protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(Web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.Timesheets); if (activation != 0) { return; } base.OnInit(e); _listId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["ListId"]); _listItemId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ItemId"]); ConfigureControls(); if (!IsPostBack) { var web = SPContext.Current.Web; TSItem.PopulateDDLUsers(ddlUsers, web, web.CurrentUser); if (ddlUsers.Items.Count > 1) { pnlUsers.Visible = true; } else { pnlUsers.Visible = false; } } }
protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { output.Write(act.translateStatus(activation)); return; } ProjectData pjData = new ProjectData(); = Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context); string ret = pjData.buildData2(); if (ret != "") { output.Write("Error: " + ret); } else { pjData.gvPJSummary2.RenderControl(output); } }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { return; } base.CreateChildControls(); // TODO: add custom rendering code here. }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { writer.Write(act.translateStatus(activation)); return; } UpdateContextSoWeCanGetDataFromSiteUserInfoList(); var currentUser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; var loginName = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName; var profilePicturePath = ""; WriteStylesToOutput(writer); if (currentUser != null) { currentUser = GetProfileUser(SPContext.Current.Site, SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName, true, currentUser); var spListItem = SPContext.Current.Web.Site.RootWeb.SiteUserInfoList.GetItemById(currentUser.ID); profilePicturePath = GetProfilePicturePath(spListItem); loginName = spListItem.DisplayName; } //NOTE: This will automatically redirect to the users profile page if they are on server and not foundation. var userDisplayUrl = SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/_layouts/userdisp.aspx"; WriteJavascriptToOutput(writer); var userProfileManagementClass = GetUserProfileManagerClass(); var isSharepointServer = userProfileManagementClass != null ? true : false; var hasMySite = HasMySite(userProfileManagementClass); if (!LargeImage) { WriteSmallImageHtmlToOutput(writer, loginName, profilePicturePath, userDisplayUrl, isSharepointServer, hasMySite); } else { WriteLargeImageHtmlToOutput(writer, profilePicturePath, loginName, currentUser, userDisplayUrl, isSharepointServer, hasMySite); } }
protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { output.Write(act.translateStatus(activation)); return; } ProjectData pjData = new ProjectData(); = Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context); pjData.buildData(false, false, true); output.Write(pjData.buildIssueSummary()); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { buildParams(); if (SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View != null) { try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingleInit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } } EnsureChildControls(); EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { return; } try { toolbar = new ViewToolBar(); toolbar.EnableViewState = false; list = SPContext.Current.List; view = SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View; SPContext context = SPContext.GetContext(this.Context, view.ID, list.ID, web); toolbar.RenderContext = context; Controls.Add(toolbar); } catch { } }
protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.MyWork); if (activation != 0) { output.Write(act.translateStatus(activation)); return; } if (error != "") { output.Write(error); } else { rv.RenderControl(output); output.WriteLine("<script language=\"javascript\">document.getElementById('" + rv.ClientID + "_fixedTable').style.width='100%';</script>"); } }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { try { act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.Timesheets); if (activation != 0) { return; } base.CreateChildControls(); // TODO: add custom rendering code here. // Label label = new Label(); // label.Text = "Hello World"; // this.Controls.Add(label); } catch (Exception ex) { error = "Error Creating Controls: " + ex.Message; } }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { tb.AddTimer(); act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.Timesheets); if (activation != 0) { return; } if (SPContext.Current.ViewContext.View != null) { try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingleInit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } try { typeof(ListTitleViewSelectorMenu).GetField("m_wpSingle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Page.FindControl("ctl00$PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea$ctl01$ctl00").Controls[1], true); } catch { } } try { sPeriodId = Page.Request["NewPeriod"].ToString(); } catch { } try { sUserId = Page.Request["Delegate"].ToString(); } catch { } /// SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web; SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { settings = new TimesheetSettings(web); SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConnectionString(web.Site.WebApplication.Id)); cn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spTSGetPeriodsForSite", cn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@siteid", web.Site.ID); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dtPeriods = ds.Tables[0]; DataRow[] drCur = dtPeriods.Select("CurPeriod='1'"); if (drCur.Length > 0) { iCurPeriodId = int.Parse(drCur[0]["period_id"].ToString()); sCurPeriodName = ((DateTime)drCur[0]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)drCur[0]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); } if (dtPeriods.Rows.Count > 0) { if (sPeriodId == "") { DataRow[] dr = dtPeriods.Select("CurPeriod='1'"); if (dr.Length > 0) { sPeriodId = dr[0]["period_id"].ToString(); sPeriodName = ((DateTime)dr[0]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dr[0]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); bIsCurrentTimesheetPeriod = true; } else { sPeriodId = dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_id"].ToString(); sPeriodName = ((DateTime)dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); } } else { DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("period_id='" + sPeriodId + "'"); if (dr.Length > 0) { sPeriodName = ((DateTime)dr[0]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dr[0]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); try { if (dr[0]["curPeriod"].ToString() == "1") { bIsCurrentTimesheetPeriod = true; } } catch { } } else { DataRow[] dr2 = ds.Tables[0].Select("CurPeriod='1'"); if (dr2.Length > 0) { sPeriodId = dr2[0]["period_id"].ToString(); sPeriodName = ((DateTime)dr2[0]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dr2[0]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); bIsCurrentTimesheetPeriod = true; } else { sPeriodId = dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_id"].ToString(); sPeriodName = ((DateTime)dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dtPeriods.Rows[dtPeriods.Rows.Count - 1]["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); } } } string itmpprev = ""; bool bNext = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dtPeriods.Rows) { sPeriodList += "," + dr["period_id"].ToString() + "|" + ((DateTime)dr["period_start"]).ToShortDateString() + " - " + ((DateTime)dr["period_end"]).ToShortDateString(); if (bNext) { bNext = false; iNextPeriod = int.Parse(dr["period_id"].ToString()); } if (dr["period_id"].ToString() == sPeriodId) { if (itmpprev != "") { iPreviousPeriod = int.Parse(itmpprev); } bNext = true; } itmpprev = dr["period_id"].ToString(); } sPeriodList = sPeriodList.Trim(','); TSNotes = settings.AllowNotes.ToString().ToLower(); cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TSTYPE_ID, TSTYPE_NAME FROM TSTYPE where SITE_UID=@siteid", cn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@siteid", web.Site.ID); SqlDataReader drTypes = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (drTypes.Read()) { int id = drTypes.GetInt32(0); TSColType = 2; TSTypeObject += ",T" + id + ": '" + drTypes.GetString(1) + "'"; } drTypes.Close(); TSTypeObject = "{" + TSTypeObject.Trim(',') + "}"; ArrayList arrPeriods = TimesheetAPI.GetPeriodDaysArray(cn, settings, web, sPeriodId); foreach (DateTime dtStart in arrPeriods) { TSCols += "\"P" + dtStart.Ticks + "\": true,"; } foreach (DateTime dtStart in arrPeriods) { TSDCols += "\"P" + dtStart.Ticks + "\": \"" + settings.DayDef.Split('|')[(int)dtStart.DayOfWeek * 3 + 1] + "|" + settings.DayDef.Split('|')[(int)dtStart.DayOfWeek * 3 + 2] + "\","; } TSCols = "{" + TSCols.Trim(',') + "}"; TSDCols = "{" + TSDCols.Trim(',') + "}"; if (GridType == 0) { SPUser user = TimesheetAPI.GetUser(web, sUserId); cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT submitted, approval_status, locked FROM TSTIMESHEET where SITE_UID=@siteid and period_id=@period and username=@username", cn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@siteid", web.Site.ID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@period", sPeriodId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", user.LoginName); SqlDataReader drTS = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (drTS.Read()) { //Locked if (drTS.GetBoolean(2)) { bTsLocked = true; } //Submitted if (drTS.GetBoolean(0)) { if (drTS.GetInt32(1) == 1) { sStatus = "Approved"; if (!settings.DisableApprovals) { bTsLocked = true; } } else if (drTS.GetInt32(1) == 2) { sStatus = "Rejected"; } else { sStatus = "Submitted"; } } } drTS.Close(); } else { bTsLocked = true; } cn.Close(); bHasPeriods = true; } }); sDataParam = "<Param GridId=\"" + sFullGridId + "\" Period=\"" + sPeriodId + "\" UserId=\"" + sUserId + "\"/>"; sLayoutParam = "<Param GridId=\"" + sFullGridId + "\" Period=\"" + sPeriodId + "\" UserId=\"" + sUserId + "\" Editable=\"" + iEditable + "\" GridType=\"" + GridType + "\"/>"; sDataParam = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sDataParam)); sLayoutParam = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sLayoutParam)); /// DataTable dtTsDelegates = EPMLiveCore.API.APITeam.GetResourcePool("<Resources FilterField=\"TimesheetDelegates\" FilterFieldValue=\"" + web.CurrentUser.Name + "\" ><Columns>SimpleColumns</Columns></Resources>", web); foreach (DataRow dr in dtTsDelegates.Rows) { if (sUserId == dr["SPID"].ToString()) { sCurrentDelegate = dr["Title"].ToString(); } sDelegates += dr["SPID"].ToString() + "|" + dr["Title"].ToString() + "^"; } sDelegates = sDelegates.Trim('^'); string serviceUrl = ((SPContext.Current.Web.ServerRelativeUrl == "/") ? "" : SPContext.Current.Web.ServerRelativeUrl) + "/_vti_bin/Workengine.asmx"; ScriptManager scriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page); if (scriptManager != null) { scriptManager.Services.Add(new ServiceReference(serviceUrl)); } else { scriptManager = new ScriptManager(); scriptManager.Services.Add(new ServiceReference(serviceUrl)); Page.Form.Controls.Add(scriptManager); } views = TimesheetAPI.GetViews(web); tb.StopTimer(); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { return; } try { site = Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context); base.CreateChildControls(); ddlProject = new DropDownList(); ddlProject.Items.Add(new ListItem("All Projects", "")); ddlProject.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddlProject_SelectedIndexChanged); ddlProject.AutoPostBack = true; Controls.Add(ddlProject); ddl = new DropDownList(); try { SPList list = site.Lists["Project Center"]; SPField field = list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(MyState); strStateField = field.Title; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(field.SchemaXml); string defaultSelect = ""; try { defaultSelect = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Default").InnerText; } catch { } try { XmlNode ndChoices = doc.SelectSingleNode("//CHOICES"); foreach (XmlNode nd in ndChoices.ChildNodes) { ddl.Items.Add(nd.InnerText); } } catch { } ddl.Text = defaultSelect; } catch (Exception ex) { sError = "ERROR: " + ex.Message + "<br>"; } ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; popProject(ddl.SelectedItem.Text); Controls.Add(ddl); //ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { sError = sError + "ERROR: " + ex.Message + "<br>"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { pnlMain.Visible = false; pnlAct.Visible = true; lblAct.Text = act.translateStatus(activation); return; } Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); try { string sLists = ""; using (currWeb = SPContext.Current.Web) { if (currWeb.CurrentUser.IsSiteAdmin) { sSiteUrl = (currWeb.ServerRelativeUrl == "/") ? "" : currWeb.ServerRelativeUrl; siteid = currWeb.Site.ID.ToString(); webid = currWeb.ID.ToString(); //if (!IsPostBack) { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { if (currWeb.Properties.ContainsKey("EPMLiveSynchLists")) { sLists = currWeb.Properties["EPMLiveSynchLists"]; } }); ddlLists.Items.Clear(); foreach (SPList lst in currWeb.Lists) { if (!lst.Hidden) { ListItem li = new ListItem(lst.Title, lst.ID.ToString()); if (!sLists.Contains(lst.ID.ToString())) { ddlLists.Items.Add(li); } } } SPList liTemplate = currWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Template Gallery"); if (liTemplate != null) { pnlTemplates.Visible = false; } if (Request["TrnxType"] != null && Request["TrnxType"].ToString() == "clear") { // clear Template ID property currWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; currWeb.Properties["EPMLiveTemplateID"] = ""; // clear currWeb.Properties.Update(); currWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/setsitetemplate.aspx"); } else if (Request["TrnxType"] != null && Request["TrnxType"].ToString() == "set") { if (Request["TemplateID"] != null && Request["TemplateID"].ToString().Trim() != "") { // update Template ID property currWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; currWeb.Properties["EPMLiveTemplateID"] = Request["TemplateID"].ToString(); // overwrite with new ID currWeb.Properties.Update(); currWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/setsitetemplate.aspx"); } } else if (Request["TrnxType"] != null && Request["TrnxType"].ToString() == "add") { if (Request["List"] != null && Request["List"].ToString().Trim().Length != 0) { AddList(Request["List"].ToString()); Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/templates.aspx"); } else if (Request["TemplateID"] != null && Request["TemplateID"].ToString().Trim() != "") { using (SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site) { // add Template ID property Guid webGUID = new Guid(Request["TemplateID"].ToString()); using (SPWeb oSelectedWeb = site.AllWebs[webGUID]) { if (currWeb.ID != oSelectedWeb.ID) { oSelectedWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; string sGUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (!oSelectedWeb.Properties.ContainsKey("EPMLiveTemplateID")) { oSelectedWeb.Properties.Add("EPMLiveTemplateID", sGUID); } else { oSelectedWeb.Properties["EPMLiveTemplateID"] = sGUID; } oSelectedWeb.Properties.Update(); using (SPWeb rootWeb = site.RootWeb) { AddAsSynchedTemplate(rootWeb, Request["TemplateID"].ToString()); } //SPFeature oFT = null; //try //{ // oFT = oSelectedWeb.Features[new Guid("dfb82bdd-a86c-4314-a0f2-654526c7814e")]; //} //catch { } //if (oFT == null) //{ // try // { // oSelectedWeb.Features.Add(new Guid("dfb82bdd-a86c-4314-a0f2-654526c7814e")); // } // catch { } //} oSelectedWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; } } } Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/templates.aspx"); } } else if (Request["TrnxType"] != null && Request["TrnxType"].ToString() == "delete") { if (Request["List"] != null && Request["List"].ToString().Trim() != "") { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { DeleteList("|" + Request["List"].ToString()); }); } else if (Request["Template"] != null && Request["Template"].ToString().Trim() != "") { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { RemoveTemplate(Request["Template"].ToString()); }); } Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/templates.aspx"); } } } else { Response.Redirect(currWeb.Url + "/_layouts/AccessDenied.aspx"); } SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { loadListGrid(sLists, currWeb.Site); loadTemplateListBox(); }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.Timesheets); if (activation != 0) { pnlActivation.Visible = true; pnlTs.Visible = false; } try { SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web; { weburl = web.Url; if (!SPContext.Current.Web.UserIsSiteAdmin) { Response.Redirect(SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/_layouts/accessdenied.aspx"); } SqlConnection cn = null; SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { cn = new SqlConnection(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConnectionString(web.Site.WebApplication.Id)); cn.Open(); }); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select period_start,period_end from tsperiod where period_id=@period_id and site_id=@site_id", cn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@period_Id", Request["period_id"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@site_id", web.Site.ID); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { lblTitle.Text = "View Timesheets for Period: " + dr.GetDateTime(0).ToShortDateString() + " - " + dr.GetDateTime(1).ToShortDateString(); } dr.Close(); sTimeEditor = ""; cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT tstype_id,tstype_name from TSTYPE where site_uid=@site_id", cn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@site_id", SPContext.Current.Site.ID); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { sTimeEditor += "<tr><td class=\"ms-descriptiontext\">" + dr.GetString(1) + "</td><td align=\"right\"><input class=\"ms-input\" size=\"5\" type=\"text\" id=\"timeeditor-" + dr.GetInt32(0).ToString() + "\" disabled=true></td></tr>"; } } else { sTimeEditor += "<tr><td class=\"ms-descriptiontext\">Work</td><td align=\"right\"><input class=\"ms-input\" size=\"5\" type=\"text\" id=\"timeeditor-0\" disabled=true></td></tr>"; } dr.Close(); if (EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web.Site.RootWeb, "EPMLiveTSAllowNotes").ToLower() == "true") { sTimeEditor += "<tr><td class=\"ms-descriptiontext\" colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>"; sTimeEditor += "<tr><td class=\"ms-descriptiontext\" colspan=\"2\">Notes</td></tr>"; sTimeEditor += "<tr><td class=\"ms-descriptiontext\" colspan=\"2\"><textarea class=\"ms-input\" id=\"timeeditor-N\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"25\" disabled=true></textarea></td></tr>"; } loadUrl = web.