/// <summary>
        /// Send emails to multiple recipients by uploading a recipient list with a given deployment setup.
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMultipleEmailsWithGivenDeployment()
            using (var em = new EMWebServicesClient(Auth.GetToken(), Settings.Default.EndPoint))
                string Token = Auth.GetToken();

                // importSourceID, listID, deploymentID is prerequisite and can be set up in EM front-end UI.
                const int importSourceID = 21560;
                const int listID         = 1192;
                const int deploymentID   = 2563;

                // Put data to fit into field order as a CSV format.
                // For a welcome email scenario, it can be a simple email
                // In case high volume is expected, emails can be bundled in one import call.
                string dataToImport = string.Empty;
                dataToImport += "email,firstname";
                dataToImport += "\r\n";
                dataToImport += "[email protected],john";
                dataToImport += "\r\n";
                dataToImport += "[email protected],jane";
                dataToImport += "\r\n";

                // Step 1 - Create import context
                long fileSize         = dataToImport.Length;
                var  arrayOfAddToList = new ArrayOfInt {
                // To upload data without sending email, don't need to assign deploymentID.
                var arrayOfAddToDeployments = new ArrayOfInt {

                int importID = em.ListImport.CreateImport(
                    "ABC Automation",

                // Step 2 - upload data
                const int chunknumber = 1;
                em.ListImport.ImportDataS(Token, importID, chunknumber, dataToImport);

                // Step 3 - Let EM know uploading is done from front-end side so that EM server to start importing from back-end
                em.ListImport.FinishImport(Token, importID);

                // Step 4 - Import status check
                // This is optional step to confirm the import process. Use only when import record size is more than a few thousand records and the use case is not for a real time scenario.
                var importStatus = em.ListImport.GetImportStatus(Token, importID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Login to Email Manager and get token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="pass"></param>
        public static string Login(string id, string pass)
            using (var em = new EMWebServicesClient("", Settings.Default.EndPoint))
                string newPassword = "";

                var LoginResult = em.Authenticator.Authenticate(id, pass, newPassword, true, DateTime.Now, out _token);

                switch (LoginResult)
                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_SUCCESS:
                    return("Login successful.");

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_LOGINEXPIRED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_LOGININVALID:
                    return("Invalid id or password");

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_LOGINDISABLED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_MAXATTEMPTEXCEEDED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_CLIENTDISABLED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_LOGININUSE:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_SYSTEMDISABLED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_NEWPWREQUIRED:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_NEWPWINVALID:

                case DMLoginResult.DMLR_UNKNOWN:

                    return("Login was not successful.");

                return("Login was not successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Download the records of a Email Manager list
        /// </summary>
        public void Download()
            var token = Auth.GetToken();

            using (var em = new EMWebServicesClient(token, Settings.Default.EndPoint))
                // Set Variable
                int listID = 1192; // List id can be loaded from app.config, if already know it.
                int fieldPrimaryKey;

                // Get list fields (columns)
                DMListField[] fields = em.ListManager.GetListFields(token, listID, out fieldPrimaryKey);

                // Get list records
                DMCursor            dmCursor  = new DMCursor();
                DMRecipientRecord[] dmRecords = em.ListManager.GetListRecords(token, listID, 999999, ref dmCursor, DMPreviewDirection.DMPD_FIRST);

                // Write the CSV file with the retrieve data
                WriteToCSVFile(fields, dmRecords);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create email creative with HTML and TEXT template
        /// </summary>
        public void Create()
            using (var em = new EMWebServicesClient(Auth.GetToken(), Settings.Default.EndPoint))
                //Find or create a folder called "Test" to store the campaign.
                var folders = em.EmService.GetFolders(em.Token).ToList();
                int parentFolderID;
                if (folders.Exists(f => f.Name.Equals("Test")))
                    parentFolderID = folders.Find(f => f.Name.Equals("Test")).ID;
                    parentFolderID = em.EmService.CreateFolder(em.Token, 0, "Test");

                //Create blank campaign in specified folder
                string campaignName        = "API Demo Test Campaign";
                string campaignDescription = "This is test campaign";

                // Create campaign if not exist.
                int campaignID = em.EmService.GetDocumentsByName(em.Token, campaignName).FirstOrDefault()?.ID ?? 0;
                if (campaignID == 0)
                    campaignID = em.EmService.CreateCampaign(em.Token, campaignName, campaignDescription, parentFolderID,
                                                             false, false, null, null);

                //Wait until the campaign can be saved - i.e. if it is currently being edited
                bool canSave = false;
                while (!canSave)
                    canSave = em.EmService.CanSaveCampaign(em.Token, campaignID);

                //Begin edit of the campaign
                int campaignSaveID = em.EmService.BeginCampaignSave(em.Token, campaignID);

                //Create a simple email content, from HTML and text stored in a file
                String         creativeName = "Email";
                String         description  = "";
                EMDocumentType type         = EMDocumentType.EMDT_Email;

                EMContent htmlContent = new EMContent
                    Content  = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Data\\template.html")),
                    Encoding = "",
                    Type     = EMContentType.EMCT_HTML

                EMContent textContent = new EMContent
                    Content  = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Data\\template.txt")),
                    Encoding = "",
                    Type     = EMContentType.EMCT_Text

                em.EmService.QueueCampaignCreativeCreation(em.Token, campaignSaveID, creativeName,
                                                           description, type, false, false, htmlContent, textContent, true);

                em.EmService.CommitCampaignSave(em.Token, campaignSaveID);