예제 #1
        private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Worksheet     sale = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[1];
            Cell          odau, ocuoi;
            SearchOptions option = new SearchOptions();

            option.SearchBy = SearchBy.Columns;
            option.SearchIn = SearchIn.Values;
            option.MatchEntireCellContents = true;
            option.MatchCase = false;
            IEnumerable <Cell> searchResult;
            string             file_ct = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + @"\BC_CT.xlsx";
            string             file_th = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + @"\BC_TH.xlsx";

            //Chi tiết
            SpreadsheetControl spreadct = new SpreadsheetControl();

            Worksheet bcct = spreadct.Document.Worksheets[0];
            //Tổng  hợp
            SpreadsheetControl spreadth = new SpreadsheetControl();

            Worksheet      bcth = spreadth.Document.Worksheets[0];
            CR_Flight_Crew tvt;

            int rowct = 5, rowth = 8;
            int songuoi, stt, stt_th, rate;

            stt    = 1;
            stt_th = 1;
            rate   = 235000;

            #region Tìm các cột
            // Tìm cột FlightID
            searchResult = sale.Search("FLight ID", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Flight ID trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int colfltid = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;
            // Dòng dữ liệu đầu tiên
            int firstRow = searchResult.First().TopRowIndex + 1;
            // Tìm cột KPT Revenue

            searchResult = sale.Search("KPT \nRevenue", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                searchResult = sale.Search("KPT\n Revenue", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = sale.Search("KPT\nRevenue", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột KPT Revenue trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int colrevenue = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

            // Tìm cột Discrepancy
            searchResult = sale.Search("Discrepancy", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Discrepancy trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int coldiscrepancy = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

            // Tìm cột Cashier Collected
            searchResult = sale.Search("Cashier\n Collected", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                searchResult = sale.Search("Cashier \nCollected", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = sale.Search("Cashier\nCollected", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Cashier Collected trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int colcashier = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

            // Tìm cột Card Settlement
            searchResult = sale.Search("Card \nSettlement", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                searchResult = sale.Search("Card\n Settlement", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = sale.Search("Card\nSettlement", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Card Settlement trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int colcard = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

            // Tìm cột Manv DS
            searchResult = sale.Search("MNV_DS", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột MNV_DS trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int colds = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;
            // Tìm cột Manv S
            searchResult = sale.Search("MNV_S", option);
            if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột MNV_S trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
            int cols = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

            HREntities     hr = new HREntities();
            ERMSEntities1  cb = new ERMSEntities1();
            SalaryEntities sal = new SalaryEntities();
            int            flid, i;
            string         manvds, manvs, thang, mbase;
            double         kptrevenue, cashiercollected, cardsettlement, discrepancy, doanhthu, hoahong;
            i = firstRow;
            HoSoGoc       hs;
            Crew_dutyfree crewdt;
            bool          flag20, tvtban = false;
            thang = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.IndexOf("_kqxl"));
            mbase = thang.Substring(0, thang.LastIndexOf(" "));
            thang = thang.Substring(thang.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1) + "-2018";
            mbase = mbase.Substring(mbase.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            try {
                while (true)
                    if (sale.Cells[i, colfltid].Value.IsEmpty) // Không có Flight ID ==> coi như hết. Nghỉ

                    flid   = Convert.ToInt32(sale.Cells[i, colfltid].Value.ToString());
                    manvds = sale.Cells[i, colds].Value.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
                    if (sale.Cells[i, cols].Value.IsEmpty)
                        manvs = "";
                        manvs = sale.Cells[i, cols].Value.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');

                    if (!sale.Cells[i, coldiscrepancy].Value.IsEmpty)
                        discrepancy = Convert.ToDouble(sale.Cells[i, coldiscrepancy].Value.ToString());
                        discrepancy = 0.0;

                    if (!sale.Cells[i, colrevenue].Value.IsEmpty)
                        kptrevenue = Convert.ToDouble(sale.Cells[i, colrevenue].Value.ToString());
                        kptrevenue = 0.0;

                    if (!sale.Cells[i, colcashier].Value.IsEmpty)
                        cashiercollected = Convert.ToDouble(sale.Cells[i, colcashier].Value.ToString());
                        cashiercollected = 0.0;

                    if (!sale.Cells[i, colcard].Value.IsEmpty)
                        cardsettlement = Convert.ToDouble(sale.Cells[i, colcard].Value.ToString());
                        cardsettlement = 0.0;
                    //Doanh thu
                    doanhthu = kptrevenue;
                    // Tìm thông tin chuyến bay và danh sách tổ tiếp viên
                    var sector = cb.CR_FlightInfo.Where(x => x.FlightID == flid).FirstOrDefault();

