameObject.
        for (int i = 0; i < autoSave.components.Count; i++)
            ES2AutoSaveComponentInfo componentInfo = autoSave.components[i];
            ES2EditorRow             newRow        = column.AddRow(componentInfo.name, componentInfo, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonStyle, ES2EditorWindow.instance.style.saveButtonSelectedStyle, 0);
            if (firstRow == null)
                firstRow = newRow;

            SetTooltips(componentInfo, newRow);

            // If this component was selected ...
            if (componentInfo.buttonSelectionChanged && componentInfo.buttonSelected)
                // ... also select it's Auto Save.
                autoSave.buttonSelected = true;
                // If this Component isn't currently supported, add support for it.
                if (!ES2EditorTypeUtility.TypeIsSupported(componentInfo.type))

            // If the button for the Auto Save of this Component was deselected, deselect this one too.
            if (autoSave.buttonSelectionChanged && !autoSave.buttonSelected)
                newRow.obj.buttonSelected = false;

            // Get variables column if this Component is selected.
            if (componentInfo.selected)
                // Update this component if we've only just selected this Component.
                if (componentInfo.selectionChanged)

                GetVariablesColumnForVariable(componentInfo, column, newRow, 2);

        if (autoSave.components.Count == 0)
            firstRow = column.AddRow("No supportable Components", null, null, null, 0);

        // Add seperator row.
        column.AddRow("", null, null, null);
        // Add curve line between columns.
        ArrayUtility.Add(ref curves, new ES2EditorRowCurve(previousColumn, previousRow, column, firstRow, autoSave.color));