예제 #1
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Please read the comments at the top before using the runtime API!");

        // Create Road Network object
        roadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();

        // Create road
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, Vector3[] markers);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType, Vector3[] markers);

        ERRoadType roadType = new ERRoadType();

        roadType.roadWidth    = 6;
        roadType.roadMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;

        Vector3[] markers = new Vector3[4];
        markers[0] = new Vector3(200, 5, 200);
        markers[1] = new Vector3(250, 5, 200);
        markers[2] = new Vector3(250, 5, 250);
        markers[3] = new Vector3(300, 5, 250);

        road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad("road 1", roadType, markers);

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.AddMarker(Vector3);
        road.AddMarker(new Vector3(300, 5, 300));

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.InsertMarker(Vector3);
        road.InsertMarker(new Vector3(275, 5, 235));

        // Delete Marker: ERRoad.DeleteMarker(int index);

        // Set the road width : ERRoad.SetWidth(float);
        //	road.SetWidth(10);

        // Set the road material : ERRoad.SetMaterial(Material);
        //	Material mat = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;
        //	road.SetMaterial(mat);

        // Build Road Network

        // Restore Road Network
        //	roadNetwork.RestoreRoadNetwork();

        // create dummy object
        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
예제 #2
    void Start()
        Debug_Log.Call_WriteLog("Please read the comments at the top of the runtime script (/Assets/EasyRoads3D/Scripts/runtimeScript) before using the runtime API!");

        // Create Road Network object
        roadNetwork = new ERRoadNetwork();

        // Create road
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, Vector3[] markers);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType);
        //	ERRoad road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad(string name, ERRoadType roadType, Vector3[] markers);

        // get exisiting road types
        //  ERRoadType[] roadTypes = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypes();
        //  ERRoadType roadType = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypeByName(string name);

        // create a new road type
        ERRoadType roadType = new ERRoadType();

        roadType.roadWidth    = 6;
        roadType.roadMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/road material") as Material;
        // optional
        roadType.layer = 1;
        roadType.tag   = "Untagged";
        //   roadType.hasMeshCollider = false; // default is true

//		roadType = roadNetwork.GetRoadTypeByName("Train Rail");
//		Debug_Log.Call_WriteLog(roadType.roadMaterial);

        // create a new road
        Vector3[] markers = new Vector3[4];
        markers[0] = new Vector3(200, 5, 200);
        markers[1] = new Vector3(250, 5, 200);
        markers[2] = new Vector3(250, 5, 250);
        markers[3] = new Vector3(300, 5, 250);

        road = roadNetwork.CreateRoad("road 1", roadType, markers);

        // road.SetResolution(float value):void;

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.AddMarker(Vector3);
        road.AddMarker(new Vector3(300, 5, 300));

        // Add Marker: ERRoad.InsertMarker(Vector3);
        road.InsertMarker(new Vector3(275, 5, 235));
        //  road.InsertMarkerAt(Vector3 pos, int index): void;

        // Delete Marker: ERRoad.DeleteMarker(int index);

        // Set the road width : ERRoad.SetWidth(float width);
        //	road.SetWidth(10);

        // Set the road material : ERRoad.SetMaterial(Material path);
        //	Material mat = Resources.Load("Materials/roads/single lane") as Material;
        //	road.SetMaterial(mat);

        // add / remove a meshCollider component
        //   road.SetMeshCollider(bool value):void;

        // set the position of a marker
        //   road.SetMarkerPosition(int index, Vector3 position):void;
        //   road.SetMarkerPositions(Vector3[] position):void;
        //   road.SetMarkerPositions(Vector3[] position, int index):void;

        // get the position of a marker
        //   road.GetMarkerPosition(int index):Vector3;

        // get the position of a marker
        //   road.GetMarkerPositions():Vector3[];

        // Set the layer
        //   road.SetLayer(int value):void;

        // Set the tag
        //   road.SetTag(string value):void;

        // set marker control type
        //  road.SetMarkerControlType(int marker, ERMarkerControlType type) : bool; // Spline, StraightXZ, StraightXZY, Circular

        // find a road
        //  public static function ERRoadNetwork.GetRoadByName(string name) : ERRoad;

        // get all roads
        //  public static function ERRoadNetwork.GetRoads() : ERRoad[];

        // snap vertices to the terrain (no terrain deformation)
//		road.SnapToTerrain(true);

        // Build Road Network

        // remove script components
//		roadNetwork.Finalize();

        // Restore Road Network
        //	roadNetwork.RestoreRoadNetwork();

        // Show / Hide the white surfaces surrounding roads
        //     public function roadNetwork.HideWhiteSurfaces(bool value) : void;

        //   road.GetConnectionAtStart(): GameObject;
        //   road.GetConnectionAtStart(out int connection): GameObject; // connections: 0 = bottom, 1= tip, 2 = left, 3 = right (the same for T crossings)

        //   road.GetConnectionAtEnd(): GameObject;
        //   road.GetConnectionAtEnd(out int connection): GameObject; // connections: 0 = bottom, 1= tip, 2 = left, 3 = right (the same for T crossings)

        // Snap the road vertices to the terrain following the terrain shape (no terrain deformation)
        //   road.SnapToTerrain(bool value): void;
        //   road.SnapToTerrain(bool value, float yOffset): void;

        // get the road length
        //   road.GetLength() : float;

        // create dummy object
        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);