                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 0].Value = stt;
                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 1].Value = sector.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 2].Value = sector.Routing;
                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 3].Value = sector.FlightNo;
                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 4].Value = doanhthu;
                    bcct.Cells[rowct, 5].Value = 0.08 * doanhthu;
                    //Ghi lên file tổng hợp
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 0].Value = stt_th;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 1].Value = sector.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 2].Value = sector.FlightNo;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 3].Value = sector.Routing;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 4].Value = doanhthu;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 5].Value = 0.08 * doanhthu;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 7].Value = 0.02 * doanhthu;
                    bcth.Cells[rowth, 9].Value = 0.1 * doanhthu;
                    tvtban = false;
                    //TVT CB

                    if (flid == 286956)
                        tvt = cb.CR_Flight_Crew.Where(x => x.FlightID == flid && x.ca == "1" && x.Job == "P").FirstOrDefault();
                        tvt = cb.CR_Flight_Crew.Where(x => x.FlightID == flid && x.IsDeleted == false && x.ca == "1" && x.Job == "P").FirstOrDefault();

                    //TV DS
                    hs = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.mans.Trim() == manvds).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (hs != null)
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 6].Value = hs.tenkodau.ToUpper();
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 7].Value = "'" + manvds;
                        if (tvt.CrewID == hs.mans.Trim())
                            tvtban = true;
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value  = "DS/P";
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 50;
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.5 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            hoahong = 0.5 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            if (manvs == "")
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 80;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.8 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                                hoahong = 0.8 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value  = "DS";
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 40;
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.4 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            hoahong = 0.4 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            if (manvs == "")
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 70;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.7 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                                hoahong = 0.7 * 0.08 * doanhthu;

                        var crewdtds = sal.Crew_dutyfree.Where(x => x.crewid == manvds && x.flightid == flid && x.month == thang).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (crewdtds == null)
                            Crew_dutyfree newdt = new Crew_dutyfree();
                            newdt.flightid   = flid;
                            newdt.crewid     = manvds;
                            newdt.month      = thang;
                            newdt.commission = hoahong;
                            newdt.rate       = rate;
                            newdt.mainbase   = mbase;
                            newdt.note       = "Insert*" + rowct.ToString();
                            crewdtds.note       = crewdtds.note.Trim() + "Update*" + rowct.ToString();;
                            crewdtds.commission = hoahong;

                    //TV S
                    if (manvs != "")
                        hs = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.mans.Trim() == manvs).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (hs != null)
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 6].Value = hs.tenkodau.ToUpper();
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 7].Value = "'" + manvs;
                            if (tvt.CrewID == hs.mans.Trim())
                                tvtban = true;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value  = "S/P";
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 40;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.4 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                                hoahong = 0.4 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value  = "S";
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 30;
                                bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.3 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                                hoahong = 0.3 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                            var crewdts = sal.Crew_dutyfree.Where(x => x.crewid == manvs && x.flightid == flid && x.month == thang).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (crewdts == null)
                                Crew_dutyfree newdt = new Crew_dutyfree();
                                newdt.flightid   = flid;
                                newdt.crewid     = manvs;
                                newdt.month      = thang;
                                newdt.rate       = rate;
                                newdt.commission = hoahong;
                                newdt.mainbase   = mbase;
                                newdt.note       = "Insert*" + rowct.ToString();
                                crewdts.note       = crewdts.note + "Update*" + rowct.ToString();
                                crewdts.commission = hoahong;