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/getts.aspx?period_id=" + Request["period_id"]; cn.Close(); } ToolBarButton tbDelete = (ToolBarButton)Page.LoadControl("~/_controltemplates/ToolBarButton.ascx"); tbDelete.Text = "Delete Timesheet(s)"; tbDelete.ImageUrl = "../_layouts/epmlive/images/delete.gif"; tbDelete.NavigateUrl = "Javascript:deleteTimesheets();"; tbDelete.ToolTip = "Delete"; ToolBar toolbar = (ToolBar)Page.LoadControl("~/_controltemplates/ToolBar.ascx"); toolbar.Buttons.Controls.Add(tbDelete); pnlActionsToolbar.Controls.Add(toolbar); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.Timesheets); if (activation != 0) { pnlActivation.Visible = true; pnlTs.Visible = false; } using (SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web) { dtSpStart.DatePickerFrameUrl = web.Url + "/_layouts/iframe.aspx"; dtSpEnd.DatePickerFrameUrl = web.Url + "/_layouts/iframe.aspx"; try { if (!SPContext.Current.Web.UserIsSiteAdmin) { Response.Redirect(SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/_layouts/accessdenied.aspx"); } siteUrl = SPContext.Current.Web.Url; if (!IsPostBack) { //using (SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web) { if (!web.IsRootWeb) { pnlTL.Visible = true; hlAdmin.NavigateUrl = SPContext.Current.Site.Url + "/_layouts/epmlive/timesheetadmin.aspx"; pnlMain.Visible = false; } else { TimesheetSettings settings = new TimesheetSettings(Web); SPList oMyWork = web.Lists.TryGetList("My Work"); string sFields = ""; if (oMyWork != null) { SortedList sl = new SortedList(); foreach (SPField field in oMyWork.Fields) { if (field.Reorderable && field.InternalName != "Title") { sl.Add(field.Title, field.InternalName); } } foreach (DictionaryEntry de in sl) { if (settings.TimesheetFields.Contains(de.Value.ToString())) { sFields += "," + de.Value.ToString(); ListItem li = new ListItem(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString()); ddlTSFieldsS.Items.Add(li); } else { ListItem li = new ListItem(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString()); ddlTSFieldsA.Items.Add(li); } } } sFields = sFields.Trim(','); hdnTSFields.Value = sFields; chkAllowStopWatch.Checked = settings.AllowStopWatch; //using (SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site) SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site; { //using (SPWeb rweb = site.RootWeb) SPWeb rweb = site.RootWeb; { try { chkAllowUnassigned.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveTSAllowUnassigned")); } catch { } try { chkAllowNotes.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveTSAllowNotes")); } catch { } ddlFlagField.SelectedValue = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveTSFlag"); txtLists.Text = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveTSLists"); string dayDef = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveDaySettings"); if (dayDef != "") { string[] daySettings = dayDef.Split('|'); chkSunday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[0]); txtSundayMin.Text = daySettings[1]; txtSundayMax.Text = daySettings[2]; chkMonday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[3]); txtMondayMin.Text = daySettings[4]; txtMondayMax.Text = daySettings[5]; chkTuesday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[6]); txtTuesdayMin.Text = daySettings[7]; txtTuesdayMax.Text = daySettings[8]; chkWednesday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[9]); txtWednesdayMin.Text = daySettings[10]; txtWednesdayMax.Text = daySettings[11]; chkThursday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[12]); txtThursdayMin.Text = daySettings[13]; txtThursdayMax.Text = daySettings[14]; chkFriday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[15]); txtFridayMin.Text = daySettings[16]; txtFridayMax.Text = daySettings[17]; chkSaturday.Checked = bool.Parse(daySettings[18]); txtSaturdayMin.Text = daySettings[19]; txtSaturdayMax.Text = daySettings[20]; } chkCurrentData.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveTSUseCurrent")); try { chkEnableNonTeamNotf.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMLiveEnableNonTeamNotf")); } catch { } txtPortManagerColumn.Text = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(rweb, "EPMPortManagerColumn"); } } SqlConnection cn = null; SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { cn = new SqlConnection(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConnectionString(web.Site.WebApplication.Id)); cn.Open(); }); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select top 1 period_end,period_id from tsperiod where site_id = @siteid order by period_id desc", cn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@siteid", SPContext.Current.Site.ID); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { lastPeriod = (dr.GetInt32(1) + 1).ToString(); DateTime dtEnd = dr.GetDateTime(0); nextStart = dtEnd.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString(); int stWeek = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DatePart(Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateInterval.WeekOfYear, dtEnd.AddDays(1), Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstWeekOfYear.System); int enWeek = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DatePart(Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateInterval.WeekOfYear, dtEnd.AddDays(7), Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstWeekOfYear.System); if (stWeek != enWeek && !