void Awake()
        _pheromoneManager   = (PheromoneManager)Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(PheromoneManager));
        _agentConfiguration = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GlobalAgentConfiguration)) as GlobalAgentConfiguration;

        _type = EPheromoneTypes.Food;
예제 #2
    public void Initialize(EPheromoneTypes type, float intensity, float diameter, float diffusionRate, float minimumConcentration, Color color)
        this.type             = type;
        _startIntensity       = intensity;
        _diffusionRate        = diffusionRate;
        _minimumConcentration = minimumConcentration;
        _diffusionSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(diameter, diameter, diameter);

        // max radius = (n / (3/4 * PI * c))^(1/3)
        float maxRadius = Mathf.Pow(_startIntensity / (0.75f * Mathf.PI * _minimumConcentration), 1f / 3f);
        float ttl       = maxRadius / _diffusionRate;

        // Initialize particle system
        _particleSystem.startLifetime = ttl;        //Mathf.Pow ((0.75f * _startIntensity) / (_minimumConcentration * Mathf.PI), 1f / 3f) / diffusionRate + 3.0f;
        _particleSystem.startSpeed    = diffusionRate * 0.5f;
        _particleSystem.startColor    = color;

        ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = _particleSystem.emission;
        emission.rate = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0f);

        ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shape = _particleSystem.shape;
        shape.radius = diameter * 0.5f;

        _particleSystem.Emit((int)(50.0f * _startIntensity));

        _currentVisibility = true;

예제 #3
     * Place a pheromone of given type at given position.
     * If necessary, merge it with existing pheromones. A merge is triggered if more than
     * 4 pheromones are located at the same position, i.e. their centers lie within a circle of 0.5 units.
    public void PlacePheromone(Vector3 position, EPheromoneTypes type)
        position.y = 0;

        PheromoneConfiguration pheromoneConfiguration = _pheromoneConfiguration.configs [type];

        // Get current parameters from configuration.
        float initialIntensity     = pheromoneConfiguration.initialIntensity;
        float initialScale         = pheromoneConfiguration.initialRadius;
        float diffusionRate        = pheromoneConfiguration.diffusionRate;
        float minimumConcentration = pheromoneConfiguration.minimumConcentration;
        Color color = pheromoneConfiguration.color;

        // If there are enough pheromones nearby, merge them into one
        Collider[]        nearbyPheromoneCenters = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 0.5f, _pheromoneOriginLayerMask);
        List <GameObject> nearbyPheromones       = new List <GameObject> ();

        // Filter nearby pheromones by type.
        foreach (Collider pheromoneCenter in nearbyPheromoneCenters)
            GameObject pheromone = pheromoneCenter.transform.parent.gameObject;

            if (pheromone.GetComponent <Pheromone> ().type == type)

        // Merge if enough pheromones of the same type are located on position.
        if (nearbyPheromones.Count > 4)
            foreach (GameObject pheromone in nearbyPheromones)
                initialIntensity += pheromone.GetComponent <Pheromone>().startIntensity;

                initialScale = Mathf.Max(initialScale, pheromone.transform.Find("DiffusionSphere").transform.localScale.x);
                //startScale += pheromone.transform.Find ("DiffusionSphere").transform.localScale.x;

                position += pheromone.transform.position;


            // Make start scale the average of all scales
            //startScale = startScale / (nearbyPheromoneCenters.GetLength(0) + 1);
            position = position / (nearbyPheromones.Count + 1);

        // Create and initialize new pheromone
        GameObject newPheromone = Instantiate(_pheromonePrefab, position, new Quaternion()) as GameObject;

        newPheromone.GetComponent <Pheromone>().Initialize(type, initialIntensity, initialScale, diffusionRate, minimumConcentration, color);
예제 #4
    public void Activate(EPheromoneTypes pheromoneType)

        _pheromoneType = pheromoneType;

        foreach (Transform row in transform)
            foreach (Transform child in row)
                PotentialFieldElement element = child.GetComponent <PotentialFieldElement> ();

                if (element)
                    element.pheromoneType = _pheromoneType;
     * Calculate attraction (or repulsion) for a given pheromone type. The resulting
     * vector is the (negative) gradient and thus the direction the agent moves to.
     * @param pheromoneType The type of the pheromone for which the direction / gradient should be calculated.
     * @return The direction in which the agent should move.
    Vector3 AggregateMovementDirection(EPheromoneTypes pheromonType)
        HashSet <Pheromone> pheromones = _nearbyPheromones [pheromonType];

        Vector3 movementVector = new Vector3();

        Vector3 position = transform.position;

        position.y = 0.0f;

        foreach (Pheromone pheromone in pheromones)
            // Ensure that no destroyed pheromones are accessed.
            if (!pheromone)

            Vector3 pheromonePosition = pheromone.transform.position;
            pheromonePosition.y = 0.0f;

            Vector3 pheromoneVector      = (pheromonePosition - position).normalized;
            float   pheromoneAngleCosine = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, pheromoneVector);

            // Check if pheromone is "in front of" the agent.
            if (pheromoneAngleCosine > _currentSmellAngleCos)
                movementVector += pheromoneVector * pheromone.currentConcentration;

        // If the pheromone is repellant, return the negative movement vector.
        if (pheromonType == EPheromoneTypes.Repellant)

  * Set the type of pheromones that should be deposited.
  * This is set by other components according to the current task and state of the agent.
 public void SetPheromoneType(EPheromoneTypes type)
     _type = type;
예제 #7
 public bool IsActiveWith(EPheromoneTypes pheromoneType)
     return(gameObject.activeInHierarchy && _pheromoneType == pheromoneType);