                    if (!tvtban)
                        hs = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.mans.Trim() == tvt.CrewID).FirstOrDefault();
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 6].Value  = hs.tenkodau.ToUpper();
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 7].Value  = "'" + tvt.CrewID;
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value  = "P";
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value  = 10;
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.1 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                        hoahong = 0.1 * 0.08 * doanhthu;
                        crewdt  = sal.Crew_dutyfree.Where(x => x.crewid == tvt.CrewID && x.flightid == flid && x.month == thang).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (crewdt == null)
                            Crew_dutyfree newdt = new Crew_dutyfree();
                            newdt.flightid   = flid;
                            newdt.crewid     = tvt.CrewID;
                            newdt.month      = thang;
                            newdt.rate       = rate;
                            newdt.commission = hoahong;
                            newdt.mainbase   = mbase;
                            newdt.note       = "Insert*" + rowct.ToString();
                            crewdt.note       = crewdt.note + "Update*" + rowct.ToString();
                            crewdt.commission = hoahong;
                    //Danh sách tiếp viên còn lại
                    List <CR_Flight_Crew> dstv;
                    if (flid == 286956)
                        dstv = cb.CR_Flight_Crew.Where(x => x.FlightID == flid && x.CrewID != tvt.CrewID && x.CrewID != manvds && x.CrewID != manvs && x.CrewID != "1265" && x.CrewID != "3583" && x.CrewID != "4247" && x.CrewID != "4623" && x.CrewID != "5445" && x.CrewID != "5482").ToList();
                        dstv = cb.CR_Flight_Crew.Where(x => x.FlightID == flid && x.IsDeleted == false && x.CrewID != tvt.CrewID && x.CrewID != manvds && x.CrewID != manvs).ToList();
                    flag20  = false;
                    songuoi = dstv.Count;
                    foreach (var tv in dstv)
                        hs = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.mans.Trim() == tv.CrewID).FirstOrDefault();
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 6].Value = hs.tenkodau.ToUpper();
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 7].Value = "'" + tv.CrewID;
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 8].Value = "CA";
                        if (!flag20)
                            bcct.Cells[rowct, 9].Value = 20;
                            flag20 = true;
                            odau   = bcct.Cells[rowct, 9];
                        bcct.Cells[rowct, 10].Value = 0.2 * 0.08 * doanhthu / songuoi;
                        ocuoi   = bcct.Cells[rowct, 9];
                        hoahong = 0.2 * 0.08 * doanhthu / songuoi;
                        var crewdtv = sal.Crew_dutyfree.Where(x => x.crewid == tv.CrewID && x.flightid == flid && x.month == thang).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (crewdtv == null)
                            Crew_dutyfree newdt = new Crew_dutyfree();
                            newdt.flightid   = flid;
                            newdt.crewid     = tv.CrewID;
                            newdt.month      = thang;
                            newdt.rate       = rate;
                            newdt.commission = hoahong;
                            newdt.mainbase   = mbase;
                            newdt.note       = "Insert*" + rowct.ToString();
                            crewdtv.note       = crewdtv.note + "Update*" + rowct.ToString();
                            crewdtv.commission = hoahong;
                    //bcct.Range[odau, ocuoi].Merge();
                //Lưu Kết quả CT
                string filekq;
                filekq = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.IndexOf(".")) + "-BC_CT.xlsx";
                IWorkbook workbook = spreadct.Document;
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filekq, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    workbook.SaveDocument(stream, DocumentFormat.Xlsx);
                //Lưu Kết quả TH
                string filekqth;
                filekqth = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.IndexOf(".")) + "-BC_TH.xlsx";
                IWorkbook workbookth = spreadth.Document;
                using (FileStream streamth = new FileStream(filekqth, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    workbookth.SaveDocument(streamth, DocumentFormat.Xlsx);
            //catch (Exception ex)


예제 #2
        private void sbtnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <CR_FlightInfo> flightdel = new List <CR_FlightInfo>();
            string         f_lbaytv2       = @"\\\phanbay\doantv\ddtvvfp6\solieu\lbaytv2.dbf";
            string         f_des           = @"c:\temp\lbaytv2.dbf";
            DateTime       ngaymin         = new DateTime(2018, 09, 01);
            DateTime       ngaymax         = new DateTime(2018, 09, 30);
            List <lbaytv2> lbtv            = new List <lbaytv2>();