(enWeek == 1 && stWeek == 53)) { nextStartEnd = dtEnd.AddDays(6 - (int)dtEnd.DayOfWeek).ToShortDateString(); } else if (dtEnd.AddDays(1).Month != dtEnd.AddDays(7).Month) { dtEnd = dtEnd.AddDays(7); dtEnd = dtEnd.AddDays(-1 * dtEnd.Day); nextStartEnd = dtEnd.ToShortDateString(); } else { nextStartEnd = dtEnd.AddDays(7).ToShortDateString(); } dtSpStart.SelectedDate = DateTime.Parse(nextStart); dtSpStart.DatePickerFrameUrl = web.Url + "/_layouts/iframe.aspx"; dtSpEnd.SelectedDate = DateTime.Parse(nextStartEnd); dtSpEnd.DatePickerFrameUrl = web.Url + "/_layouts/iframe.aspx"; } dr.Close(); loadTypes(cn); ddlNonWork.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- Select List --", "")); foreach (SPList list in web.Lists) { if (!list.Hidden) { ddlNonWork.Items.Add(new ListItem(list.Title, list.Title)); } } ddlNonWork.SelectedValue = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveTSNonWork"); ddlTimesheetHours.SelectedValue = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveTSTimesheetHours"); try { chkDisableApprovals.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveTSDisableApprovals")); } catch { } try { chkShowLiveHours.Checked = bool.Parse(EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveTSLiveHours")); } catch { } ///////// } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } ddlFieldLists.Items.Clear(); //ddlFieldLists.Items.Add(new ListItem("Resources", "Resources")); string[] lists = txtLists.Text.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split('\n'); inputData = ""; foreach (string list in lists) { if (list != "Project Center") { addListFieldData(web, web, list); } } string resUrl = EPMLiveCore.CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveResourceURL", true, false); if (resUrl != "") { try { SPWeb resWeb; if (resUrl.ToLower() != web.Url.ToLower()) { using (SPSite tempSite = new SPSite(resUrl)) { resWeb = tempSite.OpenWeb(); if (resWeb.Url.ToLower() != resUrl.ToLower()) { resWeb = null; } } } else { resWeb = web; } if (resWeb != null) { addListFieldData(resWeb, web, "Resources"); if (resWeb.ID != SPContext.Current.Web.ID) { resWeb.Close(); } } } catch { } } addListFieldData(web, web, "Project Center"); } ddlFieldLists.Attributes.Add("onchange", "switchList();"); }
protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output) { EPMLiveCore.Act act = new EPMLiveCore.Act(SPContext.Current.Web); int activation = act.CheckFeatureLicense(EPMLiveCore.ActFeature.WebParts); if (activation != 0) { output.Write(act.translateStatus(activation)); return; } SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { using (SPSite s = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID)) { try { string dbCon = s.ContentDatabase.DatabaseConnectionString; cn = new SqlConnection(dbCon); cn.Open(); } catch { } } }); arrSites = new SortedList(); bool dupsFound = false; web = SPContext.Current.Web; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.LoadXml(MyXml); foreach (XmlNode nSections in doc.SelectSingleNode("Sections").SelectNodes("Section")) { foreach (XmlNode nItem in nSections.SelectSingleNode("Items").SelectNodes("Item")) { string id = ""; try { id = nItem.Attributes["ID"].Value; } catch { } if (id != "") { if (!hshNodes.Contains(id)) { hshNodes.Add(id, nItem); hshCounts.Add(id, 0); } else { dupsFound = true; } } } } if (strRollupSites == null || strRollupSites.Length <= 0) { processWeb(web); } else { foreach (string strRollupSite in strRollupSites.Split('\n')) { //SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() //{ try { if (web.Url.ToLower() == strRollupSite.ToLower()) { processWeb(web); } else { using (SPSite procSite = new SPSite(strRollupSite)) { using (SPWeb ww = procSite.OpenWeb()) { processWeb(ww); } } } } catch { } //}); } } //string curSite = ""; //SPSite site = null; //SPWeb procWeb = null; //foreach(DictionaryEntry de in arrSites) //{ // if (curSite != de.Value.ToString()) // { // if (site != null) // site.Close(); // site = new SPSite(de.Key.ToString()); // curSite = de.Key.ToString(); // } // string sWeb = de.Key.ToString().Replace(de.Value.ToString(), ""); // if (sWeb == "") // procWeb = site.RootWeb; // else // procWeb = site.OpenWeb(sWeb.Substring(1)); // processWeb(procWeb); // procWeb.Close(); // if (site != null) // site.Close(); //} foreach (XmlNode n in doc.SelectSingleNode("Sections")) { processSection(n); } cn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Root element is missing") > -1 || ex.Message.IndexOf("Value cannot be null") > -1) { output.Write("This webpart XML is Missing."); } else { output.Write("Failed to load XML: " + ex.Message); } return; } if (dupsFound) { output.Write("Warning: Duplicate Item ID's Found"); } output.Write("<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"ms-stdtxt\">"); output.Write(sb.ToString()); output.Write("</table>"); }