            try {
                using (ERMSEntities1 db = new ERMSEntities1())
                    flightdel = db.CR_FlightInfo.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == true && x.Date >= ngaymin && x.Date <= ngaymax).ToList();
                File.Copy(f_lbaytv2, f_des, true);
                FileStream        flbtv2  = new FileStream(f_des, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                NDbfReader.Table  table   = NDbfReader.Table.Open(flbtv2);
                NDbfReader.Reader readder = table.OpenReader();
                while (readder.Read())
                    string   codenv = readder.GetString("CODE_TV");
                    DateTime?sdate  = readder.GetDateTime("START_DATE");
                    DateTime?edate  = readder.GetDateTime("END_DATE");
                    string   loai   = readder.GetString("LOAI");
                    string   flyno  = readder.GetString("FLY_NO");
                    string   cfg    = readder.GetString("CFG");
                    string   from   = readder.GetString("FROM_PLACE");
                    string   to     = readder.GetString("END_PLACE");

                    if (sdate == null || edate == null)
                    if (ngaymin > edate || ngaymax < sdate)
                    if (codenv == null) //Không có Code_tv ==> Bỏ qua
                    if (loai != "FLY" || flyno == null || flyno.Substring(0, 1) == "R") //Không phải bay hoặc dự bị bỏ qua

                    var cb = flightdel.Where(x => x.Date == sdate && x.FlightNo == flyno && x.Routing == from + "-" + to).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (cb != null)
                        lbaytv2 item = new lbaytv2();
                        item.flightID   = cb.FlightID;
                        item.code_tv    = codenv;
                        item.start_date = (DateTime)sdate;
                        item.end_date   = (DateTime)edate;
                        item.start_time = readder.GetString("START_TIME");
                        item.end_time   = readder.GetString("END_TIME");
                        item.fly_no     = flyno;
                        item.from_place = from;
                        item.end_place  = to;
                        item.cfg        = cfg;
                        item.loai       = loai;
                        item.note       = readder.GetString("NOTE");
                    } //if
                }     //while
                if (flightdel.Count > 0) //Ghi kết quả
                    Worksheet spreadst = base.spreadsheetControl1.ActiveWorksheet;
                    spreadst.Cells[0, 0].Value = "STT";
                    spreadst.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Date";
                    spreadst.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Flyno";
                    spreadst.Cells[0, 3].Value = "Routing";
                    spreadst.Cells[0, 4].Value = "Codetv";
                    int stt = 1, dong = 1;
                    foreach (var cb in flightdel)
                        spreadst.Cells[dong, 0].Value = stt;
                        spreadst.Cells[dong, 1].Value = cb.Date;
                        spreadst.Cells[dong, 2].Value = cb.FlightNo;
                        spreadst.Cells[dong, 3].Value = cb.Routing;
                        var totv = lbtv.Where(x => x.flightID == cb.FlightID).ToList();
                        if (totv.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var tv in totv)
                                spreadst.Cells[dong, 4].Value = "'" + tv.code_tv;
            catch (Exception ex) { }
예제 #3
        private void sbtnGetInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IList <DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Range> selectedRange = spreadsheetControl1.GetSelectedRanges();

            DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Range curentRange = selectedRange[0];
            if (!(curentRange.TopRowIndex == curentRange.BottomRowIndex && curentRange.LeftColumnIndex == curentRange.RightColumnIndex))
                SearchOptions option = new SearchOptions();
                option.SearchBy = SearchBy.Columns;
                option.SearchIn = SearchIn.Values;
                option.MatchEntireCellContents = true;
                option.MatchCase = false;
                IEnumerable <Cell> searchResult;
                #region Tìm các cột
                // Tìm cột Crew ID
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("CREW ID", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("CREWID", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Crew ID trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colcrewid   = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;
                int colflightid = colcrewid + 1;
                int colnote     = colcrewid + 2;
                // Dòng dữ liệu đầu tiên
                int firstRow = searchResult.First().TopRowIndex + 1;
                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, colflightid].Value = "FLight ID";
                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, colnote].Value     = "Note";
                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, colnote + 1].Value = "Database";
                int colds, cols;
                colds = colnote + 2;
                cols  = colds + 2;
                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, colds].Value = "DS ID";
                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, colds+1].Value = "DS Name";
                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, cols].Value = "S ID";
                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[firstRow - 1, cols + 1].Value = "S Name";
                // Tìm cột Flight Date
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("Flight Date", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("FlightDate", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Flight Date trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colfltdate = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột Route
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("Route", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Route trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colroute = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột FlightNo Flight No
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("FlightNo.", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("Flight No.", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột FlightNo trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colfltno = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột CREW
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("CREW", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("CREW NAME", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột CREW trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colcrew = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột KPT Revenue

                searchResult = curentRange.Search("KPT \nRevenue", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("KPT\n Revenue", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        searchResult = curentRange.Search("KPT\nRevenue", option);
                        if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột KPT Revenue trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colrevenue = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột Discrepancy
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("Discrepancy", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Discrepancy trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int coldiscrepancy = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột Cashier Collected
                //string test = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[1, 4].Value.ToString();
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("Cashier\n Collected", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("Cashier \nCollected", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        searchResult = curentRange.Search("Cashier\nCollected", option);
                        if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Cashier Collected trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colcashier = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột Card Settlement
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("Card \nSettlement", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("Card\n Settlement", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        searchResult = curentRange.Search("Card\nSettlement", option);
                        if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột Card Settlement trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colcard = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;

                // Tìm cột REMARK
                searchResult = curentRange.Search("REMARK", option);
                if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                    searchResult = curentRange.Search("REMARKS", option);
                    if (searchResult.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Không tìm thấy cột REMARK trong vùng dữ liệu được chọn");
                int colremark = searchResult.First().LeftColumnIndex;
                // Dòng và cột cuối của Range
                int lastcol = curentRange.RightColumnIndex;
                int lastrow = curentRange.BottomRowIndex;
                if (lastrow < firstRow)
                    MessageBox.Show("Vùng chọn không có dữ liệu");
                HREntities    hr = new HREntities();
                ERMSEntities1 cb = new ERMSEntities1();

                //string filesource = @"\\\phanbay\doantv\ddtvvfp6\solieu\lbaytv2.dbf";
                string     manv, hoten, tentv, route, flyno, remark, nametv = "";
                double     Discrepancy, KPTRevenue, CashierCollected, CardSettlement;
                DateTime   flydate;
                int        first_space, second_space, tt_ten, id_cb = -1;
                List <int> lstflightID = new List <int>();
                bool       flag_add;
                try {
                    for (int i = firstRow; i <= lastrow; i++)
                        flag_add = false;
                        var codetv = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrewid].Value;
                        if (!codetv.IsEmpty)
                            manv  = codetv.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
                            tentv = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrew].Value.ToString();
                        #region Tìm Crewid
                        else //Tìm Manv trong nhân sự dựa theo tên
                            tentv = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrew].Value.ToString().Trim();
                            manv  = "";
                            //Có khoảng trắng có thể là tên có số hoặc cả họ tên
                            if (tentv.Contains(" "))
                                first_space  = tentv.IndexOf(" ");
                                second_space = tentv.IndexOf(" ", first_space + 1);
                                if (second_space < 0) // Chỉ một khoản trằn có thể là tên và số trùng tên. Tìm trong Nhân sự theo hướng đó.
                                    var ns = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.Tenkd.Trim().ToUpper() == tentv.Trim().ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (ns != null)
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrewid].Value = ns.mans.Trim();
                                        manv = ns.mans.Trim();
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "KPT không có CrewID";
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "KPT không có CrewID";
                                else //Có khoảng trắng thứ hai ==> Có phần họ và tên đệm
                                    string sotrung;
                                    sotrung = tentv.Substring(first_space + 1, second_space - first_space - 1);
                                    //Kiểm tra xem phải số trùng tên không
                                    if (Int32.TryParse(sotrung, out tt_ten))
                                        hoten = tentv.Substring(second_space + 1).Trim() + " " + tentv.Substring(0, second_space);
                                        hoten = tentv.Substring(first_space + 1).Trim() + " " + tentv.Substring(0, first_space);
                                    var ns = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.tenkodau.Trim().ToUpper() == hoten.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (ns != null)
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrewid].Value = ns.mans.Trim();
                                        manv = ns.mans.Trim();
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "KPT không có CrewID";
                                        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "Không tìm được CrewID";
                            // Nhập mỗi tên không có số trùng tên
                                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "Không thể tìm được Crew ID";
                        #region Tìm Chuyến Bay
                        if (curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colfltdate].Value.IsDateTime)
                        flydate = Convert.ToDateTime(curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colfltdate].Value.ToString());
                        route   = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colroute].Value.ToString();
                        flyno   = "VN" + curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colfltno].Value.ToString();

                        var flight = cb.CR_FlightInfo.Where(x => x.Routing == route && x.FlightNo == flyno && x.Date == flydate.Date).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (flight != null)
                            curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colflightid].Value = flight.FlightID;
                            id_cb = flight.FlightID;
                            var fltid = lstflightID.Where(x => x == id_cb).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (fltid > 0)
                                flag_add = true;
                        //Tìm DS và S
                        var totv = cb.CR_Flight_Crew.Where(x => x.FlightID == id_cb && x.IsDeleted == false && x.Dutyfree != null && x.Dutyfree != "").OrderBy(z => z.Dutyfree).ToList();
                        if (totv != null)
                            int k = 0;
                            foreach (var tv in totv)
                                var hs = hr.HoSoGocs.Where(x => x.mans.Trim() == tv.CrewID).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (hs.mans.Trim() == manv)
                                    curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcrewid].Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan;
                                if (hs != null)
                                    nametv = hs.tenkodau.Trim().ToUpper();
                                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colds + k].Value     = tv.CrewID;
                                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colds + k + 1].Value = nametv;
                                curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colds + k + 2].Value = tv.Dutyfree;
                                k = k + 3;
                                //     curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i,cols].Value=tv.CrewID;
                                //     curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i,cols+1].Value=nametv;
                                //    if(tv.Dutyfree=="DS" || tv.Dutyfree=="D"){
                                //        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i,colds].Value=tv.CrewID;
                                //        curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i,colds+1].Value=nametv;
                                //    }
                            curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote].Value = "Không tìm được chuyến bay tương ứng";
                            id_cb = -1;

                        #region Lấy thông tin khác
                        if (!curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, coldiscrepancy].Value.IsEmpty)
                            Discrepancy = Convert.ToDouble(curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, coldiscrepancy].Value.ToString());
                            Discrepancy = 0.0;
                        if (!curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colrevenue].Value.IsEmpty)
                            KPTRevenue = Convert.ToDouble(curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colrevenue].Value.ToString());
                            KPTRevenue = 0.0;
                        if (!curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcashier].Value.IsEmpty)
                            CashierCollected = Convert.ToDouble(curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcashier].Value.ToString());
                            CashierCollected = 0.0;
                        if (!curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcard].Value.IsEmpty)
                            CardSettlement = Convert.ToDouble(curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colcard].Value.ToString());
                            CardSettlement = 0.0;
                        if (curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colremark].Value.IsEmpty)
                            remark = "";
                            remark = curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colremark].Value.ToString(); // ?? curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colremark].Value.ToString(),"";
                        #region Ghi vào CSDL
                        if (id_cb > 0)
                            var dt = cb.CR_Flight_Dutyfree.Where(x => x.FlightID == id_cb).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (dt != null) // Có rồi ==> Cập nhật Total và KPTinfo
                                if (!flag_add)
                                    if (Discrepancy > 0)
                                        dt.Total = KPTRevenue;
                                        dt.Total = CashierCollected + CardSettlement;
                                if (Discrepancy > 0)
                                    dt.Total = dt.Total + KPTRevenue;
                                    dt.Total = dt.Total + CashierCollected + CardSettlement;

                                dt.KPTinfo    = "Flyno=" + flyno.Trim() + " Date=" + flydate.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " Route=" + route + " Discrepancy=" + Discrepancy.ToString() + " KPT Revenue=" + KPTRevenue.ToString() + " Cashier Collected=" + CashierCollected.ToString() + " Card Settlement " + CardSettlement.ToString() + " Crewid=" + manv + " Crewname=" + tentv + " Remark=" + remark;
                                dt.Modified   = DateTime.Now;
                                dt.Modifier   = "liembt";
                                dt.Modifierid = "1067";
                                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote + 1].Value = "Update";
                            else //Chưa có ==> Add vào
                                CR_Flight_Dutyfree newdt = new CR_Flight_Dutyfree();

                                newdt.FlightID = id_cb;

                                if (Discrepancy > 0)
                                    newdt.Total = KPTRevenue;
                                    newdt.Total = CashierCollected + CardSettlement;

                                newdt.KPTinfo   = "Flyno=" + flyno.Trim() + " Date=" + flydate.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " Route=" + route + " Discrepancy=" + Discrepancy.ToString() + " KPT Revenue=" + KPTRevenue.ToString() + " Cashier Collected=" + CashierCollected.ToString() + " Card Settlement " + CardSettlement.ToString() + " Crewid=" + manv + " Crewname=" + tentv + " Remark=" + remark;
                                newdt.Created   = DateTime.Now;
                                newdt.Creator   = "liembt";
                                newdt.Creatorid = "1067";


                                //curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote + 1].Value = "Insert";
                            curentRange.Worksheet.Cells[i, colnote + 1].Value = "";

                    #region Export Excel Kết quả xử lý
                    string filename;
                    filename = lblFilename.Text.Substring(0, lblFilename.Text.IndexOf(".")) + "_kqxl.xlsx";
                    IWorkbook workbook = spreadsheetControl1.Document;
                    using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        workbook.SaveDocument(stream, DocumentFormat.Xlsx);
                //catch(Exception ex){
                //    //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show("Vui lòng chọn vùng dữ liệu");

예제 #4
        private void sbtnCollectInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string f_lbaytv2          = @"\\\phanbay\doantv\ddtvvfp6\solieu\lbaytv2.dbf";
            string f_des              = @"c:\temp\lbaytv2.dbf";
            List <CR_FlightInfo> dscb = new List <CR_FlightInfo>();
            List <CR_FlightInfo> kqcb = new List <CR_FlightInfo>();
            List <lbaytv2>       ctlb = new List <lbaytv2>();
            bool       flag;
            DateTime   ngaymin = new DateTime(2018, 09, 01);
            DateTime   ngaymax = new DateTime(2018, 09, 30);
            FileStream flbtv2  = null;

            try {
                using (ERMSEntities1 db = new ERMSEntities1())
                    dscb = db.CR_FlightInfo.Where(x => x.Date >= ngaymin && x.Date <= ngaymax && x.IsDeleted == true).ToList();
                //File.Copy(f_lbaytv2, f_des, true);
                flbtv2 = new FileStream(f_des, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                NDbfReader.Table  table   = NDbfReader.Table.Open(flbtv2);
                NDbfReader.Reader readder = table.OpenReader();
                while (readder.Read())
                    string   codenv = readder.GetString("CODE_TV");
                    DateTime?sdate  = readder.GetDateTime("START_DATE");
                    DateTime?edate  = readder.GetDateTime("END_DATE");
                    string   loai   = readder.GetString("LOAI");
                    string   flyno  = readder.GetString("FLY_NO");
                    string   cfg    = readder.GetString("CFG");
                    string   from   = readder.GetString("FROM_PLACE");
                    string   to     = readder.GetString("END_PLACE");

                    if (sdate == null || edate == null)
                    if (ngaymin > edate || ngaymax < sdate)
                    if (codenv == null) //Không có Code_tv ==> Bỏ qua

                    lbaytv2 item = new lbaytv2();
                    item.code_fly   = readder.GetString("CODE_FLY");
                    item.code_tv    = codenv;
                    item.from_place = from;
                    item.end_place  = to;
                    item.loai       = loai;
                    item.cfg        = cfg;
                    item.fly_no     = flyno;
                    item.start_date = (DateTime)sdate;
                    item.end_date   = (DateTime)edate;
                    item.start_time = readder.GetString("START_TIME");
                    item.end_time   = readder.GetString("END_TIME");
                    item.job        = readder.GetString("JOB");
                    item.note       = readder.GetString("NOTE");
                    item.type_apl   = readder.GetString("TYPE_APL");
                    item.acf        = readder.GetString("ACF");
                    item.status     = readder.GetString("STATUS");
                } //While
            }     //Try
            catch (Exception ex) {